by Chance, Jacob

  Slipping my fingers in my mouth, I suck her juices from them before my tongue delves into her entrance savoring her sweet taste.

  Climbing up between her legs, I press a kiss to her lips. She tentatively parts them, tasting herself.

  “More,” I encourage. Her tongue sweeps out to slowly drag over the curve of my bottom lip. “Good. More,” I urge.

  She grows bolder, dipping further inside my mouth. She hums, clutching my head, positioning me how she wants.

  “Go on. Taste how fucking sweet you are. I want you to love it as much as I do.”

  She crushes her lips to mine, tongue hungrily sweeping the recesses of my mouth for any trace of her juices. She’s ravenous, nails digging into my skin, pussy grinding into my cock.

  I’ve never physically needed something as much as I need to be inside her. Pressing the tip of my cock at her entrance, I push forward inch by excruciating inch until I’m sheathed to the hilt. Her nails rake my back like a feral cat marking my skin.

  “Yes,” she husks in my ear and I start to move. Slowly, drawing my hips back, I thrust forward filling her eager pussy over and over. “More,” she begs.

  I spear into her with more force, every one of my nerve endings overly sensitized. My hands slide underneath her ass to grip her hips and tilt her pussy for a better angle. With every drag of my cock as I surge in and out, she hums her pleasure. My heart pounds so hard it feels as though it’s going to beat free of my chest, or maybe seize up and cease to beat at all.

  “Christ, your pussy is the best torture. I want to come so badly, but I never want this feeling to end.”

  Her legs squeeze my hips tighter, her heels urge me on. “Harder,” she moans. “I’m close.”

  My fingertips dig into her skin, pulling her down on me as I slam into her. Our bodies slap together adding to the sound of the waves lapping the shoreline.

  I’m crazed with a combination of lust and ecstasy. Greedy for more and we’re not even done.

  She quivers around me, her tight pussy squeezing my cock as she comes. The sensation of her tightening around me is pleasure bordering on pain. After a few more strokes I join her, crashing into my orgasm like a speeding train.

  Collapsing on her chest, my breathing is so ragged I struggle drawing in my next breath. Her fingertips soothe the skin she scratched raw and her lips press kisses into the curve of my shoulder.

  Raising my head, I stare down into her eyes, like twin dark pools in the moonlight. This innocent young woman is a fucking goddess between the sheets. I’m completely destroyed in the best possible way.

  She smiles. “When can we do that again?”

  * * *

  “What did you think of your trip? Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “Are you kidding? It was perfect.” She glances at me and looks quickly away. Her cheeks pinken adorably. It’s amusing how she’s so uninhibited with me sexually, but now she’s blushing.

  “I had a great time too. And I know this guy did.” I point my thumb toward the backseat of my SUV where Joey is sound asleep.

  “He sure loves the beach. Was that his first time?”

  “Yeah. He didn’t go with me last year. My parents watched him and I only went for one night. Was that your first time at the beach?”

  “No, when I was like eight we went to Virginia Beach for a weekend, and Tenley and I go to the beaches on the Chesapeake a lot. Or we used to, before I had to work all the time,” she drolls.

  “I’m sorry. I’m ruining your social life.”

  “Pfft, what social life? I’m not really the type to be overly social with anyone. Not even my best friends.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I don’t know. Why? Do you want to figure me out? If you do, let me know what you find. I’ve been trying to figure myself out for nineteen years.”

  “When is your birthday? I know you said you’re almost twenty, so it must be soon.”

  “It’s at the beginning of October.”

  “That’s over three months away. You can’t say almost twenty. That means your birthday is a week or two away.”

  She shrugs. “Technically, I can say whatever I want about my own birthday.”

  “Yeah, that’s true. Don’t be in a rush to grow up. It’s not as much fun as it’s cracked up to be.”

  Next thing you know you’ll be getting married and having a kid. Then your spouse will fuck around on you and leave you for your best friend. Jesus I sound like a mopey bastard.

  “If that’s the way you feel, you should make sure you have more fun.”

  “It sounds pretty easy when you say it like that.”

  “It is easy. Maybe that’s what our time together can be about. You said we’re doing this for a limited time, so let's keep it light and as much fun as possible.”

  She has a point. I could use some more fun and some levity in my daily life. And she does make me laugh.

  “You know, most girls in your position would be pushing me for more of a commitment.” Sometimes her level of maturity catches me by surprise. She impresses me every time we spend time together.

  “You said it yourself. I’m leaving for school and that has to be my priority. Letting myself fall for you would be a mistake and I don’t make mistakes if I can avoid them.”

  There’s the crux of the making mistakes. Sometimes you can see them plain as day and you still trip right over them.

  “So, we’re clear on the rules of us being together?”

  “Yes. No touching you.”

  “What? I never said that. I want touching and lots of it.”

  “Oh wait. That was Christian in Fifty Shades of Grey.” She laughs.

  “What else?”

  “No sleeping with other people, which could prove really troublesome for me because I have a long list of people waiting to have sex with me.”

  I can’t believe she doesn’t have guys lining up to be with her in whatever capacity they can be. I know if I was ten years younger I’d snatch her up and hang on tight.

  “What’s the most important rule of all?”

  “That you make me orgasm every time?” Her cheeks flush.

  “That’s not a rule. Well, it’s an unspoken one and don’t worry, I’ve got that one covered.”

  In case this weekend didn’t prove it, I plan on showing her again very soon.

  “Oh, yeah. I know. When I leave for school that’s the end of us. We will be finished. The book will be closed. The door locked. Yada, yada.”

  I don’t want to think about the end of the summer coming, but I know that summers always pass by the fastest. As much as I keep warning her about the impending deadline, I need to take my own advice. I could see myself getting wrapped up in Sophie and I’m the last thing she needs.



  “How was your weekend away?” Tenley aks, her eyes sparkling with interest.

  I grin. I can’t even hold it back. I’m so happy with the way things progressed with Miles and me. Getting away was a treat in itself, but finding out he’s as attracted to me as I am to him was a dream come true.

  “Does that cheesy grin mean what I think it does?”

  “I guess that depends on what you think it means.”

  “You got laid.”

  I giggle.

  “You totally got laid. Oh my freaking God. It’s about damn time.”

  “I did, I can’t deny it.”

  “How was it? Was it hot being with an older guy?”

  “It was… amazing, incredible, mind blowing.”

  “Okay. Okay. I get the picture and I’m not jealous at all.” She rolls her eyes. “My only hope of being with an older guy is your brother, Luca.”

  “Eww, gross. If you ever are I don’t want to know about it.”

  Tenley laughs. “I’d definitely tell you and make you suffer through it.”

  “Well, I’ll add that as another reason why you shouldn’t sleep with him.”

  “What happens now with you
and Miles?”

  “We’re going to have fun with the time remaining before I go off to school and then we’re through.”

  “So, just like that, huh?”

  “Yep, just like that.”

  “It sounds good in theory, but you know it’s not going to be that easy, right?”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m just not going to think about it.”

  “Until you have to,” Tenley points out.


  “Well, despite your impending heartbreak, I think this is awesome and I’m glad you’re breaking out of your all work-no play habits.”

  “You say that like I never have any fun.”

  Tenley glances pointedly at me. “You could use some more fun in your life. I hope Miles will be just what you need to get you ready for college life. Don’t worry, when it’s over with him, there are plenty of hot guys at King University who will be interested in you. It won’t be long before you’ve got a replacement for Miles.”

  I don’t verbalize my differing opinion with Tenley, but in my mind I’m emphatically disagreeing. Miles is so much more to me than a summer fling. I know when our time is up it will take me a long time to move on to someone else.

  * * *

  Miles opens the door with a smile on his face. He leans over, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. “How was your day?” He steps back and lets me pass before shutting the door.

  “It was long. I’m glad to be here. It didn’t feel like it was ever going to be quitting time.”

  “I can’t believe you’re not sick of me yet.” He pulls me into his arms and presses a kiss on top of my head before releasing me. I love it when he does that.

  “Are you kidding? I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.”

  “Wow. You look beautiful.” He gestures toward my short, black skirt and purple blouse.

  “Thank you. I just came from work. You’ve just seen more of me wearing kick around clothes.”

  “Does my sister make her employees get dressed up?”

  “No, not so much. But I like to. It makes me feel professional; like I’m making the best impression I can.”

  “You’re making one hell of an impression all right. No wonder business is so good there.”

  “Haha, I’m sure it’s my skirt that’s doing it.” I roll my eyes.

  “No it’s the sexy as fuck body inside it. All the guys probably wait for you to bend over, so they can see what color your panties are.”

  “Is that what you want to happen?”

  “Baby, I plan on finding out what color they are. Come on.” He extends his arm and I slip my hand into his. I’ll go wherever he asks. “Joey’s already down for the night and I’m about to cook dinner if you want to keep me company.”

  “What are we having? I’m starving. Work was so busy today, I didn’t get to eat anything besides a protein bar I found in my bag.”

  “I’ve been cooking meatballs in the crock-pot all afternoon. All that’s left to make is the salad and pasta. I’ve got some fresh Italian bread too.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so happy. I can’t wait to dig in.” Leaning against the counter, I watch as he fills a pot with water and sets it on the stove to boil. Studying Miles has become one of my favorite pastimes. Since we returned from our trip two weeks ago, we’ve spent almost every night together. I’m stockpiling images in my memory for when we’re no longer able to do this.

  Moving to the fridge, I grab a bag of salad from the drawer, a tomato, and a cucumber. “You’re such a guy,” I scoff.

  “Yes, I am, but why are you just noticing?”

  “I’m just laughing at your bagged salad. This is a product for men. Women don’t mind washing a head of lettuce and tearing it up.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’m pretty sure Miranda buys those too. Besides, making salad sucks. If you can open a bag, dump it in a bowl and cut up a few veggies to go with it, why would anyone do it any other way?”

  “It’s all about the freshness of the lettuce.”

  “My mouth doesn’t seem to care where it comes from.”

  He hands me a knife and grabs one for himself. I reach for the tomato and he holds out the cucumber instead.

  “Do you have something against cutting up a cucumber?” I ask, taking it from him.

  “Not at all. I just want to watch you handle the phallic shaped vegetable.”

  I snort and elbow him in the arm. “Whatever.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. And the pink cheeks you got as a result makes it worthwhile.”

  We finish making dinner and sit next to each other at the large granite island.

  “I hope you don’t mind how informal I always am when you’re here. I don’t use my dining room at all. I should probably turn it into something else.”

  “No, it’s not a problem. When I’m home I like to eat in front of the television whenever I can. I’m not big on family meals. This is definitely more my style.”

  “How often do you see your brothers?”

  “Luca comes over more than Chaz. I probably see him once a week or so. Chaz usually stops in once a month.”

  “Are you close to them?”

  “They’re ten and eight years older than me, so growing up I was the annoying little sister who wanted to tag along.”

  “Is that how you got so good at climbing trees?”

  I smile. “Yep, it sure is. I had to keep up with them or they’d leave me in the dust.”

  “You must’ve been adorable running after them.”

  “That’s one word for what I was. More like a raggedy tomboy with skinned knees and dirty fingernails.”

  “It’s all good. You’re not a tomboy anymore.” He leans over, nuzzling my neck. When he straightens, his eyes send sparks of desire my way.

  “Aren’t I? I can still climb a tree like no one’s business.”

  “In hindsight, that was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen,” his voice deepens.

  “Me, climbing the tree?”

  “Yes. And even more so because you did it for Joey.”

  “And you. When I pulled into your driveway you were banging on the door like a crazy man. I wasn’t sure if I should turn around and drive away. Needless to say, I’m glad I didn’t.”

  “So am I. I was going to have to run to my neighbors and call the fire department. I didn’t have my phone in my pocket at the time.”

  “These are the stories you’ll remember when Joey’s all grown up.” I run my finger around the rim of my water glass as I struggle with the question I want to ask. Oh what the hell? “Do you think you’ll ever want more kids?”

  “It’s hard to say. I’m happy with one for now and not in a place to have more. Who knows what the future holds, though?”

  I nod and push the remaining spaghetti around on my plate. What was I expecting, a declaration of love? Did I think he was going to reply, ‘only if you’ll be their mother?’ In three weeks I’m heading off to college and Miles is going to move on. Eventually, he’ll find another woman to marry and he’ll father more babies, while I grind through four years of classes. For me, he’ll be the one who got away and I’ll just be the girl who used to babysit Joey. That’s if he even remembers me.

  Miles places his hand on my forearm, drawing my eyes to his. “What’s wrong?” He looks concerned and I feel remorseful. I don’t want my negative thoughts impacting him.

  I flash him a smile. “I’m here, with you. What could be wrong?”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  After the dishes are cleared and the leftovers are put away, we settle next to one another on his large couch. He draws me into his side and I place a pillow on his lap and lie down.

  “What are we watching?” Miles raises the remote, turning on the television.

  “I’m game for whatever.”

  “How about Stranger Things?”

  “Sure,” I agree, knowing I won’t be awake long enough to see much of the episode.

sp; He gets the show started, setting the remote down on the small table next to the couch. His fingers move to my hair, slowly stroking through the length to the ends and then starting at the roots all over again. The repetitive motion is soothing and my heavy eyelids drift shut within minutes.

  “Get some rest, baby. I’ve got you.”

  Smiling contentedly, I slip off into my dreams since that’s the only place we’ll have a future together.

  * * *

  A kiss pressed to my lips wakes me. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Miles hovers over me smiling.

  It takes a few seconds for my mind to catch up with where I am. “Did you put me to bed last night?”

  “I did. You were out cold once we moved to the couch. After Stranger Things, I tried to wake you, but to no avail. I brought you in here, stripped you naked and climbed into bed with you. I had a hard-on for four hours straight, but it’s good that you got some rest.”

  I laugh and then a thought occurs to me. “Oh, shit. My parents will be wondering where I am.”

  “Calm down. I texted them and said you were staying over at Tenley’s house.”

  “Thank you for that. I don’t want them to worry. And they must be wondering why I’ve been sleeping at her house all the time.” I laugh.

  “What do you have on tap for today?”

  “I’m hoping you’re going to make me a steaming hot cup of coffee and deliver it to me in bed. After that I’m going to take a shower, where you’re welcome to join me.”

  “I better be quick then, because Joey will be up before we know it. On second thought, how about if we reverse the order and get dirty… I mean clean in the shower first and have coffee later?”

  I chew on my lip and pretend to think this over, when in actuality there’s nothing to ponder. Of course I’m not turning down shower time with Miles.

  He rises and holds out his hand for me. I grab onto him and he pulls me to my feet in front of him. Bending down, he slings me over his shoulder, a large hand settling on my ass.


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