Tempted by the Wolf

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Tempted by the Wolf Page 21

by Alicia Montgomery

  “You could also take a pregnancy test,” Jade suggested. “You know we Lycans can’t get pregnant so easily. I mean, it’s only been a few days. You can’t have had sex that much.” Lara and Meredith looked at her. “Right. True Mates and all. You guys have probably been shagging every minute you can.”

  “You bet,” Meredith sighed.

  “So,” Lara reached for one of the glass bottles on the table next to her. “We’ll cut your arm and if you heal in two seconds—”

  “Drop it, witch,” Meredith warned. “There’s no need to draw blood.” She knew. Of course, it was true.

  Our pup. We must protect our pup, her inner she-wolf warned. And our mate. Keep them both safe.

  Her hand automatically went to her belly. Oh, baby. What the heck was she going to do?

  “Meredith?” Jade whispered. “Are you ok?”

  “Just…” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Oh God, stupid hormones!” She wiped her face with the back of her hands, and when she looked up, her friends were crying, too. “Stop it, both of you! Stop crying, you’re making me cry!”

  “Us?” Jade smiled through the tears. “You’re the one making me cry.”

  Lara sniffed as fat tears rolled down her cheeks. “You both are the ones making me cry.”

  “Oh God, we’re gonna be three hormonal pregnant ladies. The men around here better watch out,” Meredith said as her two best friends wrapped their arms around her. “Okay, okay, get off me you two!” she said grouchily, though secretly, she was happy to be sharing this moment with her friends. “Now, what are we going to do about Daric? I can’t lose him.”

  “You won't,” Lara said. “I—” The witch frowned and then slipped her hand into her pants pocket, taking her phone out. “Sonofabitch!” she said getting up as she stared at her phone.

  “What?” Jade asked.

  “Liam…Arrghhh! Stupid idiot!”

  “What?” Meredith repeated.

  “He just sent me a text message. They left. I mean, him, Daric, and a couple of the guys. They took the Fenrir chopper and are on their way to the coven compound now.”

  “That dick weed!” Meredith jumped down from the table. “He just left!” The anger was rising in her. “Fucking asshole!”

  She ran out of the lab, with Jade and Lara hot on her heels. Slamming her palm on the sensor of the elevator, she jabbed the button for the penthouse. She was furious. Even her she-wolf was pacing, wanting to be let out. Ankle monitor be damned, if she really was invincible, she could probably survive. Maybe even find out of if True Mate magic could regrow a limb.

  She ignored Jared when he called her, and instead, burst through the door to the Alpha’s office. Grant and Sebastian were at his desk, looking at his screen and discussing something in low tones.

  “You let them go?” Meredith raged. “Why?”

  Grant’s face looked grave. “Daric got another message from Stefan while you were gone. He was on his way to the compound to take Signe. I told him to take the chopper and a few of our best guys. Hopefully, they’ll get there in time, but Vivianne’s been warned. She’ll do her best to keep Signe safe.”

  “Even Liam?” Lara asked, puzzled.

  “You know he would do anything to protect your parents,” Grant said. “And you as well. He knew you would insist on coming.”

  “Ugh, men are such stubborn assholes!” Meredith growled. “I can’t believe they would leave us! We’re three badass pregnant ladies! We have to help them now. Sebastian, don’t you have a helicopter on standby, too?” She slapped her palm on her forehead. “Fuck me, you’re a freaking dragon. C’mon, go and shift into your badass beast and we’ll climb on your back—”

  “You ain’t riding on my back,” Sebastian bit out. “None of you are. You’re all staying here. We’re in lockdown mode.”

  “What?” Jade asked. “But Sebastian, we can help them.”

  “If it comes to that, I’ll be letting The Beast out,” Sebastian began. “But we can’t risk anyone seeing me in broad daylight. And don’t you think I’m letting you get into this, too, Jade.”

  “Frankie’s on her way home to The Enclave to stay with Mika,” he said, referring to Alynna’s daughter and his niece. “Right now, no one leaves or enters Fenrir and the remaining security team is on standby.”

  “Nick?” Meredith asked.

  The Alpha shook his head. “They’re gone. According to his security detail, he took Cady and Zac, and they’re headed to the Hudson mansion to visit his grandfather. I’ve been calling them, but he’s not answering. Neither is Cady.”

  “Hold on,” Lara frowned. “Cady’s not answering her phone?” She took her phone out and dialed her cousin’s number. “Hmmm…it’s not working.”

  “You mean it’s busy?” Grant asked.

  “No,” Lara shook her head. “I mean, her phone’s out of service.”

  Grant’s eyes flashed and began to glow. “Fuck. This is—”

  The lights in the office began to flicker and a few bulbs in the overhead lights burst, showering glass down.

  “Going exactly as planned.”

  The silence was palpable as Stefan and Victoria Chatraine materialized in the middle of the room.

  “Stefan,” Grant growled, and the air changed, signaling the Alpha’s impending shift into his wolf form.

  The master mage raised his hand, and an invisible force pushed Grant to the wall, pinning him there as he struggled.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Victoria warned Lara, who was getting ready to use her own powers. The older witch drew her cloak open, revealing a small bundle. “Unless you want this little one hurt?”

  “You bitch!” Lara cried when she saw what was in the other witch’s arms. “That’s your grandson! You wouldn’t!”

  “Wouldn’t I?’ Victoria drawled, tracing a long red fingernail down Zachary Vrost’s soft cheek. “Want to test it out?”

  “Don’t hurt him!” Lara pleaded.

  “No one make a move,” Stefan warned them. “Think you all can take us on? Who would you choose to save? The child or the Alpha? I doubt even you four could stop us before we kill either one.”

  “How did you get in here?” Jade asked. “This office is protected with magic, and you’ve never been in here before.”

  Stefan laughed. “That’s why I asked our dear friend Rodrigo to do me a favor,” the mage explained. “First, he was wearing a small camera so I could see the inside of the room. And then, I asked him to drop a little toy of mine.” He lifted his other hand, and a small, silver object floated from the floor and back into his hand. “A simple coin, infused with a spell that broke Vivianne Chatraine’s protection spell.”

  “What do you want?” Grant choked. “Daric and Signe are not here.”

  “Oh, that little message I sent to that traitor?” Stefan bellowed. “I can’t believe he fell for it. Or you all fell for it. There is no one going to the New York coven compound. Signe is safe.” His red eyes trained on Meredith. “I’ve found something else more valuable.”

  As Stefan’s bony hand pointed toward her, Meredith could feel coldness wrap around her body, seeping in through her pores as she was pulled to the mage. She struggled and dug her heels into the floor, but it was no use. She went flying across the room, landing on her knees with a loud thud in front of Stefan. The coldness wrapped around her and she couldn’t move.

  “Meredith!” Lara shouted. “Let her go!”

  “Or what, my dear?” Stefan mocked. “When you see Daric, tell him I look forward to seeing him again. If he searches far back enough, he’ll know where I am.” He then looked at Sebastian. “Ah, the Creed Dragon. You’re a bonus.” His other hand let go of Grant, sending the Alpha slumping to the ground. Jade threw herself in front of her mate, but it was no use as Sebastian’s body careened forward. As he was kneeling in front of the master mage, flames began to engulf his body.

  “Uh-uh.” With a tsk and snap of his fingers, Sebastian fell down, the fire around him
extinguishing as if it was never there.

  “Sebastian!” Jade screamed as her she-wolf tore through her body and lunged at Stefan.

  Meredith looked up, watching as the large wolf leaped into the air, her paws aimed at Stefan. She held her breath, waiting for the sound of fangs and claws ripping into flesh. But the sound didn't come, and she felt the coldness wrap around her again. Grant’s office began to shimmer and disappear in front of her eyes.


  The helicopter flew over the green fields and forests of upstate New York, leaving the glittering skyline of Manhattan behind. As Daric sat in the plush seat, he wondered if he was doing the right thing. Yes, he told himself. He was doing this to protect Meredith and their child. His she-wolf would bare her fangs and claws at him, but she wouldn’t stay mad forever. Well, she could stay mad forever, but at least she’d be alive.

  The Fenrir helicopter was built for luxury and not for battle. It could only fit a limited amount of people, so Daric, Liam, Alex, Alynna, and two of the senior members of the security team, John Patrick and Heath Pearson, squeezed into the cabin. Sebastian and Grant stayed back to coordinate the efforts to send more forces to the coven compound just in case and to hold the fort. Of course, he knew when Meredith and Lara Chatraine found out they’d been left behind and locked down, it probably would take an Alpha and a dragon to prevent the two women from tearing Fenrir apart.

  “We’re almost there,” Liam Henney said. The chopper slowed down and then descended into the large field behind Vivianne and Graham Chatraine’s home.

  As soon as the door flew open, Daric hopped out of the chopper and began to walk towards the back porch of the house where Vivianne, Graham, and Signe were waiting.

  “Mother!” he called as he picked up his pace, reaching the porch in no time. “Thank God you are safe,” he said as he embraced her in a tight hug. He felt Signe stiffen in his arms, and he immediately knew something was wrong. Looking at Vivianne’s ashen face and Graham’s grim expression, he was certain that something bad had happened.

  “What is it?” he asked. His heart thudded a frantic rhythm against his ribcage as Vivianne spoke.

  “Daric…I’m sorry,” Vivianne sobbed. “Grant just called us. She’s been taken. Meredith.”

  The knot in his stomach grew, and the pressure behind his eyes made his vision blur. Vivianne was speaking, saying something about Sebastian Creed and Nick Vrost’s young son but the words weren’t making sense. His worst nightmare had come true. Meredith. His Meredith had been taken by Stefan.

  “Is Lara alright?” Liam asked as he came up behind Daric.

  “She’s fine,” Graham answered, and Liam visibly relaxed. “She’s pretty steamed at you, son, but she’s safe.”

  “Stefan never showed up here,” Signe said. “I’m sorry. So sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Daric said tersely. “It’s mine. I should have known this was a trap.”

  “Why would Stefan kidnap Meredith?” Graham asked.

  Daric looked at his mother, and she nodded in understanding. “Because Meredith is the most precious thing in the world to my son,” she said, with just a hint of sadness in her voice. “She’s his True Mate.”

  Vivianne gasped. “I suspected, but I couldn’t be sure. Not like when I knew Lara and Liam were True Mates.”

  “We need to find her,” Daric said. “Mother, do you have any idea where he could have taken her?”

  “I’m afraid not,” Signed shook her head. “But I know only you can find her. I’ve seen it. I've seen you two protect each other. All is not lost.”

  “But how?”

  Signe’s eyes strayed to the bracelet on his wrist. “You need to use your gifts. Your father’s gift.”

  Daric nodded. He had to get the Lycans to release him so he could use his powers. If Signe had seen it, then it must be true. He looked at Liam. “We must go back to Fenrir.”

  After they said their goodbyes to Vivianne, Signe, and Graham, the two of them headed back to the chopper. The door was open, and Alex was waiting for them, while Alynna was talking into her phone. As soon as Daric and Liam were buckled in, the door closed and the chopper lifted into the air.

  Alynna had been on the phone with Grant, who relayed what happened. It seemed Stefan had taken the opportunity to capture Sebastian Creed, as well as Nick and Cady’s son. The couple had been driving to their Hudson Estate when they were ambushed by the mages’ human slaves, then Victoria and Stefan took young Zachary Vrost and disappeared. They were able to call for help and were now also on their way back to Fenrir.

  Daric’s mind was reeling. Where would Stefan take them? The master mage wouldn’t use any of the places Daric knew about, that’s for sure, but he would have to check. Once the bracelet was off, it would only take him a few hours to check the two dozen or so hideouts around the world he knew of. He only prayed that he’d find them in time. My she-wolf, he thought, as if she could hear him. Be brave, but be safe.

  The helicopter landed on top of the Fenrir building, and all of them swiftly made their way back to Grant’s office. The tension was tangible and made the air difficult to breathe. Nick and the three Lone Wolves were standing around Grant’s desk, while Lara sat on the couch, consoling a sobbing Cady and a distraught Jade.

  “Grant! Nick,” Alynna called as they entered the office. “Shit, I’m sorry,” she said, patting Nick on the arm.

  Anger rolled off the Beta like waves, his face as hard as a stone. “We’re going to get him back,” he said in a deadly voice, looking over at his wife. “Even if I have to tear the entire world apart.”

  “We will get him back, Nick,” Grant vowed. “We’ll get all of them back.”

  “What do we do now?” Liam asked. “How do we find them?”

  “Daric!” Lara’s eyes widened. “Stefan…he had a message for you. He said, if you ‘search far back enough,’ you’ll find him.”

  Daric’s brows drew together. “That could be anywhere. As far as the ends of the earth.” He looked at Grant. “You must release me, Alpha. With my powers, I can find them in a few hours. And I know every hiding place Stefan keeps.”

  “Release you?” Nick barked, his eyes glowing. “You think we’re going to trust you now? How do we know that you didn’t do this? That you weren’t a part of this the entire time? How did Stefan get in here? How did he know where we were so he could take my son?”

  “Nick, calm down,” Grant said, putting a hand on the other Lycan’s chest. “I know you’re angry, but you’re not thinking straight. I need you, please. I need you to be Nick Vrost, Beta to the New York clan because I can’t do this alone.”

  Nick took a deep breath, his eyes going back to their normal icy blue. “Fine,” he said, shrugging Grant’s hand away. “We need to get to work.”

  “And you,” Grant said to Daric. “I know you mean well, but…”

  “You still cannot trust me,” Daric said, his jaw tightening.

  “I’m sorry. I have to think of my people, too. I know Meredith means the world to you, but we can all work together to get them back. We don’t need your powers.”

  “If we are too late,” Daric began. “And she is lost to me, you will pay, Grant Anderson. Alpha or not.”

  “I’ll have to take that chance,” Grant said. “Meredith is one of us.” He looked at Nick and Jade. “Just as Zac and Sebastian are. We will not fail them. Let’s get to work.”

  Killian spoke up. “We’ll do whatever we can, Alpha. We want her back, too.” Quinn and Connor nodded in agreement.

  “Good,” Grant said with a grim face. “Because this is it. We are making our last stand and ending it all.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Meredith felt the darkness take over her as soon as they disappeared from Grant’s office. When she woke up, she had a massive headache and was lying on a thin and musty pallet. It was also dark, and it took a moment for her enhanced vision to adjust so she could see in the room.

  The walls w
ere made of logs, and various furs were thrown on the floor, but still, it was dank and cold inside. She was sitting on the only piece of furniture in the entire room. There was a single window on one side, but it was boarded up. She walked to the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge.

  “They have it barred from the outside,” came a gravelly voice from somewhere in the room.

  She swung her head toward the source of the sound and saw a figure curled up in the corner.

  “Sebastian!” she cried as she stumbled over to him. “Are you hurt?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “But…this thing…it burns.”

  Meredith looked down and saw the chains wrapped around his body. The links were small and thin, no bigger than a regular necklace, but it was long and wrapped several times around Sebastian’s massive body. It felt normal to her, but as soon as she tried to remove it, he hissed in pain.

  “Stop,” he cried. “I’ve been trying to get out of this thing, but it’s like the more I struggle, the more it burns.”

  “What is it?”

  “Fuck if I know,” Sebastian spat out. “It burns where it touches my skin.”

  “Can you get us out of here?” she asked. “Shift, I mean? You could probably bring this whole place down.”

  “I’ve been trying to call The Beast,” he said and shook his head. “I can’t explain it, but it’s like he won’t listen to me. I think it has something to do with this thing wrapped around me.”

  “Shit, there goes that plan,” Meredith thought. “We need to think of a way out of here.”

  “No one’s been in here to check on us or feed us, as far as I can tell,” Sebastian said. “I’ve been awake for a while, though I can’t tell for how long.”

  “Zac?” she asked, suddenly remembering the baby.

  “Haven’t seen him. But, I thought I heard some crying a couple of minutes before you woke up, so he must be around here.”

  Meredith’s hand instinctively went to her belly, thinking of her own child.

  “Don’t worry,” Sebastian assured her. “We’ll get out of here. You know Jade and Daric will do everything they can. And once I get rid of these things,” he looked down at the chains with scorn. “I’m gonna burn this fucking place to the ground.”


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