Just Friends?

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Just Friends? Page 25

by K E Osborn

  The next day we have to start moving forward and getting ready for the next movie in the Nightwalker series, Nightwalkers - In Cold Blood. We meet with the cast and crew to do a read through of the script and fall back into the acting scene easily. Due to the undeniable popularity of the first film, we discuss our salary for the second installment, and the sum is much higher than the first movie. Our mouths drop when they notify us that we will be paid ten million dollars for In Cold Blood – each.

  We go to leave the studio and there are some fans are waiting at the gate as usual to follow us back home. We try to drive quickly to get away from them but they follow us with every turn we make. We decide we can’t be bothered driving around for hours trying to lose them, so we just drive to our home in the Hollywood Hills. We pull up into our driveway and the fans’ cars screech to a halt and they all jump out and run over before we get a chance to head inside.

  “Will, I love you.”

  “Will you sign this for me please, Will,” another yells.

  We decide to sign autographs for them and they all huddle around Will, while a couple comes over to me for a signature. I watch Will’s face as he tenses up around them.

  My poor man… looks like we’re going to need security at our home now, too.

  “You know, he’s going to leave you for me don’t you?” one redhead says to me quietly and she looks vaguely familiar.

  I raise my eyebrows. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?”

  “Don’t worry. He’ll forget about you soon enough,” she says with a menacing smirk.

  Then, it flashes back to me. She’s the girl from the premiere and she said exactly the same thing to me. A wave of uneasiness washes over me as I look over to Will, who’s surrounded by four girls all vying for his attention.

  “Okay, you’re starting to freak me out. I think you should leave.”

  “Well, I think you should leave Will. He is mine and I won’t let you forget it – ever,” she says, laughs and then runs over to Will while I stand there shocked.

  What the hell just happened? What a bloody idiot!

  “Will, we should go inside,” I announce as I push my way past the frenzied girls, eyeing one in particular. He scrunches his eyebrows with a concerned look and then nods.

  “Okay, baby, I’ll just be one more second.”

  I stand back watching him sign a girl's arm.

  The redheaded idiot girl grabs hold of his arm and pulls Will’s hand to her face as she kisses it. Will pulls his hand away from her.

  Wow, she’s one twisted sister.

  “Okay, girls, I have to go inside now. Have a good night.”

  They all groan, but then start to wave and blow kisses at him. Will takes my hand and leads me inside. I look at the redhead with a slight smirk and a ‘see he’s going home with me, not you’ look on my face, you little snotty faced bitch.

  We walk inside and sit down in front of the fireplace with a cup of cocoa. It’s around eight degrees Celsius, or forty–six degrees Fahrenheit outside. It’s very cold and it looks like rain is settling in as I look out over the Hills. It feels perfect being here with Will in our own home. Yes, it’s small, but it is perfect for us.


  Will has been cast in another three movies, not including the final three Nightwalkers which we are still in filming at the moment. He’s doing so well, and he’s quickly becoming one of the most talented and sought after actors in the world. He’s been in movies alongside America’s finest and most elite actors. Even though it was so hard to watch him have other leading ladies, he always comes home to me. His devotion and love for me never falters.

  As for me, I’ve actually focused more on my singing career. I’ve done a few acting roles, mainly as guest appearances in popular American TV series, but my first love was always singing. So I found an agent and worked really hard to get my name out there as a rock/pop soloist. I’m doing really well and my debut album shot to number one a day after its release. Critics are calling me an edgier P!nk. I don’t even think I’m in the same league as her, but hey, I’ll take any good feedback I can get.

  Brooke and Dan come over all the time. They told us that Charlie and Olsen stayed together throughout their time at AMDA, but Dan said he was cheating on her all the time behind her back. I wish she had more sense to see what a slime bucket he is! It wasn’t until she found another girl in his bed, naked and waiting for him to get home, that she realized what he’d been up to. They were about to buy a house together and it broke Charlie’s heart. Brooke says that Charlie has started to talk about me again. That she misses me and wishes she never ended our friendship.

  Charlie never did let me explain what really happened with Olsen, but I will say I’m happy that she is finally free of him. I’m not happy that she’s unhappy though.


  Four years after he proposed The Nightwalker series is practically over. Will and I actually have time to prepare for our wedding. Our careers have been crazy, but things have been going great with us and we’re stronger than ever.

  The Nightwalker movies are huge. With their continued high ratings our salary was raised with each movie. The third movie Nightwalkers – Her Revenge, our salary increased to twenty million dollars each, and for the fourth, Nightwalkers – Our Salvation, we both received a whopping thirty-five million dollars each.

  The entire set of movies made a total of nearly three point five billion dollars and was far bigger than we’d ever imagined it could be. We both shot to super stardom by the end of Nightwalkers – In Cold Blood. Our faces were everywhere. Now I know how Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart felt.

  I’ve been getting death threats in the mail and they were all sent with a lock of red hair, so I know who they’re from. We reported it to the Police, but they say there’s not much they can do without a name.

  We are still madly in love and my parents are flying out this weekend for the wedding. I’m so excited. My dress is a simple strapless white lace over white silk. A thick satin ribbon tied around the waist with a large bow and some bling in the middle of the bow, very plain, but elegant and comfortable. Our guests are surprised at our chosen location for our marriage. They expected it to be a massive event, but we only wanted close family and friends. We’ve given one photographer from a women’s magazine exclusive rights to take photos of our wedding.


  Today is the day that I’m marrying my best friend and lover, Will Sanders. My dad is getting ready to walk me down the aisle. The butterflies are frolicking with delight as I walk down the bushy entrance to where the ceremony will take place. Soft melodic harps play as I walk with my dad down the path that leads to the waterfall overlooking a large pond.

  “Now are you sure you want to do this, honey?” Dad asks, while he walks me slowly through the bush.

  “Yes, Dad, absolutely.”

  “Good, because I think Will is the perfect guy for you.”

  “I know he is Dad, of this, I couldn’t be more sure.”

  We walk through the bush and into the main area in front of the waterfall and I see Will standing on the path wearing his black suit, white shirt, vest and tie. He looks ridiculously handsome. I can’t help but think back to our first visit to this waterfall and the rawness of the emotion hits me as I feel tears trickle down my face while I walk toward my lover, my partner, my everything.

  ~ WILL ~

  She clears the brush and I see her and it fucking feels like it’s for the first time. She takes my breath away with how beautiful she is. I stand nervously fidgeting until Johno walks her to my side. After she hands her bouquet to Brooke, I take her hands and smile. I can’t contain my enthusiasm because my cheeks hurt from the intensity of my smile.

  “I love you madly,” she whispers.

  “And I you, more and more every day,” I whisper back as the small gathering of our family and friends crowd around us. She looks into my eyes and I stare back into hers, which are sparkling bright green. She smiles and I wi
pe a stray tear from her cheek. The Minister starts talking and I hear a helicopter hovering above us.

  Probably a fucking rival magazine trying to get the exclusive. Shit, this crap never ends!

  I don’t look up, but I continue to stare into her eyes, as I hold onto her hands tightly in mine. The emotion washes over me. I’m marrying my love and my life today and nothing is going to stop me, because we’ve had to wait so long for this day to come.

  The Minister clears his throat and I glance at him taking my eyes from hers briefly.

  “Your vows,” he says and I nod my head.

  I look back into Kat’s eyes and smile.

  “I, Will Jackson Sanders take you, Katerina Audrey Barrett to be my wife.

  “I promise to leave my apple cores and dirty butter knives on the counter.

  “I promise to leave my dirty socks on the floor.

  “I promise to complain about the dog running off with my underwear.

  “I vow to encourage us to try new and strange things.

  “I vow to fill your 'I love you’ bank every single day without fail.

  “I vow to never yell in anger.

  “I vow to be the best parts of me that fit perfectly with the best parts of you.

  “And although I will be imperfect at times, I pledge to be sensitive and respectful of your unique talents, abilities and quirks.

  “I pledge to give you strength to follow your dreams.

  “Together we can accomplish much more than I can alone.

  “I believe in you and love you more than words can express.”

  Kat smiles and a small tear rolls down her face, I catch it with my thumb and wipe it away.

  The Minister nods to Kat. She exhales and readies herself to make her vows to me.

  “I, Katerina Audrey Barrett, take you, Will Jackson Sanders to be my husband.

  “I promise to make a mess of every towel I use after dying my hair bright red.

  “I promise to stack the dishwasher the wrong way, every time.

  “I promise to complain about you leaving your dirty socks on the floor.

  “I vow to snuggle with you as often as possible.

  “I vow to make you laugh every single day.

  “I vow to try not to burn the dinner every night, but I make no promises where that’s concerned.

  “I vow to be the best parts of me that fit perfectly with the best parts of you.

  “And although I will be imperfect at times, I pledge to be sensitive and respectful of your unique talents, abilities and quirks.

  “I pledge to give you strength to follow your dreams.

  “Together we can accomplish much more than I can alone.

  I believe in you and love you more than words can express,” she says as she tries unsuccessfully to hold back her tears.

  I smile at her and bite my lip.

  Can’t we just get to the honeymoon already!

  I think she can read my mind because she lets out a small giggle.

  “Now, for the rings,” the Minister says.

  Dan places his hand in his jacket pocket and searches around for the rings. He pulls at them like they’re caught in his jacket and tugs. Everyone starts to laugh and then his hand flings out of his pocket and the box goes flying into the water. Everyone gasps as Dan and I start laughing. I look at Kat who doesn’t see the funny side of it as Dan shoves his hand back into his pants pocket.

  “Luckily, I have a spare pair,” he says.

  I can see relief flood over Kat’s face. I knew Dan would pull a prank like that. Kat hits my arm and shakes her head.

  “So, not funny,” she says even though she’s laughing.

  The guests all chuckle amongst themselves and we get on with the ceremony and exchange rings. When the ceremony winds up we make our way down the path as man and wife, while our guests throw rose petals. The photographer snaps so many photos, I am pretty much blind. We head back into Hollywood along South Main Street and pull up at Vibiana’s Garden Venue for the after party. Well, that’s what I call it, but Kat calls it a Reception.

  Everyone is there before us because we had some more photographs taken at the Huntington Botanical Gardens with our Best Man, Dan, and Maid of Honor, Brooke.

  I decide that now is the time to tell her about my present.

  “Babe, I have something to tell you,” I whisper in her ear as we walk through the foyer. “You know how much you love the retreat?”


  “I bought it for you. Well, for us – we now own our very own waterfall.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Her face lights up.

  “No, it’s ours baby.”

  “Well, that’s just the best wedding present I could’ve ever asked for. Thank you,” she says as she kisses my lips repeatedly.

  The Reception goes without a hitch and after what seems like forever, I’m finally taking my wife home. Kat falls asleep cradled into my chest. I carry her inside and lay her down on the bed very gently. Her eyes open and she exhales.

  “Did you carry me over the threshold and I slept through it?” she asks quietly.

  “Yeah, but you’re awake now. Let’s get you out of that beautiful dress.”

  She stands up and walks over to me.

  Oh là là, she suddenly seems very fucking awake. I love that strut she has going on there.

  Stopping to pull my tie undone, I smirk as she pulls it off and it flies across the room to the floor landing on Holly our Rottweiler. She looks up, then flops her head back down to sleep, ignoring us.

  ~ KAT ~

  I giggle at Holly’s reaction and continue to undo the buttons on Will’s vest as he slowly shuffles out of his jacket.

  “I love that we got married on Valentines Day,” I whisper and Will smiles.

  “I do, too. It’s a little cliché, but who cares. As long as you’re my wife, I don’t care what anyone thinks,” he says as he comes in to kiss me. His kiss is strong and passionate. He moves his hands around to my back, caressing me softly. He undoes the zipper on my dress and it falls to the floor, leaving me in a white lace corset and garter holding on to my stockings.

  A slow growl escapes his chest as he shuffles out of his vest and shirt throwing them to the floor. He takes hold, pulling me to him so are bodies are thrust upon each other. I can feel him through his pants. He’s so hard, I can just imagine how badly he wants to rip off my panties but he doesn’t. He’s gentle and caring. He kisses my bare shoulder and undoes the corset zipper. He slowly pulls it down, all the way while he kisses my neck to my shoulder, then down to my exposed breast.

  He leans down, undoes my garter, pulls down my panties, leaving my stockings on. I giggle at him as he traces kisses down the middle of my stomach. He picks me up and flings me onto the bed as he stands and drops his pants, hurriedly freeing his massive erection. He crawls onto the bed and over me, dropping his weight fusing our bodies, and begins kissing me forcefully. His tongue finds mine as my hands grip onto his muscular shoulders.

  “I love you, Mrs. Sanders,” he says making me smile.

  “I love you, Mr. Sanders. Now make love to me as my husband,” I demand. He smiles brightly, moves to the side of me, and his hand moves to my breast, as he comes back in for another passionate kiss. Just the simple act of Will kissing me, turns me on so much. I can already feel how wet I am for him and he’s hardly touched me. His hand slowly caresses my breast, he takes hold of my nipple and pinches it, not hard, but enough for me to whimper into his mouth. His hand then travels down my rib cage and stomach to between my legs. I’m practically gasping for him, as he slowly massages my clitoris, so slowly, that I know he’s teasing me.

  “Will,” I moan.

  “I know,” he says. His tongue plunges back into my mouth. He firms his pressure on my clitoris as he runs circles around my throbbing bud. I want him so bad right now I can hardly stand it. My breathing quickens as I become highly sensitive. His fingers are intoxicating and I don’t know how much longer I can
hold off. I completely relax and let Will work his magic. He rotates on me a little quicker, a little harder. My breathing catches as a surge flows through me making me tingle all over. My body heats rapidly as his tongue intertwines with mine. I’m starting to quiver as the sensations take over. I’m breathing heavily while my body starts to tense. He knows I’m close so he pushes harder and rotates quicker working me up instantly. My body clenches and I explode with an orgasm, hard against his hand for the first time as his wife.

  “Oh, Will,” I moan as he works me down slowly taking care and being gentle. This is definitely not going to be a fuck. He’s going to make love to me slowly and tenderly and I can’t wait.

  I move my hand to his shoulder; pull him toward me and he moves over me. His naked weight on me as I wrap my stocking covered legs around his waist bringing him even closer.

  “God, I love you,” he says, as his mouth moves to mine and his kiss is now tender and sweet. His erection is pressing hard against my thigh. I grind my pelvis up and into him. He groans, but gets the hint and maneuvers his way to my entrance. We’re both breathing fast as he gently eases into me. I moan at the feeling of him inside, it always feels like the first time. He groans slightly and starts to move inside me slowly. He moves his head to the side of my neck and he sucks on my skin as he fills me completely. My hands hold on to his back tightly, pulling him in. I don’t want any space between us. I can’t help but whimper with each slow and precise thrust. He’s taking his time, making sure our first time as husband and wife can last for as long as possible. His hand pulls mine down and he entwines our fingers together above my head. He thrusts into me deeper and I start to feel that burning sensation. It starts in my belly and ripples through my body igniting me in an inferno of blazing heat. I start to moan as I get closer and closer to my impending orgasm. He starts to move a little faster, knowing where I’m heading and his lips crash back to mine. My breathing is harsh and quick as a surge flows through me. My muscles constrict and explode. I scream out in pleasure as he keeps his lips to mine, working me down from my second high. He groans slightly. His tongue finds mine as my body quivers from the passion overload it just went through. He moves in me a little quicker.


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