The instinct is life to them. It tells them the one word, in a whisper behind their individual thoughts, neverending. Awake and in their dreams, she calls...
To be continued in FIRST STATE FIREFIGHT
Thank Jah for this two-year venture which began at A hearty thank you goes out to the Duchess of Deco and Diesel, Holly Gonzalez, a wonderful writer who supported this story from the jump, and with whom I tied for Best Dieselpunk Story on Wattpad for 2017. Considering I wrote this straight through, no stopping, no editing, no looking back. That’s a feat! I shall never forget such support, camaraderie and awesomeness.
Thanks to the folks in the Facebook groups Dieselpunks, Dieselpunk, Dieselpunk Depot and the defunct Dieselpunk HQ for providing support. HQ is where I cut my dieselpunk teeth and got the inspiration for doing a pure DP tale.
Thanks you to everyone who reads this and likes or dislikes it, just for picking it up and giving it a chance. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you’re aces in my book.
About the Author
William J. Jackson is the author of the Rail Legacy series and other tales of imaginary what ifs. He lives in Salem, New Jersey, and has yet to be remodulated by Mother-- CONQUER THE COUNTY SEAT-----
Down Jersey Driveshaft (Book One of the Diesel Series 1) Page 34