The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2) Page 28

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "She knows that, Lucas. Shelly didn't have the same intention as Mark- Ethan, whatever the hell his name is. She just wanted to meet you, and that's why she came down here. Then she had her baby early and that changed things. Shelly feels terrible that she brought her boyfriend down here. From what she said- and I do believe her, she didn't know who he was at all, or what he had in mind. I think all she wanted was to find a little closure about her brother, since she doesn't have much family of her own."

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "She said as much when she first arrived. I talked to her for a few minutes before Jameson and Mary got me to the car to come to the hospital."

  The nurse walked back in again with the baby. Lucas perked up at the sight of his daughter and he sat up quickly. "You'll be happy to know she passed her hearing test, and so far everything else we've done has come out just fine. You've got a perfectly beautiful little girl here." She smiled, lifting the tiny infant and bringing her over to them.

  Lucas reached out for her, cradling her in his arms. "Of course she's perfect," he said softly. "She was created out of the most amazing love." He flicked his gaze back to Avery, his eyes glistening with tears, but radiating with love.

  "Ms. Wainscott has a request. Since we can't bring her up here, we came up with an idea. If we can take the baby to the nursery for a little bit, we can wheel Ms. Wainscott down there. That way she can see her through the window. She's anxious to see all of you."

  Avery nodded and nudged Lucas. "Why don't you go and talk to her? I bet she'll tell you exactly what I did."

  Worry flashed in his eyes, but he agreed. "I wish you could come with. I don't want to leave you, but I can't rest until I know."

  Avery cupped the side of his face that wasn't bruised. "Shh. You go. I'll see her soon. Get your closure and I'll be here waiting for you two. Then, we have a decision to make."

  Lucas's eyes widened.

  "We need to pick out a name, silly." Avery moved her hand and touched the pink fabric of the blanket wrapped around their daughter. "We can't just call her baby girl Bennett anymore, or Baby Girl Callimer." Since they weren't married, the name tag said Baby Girl Callimer, even though she was going to take Lucas's last name.

  Lucas allowed the nurse to put the baby back in the bassinet. He leaned over and kissed Avery, still seeming reluctant to leave. "I love you," he whispered before turning away and following the nurse out of the room.


  Lucas had never been so nervous to face Belinda more than he felt right now. Avery had tried to calm him down and he loved her for it, but the fear in the back of his mind overtook everything else.

  I can't go back to that dark place. I'm better than that.

  There was no room for going backwards. Somehow, he had to find a way to get past this.

  He cast his glance back down at his daughter. Right there was the tiniest, but at the same time biggest reason to put it behind him. He was a father now, and everything came down to his family.

  "We'll just put her right up in the front row, closest to the window," the nurse informed him. Lucas nodded in response and watched his daughter. I'm a father. I'm responsible for a tiny little life. He stood in front of the glass window until a quiet voice pulled him from his thoughts.

  "She's perfect. So beautiful. Congratulations."

  He turned to face the owner of the voice. Belinda smiled wearily from her place in the wheelchair as her eyes glistened with tears.

  "Thank you. I couldn't agree more. She's got Avery's hair and face. Belinda, I-"

  She gestured for him to come closer. There were a few chairs leaning up on the outside of the nursery window. He sat in one of them and the nurse aiding Belinda wheeled her a little closer. Lucas fought for the right words to say.

  "I'm so sorry for what happened," he said with a strained voice.

  "Don't you go blaming yourself, Lucas." Belinda frowned, reaching for his hand and covered it with hers. Her eyes blazed with a mixture of emotions.

  "I didn't want to do any of that. I should have found a way to stop it before I had to-" His stomach clenched again, as it did every time he thought about or said it.

  "Lucas, what choice did you have? You could have gotten hurt or much worse. And you have more at stake than I do. You're young and just starting a family. We just need to be thankful that we both came out of it like we did. I'm okay, Lucas. I'm not mad at you and I understand. Do you hear me? You did a lot more than I did! I couldn't even make myself move. I saw what he did to you and I couldn't seem to do a thing."

  "Avery told me you would say that," he replied softly. "And you didn't do anything wrong, either."

  "That's because my daughter is smart. She's the much better part of me. I could stand to learn quite a bit from Avery."

  So could he, and for the past few months he already had begun to. She had the strength for both of them most times.

  "You're okay? No permanent damage?" Lucas looked her over, from her shoulder where she'd been hit, to her face and her hands.

  Belinda nodded. "I'm fine. I'm in pain, tired, and very rattled, but I'm going to make it just fine. Just as you are. We'll see to it that man gets what he deserves as punishment, and we'll learn to put this behind us. So do me a favor and don't think about the things that you did. You're a good man, Lucas Bennett, and I meant what I said earlier. I'm very proud of who you've become. Avery is very lucky to have you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found the nerve to meet her."

  "I didn't do anything."

  Belinda fixed her gaze on him. "Yes you did, Lucas. Believe it or not, I owe a lot of things to you. To think I almost didn't send you to Harmony's Echo. I was almost going to handle it myself, but I chickened out. I don't know if I would have found the nerve to get to know Avery. I hate that I did that, but I think it worked out. I've never seen two people so in love the way I see with you and Avery. You two bring out the best in each other."

  He wasn't so sure what best he brought out in Avery. In his eyes, she was perfect just the way she was. But she definitely was his better half. "I don't know where I'd be without her," he admitted, turning his head and looking at his sleeping daughter.

  "Go in there and hold her. I want the last image I see before I go to sleep tonight to be you and my grand-baby. Good Heavens, I'm a grandmother! Do I look old enough to be a grandmother?"

  Lucas laughed. Then he surprised himself by hugging Belinda, avoiding her shoulder. "I'm glad you sent me here, too," he whispered, kissing her cheek.

  "Don't you get all weepy on me, you hear? Now get in there." Belinda's eyes sparkled, despite how tired she looked.

  Lucas backed away from her and walked into the room, making a beeline for his daughter's cradle. Meeting Belinda's eyes, he lifted the baby up in his arms. Making sure he held her head up with his good hand, he bent over and kissed her tiny, crinkled forehead. "You're going to be so loved, little one. Your mommy and I will do our best, even though your daddy tends to screw up sometimes. I love you already. There really is such a thing as love at first sight." He rocked her gently, never taking his gaze away from her scrunched up face. "I love you, my little angel."



  Melody really shouldn't be doing this. What right did she have to impose on Avery and Lucas right now, after what they'd just gone through? But she felt she couldn't leave until she talked to her. Avery was Jameson's best friend, and if she could make her understand, then maybe Avery could help Jameson.

  Still, she felt like the worst person ever. What the hell had she been thinking? She could turn around right now and go.

  Too late for that. Avery turned her way with a surprised gasp. "Mary? Hey! Come on in."

  Melody entered the room slowly, glancing around. Why was Avery by herself?

  "Lucas and the baby are out in the nursery. It was the only way Belinda could see her right now," Avery said softly, almost as if she could read Melody's mind. "Where's Jameson? What are you still doing
here so late? You guys should go home. Everyone is okay now."

  Tears welled up in her eyes as she pulled up a seat beside the bed. "I-" Her words clogged in her throat. So this would be much harder than she thought.

  Avery wrinkled her nose. "Are you okay? Jameson? Blaine? You're freaking me out right now."

  "I'm sorry. I don't mean to. I probably shouldn't have come to you, but you've been such a great person to me since I've been here. I had to be honest with you before I left."

  "Left? Where are you going?"

  Melody held back the tears. Be strong. Think positive. I'll come back. "I've got to go home and face up to why I ran." She bit her lip, carefully searching Avery's face. "My life here is a lie. I never expected to get so close to you all, especially Jameson."

  "Your life is a lie?" Avery blinked. "I know I sound like a parrot. Obviously it's been a crazy day."

  "I should go. I don't mean to bother you-"

  Avery shook her head. "Don't do that. Don't start telling me something and then leave it at that. People have a bad habit of doing that to me."

  "Sorry." Melody lowered her head. Time to suck it up and spit it out. "What I mean is, my name isn't Mary. It's Melody, and I ran because I walked in on the man I'd been dating just as he committed a murder."

  Avery's jaw dropped. After a long period of tense silence, she shook her head. "It just gets better and better, doesn't it?" she muttered, then grimaced. "Sorry. I don't mean to sound insensitive. I had no idea how serious your problem was. Why didn't you report it?"

  For the next fifteen minutes, Melody relayed the story to Avery, including today's events. When she finished, she pulled out a letter and handed it to Avery. "Will you give this to Jameson? I've already talked to him about this, but I had to write out how I feel. Blaine is waiting for me. I hate putting you guys in this position and I know I'm being cowardly by leaving a letter and then bolting, but I can't hide like this anymore."

  Avery frowned at the letter and she hesitated to reach for it.

  "I'm so sorry for all of this. I know you warned me not to hurt him, and I don't want to go, but-" Her voice cracked. "It's not fair to let myself feel all the things that I do without making sure I don't have to run again." She was just about to tell Avery about the possibility of being pregnant when Lucas walked back into the room, followed by a nurse with their daughter.

  "Hi Mary," he said, sending her a startled stare.

  "Hi Lucas," she replied, turning back to Avery. "Thank you for listening. Please give that to him." Then she faced Lucas. "I'm glad you're okay. Congratulations on your beautiful baby." Before either of them could say anything else, Melody bolted from the room. Ready or not, the time to go home had come.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  I hate this. I never wanted to hurt you, and it's killing me to write this letter. I'm crying as I do so. It was never my intention to find such peace and even a little happiness here in Harmony's Echo, but I did. The recent events got me thinking, and I know this Is something I need to do. I would never be able to forgive myself if Anthony found a way to hurt the people I've come to know and love, especially you. My heart aches and I know you don't understand. By the time you read this, I'll be on my way home, or at least, the place I used to call home. I can't move on with my life until I know Anthony pays for what he's done, and I have to know the truth about my dad and brother. It haunts me every day. I can't be free to love you until I know I'm not going to be hunted down by Anthony.

  I don't know what will happen next, but I know that I will never forget you, Jameson. You mean the world to me and I enjoyed the moments we spent together playing music, talking, and just being in each other's arms. You gave me a sense of security and love that I've never felt before. I hope your musical dreams come true. I hope your mom gets better and that you can get past your troubles. I hope to find my way back to you one day, but that is so uncertain.

  I'm sorry for running out on you.

  I love you. Forgive me.

  Love, Melody

  Ever since Avery had handed him the letter, he'd read it over and over again, each time with more anger and hurt.

  Part of him wanted to tear that letter up. Instead, he crumpled it and tossed it out of his sight. Damn it, why did she have to call all the shots? Didn't he have a say at all? He never had a chance to tell her how he felt. Yes, he'd said she had a place here with him, but he'd never said the words that maybe she needed to hear. Would it have made a difference? Guess it didn't matter now, because she'd already gone. Damn her! He would have done anything to help her, to find her family and give her hope. The last thing he thought would happen when he helped her out was that he'd give his heart to her, but it happened. Jameson loved her. She'd accepted his faults, his mistakes and the craziness that made up his life. She filled him with a renewed sense of passion and desire that he thought had long gone and died when he lost Avery. Melody helped him feel again, including being able to talk about the things that hurt and scared him the most.

  Jameson palmed his face in his hands and shook his head, not sure what to do next. He closed his eyes and pictured her beautiful face, but all he saw was the emptiness that made up his room from her things being gone.

  A knock sounded at his door, and just for a split second he jumped up thinking it was all a dream and that Melody would be standing on the other side of the door with open arms. He yanked it open, but his hope shattered at the sight of his sister. "Still mad at me?" she asked softly.

  "I would have done anything for her!" Jameson shouted, his vision blurring. He couldn't think straight. Everyone was turning against him and keeping him from what he wanted. No, that wasn't right. It wasn't the case. Okay, he needed to calm down and reevaluate.

  "I know, Jameson," Blaine said softly, crossing the entry into his room and sitting on the bed. She folded her hands in her lap and fumbled for something to say. "I saw how she made you feel again. I know it's not what you want to hear, but if you love someone, you've got to let them go."

  "Right, because they'll come back? I tried that once." Jameson laughed bitterly. "It didn't work."

  "If you're referring to Avery, I'm sorry. I know how long you loved her, and it wasn't easy to lose her, even though I don't know what happened. But she's still a part of your life and I know she loves you, even if it's not the way she once did. Tell me, Jameson. Don't hold back anymore."

  "I lost Avery because I made one stupid mistake." Jameson sank onto the bed next to Blaine. He crossed his arms over his chest and took a breath before continuing. "The night Dad died, Mom wanted to go through his things. I don't know if she just needed something to do or what, but then she left the house for awhile. It must have been too much. I don't know if you remember, but I dated a woman named Lea not too long after I moved with Mom and Dad. It wasn't serious, or at least I couldn't make it serious because of how much I loved and missed Avery. Lea came over that night."

  He avoided meeting Blaine's eyes. She slid an arm around his shoulder. Jameson almost pushed away.

  "I honestly don't remember much about that night, how things happened. I had- Lea and I-"

  Blaine squeezed his shoulder, keeping silent.

  "We had sex," Jameson bit out.

  She pulled him closer. "Oh damn. So that's what broke you and Avery up."

  He nodded. "I didn't know how to tell Avery, but for a week after, she knew something was wrong. But she just thought it was only me dealing with Dad's death. When I told her, she was upset, but Avery said we'd work through it. Six months after that, she finally admitted it wasn't working for her. Her feelings changed. I think it hurt her more to admit it. You know how she is."

  "Avery gives more than she takes, and she wanted to make things work no matter how much she couldn't," Blaine said softly, nodding.

  "Yeah." Jameson swallowed hard. "I didn't think I would ever find someone that made me feel love again, but Melody did. It was odd at first, because we bonded over music. For just a
short time, I thought I was trying to find the next best thing, and that made me sick. I realized that Melody wasn't Avery, and that's a good thing. Avery was my first love and best friend, and I'll always cherish those memories. But Melody- she brought out a different side of me. I became a whole new person with her. I should have told her-"

  "Jameson, Melody knows how you feel, which made it harder for her." Blaine patted his shoulder. "It wasn't that she left because you don't love her. She left because you do. I know that doesn't make sense. She wanted to make sure that if she could have a future with you, that her past wouldn't catch up with her. She saw how scared everyone was when Lucas and Belinda went missing."

  "In that letter, she made it seem like she wasn't coming back."

  "She's scared, Jameson. Melody doesn't know what's going to happen because she fled when she witnessed a murder. She didn't want to make a promise to you unless she could keep it," Blaine said softly. "Please don't be mad at me. I'm not going to be home much longer, and I want to make the best of the few days I have left."

  Jameson nodded. "Okay." He wasn't happy about it.

  "Let's go give Avery, Lucas, and the baby a welcome home. I know they're ecstatic to be going home."

  As much as he wanted to see them, the last thing Jameson wanted was to be around a happy couple. He loved them both, but right now it just didn't sound appealing. But he wasn't about to be rude. "Give me a few minutes to get ready, and we'll go."

  Blaine left the room, giving him one last look before she closed the door behind her.


  Forty five minutes later, the Callimers arrived at Avery and Lucas's house with the three of them. Neither Lucas or Avery were able to drive.

  "Hey, Belinda's been released, too. That's good," Blaine said softly. They'd been waiting on the porch swing for them to come home. Laura, Ray and their son had also just arrived.

  "What is this, a welcome home party?" Lucas smiled as he got out of the car. He bent to help Avery, then reached for the car seat.

  "Of course!" Laura practically squealed. "Oh, she's so perfect! Name! We need to know her name!"


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