Cosmic Cabaret

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Cosmic Cabaret Page 90

by SFR Shooting Stars

  The last two items they questioned him about were the most difficult for him. First, they wanted to know about Steller. He seemed stunned that they even knew about the group and was obviously panicked about talking with them about it. The only thing he’d say is that it was a sort of club that he’d recently become a part of and that there were a lot of very powerful people in it. He told them he’d be signing his own death warrant if he said any more than that about the group. Second, they asked him about the murders of Anton Venteg and his wife, Anna. He had been completely unaware that they’d been murdered. He just thought they’d gone to another planet.

  The next interview was to be with John Corvano. He refused to answer their questions or cooperate with them in any way and swore he’d be out on bail within forty-eight hours. The toughest charge that could be brought against him was assault. He just laughed at them and said that the most he’d get for it was community service.

  Moore ended the interview with him. After checking into his background and his friends, she thought he was probably correct in that, the worst he’d get was a bruised ego and a slap on the wrist.

  After the interviews, the group met with Elizabeth Moore for a review of what they had, so far. They had a few good clues, but other than that, unfortunately, they hadn’t made much progress. They thought that Louvos was no longer aboard Quantum, but they couldn’t be sure. They had found the Ventegs, but not who had killed them. They had also learned that the Ventegs had recently been on Earth and had almost certainly used the portal to get there. The pursuit of three new people, Robert, Sam and Jacko may provide them with more information on that as well as on Louvos. They knew who had broken into their suite, but not really why it had been done, other than to warn them off of the murders of the Ventegs. They had added two additional people to their watch list, John Corvano and Jordan Stoler, both of Earth and both part of the Stellers organization. They had learned about a group called the Stellers, that was based on Earth and that made all of Sabrina’s pre-cog alarm bells go off.

  The group headed back to their suite to plan their next move. They, once again, had Jeeves shut himself down and then they swept their room for bugs. Once they were done, they programmed food for themselves. While they were eating, Sabrina and Kendra spoke with Dayor and Valon about something they’d learned, but that they didn’t want to be shared with anyone else, other than Dev, just yet. They told them about the psi-read experiment focused on the mineral, crystele that they’d performed and that they’d found traces of it on some of the Ventegs’ belongings. Kendra shared that she and Dev had done some minor experiments on it in the past and had determined that the psi-residue of crystele dissipates within a matter of a few days at most. That meant that the Ventegs had to have been in contact with it just prior to their murders and that however that contact was made may have resulted in their murders.

  Kendra also noted that they’d also done a quick surreptitious psi-read on John Corvano and Jordan Stoler while they’d been with them in the casino. They hadn’t picked up on any of the crystele psi-residue on them.

  They were at a loss as to where to go next in their investigation, so they decided to go back to Caliva for the time being, gather as much information as they could from there and then continue their investigation wherever their intel and their gut ends up leading them. Sabrina didn’t say anything to the rest of the group, but she had a feeling their next major investigation was going to happen on Earth.


  The group decided they were going to leave for Caliva first thing in the morning. Kendra and Valon retired to their room as soon as the group returned to their suite. Sabrina and Dayor were, once again, alone. Even Jeeves had shut down for the night.

  Sabrina found herself feeling sad, like she’d missed some great opportunity for her life. She sat on the lounger in the great room and stared at the magnificent view of the stars. After a few minutes, Dayor joined her and they sat in companionable silence for a long time.

  Dayor finally spoke, his voice soft and his words hesitant. “I want to admit something to you, Sabrina. I’ve wanted you for a very long time; since the first time you came to Caliva for Valon and Kendra’s wedding. I saw you and something just clicked. I somehow knew it wasn’t the same for you, so I didn’t say anything back then.

  Sabrina turned to him and gave him a small smile. She reached out and took his hand. “I think I want you as well, Dayor, but I’m not sure what to do about it, if anything. One part of me says yes, but another bigger part of me says no because I see it interfering with everything I’ve worked hard for my entire adult life, like my career and seeing as many worlds as I can and working to make a difference. It’s just not something I’m willing to give up. At least not right now. I’m sorry.”

  Dayor gently pulled her hand to his lips for a soft and sweet kiss. Regret was in his eyes. He let go of her hand and then stood and slowly walked to the view port. He stayed there for a moment, his back to her, and then he spoke.

  “I don’t like it one damned bit, but I’m trying to understand. I’ve focused on the same kinds of things in my life, but for different reasons I think. You’ve always had a large and committed family to back you up and to be there for you. For me it was because I had no one; I had nothing; and I felt I came from nowhere. All I wanted to do was make something of myself. The Couros family and this life I’ve built have meant everything to me and I’ve been happy. But now, I want more.”

  Sabrina stood and walked up behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and just held on tight. “I want to be with you tonight, Dayor. I want you to touch me and make love with me here…in space…with the stars. I want it to be enough for now.”

  Dayor turned to face her and looked deeply into her eyes. Then, he put his hands on her shoulders and drew her to him. Sabrina felt the strong beat of his heart as she leaned in and wrapped her arms around him. She sensed his frustration and prepared herself for a kiss she thought would be hard and demanding. Instead it was gentle and sweet and then gradually deepened until she felt herself being swept away by it.

  Dayor slowly ran his hands down her sides and she shivered. His hands cupped her breasts and she moaned. He moved his hands down to her waist and she felt the muscles in his back bunch as he picked her up and pulled her to him.

  Sabrina wrapped her legs around his hips and felt the hardness of his need. She pressed herself against him and this time it was his turn to moan. He rained kisses down the side of her neck as he carried her to her bedroom.

  They undressed each other slowly, kissing and caressing every new exposed area of each other’s bodies as their clothing fell away.

  “Be with me, Dayor. I want you inside of me. Right now.”

  Sabrina laid back onto the bed and pulled him in beside her. Leaning on one arm, he watched her face as he slowly ran his hand down her body. Dayor said her name and she opened for him. His hand brushed against the soft curls between her legs and then he stroked her again and again until she moaned and started to pant. Then he was inside of her, his long slow movements speeding up until they both went over the edge.

  They spent the night wrapped in each other’s arms as if they were both afraid to let go. There were no words of commitment for each other from either of them. Sabrina felt a pang of regret as if she was missing something. Then she reminded herself that it was what she had told him she wanted.

  The next morning, they left LS Quantum. They had decided to keep their suite, along with Jeeves of course, reserved in case they needed to return. Sabrina had been surprised at how hard it had been to say goodbye to him.

  They were greeted by Dev and a small Calivan security group when they landed in Caliva. An update meeting was scheduled to take place immediately upon their arrival. Although Dev had kept the royal family informed, they were anxious for a first-hand report from Valon and Dayor.

  Sabrina wasn’t looking forward to the meeting. She wasn’t sure how the Couros family would handle their lack of real prog
ress in their investigation. All they’d really come back with were more questions than answers. The report she’d have to provide to her Inter-Galactic Alliance supervisor was going to be just as bad.

  Phylior Antos and Phylarina Zola, along with their two eldest children, Marrette and Arturon were already seated at the conference table when the group arrived. They were all greeted warmly, but it was evident that this was not a social meeting. They were particularly interested in the Steller Group’s involvement, which was a significant new twist in the investigation.

  Minutes into their meeting, Dayor received a signal through his com link that an urgent holo communication was on hold for him from LS Quantum. He authorized it to be routed to the conference room.

  Moments later, Deputy Secretary Elizabeth Moore’s image appeared on the holo platform. Dayor took the lead.

  “D.S. Moore, I’ll forego formal presentations for the sake of expediency. Our group just arrived from LS Quantum and we’ve just begun our status meeting with the Calivan royal family who you see before you. You obviously have news for us.”

  “Yes, Security Leader Keitos, we do, indeed. We’ve had a major breakthrough in the case and wanted to update you immediately as it directly relates to the Ventegs, Caliva and beyond. I’m about to display a holo message we received moments ago. It originated from an undisclosed location on Earth.”

  A second, smaller holo image appeared on D.S. Moore’s right. It showed a dark-haired man who was perhaps in his late forties. He had an intense look on his face and his voice was laced with bitterness as he began.

  “My name is Jonko Marone. I’m Loya Venteg’s brother. Arton Venteg was my brother-in-law. Everyone thought I died a long time ago, even Loya, but I didn’t die; I just went through the portal and made a new life for myself. She was so happy to see me. She cried and cried with joy, my sweet little sister. I brought her through the portal to visit me and they found out; the Stellers and that pig, Louvos. They saw her as an opportunity to help solve one of their problems. They kidnapped her and made Arton betray the royal family. They promised they wouldn’t hurt her, but they murdered them both and now I want them to pay. It’s all about the crystele. They’ve been stealing it for years and selling it on other planets. There’s a huge crystele vein in the mountains in the very northern part of Caliva, closest to the Paralu’s continent. I’ve placed one signal beacon at the entrance to the portal and another one near the crystele mining operation nearby. Both beacons use the standard Calivan mining identity code that was in existence twenty years ago when I was still a resident there. I’ll activate the beacons in exactly twelve Malli hours. Find them. Make them pay.”

  The entire group was stunned. For a few seconds, no one moved or even breathed. Then they all seemed to gasp at the same time. This was it. This was what they needed and what they had been hoping for.

  Once again, Dayor spoke first. “D.S. Moore, this is incredible information. We can’t thank you enough for providing this to us so quickly and for your invaluable assistance and support throughout the investigation. A formal thank you will be sent to LS Quantum. We’ll remain in touch.”

  All the meeting attendees also offered their thanks and Dayor ended the transmission and saved a copy of it for everyone’s records. The group immediately began to make plans. They had less than twelve hours.

  Dayor and Valon would coordinate a group of Calivan Security forces to be quietly sent to the very northern part of Caliva where it was known that crystele veins existed, but had not yet been mined. This was the most likely area for the beacons to signal, once activated. They wanted their forces to be as close as possible to both the crystele mines as well as the portal.

  To maintain the diplomatic protocol of the planet, the Paralu royal family would be notified of the operation as soon as the portal and the mines had been located, but before any action was taken. Representatives of the Couros royal family would handle the notifications.

  Sabrina, Dev and Kendra would contact the Alliance for an emergency request for both additional Alliance Science personnel and Security personnel to go through the portal on the Caliva side to locate the entrance on the Earth side.

  They set up a secure holo conference with their supervisor and his Director and sent a copy of the holo message from Jonko Marone for them to review prior to their conference. They received full approval of their request for additional Science and Security personnel. The additions would be leaving Earth within an hour and would arrive on Malli in time to join the Calivan forces at the portal entrance. In addition, the Alliance would stand ready with security personnel who would immediately head for the Earth side of the portal as soon as its location was known.

  The clock was ticking, with eight hours to go. Sabrina, Kendra and Dev prepped for the trip to the northern region of Caliva. They were well armed with the Earth blasters they were familiar with, but also had the advantage of the almost invisible Calivan neuro-body shields that were impenetrable to all but a select few types of weapons.

  They, along with Dayor and Valon, boarded the quiet, fast and efficient transports called hoppers for the trip to the north. They were small, with a maximum capacity of only six fully-armed soldier passengers, but could land almost anywhere and on any type of terrain.

  Sabrina and Dayor were seated snugly between Kendra and Dev in the back, while Valon sat in front, next to the pilot. During the entire two-hour flight, Sabrina and Dayor made every attempt to avoid looking at each other. The last time they’d been in this close a proximity had been their last night on LS Quantum when they’d made love for hours.

  Sabrina sighed in relief as the hopper started to descend. The feel of Dayor’s thigh alongside of hers was really starting to get to her. She kept replaying the beautiful night they spent together in her mind. She had glanced at Dayor a few times throughout the trip and thought he looked as uncomfortable as she did. She didn’t know what she was going to do because she wasn’t sure how she was going to say goodbye to him.

  As planned, they and all the other transports set down about a quarter of a mile away from the area where the crystele vein was known to exist. It was a heavily wooded area within a small northern Calivan mountain range. It would be nightfall soon and they wanted to get to the designated area while they still had some light so they wouldn’t have to use their night vision enhancers through the roughest of the terrain.

  The individual hopper groups made their way through the woods. Sabrina’s pre-cog senses were screaming louder and louder the closer they got to their destination. She saw Kendra stumble once and wondered if her newly developed sensitivity to crystele was affecting her. As a psi-enhancer, she didn’t dare get any closer to her. She didn’t want to make it any worse. She noticed Dev steering clear of Kendra as well.

  The groups finally made it to their destination and laid low. Approximately two hours to go before the beacons were supposed to activate. Sabrina thought it was the longest wait of her life, so far.

  Finally! Two short flashes of light from up ahead and then two solid beams of light shooting straight up into the sky. Holy shit! Loya Venteg’s brother hadn’t just set up digital beacons, like homing devices. He’d set up actual beacons of light.

  The Calivan security groups, along with Sabrina, Dev and Kendra quietly, but steadily surged forward. The lights were less than an eighth of a mile away. They’d be there in minutes.

  Sabrina felt someone move next to her on her right. Dayor. He looked her straight in the eye and smiled. She reached out with her right arm and pulled him toward her for a quick kiss. She leaned into him and whispered in his ear, “If you get hurt, I’ll kill you.”

  Dayor give her a bottom lip a quick bite and softly said, “Ditto!” Then he moved ahead, his long strides eating up the terrain.

  Sabrina’s pre-cog sense kicked in and she sensed trouble ahead. She activated her night vision enhancer. She could see four sentries at the top of the hill and they were armed and on full alert because of the beacons. From the
ir boots and jeans, they appeared to be from Earth, rather than from Caliva. Calivans would probably be wearing some sort of tunic. As they moved closer, she thought she recognized two of the sentries. Sabrina couldn’t believe it. They looked like the two missing men from LS Quantum; the ones they’d been looking for.

  She could also make out the shapes of the small Calivan Security force groups moving in the same direction as she was. Why aren’t the sentries firing their weapons at us? They must see us. Something is wrong. This is just too easy.

  Sabrina looked over at Dev and saw a confused look on his face. She was pretty sure he’d sensed the same wrongness about the situation. Dev looked over at her and shook his head. He manually hand-signaled for the groups to halt and everyone came to a complete stop.

  Sabrina looked around. She could see Kendra and Dev from her own group, but not Valon or Dayor. Shit! They must not have seen Dev’s hand signal. She looked ahead and could see two figures almost at the top of the hill. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  She saw the figure on the left, Valon she thought, fire at the sentry farthest to the right. The sentry didn’t fall, but his image appeared slightly distorted for a second. Oh my god! They’re not real, they’re holos! It’s a trap!

  Suddenly, the hill came alive with fighters and they were all headed for Valon and Dayor. She saw the flash of blasters and watched the figure on the right that she knew in her heart was Dayor jerk and then stumble. Impossible! His neuro-shield should have acted as a barrier,

  A voice screamed, “No!” It took her a second to realize it had been her own voice she’d heard.


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