A Cowboy Worth Claiming

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A Cowboy Worth Claiming Page 9

by Charlene Sands

  Shortly, she’d see his wisdom and know some comfort. If only he could be that lucky.

  Chapter Six

  Lizzie couldn’t get the idea of lying naked with Chance out of her mind. Waves of heat spread through her system like blazing fire. She welcomed the momentary warmth and grasped on to it for as long as it would last. Her heart in her mouth, she was now naked but for the thin chemise she wore tucked inside even thinner bloomers. Anticipation gnawed at her. Even her fear and humiliation weren’t enough to warm her for long. The chill had come back but her dignity had not.

  She’d never been this cold in her life. Why would she be? Not even the dunking in the lake at home had iced her blood like this.

  She’d seen Chance bare chested the day he’d rescued her. She’d been only half-conscious but she recalled the magnificence of him. His shoulders had spread out as beautifully as an eagle’s wings. His powerful arms, his big hands and sheer strength as he moved her to water’s edge that day, tugged at her memory and only added to her agony now.

  Lizzie brought the blanket up underneath her chin, waiting for Chance to join her. Her body a mass of trembles, she thanked heaven that Chance wouldn’t know the true reason for her quaking.

  She concentrated on the blanket under her and how wet and scratchy the wool had become. It tore at her skin some and itched like the dickens. The discomfort wasn’t enough to distract her though when she heard Chance approach. She closed her eyes and stilled.

  “I’ve gotta yank off your boots, Lizzie. If your feet are cold, the rest of you won’t release the chill.”

  “Long as you don’t yank anything else off me, I’ll do fine.”

  She heard Chance chuckle and then she felt his hands circling her right boot. He gave a tug and off came her stockings, too. He took the other boot off and she flinched when he accidentally touched her legs. She felt the blanket lift as he tucked her feet under it.

  “Soon as I get my boots off, I’m coming in.”

  Oh, mercy.

  Seconds later, Chance lifted the blanket. Lizzie kept her eyes shut. It would be easier imagining him next to her, than actually seeing him buck naked beside her, though neither option garnered any sanity.

  He climbed under the blanket and without any warning at all, covered her body with his. He closed himself around her like a thick coat of fur. “Put your hands on my chest. You’ll warm up quicker if nothing is exposed.”

  Everything was exposed.

  “You’re sure this is going to work?” she asked, hesitantly putting her cold-as-ice hands on him. Through his cool damp chest came warmth that was as much a relief as it was a surprise.

  He was warmer than she’d thought he’d be.

  Hadn’t he been out in the same rain and wind that she had? How could his body radiate so much more warmth?

  “Chance, you didn’t answer me?”

  “It’s working already,” he said rather harshly and then added, “your teeth aren’t chattering.”

  He was unbearably close. Their breaths mingled and she drew the scent of fresh rain, earth and coffee into her nostrils. His smell wasn’t displeasing and Lizzie thought herself a silly fool for thinking of such a thing while he was lying atop her, trying to keep her warm.

  Her palms pressed the skin of his chest and it reminded her of wildfire catching on a field of dry grass, those initial embers that started to flame slowly in the beginning before setting the entire prairie to blaze. That’s how Chance felt to her as those embers began to thaw her out, one body part at a time.

  “Are you warming up, too?” she asked. Her legs were cold, but she wouldn’t complain that he hadn’t wrapped his legs around hers. Some things a girl just knew not to say.

  “Getting there, Lizzie.”

  “You feel warm to me.”

  “That’s the point of it all.”

  She felt the scattered hairs beneath her fingertips and wondered how it would feel to move her hands through them and feel the corded muscles underneath her palms. Only in her imaginings would she ever actually do it, but, oh, what an ease to her burgeoning curiosity it would be to put her hands on a man that way and have freedom enough to explore. It was a wicked thought and one she’d probably never see come to life but if she ever had the opportunity she’d want it to be with someone like Chance.

  “So this is what it’s like,” she whispered, once Chance settled down. He seemed at an odd angle, as if he was holding back, trying not to crush her.

  “Getting warm?”

  She corrected him with a whisper. “Lying with a man.”

  “Geesh, Lizzie. You’re not lying with me. This isn’t what it’s like at all.”

  “Oh?” Her face was tucked into the hollow part of his neck, right where his throat met with his chest. Every time he spoke she felt the vibration as his throat worked to move the deep sound of his voice. “But isn’t this how it feels? Being so close we only need to whisper to be heard.”

  “That part’s true.”

  “And we’re sharing a blanket?”

  “True again.”

  “And we’re—”

  “We’re nothing, Lizzie. Just keeping warm on a night you might have froze. That’s all.”

  “I don’t feel quite as frozen anymore. But, oh, this blanket is itchy underneath. Feels like a batch of spiders pricking at my skin.” She shifted a little, wiggling her body to get more comfortable. The move brought her hips up to meet with his groin.

  “Don’t do that,” he snapped, pulling away from her. His quick action yanked the blanket off both of them and a cold rush of air seeped in. She felt his absence immediately and the chill that sped up and down her body felt like ice flowing through her veins.

  She stiffened and rested back against the wet woolen material. “Sorry, but I…the blanket is rough against my back.” She shivered. “It’s cold without you.”

  Chance muttered an oath and a few seconds ticked by before he hooked the blanket over his shoulders again. He resumed his position, setting her hands back on his chest. She felt his heat instantly as he covered her. A heavy sigh pulled from his lungs. “Seems to me, you can either be warm or comfortable. Can’t have both. Not tonight.”

  She could barely make out his eyes, seeing just the dark outline from a glimmer of light overhead. “I’m not a child, Chance. I know the situation.”

  He grumbled.

  “I wasn’t complaining. Just thought I could get a mite more comfortable, is all. Why’d you get so riled?”

  “You’re more a child than I thought,” he said quietly, “if you don’t know the answer to that.”

  She’d never had a mama to speak to regarding these things, so as much as she’d like to sass Chance right now, she couldn’t. No clever words came to mind and she wasn’t sure what to make of that. She nibbled on her lower lip for a moment and then figured she might chew it off if she wasn’t careful, her mouth was so darn numb.

  She understood that a man got bothered when lying with a woman. But hadn’t Chance just said, lying with a woman wasn’t anything like this. He couldn’t be right, because as she began to thaw, having him atop her, covering her with his big body, and breathing the same air from under the blanket, her insides felt as soft and sweet as strawberry jam.

  Why, she could imagine touching him, doing that exploring she’d been wanting to do and, yes, kissing him. What would it be like to kiss a man like Chance? Would having his lips on hers steal all the breath from her lungs? Would the stubble on his face scratch her as much as the blanket beneath her? Would he taste like coffee and earth and air all mixed into one?

  Lizzie sighed, the tiny sound escaping her mouth one of pure pleasure.

  She heard Chance’s intake of breath. “Lizzie, whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”


  “Don’t, Lizzie,” he warned again.

  “But I was just going to ask if you’re planning on sleeping this way all night? I mean, you can’t possibly get any sleep in that position, half on, half off of me, sort of suspended the way you are.” She could feel him holding back, keeping their most intimate parts from touching. How long could he go on holding himself that way?

  “That’s my problem.”

  “It’ll be mine, if you land on me and crush me during the night. I don’t think I’ll sleep a wink in this position, not being able to move a muscle and all.”

  “If I land on you, you just shove me off. You got that?”

  “Yes, I got that. But what if I move by acc—”

  “Damn it, Lizzie,” he growled. Then he flopped down and turned onto his side, grabbing her and curling her body into him like a curved spoon. She fit into the bend of his body perfectly and his heat this time came from behind as he locked his arm over her shoulder, tucking her in tight against his rigid body. His voice was raspy and low. “Not another word. Now, get some sleep. And whatever you do, don’t tell a soul you laid with me like this.”

  She nodded and closed her eyes. She was nestled in his body heat and felt safe in his arms. She wouldn’t have believed it possible, but she’d felt his heartbeats race under her palms just seconds ago. The beats matched the rhythm of her own hurried pulse and only one reason for that came to mind—she’d tempted Chance, as a woman, and nothing flamed her insides more than that realization.

  * * *

  Lizzie woke to heat, the sun’s rays searing through her body and soothing the aches that had settled in her bones last night. Sunshine was heaven, she thought as her eyes fluttered opened. And there was plenty of that this morning. She squinted and lifted her face upward, relishing the warmth. No clouds marred the blue skies, the storm had passed and if it weren’t for drying mud and dew moistening the prairie grass, she might not have guessed the night before had been cold, wet and dreadful.

  Then she remembered how she’d spent the night, with Chance curled around her, selflessly keeping her warm and dry. He’d been kind again, in his own way, and there was no doubting that he’s saved her from freezing to death. He wasn’t under the blanket with her anymore. She’d sensed she was alone on their makeshift bedding even before she opened her eyes. Chance must have risen at dawn. Judging by the position of the sun now, it had to be well past time to move the herd.

  She bent her body to an upright position and then gasped. She’d forgotten about the meager underclothes she wore. She tightened the blanket around her and peered out for some sign of Chance.

  A fire blazed some yards away and her clothes were drying nearby. The horses looked like they’d weathered the storm just fine and thankfully the herd hadn’t been spooked last night. She’d only seen a stampede once before and if she lived a hundred years she prayed she’d never witness another.

  When she spotted Chance approaching, coming from beyond a thin cropping of trees off in the distance, her heart skipped. She rose quickly and with the blanket secured around her body, she walked past the fire and picked up her trousers and blouse. They were stiff and none too clean, but they were almost dry.

  “Hurry up and get dressed,” Chance barked as he came up behind her. “We’re behind schedule.”

  “You should’ve woken me,” she replied, hurt by his brash tone. Here she was about to thank him for last night and for letting her get extra sleep this morning.

  “Clothes needed drying, anyway. But we should shove off, soon as you get something to eat.”

  “Fine.” She gathered her clothes to her chest and began walking toward the trees.

  “Where are you going?”

  She stopped midstep and turned. “To get dressed.”

  “For Pete’s sake, Lizzie. Just get dressed here, by the fire.”

  “But I, you…”

  “You’ve wasted enough time.” He gestured at the blanket that held her modesty intact. “Isn’t as if I didn’t just see what you’ve got on under there.”

  She tilted her chin and argued the point. “You didn’t see me. It was dark.”

  “No, but I touched every part…hell, never mind.” His lips twisted into a scowl.

  He was grouchy this morning and looked fit to be tied.

  But he was right. He had touched her. And she’d touched him. Her cheeks burned and she was grateful he turned toward the herd at that moment and didn’t see her mortification. Mortified or not, she’d never forget how she felt last night safely secured in Chance’s arms, having his breath tickle her neck and his body surrounding her with warmth.

  I could sleep that way every night.

  “Well?” His gaze shifted impatiently to her.

  “Nature’s calling and I can’t take care of that by the fire.” She’d had to contend with a good many things being alone with a man on a trail drive. One was that Chance demanded he know where she was at all times. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  He nodded and jammed his hat on his head. “Make it quick.”

  Lizzie knew it was wrong, but he was just so bossy at times, that she slowed her steps just to vex him. She smiled when she heard him let out a deep exasperated sigh.

  They got on the trail immediately after Lizzie had gulped down her coffee and chewed on the flour cakes Chance had whipped up on a small fry pan. The cakes filled her belly but she was sure her boots had more flavor, and she was happy to let Chance know his cooking skills weren’t up to snuff.

  He barely looked at her, not even to defend himself against her accusation.

  They stopped for lunch and it was a short affair, eating and watering the horses before heading out again. Chance pushed the herd hard riding point and only doubled back once to check on her, before resuming his position at the head. He was trying to make up for lost time, but something told her that his foul mood had to do with the way they spent last night, lying together.

  They drove the herd along a long narrow river, a tributary of the mighty Colorado, the sun beaming overhead late in the afternoon. Chance surprised her when he pulled up on one of the rented mares beside her. “We’ll stop here.”

  “So soon? We’ve got another hour of daylight.” And wasn’t he the one who’d been a big ole grouch this morning, making her feel like she’d been the reason they got off to a late start?

  “We’re making good enough time today. Setting up camp a little early won’t hurt anything.”

  Lizzie looked at him, baffled. “You sure do change your mind a lot. And they say women are the ones who dither.”

  “There’s fish jumping in that river and I’m hankering for a hot meal.”

  The idea of eating something besides dried beef and beans brought joy to her heart. She’d agree to just about anything to have a warm tasty meal on her plate and halting the drive before sunset wouldn’t be a hardship at all. “You catch them and I’ll cook them.”

  “That’s what I intend to do.” He smiled and tipped his hat before riding off.

  “Well, if that isn’t the darnedest thing,” she said, grateful to see something besides a scowl on his face. Why, he was like a boy playing hooky, going fishing and looking mighty eager about it.

  They made camp twenty yards from the river and while Lizzie built a fire and watched over the herd nearby Chance gathered up what he needed and sat down on a boulder a few feet away. She watched him fashion a fishing pole out of a sturdy tree branch, a rope he meticulously unraveled to a fine string and a fish hook. “That’s Grandpa’s, isn’t it?”

  Chance spared her a glance. “He’s a smart man, giving me this hook. I should’ve thought of it myself.”

  The thought of her grandfather put an ache in her heart. She couldn’t wait to get b
ack home with money enough to see him get proper medical care. There had to be treatments for consumption in city hospitals. She’d planned on convincing Grandpa to go, just as soon as she returned.

  “He taught me how to fish,” Lizzie said. “Sometimes just him and me would take the day and go fishing. I wasn’t at all squeamish about hooking the worms.” She grinned. “Most girls wouldn’t go near them.”

  Chance sent her a nod, his head down concentrating on the task. “Never knew a woman who liked worms.”

  “I, uh, guess I’m not like most women.” That much was true. She wasn’t the sort of girl who could turn Chance Worth’s head. She wasn’t full of frills and lace. She didn’t do her hair up pretty in fancy chignons. Most days she tied her unruly strands into a braid to keep them out of her way. Lizzie didn’t dream up ways to act girly and delicate to impress a man. She’d grown up doing what was practical, what needed doing.

  Chance met her gaze. “That’s not such a bad thing.”

  But before she could respond to what she hoped was a compliment he stood and tested out his simple fishing pole, casting the line out and bringing it back. “Gotta hope this brings us a good meal. I’ll be back shortly.”

  He walked away and she watched him until he reached the riverbed. With a sigh, she turned around and got out the supplies she needed to make coffee and heat some beans, praying dried beef was off the menu tonight.

  Once all those chores were done, Lizzie took stock of the herd, counting heads as it was her job to do. It wasn’t a hard task at all, being that the herd was small and they hadn’t lost a single one. All thirty-one heads were accounted for. Next she checked on the string of horses, feeding each one a carrot. They’d been reliable horses and giving them a treat along the way was a welcome reward.

  When she got back to the camp, she found Chance coming up from the river with three fish dangling from a string. “You caught some!”


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