by Chance, Jacob


  I arrive home after going to the tattoo shop with the guys. Sam’s living in Boston permanently now, but he came for the party and he’s staying for a few more days.

  Sophie greets me at the door. “Your mom stopped by and asked if Joey could stay over, so he’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “Why do you look so worried? What’s wrong?”

  “How bad is the tattoo? Did they choose something horrible for you?” She covers her nose with both her hands, her brown eyes filled with apprehension.

  “Let me at least get in the door and then I’ll show you.”

  “I’ve been sick to my stomach since you left, imaging some God awful tattoo on your chest or arm. I guess I should be happy your face is clear.”

  “I wouldn’t let anyone near this face,” I joke as I kick my shoes off. “Where do you want the unveiling to take place? The living room? The kitchen? Maybe the bathroom, so if you want to throw up after you see it you can?”

  “Are you messing with me, or are you trying to prepare me for how bad it is?”

  “Just humor me and pick a place.”

  “Fine. The living room because it’s closest.” She grabs my hand and tugs me along behind her, leading us to the couch. She sits and I remain standing. “Well?” she prompts impatiently.

  “Let’s play a game,” I suggest.

  “Come on. This waiting is killing me.”

  “Guess where it is?”

  “Hmm. There’s a few places I think Tanner would pick if he wanted to make it the worst he could. Is it on your ass?”

  “Nope, my ass is still tattoo free.” I chuckle. I’m probably lucky he didn't choose there.

  “What about your lower back? Did they make you get a tramp stamp?” She snorts and then laughs.

  “Oh, you think that would be funny, huh?”

  “Well, you gotta admit, it would be.”

  “Yeah, I can agree, but I am tramp stampless.” I turn around and shake my hips back and forth as I raise my shirt and show her.

  “Take it off,” she howls.

  Turning around, I grin. “Not so fast. We’re not done with our guessing game. And you’re not so hot at this game, although, your choices are very entertaining.”

  She taps her lips with the pad of her finger. “Is it on your stomach? Oh my God, did they make you get a sun tattoo around your belly button? Fuck, I hope not. That will ruin your hot stomach.”

  She’s so adorable. I’m tempted to put her out of her misery but she’s way too entertaining.

  I slowly raise my shirt above my belly button to show her there’s nothing there.

  “Oh, thank you, sweet Jesus.”

  “Come on. You’re really narrowing it down now. You’re running out of body parts.”

  “Did they make you get a bullseye around the base of your dick?”

  “What? How are you even thinking of these things?”

  “I’ve heard… uh, I mean I’ve read about it.”

  “I get it. Was this one of Callie’s stories, or Tenley’s?”

  “I can’t remember exactly.”

  I knew she wouldn’t rat her friends out. She doesn’t want me to think poorly of them.

  “Just so you know, there’s no way I’d tattoo anywhere near my dick, no matter what bet I lost.”

  “Ok, good. Because I like that area just the way it is.”

  The area mentioned responds to her praise, twitching in my cargo shorts. “Do you have another guess? Don’t stop now.”

  “Your pec? Maybe some cheesy sports themed tattoo?”

  “Nope, not my pecs.” I tug my shirt all the way up my chest and reveal my bare, inkless skin.

  “Okay, that leaves a shoulder tattoo or your arm. It can’t be your legs. You have shorts on and I don’t see any. Unless it’s on your upper thigh. Ugh, I hope not. That would be horrible.” She grimaces. “I’m going to hope for the best and say an arm tattoo because more people would see it than any other body part.”

  “Bingo. That’s it. Do you want to see it?”

  “I don’t know. Do I? I’m a little scared.”

  “I think it’s worth seeing. You’re going to see a lot of it anyway. Especially with the way you can’t keep your hands off my body.” I wiggle my eyebrows up and down.

  “Okay. Enough of that. Rip the band-aid off and show me.”

  I draw the shirt up over my head and throw it on Sophie’s head.

  She sputters and laughs. “Woohoo, take it off, big boy.”

  I move closer to her and peel back the bandage revealing the tattoo of a black bear with the date she told me she loved me written underneath.

  “Oh, wow,” she breathes. “It’s beautiful. The details are amazing.”

  “I’m glad you like it because this is for you. I know we’ve never really focused on age or how you have the rest of your life to chase your dreams, but in case you’ve ever doubted us or my love for you, this means I’m all in. And you’re all mine. I’ll wait for you to achieve whatever you need to before you become my wife. As long as I have you with me that’s all that matters. What do you have to say to that?”

  “Get naked. I want to ride your cock and stare at your tattoo.”

  My shorts and boxers are off in two point two seconds and I’m supine on the couch. “Have I told you you’re my dream girl?”

  “Not today.” She wiggles out of her shorts and panties and walks toward me. She straddles my hips and tugs her t-shirt off, revealing her lack of a bra. I cup and squeeze both her tits. Guiding the tip of my cock to her wet entrance, she pauses.

  I groan with anticipation. “Remind me to tell you later. Right now I’ve got something more important to take care of… fuck me.”

  * * *

  Did you enjoy Depravity?

  Want more forbidden romances?

  Pre Order DEVILRY

  Book Two of the King University Series, written by Marley Valentine.

  Read on for a preview of the prologue.

  Earning a full scholarship to King University was my hard earned ticket out of hell. I'm happy to be away from the small town I grew up in and all the equally small minded people who live there.

  King was going to be my safe haven. A place where I could leave the old me behind and finally grow into the young man my family had desperately tried to hide away.

  Diving head first into new experiences, new friends, and parties, I didn’t expect to run straight into the one thing I wasn’t ready for.

  His arms are welcoming, his body is addictive and his lips are heaven. Cole Huxley is everything I could fall in love with, except for one problem... I never wanted to fall for my professor.

  * * *

  Read on for The Prologue of Devilry By Marley Valentine





  “Do you really think we should be doing this?” I ask, adrenaline and fear my motivators for the question.

  “What?” He brushes my wayward hair out of my eyes. “Hiding behind the church, while everybody is inside listening to the sermon?”

  “Well, yes, that, but I mean this.” I gesture between us.

  Grabbing my hand he brings it to his chest, my palm now privy to the frantic beat of his heart. Wanting him to know I feel it, too, I mirror his actions, until we’re both standing there, staring at one another, vulnerable, exposed, and in absolute awe.

  Is this finally happening?

  “I’ve never done this before,” I confess.

  “I know.” His eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. “Are you sure about this?”

  My stomach flips in anticipation. Am I sure? Absolutely not. Am I going to pass up kissing him? Again, absolutely not. Since the moment Alex crashed into my very small and sheltered world, it’s been endless days and nights of uncertainty paired with an unhealthy amount of addiction.

  I can’t get enough of him, especially the way he makes me feel.
The relief that these long sixteen years of my life haven’t been wasted, the exhilaration that I’ve finally found the person I was searching for.

  Surprisingly, it wasn’t him I was looking for.

  It was me.

  The son of a pastor, my life is only supposed to run on the straight and narrow. Know your purpose, hear your calling. They’re the words my father drums into me, every day. But no matter how hard I try to listen, to hear God’s voice, I’m only ever left feeling out of place. Out of sync.

  Until right now, I didn’t even feel right in my own skin. Like God had sewn me up all wrong and the seams didn’t meet up. I know I’m different. I also know exactly what it is that sets me apart, but that doesn’t mean I’ve always been ready to accept it.

  Nothing about me is straight and narrow.

  Not my needs.

  Not my wants.

  Not my hopes.

  Not my dreams.

  And definitely not my sexuality.

  With his unruly hair, piercing blue eyes, and unapologetic nature, Alex has been a breath of fresh air in my very stale and stuffy life.

  Gradually, he’s been teaching me how to be myself. Before him, I had feared the truth. Living every day with so much uncertainty, it’s become painful to even look at myself in the mirror. Every waking moment I’m pretending to love myself on the outside, while I quietly, but painfully berate myself on the inside.

  I don’t want to live like this anymore, and he knows it. He’s seen me for what I am and who I want to be.

  Slowly but cautiously, he’s bringing me out of my shell. Moment after moment he validates my existence, proving to me I can rid myself of the doubt and rejoice in my differences.

  “Answer me, Eli, because we’ve been dancing around this for too long.” He steps closer. “And I want to be your first so fucking bad.”

  “I’ve kissed someone before,” I protest.

  “Have you kissed a guy?”

  Even though we’ve already had this conversation, my traitorous cheeks still flush at his forwardness. “No.”

  Alex’s eyes melt from ice to liquid, from demanding to desire. Teenage hormones are no fucking joke, and the involuntary erection to the one hand job from my winter dance date, who was a girl, has nothing on this. My dick is so hard, one simple touch from him is all it would take to embarrassingly blow my load inside my pants.

  Hands firmly grip either side of my face and I suck in a huge amount of air into my lungs. My chest hurts as the seconds pass us by, but I’m sure if I exhale, my fear will come rushing out, ruining the moment. Breaking our connection and taking away my one chance to feel what it’s like to feel whole. Full. Complete.

  “Breathe, Elijah.”

  His intention is to calm my nerves, but my body doesn’t cooperate. My obvious panic forces him to take control. Softly but swiftly, he presses his mouth to mine.

  Time stops.

  My heart does too.

  His lips are somewhat rough and slightly cracked from the way he habitually bites them, but the action still tender. He moves his mouth against mine, taking the lead. Pushing me up against the brick wall, my back scrapes across the jagged exterior as his chest lightly caresses mine.

  We’re so close, but still not close enough. Finding the courage to take what I want, my hands travel up his arms, over his sleeves, and land on either side of his neck. Squeezing just a little, I bring him closer and deepen the kiss.

  His tongue swipes the seam of my lips and I open up, letting him in. I can’t help but compare this to the pitiful kisses I’ve stumbled through in the past. The continued experiments that always ended in disaster, ended in tears and frustration that I would never be normal. That I would never feel normal things.

  But now… who wants normal? What is normal? Who wants to feel anything but this?

  Eagerly, I graze my tongue against his and begin to match his languid strokes. A moan reverberates in the back of his throat, silencing the last of my anxiety and birthing a new kind of desperation.

  His hips rock into mine, the clothes between us doing nothing to hinder the rush as our dicks rub against one another.

  “Alex,” I hiss.

  “I know, but I can’t stop,” he breathes out. “What if this is our only time?” Hands trail down my chest. My stomach; fingers stopping at the button on my jeans. “Can I?”

  With his forehead resting against mine, he holds my stare, his eyes patiently waiting for me. Even though I know just how complicated things are about to get, I don’t have the strength to argue with him. I don’t think I even want to. Even if it kills me, I want everything he has to give.

  Crashing my lips to his, I answer his question. Slipping into my jeans and under my boxers, he wraps his fingers around my solid length. Gripping me tight, we both still.

  Time stops.

  My heart does too.

  “I’m going to come,” I warn.


  Our kiss becomes a feasting frenzy as he moves his hand up and down, jerking me off with all the skill of a boy who is comfortable in his own skin.

  With shaking hands, I unbutton his pants and shift my movements till he’s throbbing under my touch.

  “This is going to get messy,” he chuckles against my mouth.

  Our fists move faster, our tongues battle for dominance. Together we’re chasing the high, going against everything we’ve ever been told. Every teaching. Every expectation. We’re just two boys literally hiding behind the church. Hiding from the world of judgement and harsh realities.

  While everyone in the congregation is down on bended knee, offering thanks, saying their prayers, and begging for absolution, Alex and I are giving in to our deepest desires.

  Heat rises from the soles of my feet, tingling up my legs and tightening around the base of my spine. My body jolts with the anticipation of my release. Breaking our kiss, I look down, enthralled by our public indecency, as simultaneous orgasms ripple through us.

  With heavy and laboured breaths we stare at the outcome of our attraction. The stickiness of our pleasure. The confirmation of my truth.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers.

  His words break through my sated mood. I look up at him with a weak but satisfied smile. “Never better.”

  I inhale the scent of him and the perfection of this moment, as he drops a quick kiss on my mouth.


  An unexpected but familiar voice penetrates the moment. Paralysed by fear, I stare into Alex’s now apologetic eyes. I take in every feature, committing everything we just shared to memory, because I know without a doubt, this is the first, and last time, I will ever touch him. Taste him. Be with him.

  “Is that you?”

  Time stops. My heart does too.

  “Yeah, Dad. It’s me.”

  * * *




  Thank you to every reader who purchased, borrowed or read Depravity with Kindle Unlimited.

  This book was completely different than anything I’ve written before. I hope you move on to Devilry and Debauchery, books 2 and 3. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

  I have to thank Marley Valentine, my Remy Blake co-author. Writing with you is a privilege and a pleasure. I’m so grateful you didn’t think I was crazy when I asked you to team up with me two years ago. This series has been so much fun and I know this process wouldn’t be as enjoyable or run as smoothly with anyone else.

  I have to thank my amazing editor, Shauna Stevenson from Ink Machine Editing. You are so patient and accommodating for me. I know you must want to tell me to *#$& off when your editing another 4,000 words I decided to add to my book the night before it releases, but you don’t. Thank you for being so encouraging and for taking great care with my books.

  Thank you to Hawkeye’s Proofing for doing a great job as usual. Thank you for fitting Depravity in and mak
ing it so easy to work with you. All the read throughs you do don’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. And you put up with my chronic editing habits, which I know isn’t easy.

  Thank you to my PA Diane for all you do to keep me organized and get my books seen. I’m grateful for all your help and patience. And for your reminders that keep me on task.

  Laura and Jodi, thank you so much for being such great beta readers. Your feedback was so helpful. If it wasn’t for you guys my characters would’ve been dropping F bombs in front of little Joey and putting things in their mouths that they’d regret. Both of you took time out of your schedules to work on Depravity and I appreciate it more than I can say.

  Thank you to all the members of my Facebook reader’s group Spoiled by Chance for being so incredibly supportive of everything I write. You guys have embraced my storyline choices from day one. I appreciate that you’ll try new genres that I write. Thank you for all the shares you give my graphics and for recommending my books every chance you get. It’s an amazing feeling to have such a strong support system behind me every step of the way.

  About the Author

  Jacob Chance grew up in New England and still lives there today. He’s a martial artist, a football fan, a practical joker and junk food lover.

  All his books are available on Amazon






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