Cosmic Cabaret

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Cosmic Cabaret Page 68

by SFR Shooting Stars

  Yranac punched a few buttons on his wrist comm unit. “Done.”

  “Any instructions?” Zak asked.

  “I’ll get the system connected from here. By the time you get back to your room, I should have it up and running. You can work out how you want to split up the schedule. I’ll want you to start monitoring this evening. Keep one eye on the suite while we’re out, closer monitoring overnight.” Vordol connected the system into Quantum data port. “I’ll let you know when we’re in and out for meals but otherwise plan on Ruby attending the second and final round of the competition. She likes to attend as many of the first round as she can, but it’s just not possible for her to attend all of them.” When he was satisfied his security system would prevent unauthorized access to the suite, he connected it to his comm unit.

  In a lower tone of voice he told them, “Ruby is your priority at all times. If something happens to me you get her out of the situation, back to the ship if you have to, then follow emergency protocols.”

  They both nodded.

  “Okay. Rest up tonight. Talent show starts tomorrow.”

  After the men filed out, Vordol finished configuring the system. By the time Ruby came out of her suite he had it operating to his satisfaction.

  “I see you’ve unpacked,” Ruby nodded toward the various gadgets scattered across the table.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll clean it off.” He reassured her. “I just wanted to get the system up and running before we went down for dinner.”

  “It’s fine, dear. I didn’t expect you to leave your toys out where just anyone could find them.”

  He smirked at her. Anyone else would have received a lecture about the benefits of having top notch equipment and how they were anything but toys. But with Ruby, even an in-depth explanation and product demonstration wouldn’t change her perspective.

  “I have toys for you, too.”

  Her face brightened. “You do?”

  “Brand new toys.”

  She clapped her hands together, almost gleefully, and came closer. “What do you have for me?”

  He held up a small broach, covered in rhinestones. “This is a tracking device that comes with a panic button.”

  “How does that work?”

  “There’s a chip inside that I can access from my comm unit. As long as you’re wearing this I can find you anywhere in this galaxy or the next.” He pointed to the larger center stone. “If you get into a situation that you’re uncomfortable with, just press this stone here. It will send a signal to me and the rest of my team. We will find you and get you out.”

  “And it’s beautiful too.” Her voice hinted she was impressed by his choice.

  “I thought you’d enjoy the sparkle stones.”

  “What else have you got?”

  He held up a hair pin with a single glittery stone. “This is an ear piece. Since you’re not used to wearing one that slips inside your ear, I thought you’d prefer one you could simply pin into your hair near your ear.”

  “Is there something I need to listen to?”

  “No, most of the time there won’t be. But I’d rather you have it in case we get separated and I need to send you a warning.”

  She nodded. “You’d think at some point those zealots would leave a poor old lady alone to find some peace.”

  He snorted. “You’re far from poor, and if everyone suddenly decided to leave you alone you’d be bored.”

  She chuckled. “You’re probably right.”

  He handed her three of the hair pins.

  “Do I need to wear all of them?”

  “No, only one. But I wanted you to have choices about the decorative stones.”

  She patted him on the chest. “You know me so well.”

  He grinned. “What time would you like to go down for dinner?”

  “I would like to make the early service this evening so that I have time to meet with Allana and Severanato. If the dining room isn’t crowded, perhaps we can ask them to join us for dessert.”

  “I’m sure they would enjoy a chance to get away from the stage crew for a bit.” He moved two of his security sensors into place around the room then added a third above the main door. “I’ll message the two of them as we go down.”

  “Excellent. I’ll go dress for dinner. Shall we leave in thirty?”

  “I can be ready by then.” He raised his brow in challenge but didn’t ask if she could. They both knew it didn’t matter. He’d wait even if it took her twice as long.

  When she returned to her room, he finished putting his sensors in place, including adding a few in the hall outside of the suite. After verifying with Yranac that all sensors were transmitting properly, he took a quick shower and changed into a clean dark suit—one more acceptable for the formal dining room.

  Ruby gave him an once-over then smiled. As they made their way to the appropriate deck she declared, “How a handsome man like you hasn’t been snatched up by some lucky young woman baffles me.”

  “More than one woman thought they should be part of my life but I didn’t allow it.”

  “Why not? Don’t you want a woman in your life?”

  “You’ve seen my schedule, Ruby. It’s not predictable. I saw how hard life was for Mom as she raised Rege all alone. She never knew where Kryslo was. Then later, after he went missing, the not knowing what happened to him ate at her. I swore to myself that I would never drag a woman into this life style.”

  Ruby stopped and faced him. “Vordol, listen to me. You’re depriving yourself of one of life’s greatest joys. As long as you’re honest with her up front, a good woman would know what she was getting into with you and she wouldn’t care.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s my belief that any woman with a bit of sense would run as soon as she saw what my life was like.”

  “A good woman would see the man you are and be proud to stand by your side no matter what. An even better woman wouldn’t hesitate to protect your back.”

  “I don’t think they make them like you anymore, Ruby.”

  “And I don’t think you, young man, have been looking hard enough.” She tilted her head. “Or perhaps you’ve just been looking in the wrong places.”

  He offered his arm to her to get her moving once again. “I haven’t been looking at all.”

  She harrumphed but didn’t say more on the subject.

  When they arrived at the dining room, the maître de fussed over her as if he were her biggest fan. Ruby soaked in the complements. Vordol followed along behind, checking the room for threats as they went. When they arrived at Ruby’s assigned table, his attention was drawn to the shapely set of legs attached to the waitress who worked to fill the glasses.

  When the waitress turned to greet them, Vordol froze. “Pitannah? What are you doing here?”


  “Vordol! H-How are you?” Pitannah pushed a tuft of hair behind her ear. Her heart hammered against her chest so hard she thought it would burst out at any second. Seeing the object of your fantasies come to life after almost six years tended to do that to a girl. Especially when that fantasy had grown bigger, darker, and if possible, sexier.

  “Well. You look good. A lot more grown up than the last time I saw you.” He glanced at her name tag. “You work for Quantam now?”

  “Yes.” She clung to her serving tray like a lifeline and tried to not stare at the way his jacket bulged from the muscle mass he’d gained since she’d last seen him. “I’ve been with them for almost a year. What brings you aboard?” she asked in a rush.

  “Work.” His eyes darted about the room before landing on Ms. Ruby who was watching their exchange with interest now that the Maître de had seated her.

  “You’re here for the talent search then?” Pitannah guessed.

  “She is, so I am too.” He gestured to the table. “Are you assigned to Ruby’s table?”

  “Oh, no. I was just helping one of the other girls finish setting up for dinner. I usually rotate through a couple of the other

  “That’s too bad.”

  The rumbling purr in his voice send goose bumps down her spine.

  “Vordol, bring your little friend over and introduce her,” Ms. Ruby suggested.

  Vordol’s lips twitched even as he waved her ahead of him. “Ruby, this is Pitannah Lorento. She’s Harec’s oldest daughter.” To Pitannah he added, “Pitannah, this is the incomparable, Ms. Ruby Rose.”

  Ruby extended her hand to Pitannah. “It’s lovely to meet you my dear.”

  Pitannah shook Ruby’s hand and tried to not gawk. “It’s wonderful to meet you, too. I’ve followed your career for years.”

  “Oh, thank you, dear.” Ruby shot a questioning look at Vordol. “Harec is the Security Engineer who trained you, isn’t he?”

  Vordol nodded then faced Pitannah. “How is Harec? I haven’t heard from him in quite a while.”

  She grimaced. “Papa died about six months ago.”

  Vordol’s expression fell. “Damn. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “Oh, my dear. I’m so sorry we brought up a sad topic for you.” Ms. Ruby patted Pitannah’s hand. “Your father was a huge influence on Vordol and I, for one, am very grateful for it.”

  “Thank you.” Pitannah bit her lip. “I don’t mean to be forward, but are you two related somehow? You seem quite close.”

  Ms. Ruby smiled. “I like to think so. I’ve known this handsome young man since he and those other hoodlums he calls brothers were chasing each other with sticks and mud.”

  Vordol crossed his arms over his chest. “Who are you kidding? We still chase each other with sticks and mud.”

  “Yes, dear, but now you call it training,” Ruby teased.

  “Ruby and my foster mother, Sela, were close friends.” Vordol chatted with them, seemingly at ease, but his stance and his frequent glances about the room told her he was on alert. Her father had been the same way.

  “Sela made many of my costumes, back in the day. The most talented seamstress in the cosmos,” Ruby declared.

  “But, Ruby attracts trouble like sugar attracts pests, so we keep a close eye on her.”

  Ruby patted his arm. “You’re being modest. There’s no one I trust more to protect me at events like this.” She winked at Pitannah. “Besides, who doesn’t want a handsome devil escorting you to all the big parties?”

  “Well, I don’t blame you there,” Pitannah grinned.

  “Miss? Could we get a refill?” One of the nearby customers waved his glass in the air at her.

  “I better get back to work.” She smiled apologetically. “It was lovely meeting you.” To Vordol she asked, “So, I’ll be seeing you around all weekend?”

  “You most certainly will.”

  Damn, that voice of his made her knees weak. The appreciate look in his eye make her think he was hungry for more than just dinner. Or was just wishful thinking on her part? Somewhat distracted, Pitannah went to assist the customer.

  Throughout the rest of her shift, she could feel Vordol’s eyes on her as she delivered food and drinks to nearby tables. It took a little while, but eventually she regained her rhythm. With a skill long honed during years in the service industry, she sidestepped the rambunctious young men who had already consumed too much drink or some other substance and were making a bit of a scene. Then she navigated around the table of pudgy middle aged men who had given unwanted attention to every female who happened to pass too close.

  And so her evening passed. Much like every evening. But at least for a few days she would have something pleasant to look at.

  Vordol Silveira. She fanned her now warm face. So much for thinking she had outgrown her teenaged obsession with him. The younger Vordol had been something but this older version would likely haunt her dreams for years to come. The bad boy she had known had grown into a predator that oozed sex. Ms. Ruby would probably have to fight the bimbos off of him through the competition.

  That thought both amused and annoyed her.

  Later, after the dinner crowd slowed, Vordol pulled Pitannah aside. “I really am sorry about Harec. What happened?”

  “We don’t know the details. The security company only told us that he died heroically, protecting the client, but wouldn’t say from what or who the client was.”

  “It’s not surprising that they wouldn’t disclose that information, even to family—but it still sucks.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I wondered why I hadn’t heard from him in a while. Now I wish I had tried harder to get ahold of him.”

  “Thank you.” She fidgeted with her tray. “Mom has been taking his death pretty hard.”

  “I’m sure she has.” He glanced her way. “What about your sister?”

  Pitannah shrugged. “She’s doing okay. She was supposed to leave for University this term but decided to stay home to help mom. I go home every chance I get.”

  “You let me know if there is anything you need. Your father was a good man. He kicked my ass when I needed it and kept me on the straight and narrow when I could have easily gone off course. If I can do anything to repay him by helping any of you, I’m happy to do it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I am a little curious how you ended up working aboard Quantum though. It’s not your mainstream cruise liner.” He lifted a brow in question.

  She shrugged. “One of my best friends is related to the hiring manager. She was able to get all three of us jobs after we graduated.”

  “Are they waitresses also?” he asked.

  “Yeah. We all work different shifts though. None of us has been able to land a spot in any of the shows yet.”

  He cocked one brow. “You want to get into one of the shows?”

  “Absolutely. The headliners make great money. As servers, most of our income comes from tips.”

  “I guess there’s that,” he mumbled.

  “What about you? Other than keeping Ms. Ruby out of trouble, what have you been doing these last few years?”

  “After your dad decided I was ready to move up, I did some contract work as security with a larger firm out of the Omega Tori system. Figured out pretty quick that I’d rather work for myself than someone else. By then, I had built a reputation and socked away enough of a nest egg of credits that I was able to start my own security company. Ruby was one of my first clients and it just took off from there.”

  “That’s great, Vordol!” She touched his arm. Despite the layers of fabric, a zing ran through her fingers. “I’m really happy for you.”

  He squirmed as if her praise made him uncomfortable. “Thanks.”

  “I thought about you after I left for University and wondered where you ended up.”

  “I thought about you too. I always figured you’d finish University, marry some up-and-coming doctor or scientist, and have a dozen kids.”

  She crinkled her nose. “That doesn’t sound like me.”

  He shrugged. “Isn’t that what every woman wants though? A rich husband with a safe, secure job, so she can have a nice house and enough shoes for every occasion?”

  “I’m sure there are some who do, but not all of us. Some of us want to travel to new places. Have a few adventures. And of course, to fall madly in love with someone who felt the same in return.” She looked at Ruby. “Although, I’m willing to bet Ms. Ruby has shoes for every occasion.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, actually, I believe she does.”


  Next morn, Vordol checked in with his men to get reports on activity through the night. He hadn’t noticed anything but that didn’t always mean it had been peaceful. Thankfully, they had nothing to report. Vordol’s unease with the lack of incidents inched up a notch.

  “Vordol, dear, have you seen my wrap?”

  “There’s one on the back of the chair.” He motioned toward the bar.

  “Ah, yes. That’s the one.”

  “Are you ready to go down for brunch?” he asked as he closed out the reports on his computer.

ver you are.”

  He stood, grabbed his jacket from the back of the lounger, and pulled it on. He secured one knife at his back and dropped a second into his boot holster then went to the door to activate the alarm.

  “You have this down to a science, don’t you?” Ruby asked.

  He grinned. “Something like that.”

  They took the lift to the appropriate deck then strolled to the dining room as if they had all the time in the world. Ruby preferred to eat in between the busiest times. And with her status, she’d have no trouble getting whatever she wanted off the menu—even if the chef had closed certain entrees for the general public.

  Ruby rarely ever pressed her advantage, however. Her humble beginnings were part of what made her the strong woman she was today. It was one of the things he most admired about her.

  The maître de seated Ruby with his usual fanfare while Vordol took a moment to scope the room for potential threats. This study was momentarily distracted when he found Pitannah headed their way with a tray laden with java and water.

  “Good morning, Ms. Ruby.” Pitannah seemed to be in a fine mood. She filled their glasses with water then asked, “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please, my dear.”

  She glanced his way. “Vordol, what about you?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  She came to his side of the table and poured for him. With her standing in such close proximity, the faint traces of her soap or perfume tickled his senses. He fought the temptation to inhale deeply.

  She set the pot in the center of the table. “Sabaline will be along in just a moment to take your order. Can I get you anything else for now?”

  “No, thank you dear. We’ll just study the menu while we wait.”

  Vordol winked at Pitannah then scanned their choices. From the corner of his eye he watched her walk away. The uniforms the serving crew wore were a bit skimpy. Short skirts and a corset type top. Funny that he’d never paid much attention before.

  Not that Pitannah didn’t look nice in it. Her lean build actually filled it out in all the right places without spilling over. And she didn’t wear hers as if she needed to be forced into the fabric. A little more coverage wouldn’t hurt though.


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