Elise had agreed with the logic that it was better to get it over with and tried to focus on the music. Having never heard music outside of her sitting room at Longwood and the music room at Spencer Place, she was thrilled to attend an Opera. She had confided that she would enjoy it more if she weren't so drained from the morning and nervous about being the object of so much attention. Gilles admired the brave face Elise put on but loathed society for making her do it.
He was also tense about the possible danger. True to his word, Alastair had arranged a web of security around the family. Armed soldiers drove the carriages and pistols were hidden under the seats. Inside the theater, trained agents from the War Office were dressed as patrons and footmen. The boxes on either side would be occupied by agents and extra runners patrolled Covent Gardens.
"And you haven't uncovered anything in regards to the attack at Longwood?" Gilles asked Alastair again.
"Nothing. I've cast a very wide and thorough net. I can find nothing in regards to a plot or motive against any of us. It appears that the most likely explanation is that he was one, lone lunatic with some sort of vendetta against you and possibly me."
"Yet..." Elise said softly. Alastair grimaced.
"It feels like there's something... that I've overlooked or underestimated. But I've been so thorough."
Elise reached forward and patted his knee.
"Perhaps it's just the lack of an answer that's bothering you. Some puzzles can't be solved, Alastair. Sometimes, it is just a random madman and there is no explanation."
Alastair nodded and looked out the window.
"For now, we continue to be careful. If you still haven't uncovered anything in a few weeks, we'll reassess our security and see if it can be relaxed." Gilles pressed Elise's hand to his lips. Like Alastair, he felt like there was still something out there. It was like a distant, dull ache he felt, much like the disappointment and pain he felt as a result of his failure in France. It had receded almost completely but it never truly left him. The nightmares had stopped though Gilles had no doubt they'd return the first night he slept alone. But the pain and fear had transformed and now he was afraid he'd lose Elise. He'd be alone in his study or just falling asleep and it would tap him on the shoulder and overwhelm him.
Gilles tucked those thoughts away and turned his mind to their task for the evening. The carriages rolled to a halt in front of the theater. They had purposely timed their arrival with the raising of the curtain in order to avoid the crush. Everyone would be in their seats. The family could make their way to the Clarendon box with relative ease and make a grand scene.
Once inside, Lucien, Madeline and maman led the way. Gilles guided Elise, telling her when to step, Mirabelle held her other arm. Alastair followed at the rear in case there was trouble and they had to turn around. The party arrived at the box and a footman held it opened. He nodded to Alastair.
Heads began to turn when it was noticed that The Duke of Clerendon and his mother had arrived. Madeline and maman took seats at the front, leaving a space between them. Gilles led Elise to the seat and took his time removing her cape. The theater erupted in whispers, people pointed and binoculars were aimed in their direction. He let them look before helping Elise sit. Mirabelle whispered something in Elise's ear and she laughed. Mirabelle took the seat next to maman, back and to Elise's left. Gilles remained standing next to Elise, his hand rested protectively on her shoulder. Lucien stepped next to him and Alastair stood on his other side. The three of them were signaling that Elise, like the other women seated in the box were under their protection.
It was entirely possible, Gilles thought, that Elise was the only person in the audience that actually paid attention to the music through the first act. She was completely absorbed. Gilles was pleased that she was able to put the unwanted attention out of her mind and enjoy the performance. As for himself, he was oblivious to the events on stage, he was so enthralled with Elise's reactions. She'd smile and laugh one moment, the next, she'd press her hand to her chest and sigh. Then, her eyes would fill with tears and she'd tremble with emotion. Through it all, she glowed. Gilles and Lucien eventually sat while Alastair stood at the back. Occasionally, Giles would pretend to whisper something in Elise's ear so he could press his lips to her throat or simply inhale her scent. Once, she turned her head just as he was leaning close and her lips brushed his. She giggled softly and he was nearly undone. He'd come dangerously close to pulling her into his arms. Mirabelle must have sensed his weakness because she kicked him swiftly. When he looked back at her she narrowed her eyes and shook her head. His younger sister scolded had him, what had he come to?
Intermission was the biggest trial that they would face that evening. Alastair watched as people moved past the box, nodding to the agents in approval as various acquaintances approached. Lady Gasden brought The Duchess of Milthorpe and Lady Emes, two acerbic and very influential grande dames to meet Elise. She curtsied and charmed them effortlessly. A steady stream of lords and ladies, sirs and a few officers stopped in to be introduced. Each one of them left an admirer. Gilles swelled with pride as Elise quietly took the theater by storm.
By the time the curtain was raised for the second half, it was clear that she would be the highlight of the evening for many of the members of the ton in attendance. Once again, Elise lost touch with the room and exalted in the music. Gilles watched her, enchanted anew with his wife. When the final act began, he was genuinely sad to bring the evening to an end. He'd never liked the opera but watching it through her had been a revelation. Unfortunately, they had to leave before the end in order to avoid the crowds. Elise sighed as Gilles helped her stand and put her cape around her shoulders. Perhaps they could host intimate musicales and hire singers. The idea had merit. Elise could maintain a comfortable connection with select members of the ton and he could watch her as she enjoyed the music. After, she could express her gratitude...
Back in the carriage, Elise was animated, recounting her favorite moments and marveling at the singers' skills. Alastair was particularly interested in how the acoustics of the hall and the voices felt to Elise.
"It was like great currents, rolling and spreading outwards from the stage. I could feel the sound getting bigger as it flowed away from them!"
"Extraordinary." He replied.
Gilles let their conversation roll over him as he considered the final obstacle Elise would have to face. The ball at Clarendon House would be the event of The Season. While many would have to rearrange their evenings to fit the surprise event, they would do so happily. It would be a terrible crush. They would have to plan Elise's attendance to the last detail.
When they walked into Spencer Place, Elise was practically dancing. Gilles smiled as he watched her float through the door. Holderson seemed relieved, he'd wanted to make sure that Lady Elise's first major trip into the outside world had gone well and had waited up.
"How was the opera, my lady?"
"Oh, Holderson! It was magical!" She hugged him and laughed. "All the textures of the sounds. And the sounds were so big! Tickling chimes and bells and the pressure from the drums! And the voices felt beautiful!" Alastair was following her every word, smiling at her enthusiasm. Gilles knew that if he didn't like the opera, Alastair loathed it. He was glad that the evening hadn't been a complete trial for his brother.
Gilles guided Elise to the stairs and they bid everyone goodnight. Once in their room, he dismissed Anna and promised not to keep Elise up too late. Elise dreamily swayed as Gilles carefully peeled her gown from her. She lifted her arms and leaned against him as he pulled the chemise over her head. He knew she was tired and drifting along on the remnants of her euphoria. Gilles sat Elise on the stool at her dressing table and kneeled before her. He gently slid her garters and stockings from her legs. He tried not to focus on how aroused the activity had made him as he stood and removed the ribbons and pins from her hair. Gilles slid his fingers through the silken mass, shaking it to make sure all the pins and whatnots
were out. Elise sighed and raised her head, he bent down and brushed his lips against hers. Gilles decided not to make any demands on her, he was sure he'd feel guilty afterwords. He told himself he had to control himself. Doubting the wisdom, he left the nightgown Anna had laid out and gathered her in his arms. Gently, he rested her on the bed and pulled the blanket over her.
Gilles removed his clothes and draped them on a chair. He slipped between the sheets and stretched himself along Elise's backside. He slid both of his arms around her and burrowed his face into her hair and tried not to pay too much attention to how soft her skin was or how perfect her curves felt against him. He definitely wasn't paying attention to his urgent erection.
"Gilles?" Elise whimpered as she wiggled her bottom against him. His cock throbbed in response. He pulled her tighter and asked a few questions of his maker.
"Hmmm?" He murmured, hoping she'd think he was falling asleep in record time.
Elise relocated one of his hands so that it cupped her breast and she teased his rigid cock with her backside again. Gilles groaned and released her breast.
"You need to rest. You've had a long day and you're nearly out of your mind with exhaustion. We're going to sleep." He announced as he pulled her firmly against him and squeezed his eyes shut. Elise wiggled and stretched until she was facing him. Her fingernails scratched down his chest until she reached his stomach. She dragged her fingertips down until she found his throbbing length. Gilles cursed and pulled her against him. Feeling her breasts pressed against him made things worse.
Elise found his face with hers, her tongue brushed against his lips and began tracing. Gilles tried to keep his eyes shut. He felt her teeth nip and tug at his lower lip.
"I want to be out of my mind." She pouted and began sucking on his lip. Elise released him and slid her arms up and took his face in her hands. "Please!" She whispered as she draped her leg over his and pressed herself against him. Gilles hissed as he felt the scalding heat of her glide against his cock.
That was it. Gilles gripped her thigh and pulled it higher, he slid his hips back as he parted her. When he slid his hips forward, he pressed into her tight heat. Elise's lips curved in a smile and a moan drifted from her throat. Gilles let his hand glide over her thigh to cup her backside as he continued to rock into her. She tilted her hips and kissed him hungrily. Elise pulled away and arched her back as she pulled his head to her breasts. Gilles responded greedily.
Elise was so demanding yet her every move was heavy and slow with fatigue. Gilles feasted on her breasts and filled her while letting her float along a gentle, sensual current. He let her ride his thrusts and pandered to her needs until he felt the pressure of his release building within him. Gilles deepened his strokes and reached between them. He stroked her with his fingers as he took her nipple between his teeth. Elise hauled in a breath, a long moan escaped her lips and she flew apart. Her climax was deep and long, Gilles let it drag him under. He groaned against her breast and shuddered against her.
She was asleep before the last of his spasms faded. Elise sighed and curled into him. Gilles wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes. As his breathing started to slow and he felt his mind go blank he felt fear and dread roll through him. He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed through his nose, trying to cling to the scent of Elise and the feel of her in his arms. The more he did the more paralyzed he became at the idea of losing her. Gilles slowly untangled himself and sat on the edge of the bed until until his chest wasn't tight and the nausea passed. He suddenly felt drowsy and weak. He crawled back to the pillows and wrapped himself around Elise and welcomed unconsciousness.
Chapter 50
The day before the ball at Clerendon House, Elise waltzed through the empty ballroom. It would have been the perfect way to pass the afternoon if she'd been in the right man's arms. But as far as substitutes went, Alastair was more than adequate. He proved to be as skilled a dancer as Gilles had promised. Elise smiled as he led her through a turn.
Gilles, Lucien and Alastair took turns throughout the week, helping Elise memorize the steps into the ballroom, finding the dance floor and waltzing. Of the three, Elise preferred Gilles but she knew that she was biased. But she was glad that it was just her and Alastair at the moment.
"I'm worried about Gilles, have you noticed anything different lately?" She asked as they moved through the room.
"I have. He's distant at times and looks worried. It's only when he thinks no one's looking. It's almost like..." Alastair turned Elise and stopped.
"What? It's almost like what?" She tapped his arm and he sighed.
"Like before he went to Longwood. It's not as constant but I'm afraid something has returned, within him. Is he sleeping well?"
Elise chewed her lip.
"I fall asleep so quickly now but he doesn't wake me like he used to. He keeps having these panics, Alastair. If I'm not where he expects me to be he gets so distressed. Now, I'm afraid to move through the house and cause him to worry."
"Then it's to do with the attack at Longwood. Perhaps because we don't know why it happened or if there's still any danger." Alastair led Elise up the steps and then turned her and led her back down and to the dance floor.
"What do we do?" She raised her hand, he took it and she curtsied before they began revolving around the room again.
"Attach a bell to you?" He said.
Elise smiled. She liked when Alastair made jokes. He was always so serious and logical, it was always a surprise when his sense of humor made an appearance.
"Perhaps, if all else fails..." She responded.
"I don't know what else we can do. You know that I'm useless when it comes to emotional matters." Alastair admitted. "As far as I can tell the only thing we can do is hope that we stumble upon an answer or he finds a way to control how much he worries about you."
"I don't think you're useless. Perhaps you don't understand where emotions come from or what causes them but you're wonderful at helping others deal with them." She squeezed his hand and smiled at him.
"I suppose that's something." He mumbled as he brought them to a flourishing halt.
"Mirabelle's planning to make sure you're on the floor for every dance tomorrow night. I thought I'd warn you."
"She can plan all she likes, I'm not dancing with anyone outside of the family." He sounded so serious, Elise tried to keep a straight face. "I need to get you back to Spencer Place. Do you think you've prepared enough for tomorrow night?" Alastair led her back up the steps.
Elise felt a fluttering in her stomach.
"As prepared as I can be. You've all been so wonderful. My nerves would be destroyed if we hadn't practiced so much." She heard the front door open and the sounds of the street drifted in.
"Thank you, Joss. We'll see you tomorrow evening."
"Very good, sir, my lady." Elise smiled and dipped her head. Alastair helped her into the carriage for the short ride to Spencer Place.
"Couldn't we walk?" She asked as Alastair tapped the roof.
"Perhaps, when we're sure the threat has passed." Elise heard him check his pocket watch. "You and Gilles will remain in one of the upstairs sitting rooms until the appointed time. He'll lead you down just before the first waltz. You will dance with the three of us and then Lucien will make his announcement. There will be a champagne toast. After that, Gilles will waltz with you again and you will leave as soon as it's over."
"I still can't believe all this is happening. I never imagined I'd come to London, that I'd get to take part in The Season. I've been to tea with grande dames, the opera and now a ball. None of this would have worked without you." She nudged him affectionately with her elbow.
"Possibly not." Alastair teased.
"It's been a gift to feel this close to being a normal young lady." Elise smiled and sighed happily.
Alastair shifted and turned her.
"You misunderstand a great many things, Elise." His voice was very serious, she cocked her head. "Even "normal young
ladies", whatever that might include, cannot function in London on their own. Do you imagine they are born, fully formed (or malformed) as a debutante and simply walk into Almacks? All "normal young ladies" required hours of dancing lessons. I've heard of some needing lessons to do asinine things like walk properly and use a fan, for some ungodly reason." Elise giggled, he was quite offended over a fan. He continued, "These "normal young ladies" devote nearly every waking hour preparing for some event or another. When they are finally ready they are often dull, contrived and miserable specimens of human beings. Why would you ever wish to lower yourself to their ranks? Everything about you that is so unlike them is what makes you special."
Elise pressed her hand to her chest, she was surprised and touched.
"I love you, Alastair. I'm so lucky that you're my brother." She said and kissed his cheek.
It was his turn to be overcome. He cleared his throat.
"I consider myself fortunate to have you as a sister and I... I love you too."
The carriage stopped and Alastair helped Elise out. Bennings greeted them at the door and informed them that tea would be served shortly. Alastair deposited Elise in the parlor with Mirabelle, Celine and Madeline and went to the study to join Gilles. The ladies discussed Elise's lessons and preparations for the ball.
Elise smiled when she heard Gilles approaching and smelled him as he entered the parlor. A moment later she felt him brush against her and his lips touched her cheek.
"How was your afternoon?" He asked as he sat next to her.
"Lovely! I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm not sure what I'll do the day after tomorrow, I'll have so much extra time." Elise commented as she picked up a scone. She took a bite and decided she wasn't getting up until she had at least two.
Saved By A Siren: Spencers in Love Book One Page 28