Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels)

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Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels) Page 12

by Cyndi Friberg

  Sariel understood Alyssa’s frustration, but he was not intentionally skirting the facts. What he’d sensed within Rosalind was confusing and convoluted. “When Lady Catherine spoke of her attack, she was lying about the child. Rosalind sensed it then, even as young as she was. Rosalind’s mother was the result of Lady Catherine’s ravishment.”

  “Did Lady Catherine know her attacker?”

  “That’s not at all clear. Lady Catherine spoke of the incident with grief and regret. Rosalind’s deep affection for her grandmother made her especially intuitive, but Lady Catherine never explained the specifics of the attack.”

  “Rosalind said she wasn’t supposed to know about it. How did she find out?”

  “She came upon her grandmother weeping in the garden one afternoon. Lady Catherine reluctantly shared the tale. She had promised her husband she would never speak of it. He threatened to lock her in a convent if she ever mentioned what happened.”

  Alyssa shook her head, her brow furrowed thoughtfully. “Then Rosalind’s mother had no idea she was not Lord Monthamn’s child.”


  “How does this change Rosalind’s nature? What am I not understanding?” Fatigue and worry shadowed Alyssa’s gaze.

  He wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her, but nothing he could say would make this easier for her to accept. “Rosalind’s mother was a Nephilim.” He paused while that fact sank in. “I believe Lady Catherine succumbed to the seduction or was taken against her will by a Grigori. Balam was not dispatched to judge Rosalind’s mother, but obviously at some point their paths crossed and attraction erupted. He spent thirteen years at her side and surrendered his immortality when she was infected by the Black Death.”

  “Then Rosalind is the child of an angel and a Nephilim?” Alyssa glanced toward the bed. “She is more angel than human.”

  “Which is why her nature is so confusing to us.” He waited for her to look at him before he continued. “Very few Nephilim are capable of reproducing. To my knowledge one has never before begat a child with an angel.”

  Alyssa shook her head, rubbing her eyes with her fingertips. “Is her angelic nature pure? Does this conclude your mission?”

  “I sense Balam’s strength and determination. That portion of her nature is pure. Her human nature is complex, as human natures always are, but she is primarily good.”

  “What about the other angel, her grandfather?”

  Sariel sighed. Alyssa was too perceptive for her own good. He had hoped to avoid attempting to explain what he sensed. “That portion of Rosalind’s nature is well hidden. As of right now, she has it completely suppressed, but the right set of circumstances could shift the balance within her.”

  “That’s true of everyone, be they angel or mortal.” Her lovely features tensed with dread. Fear lit her bright blue eyes. “Even demons occasionally have a kind thought. We are all a blending of light and darkness.”

  Sariel smiled, wanting this business behind them once and for all. “Which is why my judgment is to let her live, under strict supervision.”

  Alyssa’s hand flew to her chest and she released and audible sigh. “Thank God!” Her obvious relief was followed almost immediately by a barrage of questions. “How will we ever make her understand all this? I can scarcely comprehend it myself. Is Rosalind immortal? Can she produce offspring? Will her offspring be at risk?”

  “Is she forbidden to me?”

  Gadrayel’s softly spoken question snapped Sariel’s attention to his friend and dragged a soft gasp from Alyssa. If Alyssa was not forbidden to him, how could Rosalind be forbidden to Gadrayel? Both females were a unique blinding of angelic and carnal natures.

  “Does she love you?” He watched Gadrayel’s expression closely as he waited for the answer.

  He glanced at Alyssa before returning his gaze to Sariel’s face. “She loves Ray. She doesn’t know me.”

  “Then spend time with her as Gadrayel and see how she responds.” Gadrayel’s mouth parted in a beaming smile. Sariel felt compelled to add, “Just so we’re perfectly clear, you do not yet have my blessing.”

  Gadrayel nodded. “I understand.”

  Sariel reached for Alyssa’s hand but she stepped back.

  “What about Enos and Paimon? What if they come for her again?”

  “Monthamn Castle is surrounded by a legion of Michael’s warriors. He has made them available to me until this business with Enos is concluded.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked out the window as if she expected to see them circling in the sky. “When did this come about?”

  “Let’s retire to a more comfortable chamber and I’ll explain.” She slipped her hand into his and they started across the room. “Gadrayel, let her sleep.”

  “Aye, sir,” Gadrayel answered immediately, but Sariel heard amusement in his tone.

  Alyssa followed Sariel to her bedchamber and he asked that she await him there. The request confused her, but she didn’t question his intentions. Her mind whirled with everything she’d learned and all that remained unanswered.

  Rosalind was safe, at least from the Grigori.

  Alyssa wrapped the thought around herself like a fur-lined cloak, absorbing the comfort and security. Sariel was no longer her enemy. They could face Enos and Paimon united.

  Paimon. The name sparked disjointed images within Alyssa’s mind. Who was this demon who looked so much like Lailah? What had she wanted with Rosalind?

  Alyssa stoked the fire as she waited for Sariel’s return. When had he spoken with Michael? And why had Sariel chosen such an intimate setting for his conversation with her? He’d made his feelings for her more than obvious, so why torment her with what could never be?

  A firm rap came upon the door. Alyssa crossed the room and pulled the door open.

  “Sorry. My hands were full.” Sariel smiled and carried the serving tray into the bedchamber. He must have kicked the door with the toe of his boot.

  “We’re going to dine here?” She eyed the contents of the tray.

  “Unless you have some objection.”

  Nothing appealed to her more than being alone with Sariel, taking their meals in the privacy of her chamber. She wanted to share her bed, her body, her life with him, but he had made her understand why it was impossible.

  “I think it’s best if we’re not alone together,” she said quietly.

  He moved to the small wooden table against the wall and set the tray upon it. “I promise I’ll keep the table between us at all times. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  She wasn’t the one resisting their attraction. “Must I make the same promise?”

  He chuckled and returned to close and bolt the door. His last action surprised her again. Why would he want the door bolted? Flutters erupted in her belly, making her smile.

  “Come, sit with me. Let’s share some wine.”

  Joining him at the table, she accepted the cup he passed to her. Candlelight reflected off his tawny hair and accented the golden speckles in his green eyes. He appeared relaxed, comfortable, remarkably at ease.

  His apparent nonchalance only made her more uncomfortable.

  “What do you remember about Paimon?” he asked casually.

  “Just her name.” She took a sip of wine, searching her memory. “I know our acquaintance is long and close, but the details are lost to me. Do you wish to search my memories for information about her?”

  “Not tonight.” He flashed a devastating smile. The flutters in her belly intensified. “We are protected. We can relax. Tomorrow is soon enough to plan our strategy.”

  The tray rested between them, Alyssa glanced down at the contents. Bread, cheese, fresh apple wedges and the pitcher from which he’d poured the wine.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She was ravenous, but not for food. Nodding absently, she picked up a slice of apple and nibbled. “When did you speak with Michael? Did he mention me?”

  “Michael had just left the counting ro
om when you arrived, and you were the main topic of our conversation.”

  “I see.” She reached again for her wine.

  “He is aware of the progress you’re making.”

  Her hand trembled as she set down the cup. Was she making progress? Everything was still so confused. “And is he pleased?”

  “Michael is not your judge. He wouldn’t welcome the description, but he is basically a messenger. Your rebellion is against God and His creation. It is with the Creator you must reconcile.”

  “What if I don’t know how?” She wrapped both hands around her cup, staring into its murky depths. Her soul ached, empty and battle-scarred. “My mind is so muddled I can barely remember the incident that set me upon this path. I only know I am weary of the conflict. I want order within my mind and peace within my heart.”

  “I can help you remember, and wanting to reconcile is the biggest step of all.”

  “I want to reconcile. I want this conflict ended.” She set her cup aside, knowing she should keep silent, but unable to stay the words. “And I want you.”

  Despite his promise not to touch her, he reached across the table and stroked her cheek. “I asked Michael if a union between you and me would in any way compromise your recovery.”

  Her heart missed a beat and she caught his hand, pressing his fingers against her face. “What did he say?”

  “He gave us his blessing.”

  Tears blurred her vision. She released his hand and stood so quickly her chair toppled over. If he were teasing her, she would kill him. This was beyond cruel. She studied his expression, searching for any hint of insincerity.

  “You asked Michael if we could join together?” She whispered the words, terrified her voice would break the spell or awaken her from the dream. “What about… Are you no longer afraid?”

  He stood and moved around the table. His hands stayed at his side. “I’m terrified. I won’t pretend there isn’t risk in what we want. But I love you, Alyssa. That has to account for something.”

  “You love me?” She covered her face with her hands, no longer able to suppress her tears. His arms closed around her, pressing her body to his.

  “I thought this would make you happy. I thought it was what we both wanted.”

  “I want nothing more!” She lowered her hands to his chest, trembling in his arms. “But I know what this could cost you. I want your happiness.”

  “We’ll tame the beast together. Isn’t that what you said?”

  “Aye. Together.” She pressed her hands to his face and pushed to her toes. Even balancing on the balls of her feet, she couldn’t reach his mouth.

  He grinned, obviously knowing what she wanted. “You’ve spent many years in the realm of man. Do you require some sort of ceremony to make this real to you?”

  “I require you and me, in that bed together.”

  Chapter Eight

  Sariel swept her into his arms and carried her to bed. When she knelt upon the high mattress, it put their faces on a level. He looked into her eyes and smiled, but still refused to kiss her. “We must at least speak words or I will feel cheated.”

  She returned his smile, resting her hands on his shoulders. “I know little of these matters. Say whatever you like. Just say it quickly.”

  He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I will love you with my heart, my mind and my body. I will guard you with my power and my strength. I will amuse you as well as I am able. I vow to be yours alone.”

  Her lips trembled and tears sparkled in her eyes. “I will love you with my heart, my mind and my body. I will revel in your strength. I will protect you with my powers.” She laughed. A single tear escaped the corner of one eye. “As soon as I remember what those powers are. I’m much more amusing than you, so I’ll make you smile as often as I possibly can. I dedicate my life to making you happy. I vow to be yours alone.”

  Their mouths met and melded, sealing their vows with a passionate kiss. He tilted his head, fitting his lips more securely to hers as his tongue eased past her teeth. She welcomed him, stroked him and shared her breath with him.

  They communicated in a language older than the spoken word, more elemental than dedications, more meaningful than promises. He touched her face, sliding his fingertips along her cheek and into her hair. She reached for the laces at the front of his tunic, obviously anxious to begin.

  Understanding her urgency, Sariel tugged his tunic off over his head and bent to remove his boots. When he turned back to the bed, Alyssa wore only her sheer chemise and a welcoming smile. Desire pounded through his body, speeding his pulse and heating his blood. He waited for the demand of his dark nature to surge, to try to take control.

  Tenderness softened her expression and affection illuminated her gaze. He couldn’t hurt her. He could never hurt her. Their love held the monster at bay.

  Cupping her cheek with one hand, he traced her features with the other. “You are so beautiful. My entire body aches just looking at you.”

  She smiled. “You’re welcome to do more than look. I certainly intend to.”

  Her hands stroked over his chest and squeezed his shoulders then trailed down along his arms, lightly abrading his skin with her nails. He shivered. Her teasing touch sent tingles skittering down his spine.

  She eased off the bed and unlaced his hose. Her warm hands brushed his hips and thighs as she rid him of his garments. There was no hesitation in her touch, no maidenly demureness. She knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. Her boldness thrilled him more than anything he could remember, and escalated his desire to the point of pain.

  It had been so long! Nay, it had never been like this before.

  With her hands on his hips she turned him toward the bed and pushed against him until he sat. “You tasted my passion in the forest. Now it’s my turn to devour you.”

  Sariel groaned at her brazen promise, blood thundered through his groin. She knelt before him and circled his shaft with her hand.

  “Amuse yourself quickly,” he panted. “I cannot allow this for long.”

  She laughed and guided his hands to the bed on either side of his hips. “You’re not allowing anything, Prince Sariel. Your body is mine to do with as I will. You said so in your vow.”

  Easing his legs apart, she scooted between them and lowered her mouth. His head dropped back on his shoulders and a long, low groan escaped his throat. Hot, wet heat enveloped him. He trembled, his legs flexed as she pleasured him with her mouth. She slid up and down his shaft, circling his sensitive tip at the apex of each gliding stroke.

  Sucking firmly, she drew him deeper. Her tongue explored and teased. Her hand caressed his balls. They tightened, pulling up close against his body.

  “I don’t want to…”

  She flicked his tip with her tongue and moved faster, tightening her lips around his engorged length. He was beyond thought, but not beyond caring. “Stop now or I’ll…”

  Sucking firmly, she demanded his release. He cried out and drove deep, wave after wave of scalding pleasure crashing down upon him.

  Alyssa raised her head and smiled. His willingness to surrender control, even momentarily, thrilled her more than he realized. Powerful, ancient, Prince Sariel had yielded his will to her. “Now we are even. You took me, and I took you. Now we can enjoy each other.”

  He laughed. “You don’t think I enjoyed that?”

  She crawled onto his lap, straddling his hips. “Probably as much as I enjoyed what you did in the forest.”

  Grinning with obvious intent, he lifted her and turned, laying her back across the bed. “You like having my mouth on you?”

  She arched her brow. “Did you like having my mouth on you?”

  “More than you can imagine,” he whispered, his gaze suddenly intensifying.

  Chuckling low in her throat, she caught a strand of his hair and gave it a playful tug. “Don’t be too sure of that. I have a very vivid imagination.”

  “I see.” His heated gaze caressed her body, ma
king her quiver. “Are you challenging me to take you in a way you’ve never imagined?”

  “Not tonight. We have the rest of eternity to shock and thrill each other.”

  “Shock and thrill?” He grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

  He stretched out beside her on his side and slipped his arm beneath her neck. Cupping her breast with his other hand, he kissed her slowly, thoroughly. She was surprised at first, afraid he’d be put off by the taste of himself in her mouth. His tongue moved boldly, aggressively.

  “It thrills me to know you love me enough to pleasure me in that way.” He whispered the words against her damp lips, obviously reading her thoughts. “Now part your thighs. I want to feel your pleasure.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Bending her knees, she opened herself to his touch, eager for the promised release. Feeling him move in her mouth had already flooded her with excitement. He groaned when his fingers encountered her slick folds.

  “You’re so wet.”

  “I want you.” The words were so inadequate compared to the emotions raging through her. “I feel like I’ve wanted you forever.”

  His mouth returned to hers as his fingers parted her folds. She waited for the blissful pressure of his finger pushing into her body. He didn’t move. Cool air wafted against her damp flesh, accenting the heat. She whimpered.

  He waited.

  “Please,” she gasped out the word against his mouth.

  “Please touch me? Please fill me? Or please taste me?”

  “Aye, please.”

  Her throaty chuckle ended in a gasp as he rubbed his thumb over her ultrasensitive nub. Her hips jerked, but he moved with her, maintaining the rhythmic pressure. Control. Pleasure came when she surrendered. He’d yielded to her, now she must yield to him. Forcing her hips to still, she relaxed her inner muscles and allowed him to control the tension building inside her.

  She kissed him with all the love burning in her heart, expressed her affection with each stroke of her tongue. His thumb pressed down, stopping a hairsbreadth from pain. She gasped. Her inner muscles contracted, desperate for something to squeeze.


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