Cosmic Cabaret

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Cosmic Cabaret Page 96

by SFR Shooting Stars

  "Yes, I know about her unfortunate, er, viper fetish," Gray said.

  "Unfortunate? It's criminal. It's fatal!" Chaz roared. "And if her family didn't own a quarter of Serpentia, she'd be on Deep Six by now. She's probably killed a score of hapless victims. And I will not be the next, do you hear me?"

  "Yes, I imagine those in the neighboring suites hear you too. But calm down, I'll have security guards stationed outside your suite in a few secs. They'll escort you wherever you need to go for the remainder of your stay."

  He gave Chaz a dry look. "As for your faux fiancé, I'm afraid you'll have to find your own. A little outside my purview, don't you think?"

  Chaz had to grin at this. "Don't worry, I can handle that part myself. Although you'll need to double the security detail—I won't expose a female to Lessurant's brand of crazy. "

  Especially not Roxie.

  He went in to change his clothes and tidy up a bit, humming to himself. If he was going to throw his weight around, he'd best dress the part of a galactic star.


  Roxie could not believe it.

  She could not quarking believe that they were trying to co-opt her into playing a part like the lead in a teen, live-action melodrama—especially with the male she least wanted to be near right now. But she'd been told in no uncertain terms that she would do as LS Quantum's top celebrity guest and performer asked, or she was out of a job, effective immediately.

  The second such threat, both caused by the same arrogant, despicable Tyger male.

  And she wasn't getting out of it without facing him—which meant that she had to grit her teeth, pull up her spider lace panties, and pretend that just being in the same room with Charlie-Chaz didn't make her want to knock him down, fuck him senseless and then claw him until he screamed for mercy.

  And yes, a small part of her wanted to kiss him for real. That's how pathetic she was.

  She stood facing him again, but they were not alone. In one of the many rooms backstage of the main theater of the Cosmic Cabaret, he stood, flanked by Burl, Ives, two Serpentians in the trim uniform of Quantum ship guards, and Roxie's supervisor, an Egglantian woman who stood gazing raptly at Chaz, her pale lavender face glowing with the joy of being near him.

  He now so fully in his Chaz Jaguari persona that Roxie could not believe she'd been so stupid, so short-sighted not to know instantly that the beautiful, ferocious shifted male she had mated with, was he.

  He'd shaved, his angular, beautiful face smooth. His glossy hair was combed in artful disarray, revealing a diamond-and-iridium com-link on his right ear, with matching rings on his hands, and a cuff on one wrist. He wore an immaculate cream suit tailored exquisitely to his lean body, a cocoa-brown shirt underneath that molded to his chest and abs, with a dark golden rose in his lapel. It matched his eyes. Eyes that watched her without blinking, his face still, but those eyes burning on her face like search-lights.

  Although what he was searching for, Roxie didn't know. He'd shown very clearly that he didn't care about her at all. She'd only been, as his pair of pimps had put it, 'a receptacle for his passion'.

  "You want me to do what?" she repeated. "Pretend to be your—your..." She couldn't bring herself to say it.

  "My fiancé," he said helpfully, in that dark velvet voice. "Just for two days... and nights. The remainder of my stay on Quantum."

  "But—but… why?" She stared at him, wondering if he'd gone mad, or she had.

  He tipped his head to one side and looked away, ebony lashed veiling his eyes, a wry grin curving up one side of his chiseled lips. "I... have a problem with my fans being... shall we say, a bit over-zealous. In close quarters like this, it's harder to get away from them."

  "Oh," she said flatly. "You mean all the ones who are in love with you. The ones who actually believe you feel all those emotions you croon about."

  He gave her a strange look, his mouth tightening. "Yes. Those fans."

  "I'm sure it will be an honor to help you, Mr. Jaguari," the Egglantian sighed. "Will it not, Ms. Fellura?"

  Roxie glared at the short, ebony-haired female. "Sure. Why don't you do it, Ms Li?"

  The woman gasped, her black eyes round with shock. Chaz turned a melting gaze on the Egg and smiled. "I would be honored," he said. "However, it is a universally known fact that Tygers mate with our own kind."

  Yeah, except when they didn't. Roxie opened her mouth to name off a few of the inter-racial couples she knew personally, when the Egg and Chaz both turned on her. Chaz with a seductive gleam in his gaze, and Ms Li with a fiery threat.

  "You'll do it," Roxie's supervisor hissed. "Of course, you'll do it. You want to keep your job, don't you?"

  Chaz winced, and Roxie sneered. "Oh, he won't mind making me lose my job. Wouldn't be the first time, would it, Chaz?"

  A look of pained regret filled his dark gaze, and he moved closer to her, reaching to take her hand in his. "Roxie, I would never use that threat to coerce you."

  "Really?" She arched a brow, pursing her lips to still their trembling. "Well, you'll understand if I have trouble believing that, after—" After he'd vidded her touching herself, and threatened to show it to the entire galaxy.

  His brows shot together, and he squeezed her hand more tightly. "No, Rox. No, I wouldn't. I swear it."

  "But I would," snapped the Egg. She crossed her spindly arms and gave Roxie a look that would cut glass. "You'll do it." And Roxie believed her—the woman was obviously enthralled with Chaz to the point she now saw Roxie as the adversary.

  Roxie jerked her hand from Chaz' and stepped back. She gave a hunted look around at all the beings watching her, Chaz intently, her boss warningly, Burl and Ives with clear amusement, and the guards stoically.

  She opened her mouth to tell them all that she quit, rather than have any part in this farce. That she'd rather clean lavs than help Chaz Jaguari in any way.

  Except that she'd toughened up in the time away from her home planet. She might have let her boss coerce her into being Chaz shift-mate, but honestly… that had been her own hormones at work.

  So maybe… maybe it was time to turn things around. Let them all—especially Chaz—think they were using her, when really, she would use them. All she needed was the courage to play a part.

  Roxie clenched her hands into fists against her thighs. Surreptitiously, she stroked her knuckles back and forth, feeling the gossamer touch of the spider lace beneath her knit pants. Chaz' gaze dropped to follow the motion, and his gorgeous face lit in the slightest of smiles. But she didn't care if he knew what she was doing, and why. She was done worrying about what he thought. It was time to worry about herself.

  She knew what to do.

  She took a breath and straightened, wiping her face free of expression. She looked into Chaz' burning gaze and nodded.

  "All right. I'll do it."

  "You will?" He looked astonished, and then intensely relieved.

  "Excellent," Burl said, clapping Chaz on the shoulder, and grinning at Roxie. "Let's get this party started."

  Chaz relaxed, his lips curving up in that beguiling smile as he moved in, and pulled her to him, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Thanks, Rouge," he murmured.

  "Oh, don't thank me, Charlie," she said. "I haven't done anything... yet."

  He pulled away and stared down at her, his brows drawing together again. As if he could see her rage burning through. Good, he should be worried.

  He opened his mouth, but Ives clapped his hands briskly. "Starry. Now, if you're doing a public appearance together, we need to get this pretty kitty some new skins. I'm thinking an evening gown?"

  "And some sparkle," Burl agreed. "Diamonds?"

  "No," Chaz said.

  Roxie blinked. He didn't have to be quite so quick to refuse. She wouldn't have minded wearing borrowed jewels at least for one evening, the way holovid stars did at those galactic awards events.

  His face softened, his knowing gaze taking in her disappointment. "Topaz," he said. "Golden top
az, to match her eyes."

  "Oh, yeah, I see that," Burl agreed. "Although we'll have to take whatever they have in the shops here."

  "We're not that far from Bryght," Chaz said, still holding Roxie's gaze with his. "Have some couriered in if you have to."

  Roxie blushed, she could feel the tide of heat rising under her skin. He smiled, tenderness edging his gaze, and for an instant it was as if the two of them were alone in the room.

  Then Ives opened the door, and she remembered the truth of what was happening here, and the warmth flooding her morphed into the heat of anger again. She glared at Chaz and backed away. She only had to pretend to like him in public.

  "Roxie," he said, reaching for her again.

  "Not now," she said. "So much to do, right?" And stalked away before she did something stupid like let him kiss her.

  This wasn't real, none of it was. And she'd best remember that.


  The Cosmic Cabaret was a large space, and with the lights focused on the big, round stage, only tiny glowlamps to marking the aisles and exits, the seats crammed full of beings from across the galaxy, the air crackling with hushed expectancy, it seemed even larger.

  The elite passengers and crew of Quantum all knew they were in for a special treat. Chaz Jaguari himself was aboard. And the mega star had graciously agreed to perform a few songs with Lorena McKitt in her scheduled show.

  The orchestra was assembled in the pit down in front of the stage, Barillians blowing soft notes through the tall, purple tubes atop their heads, the other beings tuning up their external instruments.

  Lorena McKitt appeared first, gliding onto the stage, lovely and statuesque in blazing red glitter, her blonde hair a bouffant mass around her shoulders. She gave her famous smile and launched into her latest hit, 'Nebula Nocturne'.

  And of course it was so good, everyone forgot for a few moments they were waiting for another, more glittering musical icon.

  Her next number, however, was something new. Her lovely voice began softly, and then built, soaring and diving in a stirring, rhythmic ballad.

  'No matter where you go, or how long you are gone

  My love will follow you, to the stars and beyond.

  So, take care my love, and don't be gone too long

  I'll be waiting here, watching for your return.'

  Her lovely contralto faded on the last note of the chorus, and the orchestra paused with her.

  Then they started up again, and a new, and deeper voice swelled from the shadows.

  'You won't believe me now, but this I swear is true

  Although we've just met, my heart sees only you.

  To me your lovely face, is brighter than the stars

  And I dream of the time, that you will love me too.'

  Chaz Jaguari strolled into the golden spotlight, facing Lorena, and the audience went wild, applauding so loudly the two had to wait before singing the next chorus. Smiling, Chaz held up his hands, and everyone quieted. He and Lorena began to sing in glorious harmony.

  'Go on your way, my love, in search of all your dreams

  And may you catch your star, bask in its brightest beams.

  But when you turn toward home, let me guide your way

  All my love for you, cast out in golden streams.

  They repeated the first verse, and then clasped hands and bowed together while applause thundered around them. When it was quiet enough to hear her, Lorena gave Chaz a coquettish smile and spoke, her voice clear as a bell with the hovering microphone.

  "Wasn't that lovely? That song is called My Brightest Star', and guess who wrote it? Mr Chaz Jaguari himself."

  The audience roared their approval, while Lorena beamed, and Chaz bowed.

  "So, Chaz, thank you for letting me sing with you. Is it too much to hope you wrote it for me?" Lorena put a slender hand to her heart and batted her lashes at him. The audience chuckled appreciatively.

  Chaz gave her a look of laughing regret, but shook his head.

  "Lorena, I'm so sorry. Though I'm incredibly honored that you allowed me to perform it with you, I did not write that song for you. I wrote it for another, very special lady."

  The audience gasped, and Lorena did as well, playing to them like the pro she was.

  "But Chaz, who is she? And is it too much to hope that she might even be in the audience tonight?"

  He smiled, waited a beat, and then nodded. "Yes, Lorena, she is."

  To the sound of another, louder chorus of gasps, he motioned to one of the tables in premier seating nearest the stage.

  A spotlight followed the motion, and everyone watched as a young female rose from her chair, and accepting the hand of an usher, picked up her long skirts in her other hand and ascended the steps to Chaz, who waited for her, still beaming like a man watching his dreams come to him.

  She was lovely, a young Tygean in a filmy golden evening gown that drifted from one shoulder and skimmed her curves, baring her arms, one shoulder and her deep cleavage before skimming her small waist and falling in sheets around her feet. Her hair was caught high on her head and fell in a mass of coffee-hued waves down her back. Huge topaz hung at her ears, around her throat and on her wrists.

  She looked out at the audience and flushed, her eyes wide as she smiled hesitantly.

  Chaz Jaguari beamed down at her and pulled her close, his arm around her waist. "Lorena, beings of the audience, I'd like you to meet my lovely Rouge."

  On the stage, Roxie stiffened in his embrace. His Rouge. Right, he was using a name for her that wasn't real, just like none of the rest of this was real.

  The beautiful, heart-melting song, the way he'd seemed to sing it straight to her, and the way he was looking at her now, as if she was the most precious thing he'd ever held... it was all for show. To maintain a barrier between him and his fans. All on loan, like the glittering gems she wore.

  At least she'd get to keep her new undies—a topaz spider-lace set that was even prettier than the red.

  "Yes, we're in love," Chaz told the audience. "We'll be betrothed soon. And as everyone knows, Tygers are monogamous once mated."

  "Oh, Chaz, say it isn't so!" called a female from the audience.

  "You're breaking my heart!" wailed another.

  Chaz grinned at them, and the audience gave a roar of laughter and applause.

  "How 'bout a kiss for your lady?" yelled one of the males. "Convince these females!"

  Chaz gave Roxie a questioning look, and she nodded, then tried to step back, but it was too late.

  He bent his head and kissed her...and the instant his lips met hers, the crowd, the spotlights and everything else fell away. His lips were warm, tender and electric, sending a surge of longing through her so strong she nearly melted at his feet. Her skin prickled, heat and power surging through her in a heady mix she'd never experienced anywhere but in his arms. His heat and scent filled her senses, so powerful her knees trembled, and she shivered with need.

  His grip tightened, and he kissed her more deeply, a low growl vibrating under her palm on his chest. When he finally lifted his head, he gave her a look smoldering with desire and other turbulent emotions she couldn't name, and dared not try.

  Not when she felt so edgy, so volatile—ready to weep, or scream with fury. Her fingertips flexed in his sleek jacket. She wanted to claw it off of him.

  This situation was getting to her in a bad way—a way that would become catastrophic if he didn't quit looking at her that way.

  Then someone hooted at them from the audience, and Roxie remembered her plan. It didn't include any more sex with him, no matter how intoxicating his kisses, how his special scent made her mouth water, her pussy contract with near pain to feel his touch again.

  Her plan. Focus on her plan. It included embarrassing him—a little, or a lot, depending on how intuitive the audience was. If she was lucky, there was a pap or two in the audience, or at least a being willing to slip the holovid gossips a story. Giving him and his team of publici
sts some of their own medicine.

  "Hot! Better get married quick, Chaz!" someone called.

  Chaz chuckled. "No need to rush things. We plan to take our time, enjoy each other."

  He didn't want to know her, not really. He didn't like the 'her' he knew, he'd made sure she knew that.

  Roxie smiled, letting her lower lip quiver just a touch, and touched a hand lightly to her abdomen as she gazed up at him. Then she looked shyly away.

  "Anything to tell us, Rouge?" called someone.

  Roxie batted her lashes, facing the audience. "Oh, I'm just so in love with my Tyger," she said. "And I'm so happy he loves me too."

  She smiled up at Chaz, and then drew away, touching her abdomen again. "But now, I'm sure you'd rather hear him sing."

  To a collective sigh from the audience, Chaz let her go. However, not until he'd handed her off carefully to the usher.

  She trod back down the stairs and into the shadows of the seating area.

  "You did good," Burl approved, patting her leg.

  Ives gave her an odd look. "You have a gut ache or something?" he asked. "You kept touching your belly, there."

  Roxie gave him an innocent look. "No, why?"

  She smirked to herself. Ha, if even Chaz' thick-headed cousin was catching on, then the females in the audience would take it one step further.

  She looked around, and met the avid gazes of two women at the next table, whispering together as they watched her. She gave them another shy smile and turned back to the stage. Ha. Take that, Chaz.

  Then Chaz and Lorena launched into another song, one of his biggest hits, called 'The Eye of the Tyger', and Roxie forgot the tangle she was in, and lost herself in the music, like every other being in the audience.

  But after two more songs, Chaz spoke again, and Roxie shook herself out of the stupor of enjoyment caused by his meltingly beautiful voice. Wait, he was through? That meant it was time for her to go. She'd played her part, with a little extra, if any of the gossips in the audience were intuitive enough to catch on. And perhaps that would teach him to be more cautious with his fake betrothals.


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