by Sister Gargi
Habiganj, 275, 276
Hale family, the, 100, 256
Harvey, Gladys, A7, 193
hatha yoga, forbidden by Sri Ramakrishna, 61
Heard, Gerald, 133
Heart Poured Out, A, ix, xiii, 259
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 126
no place for customs of, in Western Vedanta, 75–76, 95, 138, 156, 194, 203
rising above pain in, 99
Vedanta as philosophical basis of, xi
Hoffman, Sally (Mrs. John Hoffman). See Martin, Sally
Hollywood center. See Vedanta Society of Southern California
Holy Mother (Sarada Devi), 274
celebration of birthday of, 145, 205–6
as Divine Mother, 221
as embodiment of Mother Heart, 45, 84
presence of, at Old St. Mary’s, 127–28
protective power of, 80, 145
human unity (spiritual oneness) as basis for world peace, 45, 92–93, 108
Huntington Library, 257
Hyde, Louise Baker, 256
effect of pacifism on, 26, 72
as supportive of spiritual growth, 13
as Vedanta’s birthplace, xi–xii
initiation, 12, 100
Ishta, 11, 189, 221, 238
Jackman, Jim, B1
Jackman, Nancy (Professor Nancy Tilden), xvi, xxi, 170, 175, 180, 199, B1, 262
Jackson. See Burke, Jackson.
Japanese Tea Garden, 125
jnana, 150
Jones, Holloway (MLB’s brother-in-law), 30, 80, 176
Jones, Leila (MLB’s sister), 30, 80, 135–36, 176
Jung, Carl, 72, 78
Kaikeyi, Queen. See Ramayana
karma, becoming free from, 152, 162
karma yoga, 157, 233
Katha Upanishad, 98–99
Kennedy, Miriam (Pravrajika Nityaprana), xxi, 122, 127, 149, 163, B3, 209
as assistant to secretary of Vedanta Society, xxi, 19, 49, 90
King, Miriam, xxi, 109, 120, 123
Kinsey Report, 88
Krishna, Sri. See Bhagavad Gita
kundalini, 28
Lake Tahoe, A7, A8, 138, 164, 186
Landsberg, Leon, 160
Lane, Mara, xx, A8, 170, 175, 191, 199, 202, 206, 209, 215, 217, 218, 220
as librarian of Society, xvi, xx
Langerman, Marion, xxi, 89, A4, 258
Leggett, Mrs. Frances, 257
Leggett, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H., 257
Leila. See Jones, Leila
Life of Swami Vivekananda by His Eastern and Western Disciples, The, 6, 262–64, 265, 269, 271
MLB as co-editor of Western chapters, 262–64, 265, 269, 271
Lokeswarananda, Swami, 267
Los Gatos, California. See Ranch, the
M. See Gupta, Mahendranath
MacLeod, Josephine, 100
Madhavananda, Swami, 180, 182, 203
visit by, to San Francisco in 1956, 137–40
Madison, Dorothy, xvii, A4, A5, 209, 220
role of, in steering students to Vedanta, xvii, xviii, xx
Madras Math, 225
Maharaj. See Brahmananda, Swami
divinity of, 62, 109
greatness in, 95
as hopeless on his own (Catholic view), 116
infinite potential of, 146, 232
mantra, 12, 13, 100
Martin, Sally (Mrs. John Hoffman), xxi, 66, 106, 108, B1, 214, 218, 231
maya, 126, 161, 187, 193, 197–98
Mayavati, 268, 269
McKindley, Isabelle and Harriet, 177–78
McKindley, Mary, 256
Mead sisters’ home, 257
meditation, 45, 83, 174, 228, 233
instruction from SA on, 9–10, 11–12, 23, 39, 46, 48, 92, 147, 152
progress in, 112, 152–53
Menuhin, Yahudi, 61
Modern English Usage, 118
monastery in Old Temple, x
Mount Rose, A5, A6, 167–68
picnics at, A6, 120, 167–68, 170, 248–49
SA’s love for, 167
Muirhead, Martha and Mary, 262
Murdock, Dorothy (Pravrajika Madhavaprana), xviii, B3, 261
Myren, Ann, xvii
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 70
New Discoveries. See Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
“New Discoveries Regarding Swami Vivekananda, by an American Devotee,” 121
editorial direction from SA on, 116–19, 121
first published as serial articles in Prabuddha Bharata, 117, 119, 121
See also Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
New Temple, 70, B2
altar, sculptures for, 175, 185, 186, B1, 217, 230–31, 232, 224
construction of, 89, 124, 130, 136, 185, B1
dedication of, 214–15, 235, 239–40
garden at, B3, 236
interior decoration of, 76–77, 84, 85, 91, 107, 127, 208, 224
need for, x, 43, 138
New York Public Library, 5, 7
Nikhilananda, Swami, 6, 229, 231, 240, 242
Nirvanananda, Swami, 137, 139, 225–26
Nirvedananda, Swami, 38
Nivedita, Sister, 198
Nixon, Richard, 200
Old Temple, ix–x, 10, A1
auditorium, x, 83, 139, 200
“back office” of, x, 19
library, x, 185
SA’s office in, x, 89, A1, 185
Olema. See Vedanta Retreat at Olema
Olsen, Elna, xviii–xix, 107, 180
Ouspensky, P.D., 133
outcastes. See untouchables
Paramananda, Swami, 165
Parliament of Religions, Chicago, in 1893, xii, 7
Pavhari Baba, 253
Pavitrananda, Swami, 36, 39, 140, 169, 230, 240
Pearce, Marilyn (Pravajika Vishuddhaprana), xx–xxi, 172, B1, B3, 248
Peters, Dorothy (Pravrajika Nirbhayaprana), xviii, 170, 187, 196, B3, 207, 209, 220, 236
work on sculptures for the New Temple, xviii, 186, 195, 206, 211, 217, 230–31, 234, 239
Prabhavananda, Swami, 75, 137, 140
Prabuddha Bharata
MLB’s series of articles in, 116, 119, 121
SA as editor of, 118
Prabuddhananda, Swami, as head of Vedanta Society of Northern California, 263, 272
Premananda, Swami, 232
Prophets of the New India (Romain Rolland), 122, 246
Radhakrishnan, Dr. Sarvepalli, 70
Rama. See Ramayana
Ramakrishna, Sri, 14, 164, 220, 239, 274
birthday of, 151
Christ in, 129
coming to devotees at their death, 75, 190, 223, 225
direct disciples of, ix–x, xii, 31, 59, 80, 132, 139, 225, 232. See also Vivekananda, Swami; and Premananda, Swami
as Divine Incarnation, 59, 80, 150, 243
as embodiment of Vedantic wisdom, xii
flaming fire of spirituality of, 27, 112
as form of Formlessness, 58, 65
as formless Brahman, 58, 65
on harmony of religions, 157
on karma yoga, 157
photograph of, 38
presence of, at Old St. Mary’s (San Francisco), 127–28
reaction of, to devotees, 201
on stages of spiritual life, 108
SA’s experience of, through altar photograph, 235
SA on need to see, 191
worship of, 57, 194, 214
hna Ashrama, 275
Ramakrishnaloka, 223
Ramakrishna Math, 275
Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Sister Gargi at, B5, 267–68, 270
Ramakrishna Order, ix–x, xii, 133, 137, 184, 262, 264, 267, 272
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 6
Ramanuja, 192
Ramayana, 229
Ranch, the (MLB’s family home at Los Gatos), 28–30
effect of MLB’s visits to and recollections of, 30, 105, 110–11, 112, 125
lifestyle at, 29, 101
Ranch, the (cont’d)
presence of God at, 29, 30, 110
Christian Science, 176, 219
excessive idolatry as degenerative to, 142
monistic philosophy, MLB’s prayers within, 84
SA’s views on practice of, 146, 202–3
See also Christianity, Hinduism, human unity, Vedanta
renunciation, 59, 109, 125–26, 150
Ridgely Manor, 257
Rolland, Romain, 122
Prophets of the New India, 122
SA’s work on, 122, 146
Roundtree, Mrs., bookbinding by, 177, 179, 181, 182, 186
Ruble, Helen, 165
Sacramento Temple, x, 89, 137, 235
Sahajananda, Swami (Mr. Warren), 264–65
samadhi, 80–81, 94, 246–47
Sanskrit as language of the Vedas, xi
Sarada Devi. See Holy Mother
Saradananda, Swami, 160, 164
Satprakashananda, Swami, 240
Sausalito, drives to and from, 185–86, 195, 198, 210, 228
Second Visit. See Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries, book 2
selflessness, 133–34, 276
Sen, Gertrude Emerson, 268
Shankara, 154, 183
Shantaswarupananda, Swami, 25, A2, 153, 191, 205
Shanti Ashrama, 138
Shibu, 274
Shinn, Robert, 185, 186, 195–96, 199, 206–7, 216, 217, 227, 230–31, 234, 239
Shivananda, Swami, 131–32, 151
Shraddhananda, Swami, 153
Smith, Mortimer
correspondence between, and MLB, 159–60
meeting with MLB, 160–61
as source of photos and correspondence of SV, 159, 199
Smith, Sylvea, 159, 160
Soulé, Anne, 164, 171
Soulé, Douglas, 164, 171, 251
Soulé, Edith Benjamin (Ediben), xvi, xviii, 104, A2, 125, 127, 131, 138, 169, 170, 175, 180, 224, 262
on drives to Golden Gate Park, 124, 135
guidance from, to MLB, 124, 129
at Lake Tahoe, A8, 164–71, 186, 250, 251, 253
on need for reading room, 219–20
singing of, xviii
Spiegelberg, Professor, 72, 78
spiritual life, 35, 51, 172, 189, 197, 245
need for caution in, 105, 228, 234
sweetness of, 14, 24, 99, 100
spiritual oneness. See human unity
Stanbury, Josephine (Jo), xvi, xx, 7, A4, 164, 168, 199, 209, 217–18
as cook for SA and watchdog of his health, xx, 36, 108
jealousy of, 128–31
at Lake Tahoe, 164–70, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254
statues of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, and SV, B1, 229
SA supervising sculpting of, 185–86, 195–96, 217, 230–31, 234
Supreme Self (Atman), 213
Suresh Babu, 59
Sutherland, Helen, A6
interior decoration of temples by, xvi, xix, 76–77, 224
at Lake Tahoe, A7, 164–70, 248, 250, 254
Swamiji. See Vivekananda, Swami
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries, 268
book 1 (volumes 1 and 2), 140, 147, 271
bound as gift for SA, 177–82, 189
initially titled Swami Vivekananda in America: New Discoveries, 7
reception to, in India, 183
second edition, 183–84
unique approach used to produce, 122–23
book 2 (volumes 5 and 6), 243, 255, 261
initially titled Swami Vivekananda, His Second Visit to the West: New Discoveries, 258
book 3 (volumes 3 and 4)
content of, developed from Sylvea Smith’s letters, 160
subtitled The World Teacher, 262
preparation of manuscript, 140, 149, 258
SA’s editorial assistance on, 122, 141, 186, 258
Temple. See Berkeley Temple; New Temple; Old Temple; Sacramento Temple
Thousand Island Park, 257
Trigunatita, Swami, ix, xix, 85
Udbodhan, 175
unity, consciousness of. See human unity
untouchables, 275–76
Upanishads, xi–xii, 183
Usage and Abusage, 118
vairagya. See renunciation
Vandanananda, Swami, 273
Varrentzoff, Chela, xxii, 120, 249
Varrentzoff, John, 171–72, 249
Varrentzoff, Virginia, xxii, A5, 120, 171, 249–50
Vedanta, xi, 213
eternal truths of, xi–xii
monistic teachings of, 200
qualified nondualism, school of, 192
SA on, 28, 45, 213
in the West, xi, 13
Vedanta Convention in Ganges, Michigan, Sister Gargi at, B5
Vedanta Retreat at Olema, x, A5, 89, 124, 138
presence of God at, 135
work on property of, xvii, 64, 105–6, A4
Vedanta Society of Berkeley, x, xviii, xxi, A3, 138, 193, 214. See also Berkeley Temple
Vedanta Society of New York, 169
Vedanta Society of Northern California, x, 137, 160, 185
core group of, xv–xxii
reading room, idea of, 219
SA’s remarks at 1959 annual meeting of, 212–14
Swami Prabuddhananda as head of, 263, 272
See also New Temple; Old Temple; Vedanta Society of San Francisco
Vedanta Society of Portland, Oregon, 73
Vedanta Society of Sacramento, x, 63, 138. See also Sacramento Temple
Vedanta Society of San Francisco, ix, x, 63, 205. See also convent; monastery; Old Temple; Vedanta Society of Northern California
Vedanta Society of Seattle, 169
Vedanta Society of Southern California, 137, 219
Vedantic truths, deep understanding of human heart in, 44–45
Vedas, the, xi
Vireswarananda, Swami, 137, B5, 267, 268, 274
Vivekananda, Swami, 7, 44, 68, 120, 121, 173, 174, 176, 188–89, 274
birthday celebration of, 38
certain salvation for those loved by, 100
Complete Works of, 85, 121
death of, 154
enshrined portrait of, 199
as first spiritual teacher of Vedanta in the West, xii, 252
as founder of the Vedanta Society of San Francisco, ix
infinite compassion of, 150–51, 223
as jnani and bhakta, 150
in New York, 6
nirvikalpa samadhi of, 80–81, 144, 151
SA’s photographs of, 132
scoldings by, 176, 184
statue of, for altar of New Temple, 186, 195, B1, 206, 211, 217, 230–31, 234
vision of “new man,” 200
as world teacher, 144
Vivekananda Award, Sister Gargi as first recipient of, B5, 268
Vividishananda, Swami, 169, 170
at dedication of New Temple, 240–42
failing eyesight of, 250, 251, 252
sp; as head of the Vedanta Society of Seattle, 169, 250–51
Voice of India, The
as originally published during 1945–46, xviii, 196
plans of SA to revive, 41, 54
trial issues in early 1950s, 65, 97–98
pressure of deadlines of, 55–56, 107, 115–16
Vollmer, Jeanette, xvi, xix, 27, 64, 73, A4, 215, 220
Waldo, Ella, 160
walking, SA’s appearance in, 136
Webster, Anna, xvii, A4, 171–72, 182, 190–91, B1, 230–31, 234
role in designing altar for New Temple, xvii, 175
Wenner, Florence
departure of, from the Society, xix, 196
as former editor of The Voice of India, xix, 54, 67
Weston, Carol, A8
Williams, Mary Lou (Luke), xx, 54, A5, 135, 175, 220, 262
willpower, 60, 112, 170
Winé, Linda (Pravrajika Virajaprana), 263–64
Worcester, Anna, 165
work as worship, 35
SA’s views on, 35, 56–57, 61, 128
SV’s views on, 216
in a congregation, 74
ritualistic or “bell-ringing,” 74, 193–94
Wyatt, Kathy (Pravrajika Vijnanaprana), A5
Yatiswarananda, Swami, 75
Zulch, Edna, xviii, 54, A8, 118, 180, 209
Zulch, Fred, 253
Marie Louise Burke became Sister Gargi in 1974 when she took her first vows in India from the Ramakrishna Order. She was honored with the monastic name of Gargi after the renowned Vedic scholar in recognition of her brilliant accomplishments as a researcher and a writer—and later, in 1983, with the first Vivekananda Award given by the Ramakrishna Mission.
She is the well-known author of the monumental six-volume classic Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries, as well as other works. The New Discoveries books have become indispensable sourcebooks in India and in Vedanta circles worldwide, and the knowledge they have given of Swami Vivekananda’s personality has changed the lives of many readers.
Ms. Burke met Swami Ashokananda in 1948 when he was in charge of the Vedanta Society of Northern California in San Francisco—with which she became closely associated and where she still lives. He encouraged her to write about Swami Vivekananda, and told her that she could write about Swami Ashokananda himself only when all her other work was finished. A Heart Poured Out, Sister Gargi’s biography of Swami Ashokananda, was published in March 2003 to critical and popular acclaim. In A Disciple’s Journal, Sister Gargi reveals for the first time her personal story of spiritual struggle in the company of Swami Ashokananda.