Cosmic Cabaret

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Cosmic Cabaret Page 40

by SFR Shooting Stars

  She chuckled and shook her head. “I don’t really have a place to disappear to.”

  His eyebrows tugged together. “You haven’t checked in yet?” He snuck a deep inhale, reading more into her enigmatic reply. He forced his face to remain neutral as he discovered her surprising secret. She was a stowaway. Her father had more money than all the gods and he let her go as a pauper on the most luxurious space liner?

  No. He didn’t know she was here. The realization hit him like an anvil. She was running away. Running away from him. Should he continue with the charade?

  She bit her bottom lip, and he coughed, covering up his needy whine. “Ummm. Well?”

  “Then you haven’t eaten yet? Why didn’t you say so?” The more time he could spend with her, the better. Never had he looked so forward to a dinner date. He told himself he wasn’t using her; he was simply getting to know her. Over and over the phrase tumbled in his mind. His chivalrous side peeked out, encouraging him to do the good thing. Even if it was for once in his life.

  With a coy gesture, she swept the stray locks that had slipped from her thick braid behind her ear and gave him a timid smile. “I guess I wasn’t thinking about food when I got here.”

  The opportunity was too tempting and he needed to measure her sense of humor. “Really? Was there something … else holding your attention?”

  She blinked slowly, mulling over his words. The moment a delightful pink hit her cheeks, he knew his innuendo has hit its mark. He chuckled and ducked his chin sheepishly.

  “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.” Daring, he leaned in, standing so close he felt the heat from her blush on his skin. “Well, that’s not entirely true. I could have, but I didn’t want to.”

  Karyna lifted her gaze, her green eyes dazzling. At this scant distance, he stared, entranced by the myriad of shades housed within her shining orbs. Gods, he wanted to kiss her. Needed it more than he was ready to believe. She was the daughter of the highest-ranking officer in his enemy’s armored forces, and his betrothed, to boot.

  Yet at this moment, she was just a woman on board the universe’s most popular pleasure cruise. And he was more than happy to ensure she got the most out of all the amenities.

  “How ’bout it, Karyna?” He dared a light caress, pressing his lips against the shell of her ear. “Can I tempt you into dinner?”

  A Polite Invitation

  Karyna clenched her fists, her arms trembling as she fought her desires. She wanted nothing more than to grab on to his shirt and kiss him for all she was worth. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but a growing part of her yearned to be bold.

  She stared transfixed, locking every part of his face into her memory. Pale skin covered chiseled cheekbones highlighted by a shadow of ash blond stubble. His shaggy hair was just long enough to tug, and her fingers twitched at the idea. An aristocratic nose, firm lips, and a strong, square jaw finished out the picture. Dare she say anything but no? He was trouble. She could sense it in every part of him.

  The clean scent of his purely male aftershave drove her wild. In the dimly lit bar, his lavender eyes darkened, beckoning her to accept his offer. Time to take her life into her own hands. Never one to make reckless decisions, she usually weighed every choice with care and foresight. Now, however, she threw caution to the wind and listened to her heart.

  She took in a deep breath, hoping to calm herself. Instead, she succeeded in pulling in more of his intoxicating fragrance. A tiny part of her brain warned her many other peoples of the universe used pheromones to influence the weak-minded.

  It’s not my mind that’s weak. That much she knew to be true. It was her rebellious body falling prey to his spell. With him in her personal space, her breasts grew heavy and the juncture between her thighs tingled. Maybe a one-night stand with a handsome stranger was exactly what she needed. Nothing serious; just sex. I could do just sex.

  Half-believing her lie, she mustered enough brain cells to speak.

  “I think food might be quite tempting,” she finally replied, her voice breathy and shallow. The heat from his smoldering look turned her mouth arid, and she swallowed hard. He arched a graceful brow upwards as a devilish crooked smile touched his lips.

  “Is that all you find tempting?” His deep voice rumbled and purred across her skin. The room tilted for a heartbeat, and she reached out to his arms, holding on tight to steady her wobbly legs. She snapped her eyes shut to regain her balance, laughing nervously.

  “When was the last time you ate? I know that drink was pretty strong.” Genuine concern filtered through the darkness, melting her heart. Once she was sure the world was not going to shift again, she peeled back her lids. The honesty reflected in his lilac orbs surprised her.

  “It’s been a while.” She added a sheepish shrug to her embarrassing admission. Anger had driven her out of her father’s house on speedy wings and she’d only grabbed some snacks and a couple bottles of water before running away. That had been three days ago.

  “In that case…” He paused, slipping her arm under his and resting her fingers on his forearm. “I know a place that serves the best late-night meal on the whole station. C’mon.” He tipped his head toward the main door. “It’s my treat.”

  Her steps faltered. “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want you to spend all your tips.”

  A mysterious smile curved his kissable lips. “You’d be surprised what a bartender pulls in down here.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I promise, I have plenty to spare. Besides, drunks make for amazing tippers.”

  They shared a laugh as he led her out into the hallway. Under the ambient light, she had a better opportunity to study her escort for the night. He stood nearly a head taller than her, making her feel petite and protected, both sensations new and exciting. If she ever had a chance to dress to the nines, she could still wear high heels and not dwarf him. His slightly accented voice flowed over her body like mink, tantalizing and erotic. She listened half-heartedly as he gestured to various corridors and doors, paying far more attention to the timbre of his words than their actual meaning.

  The muscles beneath her fingertips were solid, even under the cover of his slick silken shirt. He took slow strides, his long legs moving at a snail’s pace. Scenery passed by her, unnoticed, while her mind spun fantasy after fantasy. In each of her waking dreams, her current companion brought her to peaks of unending ecstasy. She imagined him to be a thorough lover, never slowing or tiring. Contortionist-worthy positions danced around in her horny mind, each more decadent and pleasurable than the one before.

  The surrounding temperature inched upwards, moving from fair to feverish. She tugged at the constricting high collar on her confining jumpsuit.

  “Kar? You okay, there?”

  She blinked quickly, banishing her erotic picture show and glanced around. To her astonishment, she had no idea where they were. He had stopped in front of a random doorway. Curious caution had painted his face, cutting a deep furrow across his thick brows. A hot blush hit her cheek, and she looked away to hide her embarrassed grin.

  “Uh, yes. I’m fine. Thank you.”

  He laughed, shaking his head slowly. “You really need to work on that, sweetheart. You’re an honest person. Just be honest. I hope I’m not boring you.”

  “No.” Her rapid answer shocked her almost as much as it surprised him. “I mean, no, not at all. You’re anything but boring.” He arched a brow, and a fast blush hit her cheeks like a slap. “No, wait. I didn’t mean that. No, I…”

  The words continued to tumble out in a tangled mess. Now, she was doing damage control, flailing around in front of the only person she knew on board. Her heart raced as she contemplated the prospects of his leaving.

  He stepped in front of her and cupped her face in his broad palms. “Karyna, relax. Just breathe. It’s all right. I promise you’re safe here.” He brushed his thumb against her lower lip. “No judgments; just say what’s on your mind. What is it I can do for you?”

  His calming tone b
led into her bones and fired her blood. She covered his hands with hers, needing to borrow some of his strength. Falling into his gorgeous, pale purple eyes, she took a chance. “Can you help me feel alive?”

  The final word still hung in the air between them when his mouth slanted across hers. Lightning zinged through her body in a brilliant flash. She gasped, and he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue past her slacked jaw. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her eyelids fluttered down. Shocked by her hungered response, she clung onto his arms, desperate to stay on her feet.

  He slid one hand through her braid, while the other crept down her side, resting on the small of her back. His tongue explored the recesses of her mouth, slow and methodical. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing her body against his hard planes. Her head spun, drunk on his intoxicating kisses, and she was in no mood to stop. Every nerve fired and tingled, each rhythmic pulse driving her higher and higher.

  And the growing bulge pressing against her inner thigh nearly sent her spiraling into orgasm.

  A needy sigh poured from her mouth, and he devoured it. Her tongue twisted and danced with his, playing chase, and she happily followed. Pinpricks of light flashed behind her closed lids, a glorious display of fireworks serving as a backdrop for her sensual fantasies.

  Would reality live up to her erotic imaginings?

  A Simple Meal?

  Marqaz rested his forehead against hers, gulping in deep breaths as he tried to catch his racing heart. If things were this heated during their initial kiss, he couldn’t wait to see what pleasures were in store for later. But first things first. She needed food and a bed for the night. The room would be easy enough.

  “Looks like you’re bunking in my place tonight, old friend.”

  He swore he could hear Ja’andar’s groan echoing down the corridors. He chuckled half to himself and opened his eyes. Immediately, his gaze fell upon her kiss-swollen lips. A delightful pink warmed her caramel cheeks and damn, if that wasn’t the single-most sexiest thing he’d seen all day. Her hands clung to his biceps as she breathed heavily against his chest. He toyed with the thick, ropy braid, enjoying the lush, soft strands. Were she any other female, he would have tested the strength of it, seeing if it would resist the strong tugs it would get as he took her hard and fast from behind.

  Yet for some strange reason, he was much more interested in how it was going to feel draped over his chest as she rode him. He envisioned the deep auburn waves spread out on a set of pure white sheets, head thrown back and her body arched in powerful release. Stunned by his romantic notions, he placed a tiny kiss on the tip of her pert nose.

  “Now, that was quite an appetizer.”

  She breathed out a throaty laugh, the sound sending his cock near the hardened threshold of sweet agony. He clenched his teeth, caging a hungry growl.

  “Darling, you keep teasing me like that, and I’ll give the patrons here a show they never paid for.”

  His direct words drew her gaze up to his. Passion had all but obliterated the emerald green pools. Only a sliver ringed her flared eyes. Her delicious mouth popped open, forming an adorably perfect little “o.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Is that a dare?” Testing his luck, he glanced to the zipper pull hanging at her neck and inched his fingers toward the fragile barrier. Her hands shot to her throat, and she scooted out of his personal space. He smiled and quickly scooped her into his embrace.

  “No, you are correct, beautiful. I have no intention of sharing you with anyone tonight.” He trailed his knuckles against her jaw, reveling in its smooth texture. God, he could bask in the light of her smile for all eternity. Even if it only lasted for the next few stolen hours.

  A sad shadow dimmed the spark in her green orbs. She was thinking of her prearranged future; he knew it. If he confessed now, came clean and told her exactly who he was, she might not be so fearful of her fate.

  After dinner. We’ll eat first, then I’ll tell her.

  Ja’andar’s disbelieving scoff pinged around his mind. Yeah, he was right. He had passed the point of safe return when he kissed her. Now, all he could do was to win over her heart and pray she wouldn’t hate him too much when the truth emerged.

  He shook his head and cradled her close to his chest. “No tears, my angel. Inside these walls, only pleasure rules. Forget about the world outside and enjoy yourself.” Tenderly, he brushed his lips against hers. “You asked if I could help you feel alive. Let me show you life lived to its fullest.”

  Reining in his rampaging libido, he slipped his hand into hers and continued along the corridor. Signs announcing a wide variety of entertainment lined the walls, their glowing letters guaranteeing all manner of delights. Clubs ranged from intimate to immense, cozy piano bars to wicked burlesque dens, and all of them catered to every decadent desire. He snuck sidelong glances at his silent companion as they passed each venue. Cautious, she studied the marquees, her cheeks taking on an alluring pink when they bypassed a pair of male dancers actively grinding against each other.

  “Do I need to call in some backup?”

  Her determined frown sat at odds with her heated blush. “Ha ha. Very funny. And don’t even think about it. I’m not that daring.”

  Lifting her fingers to his lips, he kissed her knuckles. “Good. More for me.” He winked and paused outside a rather normal door. She searched for the bright neon declaring the chamber’s contents.

  “Where are we going?” she whispered, hesitant but curious. He keyed in his unique code and stood back as the door slid into the wall.

  “I’m taking you out for dinner, as promised.” Granted the meal was going to be served in his personal restaurant, but that wasn’t important. One of the many perks of his royal blood was the five-star treatment that went along with his title. He discovered this particular find a few years ago during a boring envoy mission. The food was beyond extraordinary and he had quickly usurped the place for himself.

  Living incognito didn’t mean he had to survive without some luxuries.

  The skeletal staff knew him by name, but none were aware of his true identity. He waved to the gorgeous blonde behind the bar and headed to his favorite seat near the massive fisheye window. Karyna clung on to his fingers with a death grip as she followed in his every footfall.

  He chuckled and slowed his pace. “You’ve got nothing to worry about here, Kar. I just thought you might want a more private place to dine, and maybe talk?” As they reached the cozy table, he pulled out her seat with a chivalrous flair. A shy smile touched her lips, and she accepted his gesture.

  “Talk? About what?” She glanced around, no doubt taking in the empty booths with a certain degree of speculation.

  A waiter stopped at their table and nodded respectfully. Without another word, he left and made his way into the kitchen. Marqaz kept a close eye on his entrancing date. The cool blue lighting bathed her in angelic shadows as she peered into the distant corners. He smiled and reached for her hand.

  “Whatever you’d like to.” Her fingers were long and slender, the nails perfectly manicured and buffed to a high sheen. He toyed with the delicate digits, reveling in the smooth texture of her skin. Transfixed, he dragged his gaze to her face. A devilish grin hit his own and he nibbled one soft pad.

  “W-what are we having for dinner?” The catch in her airy voice cranked up his erection another notch. He took his time, savoring the erotic moment, before dragging his tongue toward the sensitive webbing between her fingers. Her sharp intake of breath told him he hit his mark.

  “I know what I’m having for dessert.”

  Lost in her darkening eyes, he didn’t register the waiter’s approach. Nor did he pay much mind to the glasses and plates set before them. The meal would be divine, his chef second to none, and the wine would be a perfect pairing, of that there was no doubt. He prided himself on the unobtrusive skills of his waitstaff, so they would not be disturbed. Time stilled in the quiet room, the world falling away unt
il only he and Karyna existed.

  The oppressive silence vanished, swallowed up by the sensual background music. Designed to mimic the undulating oceans of his home, it was soothing and suggestive. Flavorful aromas wafted from the steaming dishes. He let his gaze slip down and retrieved the closest utensil. Spearing a small pasta pocket slathered in creamy sauce, he offered the first bite to his betrothed. The act was not lost on him, part of the binding marriage ceremony of his people. Patiently, he waited.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Love in a Turbolift


  The word spun around in Karyna’s mind and heart as she stared at the innocent morsel between them. Her body was primed, her legs scissoring beneath the table in a vain effort to hold her needs at bay. No longer would she live in the shadows.

  She held his gaze, peering deeply into his lavender eyes, and cupped her hand under his offering. Her mouth watered as she closed her lips around the delicious bite. He leisurely slid the fork between her teeth, the erotic pace turning her blood molten. She savored the delicate flavor, her eyes rolling back.

  “Oh my God. That is amazing.” Her mother taught her never to speak with her mouth full, but she was so taken aback by the unexpected complex taste, she bent the rule just a hair. At least, she had the decency to cover her mouth. Wanting more, she reached for another utensil, but came up short. She looked up at him, confused.

  Her companion wagged his eyebrows and prepared another bite. She jumped as her chair scooted closer to his. A quick look beneath the table revealed his secret weapon, his foot entangled in the twisted base. Pinning him with her gimlet stare did little to alter his intended course of action. She smirked, shaking her head, and he responded with an impish grin and extended the fork again.

  “Are you going to eat anything?”

  Light sparkled in his exotic eyes. “Oh, I plan on doing my fair share of eating.” Her cheeks burned at his less than covert innuendo. “But you need food far more than me.”


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