Revenge of the Akuma Clan

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Revenge of the Akuma Clan Page 12

by Benjamin Martin

  ‘It was so real.’

  ‘There was a spirit in that husk. Rie must have summoned and bound it to some stray paper. It is old Japanese magic, more controlled than a true beast, but far less potent. Wake up, you have to finish the show, the clapping is dying off.’

  David glanced back at the audience. Before he could run off-stage, Takumi came out carrying Rie. Her eyes closed, she was limp in his arms as the monkey and dog followed after.

  “Momotaro, the monsters are all dead. Where are the gold and treasures? All we found was this girl,” Takumi said, jumping back into his scripted lines.

  “Yeah!” Naoto added. “Where’s this greatest treasure ever?”

  David moved, placing his Seikaku in his belt, he sighed with Kou’s return. He took Rie from Takumi the bird, and carried her to a cushion made to look like a rock.

  “Here is the treasure for which I sought,” David said. As he spoke, Rie opened her eyes. They shone with tears. David could read her guilt, remorse, and confusion at the summoning. A strange pain reverberated through him in response her hurt. “If gold is all you seek, there will be some among the monsters’ lair, go and find it. Far more important are the relationships we build with those we care about. I was sent to bring joy to an old couple, and through me, they found their chief happiness was what they could accomplish together. I wonder only if someday I too will find my own other half.”

  At that point, the adapted script called for Momotaro and the girl to kiss. In practices, Mizuki and her cadre had enjoyed endless laughs making David hold Rie and pretend to bend close to her. Their discomfort had been a like a crazy magnet for their class. Since every class member could imagine the horror of having to be in their place, they enjoyed the knowledge that they were safe. But there, in that moment, David forgot the crowd watching. His whole awareness focused on the pain on Rie’s face.

  His hand reached for her and she stood, helped by David’s strength. As he leaned in, the image of Manami with an evil rabbit on her head popped into his head as Kou returned enforce to his mind. With wide eyes, David fought against the pressure of Kou’s will. Rie caught his eyes glow orange, but to the audience, David’s body froze inches from Rie before he fell to the ground as if fainting. Rie’s confusion only added to the moment as the audience erupted in laughter and cheers as the curtains closed.

  ‘I am going to kill you,’ David thought through clenched teeth.

  ‘You have no idea what might have happened. We have a responsibility. Think. She’s still dangerous.’

  Around him, students were moving to clear away the props and hangings for the next performance. Rie turned without a word and walked stiffly offstage. With Kou withdrawing, David grabbed the paper komodo dragon and ran after her. Offstage, the rest of Class 2B met them. The girls, minus Mizuki and her friends, grabbed Rie and huddled around her, while the boys slapped David on the back and asked him about the scene changes. Takumi stood off to the side, throwing glances between the groups of boys and girls. David noticed that he was in his “self-control mode.” Whenever he had strong emotions he did not want to show, Takumi tensed and his eyes started darting. The babbling of his classmates was broken off as Mizuki came up with Moriyama-sensei.

  “They didn’t even consult me and I was the director! There was nothing in the script about a last monster,” Mizuki complained. “They didn’t even kiss like they were supposed to.”

  “What was that about? It looked so real,” Moriyama said, ignoring Mizuki.

  “Ah, well that was my doing, I made a puppet. Mizuki didn’t like most of our ideas but I did it anyway. The crowd really seemed to like it right?” Tsubasa said, covering for Rie’s summoning. It was dark behind stage so no one noticed her yellow irises. As the others turned their attention on Tsubasa, Rie scooted away to put in a fresh pair of color contacts. She got them in just as Moriyama started leading them toward the exit so they could watch the rest of the performances. David wanted to talk to Rie, but the shuffling students kept them apart. He ended up next to Takumi instead.

  “We will talk later,” Takumi whispered as they sat to watch the third years’ performances.

  David was nervous through the rest of the show. The presentations ended and the audience began moving out of the school gym to the subject rooms, where parents could examine the displays at leisure. Before leaving to check on his classroom though, Moriyama stopped and caught David trying to slink away.

  “David! Nice job today, your acting was so much better than during practices, very believable. I’m going to get a lot of praise for your work!” he said laughing. “Don’t worry about Mizuki-chan, I like the changes Tsubasa, Kaeda, and you made. Very original.” To the rest of the class he added, “Don’t forget, we still have a homeroom class after your parents check out your work. And I expect a lot of chocolate.”

  Laughing he stepped away. In his place, a large portion of the student body assaulted David. They commented on everything from his costume to the fights, but they all ended with the fall. Everyone seemed to think it was a stroke of genius. After the first few comments, David could not help but smile, eliciting a smug purr from Kou. The boys seemed in awe of his acting while the girls looked for Rie so they could offer superficial sympathy. In the chaos, Takumi slipped away to meet and report to Masao and Yukiko. David’s one advantage was that they all had somewhere to be. After a lot of embarrassed head scratching, he was able to extract himself from the press of students.

  Alone, David headed across campus for his homeroom. Exiting the gym with other students and parents, he caught a glimpse of Koji outside. Seeing David, Koji’s stepped back in fear. He gave a hurried bow, and then sped away with several frightened looks over his shoulder.

  ‘What’s with the taking over my body in the middle of a performance?’

  ‘You were not thinking. So I had to do it for you.’

  ‘But she was… the script… You had no problems before.’

  ‘She was not in control. Have you already forgotten Grandpa’s training? You must always be in control of your mind, or else others will control it, even me. Neither of us wants me to dominate your mind. It would defeat the point of having a Jitsugen Samurai. It would waste the Zodiac Tiger’s sacrifice. Manami has shown me that your mind is not always clear around...’

  “Now I know why people go tiger hunting,” David growled in a low voice as they walked. His shoulders slumped and his hands went in his pockets as he resisted Kou’s thoughts, unconsciously slouching into his pre-possession-at-a-shrine posture.

  ‘For all you know Rie might have set an elephant on our head, then how would she have felt?’

  There were few people around him since parents and students alike had hurried to the classrooms. The few remaining students had long ago learned to give David a wide berth when he reverted to gaijin mode. Though he wanted to fend off the logic of Kou’s words, the reality of what had happened on stage began to wash through him. His hands started shaking, and he was suddenly aware of the adrenaline leeching out of his system. Without another word, Kou opened himself to David, allowing his presence and strength to wash through his human half.

  ‘Masao is going to kill me. Using my Seikaku right there in front of everyone. Thank god we didn’t transform.’

  ‘Why you’re welcome, I am a god you know, at least to the Japanese. Just tell them the truth, I’m sur-’

  Kou was cut off as two girls flung a third into David’s path. In horror, David felt far too much hair on the back of his neck stand as Kou’s fur materialized over his skin. With a surge of will, he ripped himself away from Kou and focused himself on the girl in front of him. Kou snarled viciously within as David realized the girls had surprised Kou. The impossibility of it made him smile, even as his whole body seemed to forget to function for a few quick blinks from the girl’s nervous eyes. Her features barely registered, but from her height and obvious embarrassment, he guessed she was a first year.

  As he tried to speak, her mouth worked in sma
ll frantic movements that made no sound. She thrust a box into his hand saying, “Please eat this,” and then sprinted away.

  Kou snarled again in indignation. The mental image formed not at all complementary to the girl.

  ‘You have deer on the brain,’ David thought. His mind moved like sludge as he tried to process what was happening.

  The other two girls took one look at David’s shocked expression before giggling and running after their friend. Looking into his hands, he found a small red box decorated for Valentine’s Day.

  David was ambushed twice more before he made it back to the 2B classroom. By then, Kou had recovered and was a pit of mirth in the back of David’s mind. He could just imagine the little tiger rolling around in a fit of the growling-coughs that were his laugh. David stashed the chocolates in his locker and changed out of the Momotaro costume, diving into the broom closet to extricate himself from the mawashi.

  It was one garment he could live without ever wearing again. Only Kou’s complete indifference to nudity had enabled David to get through the embarrassment of putting it on and having to wear it in front of the entire school. The worst part had been that he could not put it on alone, and had to get help from Moriyama. Still, Kou laughed at his embarrassment.

  ‘In Japan, people often see, but do not look.’

  Back in his school uniform, David headed downstairs for the second half of the cultural festival. Every subject had at least one display. David’s shoddy wooden box was stacked with the other second years’ constructions. Beside them were the first year’s engravings and third years’ electric cars. All around, parents wandered, looking for their children’s items. David found the Matsumotos by the school trip display. The pictures, journals, and the newspapers everyone had written while in Kyushu hung on corkboards. David had to remind himself not to laugh when he saw the picture he had taken of Natsuki and Takumi in Kumamoto Castle enlarged and prominently displayed. It had caught them together in a natural moment, and David was starting to understand the meaning of the look on Takumi’s face.

  ‘You know, they actually look good together.’

  Masao greeted David with a quick flick of his eyes, while Yukiko smiled at him. David looked for Rie but she was not with her parents. Instead, Takumi came over, and walked him down the wide hallways between classrooms.

  “Whose idea was the changes? Can’t say I missed the whole love scene they tried to make you do, though you deserve it after that picture,” Takumi whispered as they passed the Cooking Club’s tea ceremony. Miu waved to them at the door, trying to get them to go in.

  “In a bit,” David said with a smile to her. When they were past, he returned to their conversation in a whisper, his lips barely moving. “That was Kou’s doing. Should I be running for the hills?”

  “Dad seemed okay with how you handled Koji-senpai and the shihen Rie summoned,” Takumi replied just as quietly.

  “Oh you mean that giant komodo dragon of wimpiness thing? Yeah, we need to hear more about that.”

  Tsubasa and Kenta ambushed the pair outside the technology classroom, pulling them into a large and cluttered space where a few parents were examining robotic arms and computers.

  “So we heard you already got some choco,” Kenta said without preamble. “Hiroko-san said her friend heard that a first year gave you some homemade choco a bit ago.”

  “Did you really get some? I’ve only ever gotten giri-choco,” Tsubasa said with a bit of awe.

  “Well, yeah, a couple groups of girls ambushed me before I even made it back to change. I didn’t look in the boxes yet though. What’s the difference?” David asked.

  “Later, we have to get back to our presentations, just wanted to know if it was true. Hope I get some,” Kenta said.

  “Oh, hey, thanks for the cover earlier,” David whispered after Kenta left. “You were a lifesaver. See you at the Estate later?”

  “Sure, no problem,” Tsubasa said already focusing more on his computer than on David and Takumi.

  Back out in the corridor David tried to ask Takumi about the chocolates, but his host-brother just watched him as if reappraising the boy he used to know as an out-of-shape, uncoordinated gaijin. Distracted, Miu succeeded in pulling them both into the Home EC room for a tea ceremony.


  On the surface, little had changed at home, yet there were subtle signs that the things Chul Soon had set in motion so long ago were bearing fruit. The whole world trembled at the growing pressure. Though those who lived there were kept in the dark, we could keenly feel our goals moving forward…

  In the lunchroom, students sat with their usual groups of friends. As they finished heart-shaped pudding cups, conversations turned toward reviews of the performances and speculation on who would get chocolate.

  ‘I’m getting kind of worried. They all seem very interested in getting homemade chocolate. And where is Rie? Let alone Natsuki. I haven’t seen either of them since the performance.’

  ‘You’re on your own with this one. Tigers don’t do chocolate. Now a nice…’

  ‘Hello? Still with the deer? I’m eating.’

  Although it was a weekend day, it was still a full school schedule, so students grudgingly finished lunch and headed for their usual cleaning duties. David helped a few other students clean out the lunchroom, and then joined Takumi in the gym for badminton.

  “Where did all the girls go?” he asked as Takumi brought over a shuttle.

  “They’re freaking out over their chocolate. Come on, let’s play.”

  After practicing for a bit, a couple of other boys from the team joined them and together they played a few games. Although he was always improving, David was still no match for Takumi. He lost his game against him, but won a close match against Tsubasa. When they returned to their homeroom, Moriyama was waiting for Class 2B.

  “I know you’re excited and everything, but hold out a little longer. We are going to go finish cleaning up after the fair, and then you can have the rest of the fifth period to do what you want. Sixth period is open reading or homework.” It was clear from his expression he did not expect them to study. For the first time David noticed all the extra bags in the back of the classroom. Most of the girls had department store bags alongside their usual backpacks and duffle bags.

  With the entire school working together, it took little over half an hour to clear out the displays on the first floor. The students were taking most of their items home, so their bags and lockers were soon full of more than chocolate. David made it back to the classroom first, so he started handing out the candy heart boxes he had asked Jessica to send him from America. He had kept them secret from even Rie and Takumi as a surprise. After putting one on each desk, he tried to slip out again, only to run into Natsuki.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, her focus slipping to his bag. “Come on, it’s one of my favorite days of the year. I get to see all you boys die of embarrassment when you get chocolate.”

  Natsuki wheeled David back in as the rest of the students started filing in. As promised, they had time to read or study. At their desks, most of the students were curious about the boxes of candy. When Moriyama came in, a few of the students started asking about them, so David ran over to explain. A few words in, Moriyama laughed and called the class to attention so David could explain the American holiday. Up until that point, David had assumed things would go the same as they did back home.

  “Well, in America we just trade cards and candy back and forth to everyone, though a boy might give something special to the girl he likes. I guess if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, you might go out on a date or to dinner, and then exchange a special present too,” David said, suddenly aware he had the attention of the entire class.

  “Wow, American boys have it tough,” Mizuki said, so surprised she forgot to ignore David as usual.

  “Right, well,” David said being more than a little confused, “These are some traditional candies we give out. I got enoug
h for everyone.” David hurried back to his seat as groups of friends bent together to discuss the cultural differences. Next to Takumi, David leaned in as surreptitiously as possible and asked, “What do you do in Japan?”

  “On Valentine’s girls give boys candy,” Takumi said. “Most often just giri chocolate, you know, store bought. If you get homemade chocolate you’re lucky because it means they like you.”

  “Girls don’t get anything?” David asked in surprise.

  “Well, maybe in elementary,” Takumi said through a laugh. “But that’s what White Day is for. Next month boys give return presents, but for now, we get free food.”

  Then it hit him. The girls who had ambushed him liked him. The idea was so foreign he had a hard time believing it. As David sat trying to think through the horror of having to track the girls who gave him chocolate and explain he was not interested, Natsuki appeared before him and unceremoniously dropped the smallest square of obviously store bought chocolate possible.

  “Don’t think the candies get you off. Better get me something nice for White Day,” she said in a loud voice as she continued through the boys. David hid a smile as he caught Takumi watching her go from boy to boy handing out chocolate. Along with the rest of the boys, David got chocolate from most of his female classmates, only Kaeda and Yuka refrained, though they made a show of giving large boxes to Daisuke and Yoshiki. Hidemi popped up after a few minutes with a smile and a box of what looked like homemade chocolate.

  “Don’t read into it too much. I made some for everyone. As for you,” she said turning to Takumi. “I’m still mad at you for knocking me over last year. You never did tell me the real reason you were in such a hurry. So here.” She handed him a box similar to David’s, only it was a quarter of the size. “Seen Rie?” David and Takumi both shook their heads and returned to their growing inventories of chocolate.


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