Tempted by the Wolf

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Tempted by the Wolf Page 7

by Alicia Montgomery

  He lay on the bed, contemplating his moves for the next few hours. Finally, a knock came at his door.

  “Let’s go,” Meredith said as she stood on the other side of the door, her arms crossed. Despite the pallor on her face and dark smudges under eyes, Meredith looked lovely this morning. Her long, blonde locks were still slightly damp from her shower and hung down her shoulders in waves. She wore black boots, black leggings, a navy jacket and a tank top that said, “I wish I was a unicorn, so I could stab idiots with my head.” He raised a brow at the shirt, but she shrugged. Meredith began walking to the elevators, but Daric stopped.

  “Wait,” he called.

  “We need to get going.”

  “I have not eaten,” he said. “And neither have you.”

  “I’m not hungry. I’ll get you a muffin on the way to the police station.”

  “Isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day?” Daric asked. “We need our energy today.”

  Meredith let out a long, drawn out sigh. “Fiiiiiine. Let’s go to the kitchen.”

  She pivoted and headed the other direction, stopping at one of the doors in the hallway and calling out “Breakfast in the kitchen!” before continuing.

  The common kitchen in the security barracks was large and roomy, with various appliances for cooking in one corner and several tables on the other side. A large spread was already laid out on one of the buffet tables. It was early yet, and so there was no one in the kitchen except for the young man who was adding more food to the already-heaping buffet table. Lycans, it seemed, had healthy appetites.

  They walked to the table and Meredith took a plate, got an apple and proceeded to walk to one of the tables.

  “Come back,” he said.

  “What do you want now? Do you want me to get your food, too, warlock? Shall I get you some tea and crumpets, and some fine silverware?” she mocked.

  With a sigh, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to the buffet table, ignoring the shock of electricity that tingled his skin as they touched. She tried to protest, but he sent her a warning look as he piled her plate with toast, bacon, eggs, and sausages.

  “You’ll need all of this today,” he said, as he dragged her to one of the tables. “Sit.”

  Meredith mumbled something about bullies and sat down on the bench. Daric sat across from her, his own plate piled with food.

  “Eat,” he said.

  She picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite. “Happy?”

  “Only if you finish your plate,” Daric replied, taking a spoonful of eggs.

  “Ugh,” she said, rolling her eyes and began to pick at her food.

  They sat in silence and a few minutes later, Killian, Quinn, and Connor walked in. They headed to the buffet tables, piled their plates high and walked to Meredith and Daric.

  “So,” Killian said as he sat down next to Daric. “You must be the warlock. The Alpha told us all about you.”

  “Daric,” he replied, giving the other man a nod.

  “Hey, runt,” Quinn said. He plopped down next to Meredith on her right and then gave her a gentle shove with his shoulder.

  “Quit it!” she said with a pout.

  He laughed and then began shoveling food into his mouth.

  Connor, the quiet, tall one, said nothing as he sat on Meredith’s left, but gave Daric a look that would have made any lesser man run in the other direction. Daric stared right back at him, their gazes locked in fierce combat, the tension around them growing thick.

  “Stop,” Killian commanded. He was obviously the leader of the trio, but Connor didn’t move an inch. With a sigh, Killian put his fork down. “Okay, on three, you two will stop it. One, two, three.”

  Daric and Connor turned their gazes away at the same time, and the tension began to dissipate.

  “So,” Quinn began, then turned his bright blue eyes at Daric. “How are we sure you’re not going to zap us or disappear into thin air?”

  “I’m powerless,” Daric said, raising his right wrist to show them the bracelet.

  “Nice jewelry,” Quinn replied. “But what does it do?”

  “It stops him from using his magic,” Meredith explained. “I don’t know how exactly, but I know it works. My best friend, Jade, made it and she’s a genius.”

  “You have a best friend?” Killian asked with a raised brow.

  “Is she pretty?” Quinn asked with a wicked smile.

  Meredith pointed her fork at her brother. “Yes, but, don’t even go there. You do not want to poke the dragon.”

  “You mean, bear?” Quinn asked, and Meredith just shrugged.

  Even Daric had to suppress a smile, thinking of how Creed would react to Meredith’s handsome brother making advances on his pregnant mate. But then again, Quinn looked like the type of person who looked for trouble.

  “So, without your powers, how can you help us?” Killian asked, his eyes narrowing at Daric.

  “I have knowledge of most of Stefan’s dealings,” Daric explained. “If your father did have contact with Stefan or any of his closest lieutenants, then I would know.”

  “All right, but you better play it straight with us,” Killian warned. “I don’t fuck around, and if you try anything, you’re gonna regret, you hear?”

  “I have better things to do than lead you astray,” Daric replied.

  “And why are you helping us?” Quinn asked.

  “Because your father’s connection to the mages may help me get closer to finding Stefan and destroying him.”

  That seemed to satisfy the two Lycans, though Meredith shot him a suspicious look. Connor kept his attention on his food, slowly demolishing the two plates piled high in front of him.

  The rest of the meal was continued in silence, though Quinn would occasionally tease Meredith, with Killian joining in on occasion. Daric supposed this is what siblings were like, but he wouldn’t know. He did understand that the two were ribbing Meredith in good nature, and perhaps, to distract her from the sadness obviously looming in her eyes. The third Lone Wolf, Connor, continued to eye him suspiciously. Daric sensed there was something not quite right with that one, but he wasn’t interested in knowing what, as long as the Lycan didn’t get in his way.


  As soon as they finished breakfast, Meredith led them to the garage in the parking level of the building, where Alex Westbrooke was waiting for them.

  “Hey Meredith,” the other Lycan greeted. He narrowed his eyes at Daric but didn’t say anything else.

  “Hey Alex, how’s the baby?”

  “Doing good, she’s learning to turn on her tummy now,” Alex replied.

  Killian stiffened beside Meredith, and she gave him a strange look. The other Lycan said nothing, but instead introduced himself and the other men to Alex.

  “Well, here’s your ride,” Alex said, as he handed Killian the keys and nodded to the large white SUV parked beside him. “Take care of her.” With a final wave, he left and headed towards the elevators.

  They piled into the SUV, with Killian taking the wheel and Quinn slipping into the passenger seat beside him. Meredith climbed into the back, squished between Daric and Connor. She moved closer to Connor so she wouldn’t have to touch Daric, which was nearly impossible considering the size of the two men. She tried not to stare at Daric, no matter how hot he looked, with his long hair pulled back into a ponytail and a bit of scruff on his face. His white t-shirt stretched across his chest, and his jeans molded perfectly to his ass.

  Meredith groaned inwardly. Why did the Goddamn warlock have to be so fucking hot and look like all her wildest fantasies come true, and then some? His scent was driving her crazy, and it took all her power to control her traitorous whore body and the she-wolf inside her. Her brothers would definitely notice if she was aroused, which would be awkward and embarrassing.

  Thankfully, it didn’t take too long to get to the police station. Killian parked the car, and they all filed out, then walked into the NYPD's 7th Precinct on Pitt St. />
  Killian and Quinn walked to the desk sergeant, and after a few minutes, an older man with salt-and-pepper hair wearing a drab brown suit came out.

  “Mr. Smith,” the man greeted, shaking his hand. When he found them, Archie had gotten them all fake identities with the last name of Smith. “Thanks for coming back and agreeing to talk to us.”

  “Well, I was hoping you’d tell us more about our adoptive father’s death, Detective Conrad,” Killian replied. “By the way, this is our sister, Meredith.”

  Detective Conrad nodded to her. “I’m sorry for your loss, ma’am.”

  “Thank you,” she replied quietly.

  “I’ll take your statements in one of our interrogation rooms,” he said, jerking his thumb toward the bullpen behind him. They followed him, but, before they crossed the threshold that separated the reception area from the back room, he stopped suddenly. “Sorry, family only,” he said, looking at Daric.

  “I’m her husband,” he declared, putting an arm around Meredith. “You can take our statement together, but I’m afraid I won’t be much help. I’ve never met my father-in-law.”

  She stiffened for a moment and then relaxed against his embrace.

  Conrad gave them a suspicious look. “Wait a minute, you’re married, but you’ve never met her father? Didn’t he come to the wedding?”

  “I got knocked up by accident!” Meredith declared quickly, placing a hand on her belly. “It was a quickie wedding in Vegas. Last week.” Inside, she was dying. Oh, why the hell did I say that? Being so close to Daric was probably frying her brain cells.

  “But, a beautiful one, min kjære,” Daric added, giving Meredith a sweet smile.

  Conrad seemed satisfied by their answer and continued to lead them into the bullpen, and then down the hall to one of the interrogation rooms. It was already set up, with a table in the middle and several chairs. “Please, take your seats.”

  The detective sat across from them, and then took out a leather-bound notebook and a ballpoint pen from inside his suit jacket. “Okay, let’s begin.” He opened the notebook and uncapped his pen. “When was the last time you all saw your father?”

  “Two weeks ago,” Killian said. “Him, Quinn, Connor and me went to dinner. We go every week, but we missed last week’s Sunday dinner because he said he was busy.”

  “And you, Ms. Smith?”

  “Eight months ago,” Meredith answered, trying to keep her voice even.

  “That long?”

  “We had a falling out,” Meredith explained.

  “Over what?”

  Meredith went quiet, her shoulders slumping. Archie…She bit her lip, trying not to cry. “I…I…” she began, the lump in her throat growing. Hadn’t she cried out all the tears yet? Would this pain she carried around ever leave? Could she stop missing him?

  An arm around her shoulder made her jolt. Daric’s presence and his hand rubbing up and down her arm soothed her.

  “It’s alright, min kjære,” he cooed. “I’m sure the detective doesn’t need all the details.”

  “It might help,” Conrad prodded.

  Meredith nodded and took a deep breath. “We had a difference of opinion. I mean, I found out a secret about my birth family that he kept, and I was angry at him.” She paused. “And I left, and haven’t seen him since.”

  “So, you’re all from Portland,” Conrad said, looking over his notes. “Why did he come to New York?” He looked at Meredith. “Your brothers said you lived here. Was he coming to see you? Did you know he was here?”

  She shook her head. “No. I only heard about his death yesterday.”

  “Hmmm…well,” he said, scratching his chin. “The coroner has ruled the death to be a suicide.”

  “What?” Meredith slammed her hands on the table. “No, Archie wouldn’t do that! You don’t know him! He wouldn’t have—” She choked on her tears again and slumped down on the chair. When Daric tried to put an arm around her, she shrugged him off.

  “There were no witnesses, and when we checked the rooftop where he jumped from, there were no signs of a struggle or even another person up there with him. So,” he continued. “It seemed Mr. Leacham hopped on a plane to New York, and decided to kill himself by jumping off a roof.”

  “Sounds suspicious to me,” Quinn said, his boyishly handsome face drawn into a frown.

  “Exactly. The coroner may have ruled it a suicide, but I’m still trying to figure out why he killed himself and it's not adding up.”

  Meredith’s mind was reeling. As the detective and her brothers continued to talk, she tried to make sense of everything. A glance from Killian told her that this wasn’t over. For one thing, none of her brothers knew the real reason she left. How could she tell them? How could she reveal to them that the man they considered their father and raised them, took care of them, had been hiding something big from her, from all of them?

  The detective continued to prod and grill them, carefully though, but it was obvious he was trying to get more information. Finally, after two hours, he put his notebook away. “Well, I’m gonna try and keep working on this, but to be honest, my captain’ll want my attention on other cases. With Mr. Leacham’s death being officially ruled a suicide, my hands are tied.” He stood up.

  “Thank you for trying, Detective,” Killian said, shaking the older man’s hand. “Maybe we’ll never find out what happened to him.”

  “In some of these cases, the deceased may have simply been depressed,” he said, shaking his hand. “You all are young now, but, growing old, it takes a toll on you, ya know? By the way, I have his personal possessions. The things we found on him, plus the things he left in his room. If you can sign for it, we can give you the items on his person and ship his suitcase to you. The coroner will be contacting you when they’re ready to release his remains. You can talk to their office about how you want to handle that.”

  “Much appreciated, Detective Conrad,” Killian said with a nod.

  Conrad left the room and came back with a plastic zip bag. “Here you go. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  Killian took the bag. They all thanked the detective and then followed Conrad as he led them out of the police station.

  “Archie wouldn’t have killed himself, you all know that,” Meredith said as soon as they were alone.

  “We know,” Killian confirmed. “Something’s not right, I can feel it.”

  “But who could have done it?” Quinn asked.

  “With the police off our backs, we’ll be able to find out,” Killian said. “Meredith,” he turned to his sister. “Is it true? What you said in there? Is that why you left?”

  She hesitated. “I found out that he knew my birth family and kept it from me.” She bit her lip. Meredith didn’t want to lie to them, but now wasn’t the time to tell them either. She didn’t have all the information anyway. “I was so mad at him that I left.”

  Connor, normally silent, let out a low growl. “You should have come to us first. You shouldn’t have just left.”

  “I know, Connor,” she said sadly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left without telling you guys.”

  “We missed you, Mer,” Quinn said. “It wasn’t the same without you.”

  Meredith felt the tears choke up again and she took a deep breath. “I missed you guys, too, even your ugly mug, Quinn,” she said with a smile.

  “Ha! You never change,” Quinn replied, ruffling her hair. “What’s with all the crying, runt? Is it the pregnancy hormones—Ow!” he cried when Meredith hit him in the arm. “Oh my God, are you blushing?”

  Meredith’s cheeks were red. “I am not!” she protested and then ran towards the parked SUV. What was Daric thinking, introducing himself as her husband? Heck, what was she thinking, saying she was pregnant? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Otherwise, they would have had to leave Daric outside. And what the heck did he call her in front of everyone? The way Daric said it made her blush even more. His voice was like silk, an intimate caress as
the words rolled off his tongue. Gah, the man was impossible.

  They caught up with her and thankfully, she was done blushing. Killian unlocked the car and Meredith quickly jumped in, scooting to the middle of the backseat and she was once again trapped between Connor and Daric.

  “What should we do now?” Meredith asked as Killian locked the doors.

  The other Lycan took the plastic bag and opened it, taking the contents out and placing them on the console between the front seats.

  Meredith held her breath, staring at Archie’s well-worn leather wallet, his wedding ring, house keys, and various bits of paper. Was this really all that was left of her mentor? Another sob threatened to escape her, but a warm hand over hers made her freeze. She didn’t want to look down at the seat, but she could imagine Daric’s large fingers over hers. Swallowing a gulp, she looked back at the items.

  “Hey, what’s that?” she asked, her eyes drawn to a business card. It was plain white, made of a thick and expensive card stock. On the front was one word in a red script font. “Merlin’s?” she read. “Does that sound familiar to any of you?”

  Killian lifted the card and examined it.

  Quinn shook his head. “I don’t think that’s in Portland,” he said, taking his smartphone out of his pocket. After a few taps and swipes, he frowned. “No, not in Portland, not in New York. In fact, I can’t find any trace of any business named Merlin’s with that logo.”

  “May I?” Daric asked, withdrawing his hand from Meredith’s and extending it towards the other Lycan.

  Killian gave him the card, and the warlock took it, turning the card over. “You can’t see it?” he asked.

  Meredith looked at him. “See what?”

  A smile spread across his face. “There is an address printed on the back. This card is infused with magic. Only the person it was intended for can see it.”


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