Last Strathulian Standing

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Last Strathulian Standing Page 12

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Chapter Ten

  Mounted atop their majestic stallions, Jia-Nian on the white, her princes on the black, the trio bade farewell to Oktodd, the women and children. Danior explained that he’d communicated with the qubuji. They’d promised to remain docile in exchange for food and water and would provide them all safe passage to Zalvanus when they were ready to travel.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look in your lavish new garment?” Danior asked as they rode toward Zalvanus.

  “Why, thank you, Danior,” Aydon replied. “You look quite pretty yourself.” All three fell into easy laughter.

  “Thank you, dear Danior,” Jia-Nian said. “And, yes, you’ve told me at least twenty times since we started our journey this morning.”

  “I can’t help it,” he said, his tone buoyant. “I am about to burst with happiness. Look at the sun, the blue skies and white clouds. I have never felt more free, more alive. I can barely believe that I sit atop a fine horse instead of being one.” He reached down to clap his hand against the horse’s hide.

  “It’s true,” Aydon said. “We have met with a host of miracles since Jia-Nian came into our lives.” He looked her way and smiled. “Our queen…our bride.”

  The reminder that she was now bound by marriage to her beloved guardians had Jia-Nian’s heart spilling over with delight. How wondrous the changes in her life. How exciting the great adventures ahead.

  “Our little warrior,” Danior added. “I wonder if she already carries our babes in her queenly belly.” Danior gave an expectant smile.

  “Not yet,” Jia-Nian said, the inner knowledge flowing to the forefront of her thoughts. “It will happen only after the greatest of our difficulties have been quieted. Once Tordanuk and Shivrane are dead. Our firstborn will be twins, one male and one female, each with golden hair and one brown eye and one blue. Your seed mixes to create them, making you both their fathers.”

  “I didn’t think such a thing was possible,” Aydon said.

  “Normally it is not,” Jia-Nian replied. “This special gift of breeding has been granted by the gods.”

  “At midday when we come upon our oasis,” Danior said, “we will practice.”

  “Practice what?” Jia-Nian asked.

  “Breeding techniques. If Aydon and I are expected to produce perfect offspring, then we must engage in numerous hours of fucking practice. Isn’t that right, Aydon?”

  “Without question,” Aydon readily agreed. “I believe it our solemn duty to ensure that our queen is supremely fucked in the most princely manner possible. That can only be achieved with endless practice.”

  Jia-Nian laughed, her heart afloat in a sea of gladness. “How vastly happy you make me, beloveds. You make jest, my lusty princes, but be cautioned. My already insatiable appetite for sex seems increased since our meeting with the deities this morning. Just pray that your princely cocks can keep up with my unquenchable cravings.”

  Their light, carefree banter continued as they rode beneath the warmth of the sun and picturesque sky. It was glorious to ride with Danior in the light of day. He had every reason to be in high spirits. In fact, it was the first time Jia-Nian remembered the three of them seeming so carefree. Previously they’d been forever on their guard for the approach of Pushgans.

  Gods, it was immensely appealing to openly laugh out loud in the bright sunshine, to converse of such lighthearted things as fucking and babes in the making. Jia-Nian turned to Danior to say just that when she heard a whistling airstream followed by a resounding gasp.

  “Danior!” she screamed, realizing he’d been pierced by an arrow in his back.

  His eyes wide in a mix of pain and shock, Danior slumped and fell to the ground. Before Aydon could stop and dismount to help, another arrow had penetrated his back. Jia-Nian felt his cry of pain to the depths of her soul.

  She would have screamed again but her breath was stolen when she suffered the same fate as her beloveds. Blinding pain lanced through her as she felt herself falling helplessly from her stallion, each struggle for breath more excruciating than the last as she choked on her own gurgling blood.

  “Look at them in their fancy finery,” came the mocking sound of a gravelly voice as Jia-Nian felt the kick of a toe in her thigh. “Some stupid, careless royalty out for a cheery ride, no doubt.”

  “If they were still alive I’d bow and thank them for providing us with such good targets,” a second man said and the two of them snorted laughs.

  “Let’s see what we can salvage,” the first one said. Jia-Nian smelled his foul breath next to her face as he bent close to finger her garment. “The material is unlike any I’ve seen. Shivrane would smile upon us if we brought her such a gift.”

  “The horses are top quality. We’ll take them back too. But first I’m going to fuck me some rich cunt.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” Jia-Nian heard Danior say. That privilege belongs to me and my brother guardian here.”

  “That would be me,” Aydon said.

  The men gasped in unison. “By gods, did you see that?!” one of them shrieked. “They pulled the arrows right out of their backs—and there’s no blood!”

  “I thought they were dead,” one said.

  “They were!” said the other.

  Jia-Nian recovered and she leapt to her feet, struggling to reach the arrow in her back. Aydon reached over and pulled it out.

  She looked up into the bewildered expressions of the attacking pair in time to see them finally regain their senses and draw their swords. They were hulking giants, whose gray skin and third eyes revealed their Pushgan blood.

  “Look,” Aydon said. “I’ve really had enough for one day. First I suffer Shorana’s sword through my chest then a Pushgan arrow in my back and now you propose to impale me yet again? I think not you fat-bellied tubs of tallow.”

  With a mighty backhand whack of his arm, he sent one Pushgan sailing through the air, landing on the ground with a thud.

  “Please,” Jia-Nian said to Danior when he stepped toward the other Pushgan. “Allow me.”

  “Your wish is my command, my queen,” he said, stepping back with a sweeping bow. She noted he moved to the Pushgans’ horses to have a mind to mind chat.

  The Pushgan looked down at her, fierce and ferocious, hatred glittering red in his eyes. Getting this close to one without using her sword certainly wasn’t something Jia-Nian ever thought she’d be doing. But things were different now.

  “You’re the one who wanted to fuck my rich cunt, aren’t you, you stinking, disgusting swine?”

  The Pushgan’s eyes narrowed and he growled. “Try to stop me.” Spittle dribbled down his chin as he spoke.

  Jia-Nian stepped closer still and smiled up at him. “I doubt you’ll feel up to doing much fucking after I’m through with you.” With both hands she grabbed him by the balls and squeezed, lifting him off the ground and tossing him a few feet. It wasn’t without great effort and exertion but, damn it all, she was able to do it!

  “Go back to Pushga,” Aydon yelled to the fallen Pushgans who lay groaning on the ground. “And tell Tordanuk and that mother of all bitches, Shivrane, that today you came face-to-face with the long awaited Queen of Zalvanus and her two guardian princes.”

  “I wouldn’t engage in any pillaging or murderous stops along the way,” Danior added. “I’ve had a conversation with your horses and they’ve promised to hurl you over their heads to the ground and stomp on your stout bellies if such a stop along the way should happen.”

  He turned to the horses and smiled. “Isn’t that right, Cahga and Kro?” The surprise in the eyes of the Pushgans was evident then they heard Danior call their animals by name. “Yes, that’s right,” Danior said. “They told me the names you gave them.” The horses snorted, nodding their heads and doing a sort of dance, hopping from one hoof to the other.

  With the Pushgans disciplined and cowering, Jia-Nian, Aydon and Danior mounted their stallions once more and were on their way. Glib chatter and playful b
anter were replaced by contemplative silence.

  “Look,” Aydon said pointing ahead not long after. “I see lush green and water ahead.” Shielding his eyes with his hand he looked skyward. “The sun is at its highest. It’s midday. This must be our oasis.”

  “I’m glad,” Jia-Nian said, spotting the area that seemed to shimmer as if it were but a vision. “After what we’ve just been through I could use some rest. That arrow in my back hurt like…” She shuddered. “I can’t even begin to describe it.”

  “We may have been given the gift of healing,” Aydon said, “but the initial pain of injury is in no way dulled. While the pain of those two mortal wounds I endured is gone, the stinging memory persists.”

  “Maybe the gods forgot about that,” Danior suggested. “Perhaps if we asked Jia-Nian’s grandfather about it.”

  Jia-Nian sighed as a new awareness was made available to her. “No, they didn’t forget. The sensation of pain remains so that we do not become too lofty or complacent. The gods don’t want us to be so far removed from humanity that we forget what it’s like to suffer.”

  “I suppose I can understand their thinking,” Danior said as their horses crossed through the hazy borders of the oasis. “We could too easily forget our mission.”

  “As evidenced by my failure to sense the Pushgans’ approach,” Aydon said, bringing his horse to a stop and dismounting. “I blame myself for the attack. With my gift of heightened senses and awareness, I should have known, I should have heard. But I caution you, Ivarus warned me, you must remain focused and alert for these gifts to work properly. Now I fully understand. I was distracted, caught up in the merriment of our newfound royalty and godly gifts.”

  “As were we all, Aydon,” Jia-Nian said, allowing him to help her from her horse. “We let down our guard and left ourselves vulnerable.”

  “This gift of an oasis now makes more sense,” Danior said, eying the luxuriant sanctuary. “It’s clearly meant to be a place where we can safely relax and refresh after a grueling battle or a long day of tactical planning.”

  “It’s truly beautiful,” Jia-Nian said. “Look, the body of water is no mere dirt hole filled with water, but a sparkling lake bordered by large rock formations.”

  “One of which provides a waterfall that stands taller than either Danior or me,” Aydon said. A slow smile crept over his features and he gave Jia-Nian a certain lusty look. “Several erotic ideas come to mind, my queen.”

  “We have yet to enjoy each other’s bodies while in the water,” she said, her hand smoothing over the fabric covering his broad chest.

  Danior entered a large tent and called to them. “Wait until you see the impressive selection of foodstuffs—and the choice of wines and ales!”

  Jia-Nian and Aydon followed him inside. There were provisions of all kinds, including weaponry and assorted garments for the three of them.

  “How blessed we are,” Jia-Nian said as she examined the contents of the large, opulent tent. “We must never take any of this for granted. We must always be mindful and appreciative of the precious gifts bestowed by the gods. Never should we let ourselves forget who we were and how we lived before we became queen or princes.”

  The threesome gazed at each other with an inner knowing. Now Jia-Nian, Aydon and Danior not only had possession, they also had understanding and true awareness. The time was right to give thanks and praise to the gods for their bounteous gifts and good fortune.

  After glorifying the gods, the trio ate and drank of the delicious array of foods. Then it was off to the crystal blue lake and splashing waterfall where they stripped off their garments and readied themselves for some spirited play.

  An ache of longing clawed at her as Jia-Nian gazed at her beautiful naked husbands. Nature had been exceedingly kind in creating their striking forms. Suspended long and firm between their thighs was the grandest treasure of all and impossible to ignore.

  Locating a large rock near the lake’s edge, she sat on it, dipping her toes in the refreshingly cool water. She held a ball of crimson in her hands, tossing it into the air and catching it.

  “What is that you have?” Aydon asked.

  “A pomegranate,” she told him, offering a sensuous smile as she split the fruit’s leathery exterior. “Have either of you ever tasted one?” Since the juicy fruit was a rare and infrequent treat, she imagined they probably hadn’t. The side-to-side shake of their heads told her she’d been right.

  “Good, then you’re in for a treat.” Holding it high and letting her head fall back, she squeezed the fruit so that juice dribbled in her waiting mouth and down her chin, throat and breasts. Ruby-red, juice-filled seeds sprinkled down, some caught by her tongue and some adhering to the sticky red juice gathering on her pale skin.

  Danior’s tongue peeked out to wet his upper lip. “Suddenly I find I’ve become ravenous.”

  “Then come have a taste, beloved.” Jia-Nian reveled in throaty laughter as each man claimed a breast, sucking and nibbling. As they paid homage to her juice slickened tits, she squeezed the rest of the pomegranate’s goodness over her belly and cunt.

  Aydon’s fingers dragged down through the stickiness until his head was even with the drenched curls between her thighs. An instant later his face was buried in her wetness and he slurped of her juices.

  “Fruity deliciousness,” he said, popping his head up briefly before returning to his task. With each tickling swipe of his tongue across her clit, Jia-Nian trembled. The sensations were so pleasurable she couldn’t hold back her moans.

  “But my cock demands more,” Aydon added. “Spread those creamy thighs, sweet one, so I can fuck your cunt.”

  She obeyed most happily and then her attention returned to Danior as he cupped her breasts, staring at them as if they themselves were a plump offering of ripe fruit. His thumbs flicked over her erect nipples, sending shocks of sensation to where Aydon had tongued her clit a short time before.

  Her breath caught as Jia-Nian felt the hard thrust of Aydon’s flesh piercing her, shoving high and hard.

  “Oh, gods, Aydon,” she said on a sigh, “you fuck like a true prince.”

  She reached for Danior’s cock, slipping the foreskin back and caressing the sensitive crest. “Look how your beautiful cock weeps for me,” she said and Danior groaned. “Let me watch as you nestle that magnificent purple cock head between my breasts.”

  “What better sight could there be,” Danior said, positioning himself, “than my spirited little warrior held captive between a rock and two hard cocks?” His hands clasped firm around her breasts, he slid his cock in and out of the valley, creating heated friction. “Ahhh…yes…I believe I have already answered my own question,” he said, his gaze never leaving his engorged cock as he fucked her tits.

  Aydon bent to kiss Jia-Nian, capturing her mouth in a sensuous dance, his purposeful tongue thrusts matching those of his cock. Confident, strong, intense.

  She moaned, her mouth trembling against his, her body tingling with the wild, mindless delight that only twin fucking could elicit. She dug her nails into Aydon’s shoulder and her other hand clutched at Danior’s biceps. Never had there been or would there ever be a greater love, she told herself, than that she shared with her beloveds.

  The three of them had fucked together often enough that Jia-Nian could sense when climax was imminent. She could see it in the tightening of their jaws, the heaving of their chests, the steely look of determination across their features. She could feel their bodies stiffen, hear the beginnings of primal growls rising from their bellies.

  “Both of you,” she panted. “I want both of you to shower my breasts with your seed. Do it now. I command you to come all over my tits at once.”

  The masculine growls turned to feral roars as Aydon withdrew from her cunt and aimed his cock at her breasts, his creamy white streams crossing with Danior’s as Danior came in a fiery burst of pulsing hot cream.

  “Look at how magnificent,” Jia-Nian breathed. “See how my roy
al princes bathe my flesh with the very core of their rich male essence?” She scooped fluid from her breasts with each hand and slathered it all over herself, from her face to her neck, arms, belly and thighs. Then she licked the residue from her palms, lingering on a sigh of greatest satisfaction.

  “Can life be any more rewarding?” she asked. “Could I possibly be any happier?”

  As if in answer to her query, Jia-Nian’s body shuddered, sweet blissful convulsions overtaking her senses.

  The area of the rock Jia-Nian had claimed for their fucking session became perfumed with the musky scent of sex combined with the tart sweetness of pomegranate. Once her scattered senses returned, she looked down to see that her princes’ pearly white essence had mixed with the fruit juice, painting her flesh a soft, pleasing shade of pink.

  She was about to engage in another contented sigh when she felt strong male arms and hands wrap under and around her arms, dragging her away. There was such power in those muscled arms that she felt certain either of them could hold her up high on the strength of one biceps alone.

  “Where do my mischievous princes take me?” she asked, her heels skimming across the verdant grass as they tugged her backward. “Ooooh!” she screamed a moment later when she was tossed beneath the cool, rushing gush of the waterfall.

  She’d heard of waterfalls before from her grandfather but had never seen one. Strathul was a dry, mostly parched land. What a wondrous joy to feel this torrent of water flowing over her face and body.

  “It’s a good thing our oasis comes equipped with a waterfall,” Danior said, stepping into the small cove behind the downfall of water and lifting Jia-Nian to her feet. “Because I’ve noticed that our high-spirited little warrior likes to makes quite a mess when we’re fucking.”

  “We’ll just have to pay heed and scour every crevice of her queenly flesh,” Aydon said, joining Danior and slipping his hand into the cleft between Jia-Nian’s ass cheeks.

  “I’d best make certain no pomegranate seeds have found their way up her cunt,” Danior said, spearing her with his hand.

  Jia-Nian moaned at the delicious sensation, followed by the abrupt shove of Aydon’s finger up her nether hole. Sometimes she wondered if her lovers spent great blocks of time composing erotic plans designed to keep her insides throbbing with perfectly timed pleasure.


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