Shifter Singles (Dating the Werewolves)(BBW Steamy Paranormal Menage Romance)

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Shifter Singles (Dating the Werewolves)(BBW Steamy Paranormal Menage Romance) Page 3

by Nikki Wild

  Until last week when he went on a business trip. In the two days he was gone, I fell completely apart.

  Without Jake, I could barely function, staring at my closet in confusion, utterly helpless when the cable had gone out. In desperation I had called Lacey, who, true to her duty as my best friend, came right over to knock some sense into my head. "He's ruining you," she told me flatly. "You're not an idiot, but you're acting like one. You need to get the hell out of this."

  It had taken him quite a lot of convincing to believe that I was finally done with him. I moved out, taking all of my stuff and dumping it into Lacey's spare bedroom. And now I was sitting here on her overstuffed couch wondering what the hell I should do next.

  "Yes," I finally agreed. "Let's do it. It has been ages since I've gone camping. Let's go build a fire and be warrior women," I grinned around the neck of my bottle as I imagined it. "Stars, the smell of pine, god I always loved Big Bear Lake."

  "It's the middle of the week. I bet we can get a camping permit right now."

  "Right now? As in...."

  "As in go pack your bags, Sofia," Lacey ordered, draining the last of her bottle. "As of right now, we are officially warrior queens."


  The sun was just sliding behind the western hills when we arrived at the entrance to the state park. Lacey paid the ranger at the gate as I rested my head against the window and gazed at the play of colors splashed along the underside of the clouds. Pinks and oranges, magentas and purples all shimmered together, changing quickly as the sun slid out of view.

  It was so beautiful I almost started crying.

  In the entire year and a half I had spent as Jake's ragdoll, I had not been out in nature once. No hikes, no camping, no boating, nothing. None of the activities I used to love. Getting me out here was the best thing Lacey could have done for me and I reached over to squeeze her wrist gratefully.

  But my best friend's lips were pinched. "That's a bit alarming," she said.

  "What's that?"

  "Didn't you hear the ranger?" Lacey asked me as she slowly drove along the dark road to the campsite. "There have been grizzly sightings all over the park."

  I thought for a second. "Well I guess that's not surprising. I mean, after all, the lake is named after big bears and all."

  Lacey shot me a look. "Says we need to be really careful about locking up our food and not wandering off alone."

  "Well duh," I exhaled. "I mean, that's basic safety. Did he think we looked like idiots?"

  "Oh pull the stick out of your ass, Sofia," Lacey chided me as she turned into the gravel lot outside the campsite. "He was just doing his job."

  I considered a moment, and then exhaled slowly, trying to unclench my fists. "You're right… Sorry."

  "We're here to relax, commune with nature and shit," Lacey grinned. "No being an uptight bitch."

  I smiled and looked down at my unclenched hands. "I'll try my best."

  The rigor of setting up a campsite was just like riding a bicycle for me. I found myself moving mechanically, the competence I had forgotten I possessed helping me get everything ready in the dwindling light. Lacey was right, there weren't very many other people out here, just a campfire off on a distant hill, hardly even worth noting. We had the place to ourselves.

  I sank back in the camp chair and snuggled under the scratchy wool blanket. Craning my neck, I could see the first white sliver of moon peeking over the trees. The sky was the deep indigo of twilight, a band of aqua still circling the western horizon. The soft lapping sound of gentle waves hitting the shore was the only sound apart from the breeze. I sighed deeply. "This is perfect."

  Lacey stood up from the fire and slapped her hands against her thighs with satisfaction. "I have created fire!" she bellowed as the flames leapt upward.

  I giggled. "Warrior queen!" I cheered her, raising an imaginary spear over my head.

  Lacey gave a cavewoman grunt, and then sat back in her chair. Reaching over to the cooler, she pulled out the last of the twelve pack we were sharing and handed it to me. "Fuck, I'm more tired than I should be," she said, leaning back in her chair.

  "We're out of practice," I nodded.

  "We need to do this more often," she said wistfully.

  I nodded even though she couldn't see me in the dark. My eyes were fixed on the dancing flames. The heat across my face felt wonderful in the chill night air. I shifted closer and stretched my feet in the direction of the flames, heating the soles of my shoes.

  "Do we have enough wood?" I asked her.

  Lacey gave a small snuffling sound. "Hmmm?"

  I looked over to her. "Were you asleep?"

  Lacey sat up quickly. "No, erm, not really. Just for a moment," she confessed. "But I'm here. I'm talking."

  I chuckled. "Lacey, you can go to bed. I'm happy just sitting by the fire."

  Lacey leaned forward, rubbing her forehead. "Lately when I drink I just get tired," she stifled a yawn. "Getting older really sucks sometimes."

  "You're not old," I chided her.

  "Then why do I want to sleep already?"

  "Because you've had a few beers, the fire is relaxing and nature is soothing your stress away," I told her. "Go lie down. I'll see you in the morning bright and early for the hike up to the ridge."

  Lacey yawned hugely and stood up. Coming around to the side of my camp chair, she ran her hand up my arm. "Glad to have you back, Sofia." I heard the smile in her voice but I couldn't see it in the dark.

  I heard her unzip the tent, and then the shuffling sounds of her undressing. There was a soft curse as she flopped down into her bag, and then the sound of her zipping herself into it. Then a deep sigh and all was quiet until a faint snore emanated.

  I chuckled again.

  I was relaxed but not sleepy. Sitting by the fire, listening to the lake sounds, I leaned my head back and looked into the darkened sky. The first stars were winking to life, one after another until the whole heavens blazed with pinpricks of light. I saw the faint dart of a shooting star, so quick I might have imagined it. The fire on the hill was suddenly doused, and I heard the hiss of the steam before the smell of the coals hit my nostrils.

  Now I was completely alone.

  I felt a small tingling of fear ripple up my spine and shifted myself closer to the fire. My mind drifted to the ranger's warning about bears and I darted a quick look over my shoulder.

  "The fire will keep them away," I muttered to myself.

  But my peace was shattered. I watched nervously as the coals dwindled. I stood up in a panic and rushed over to where Lacey had stacked some wood, but it seemed that she had thrown everything on at once.

  "Fuck," I said out loud. I turned and looked into the woods again. Was my mind playing tricks on me, or did I just hear a snort?

  "Hello?" I called softly into the night.

  There was a low noise, something I felt more than I heard. It rippled through my toes and right up my spine. I felt the hairs on my neck stand up.

  "Lacey?" I whispered, hoping it was just her snores. I listened and in the silence I heard the faint sips of her sleeping breath. She wasn't snoring.

  "Who's there?" I asked, feeling stupid.

  A piece of the forest seemed to separate itself from the whole, a moving shadow slinking out of the darkness. I gasped and staggered backward when the glowing eyes met mine.

  "Oh shit, oh shit," I moaned.

  The dying firelight glinted off the chestnut coat of the animal so that he seemed to glow with hellfire as he stood in the clearing. It was a bear, immense and shaggy, razor sharp teeth as white as the moon.

  I sank to my knees, unable to stand as my heart hammered in fear. "Oh shit," I whispered.

  There was a crack of footfall crunching on the undergrowth. The bear turned his head lazily to look behind him, almost as if he was waiting for whoever it was to show up.

  I nearly screamed in terror when two more immense shadows emerged from the woods. Three huge bears now stood before m
e, so massive they dwarfed our tiny tent and the feeble little fire.

  I flinched, waiting for the first blow to strike. I clenched my fists and waited for the pain, willing it to be over soon.

  But then I felt that rumble again, that one that made me shiver all over as my heart skipped a beat. It was louder this time and I clapped my hands over my ears as the whole air filled with the vibration. The darkness seemed to shimmer along with the sound and I looked up in terror.

  The bears were....moving. My mind could barely comprehend what it was seeing as the forms of the bears shifted and stretched, pressing down and twisting. I moaned in terror, but no sound came from my throat. I could only squeeze my eyes shut in fear.

  Then the noise stopped and all was silent. The gentle lapping of the lake filled my head again. I tentatively opened my eyes.

  Three men stood there in the clearing. The last flickering light of the fire caught their bare skin, sending muscles and ridges into high relief. I gasped as I looked up to see three human faces looking down at me.

  "We have found her," the first bear-man spoke.


  "You must come with us," he urged.

  I looked around. "Me?" I squeaked again.

  "Yes," he said, then seemed to pause. "Please," he added.

  I sank down to the ground even further, refusing to accept what I was seeing. There were bears...then they...transformed into a trio of naked men. Who were now asking me to follow them into the woods!

  "Please," the first man repeated, stretching his hand to me.

  Without thinking, I lifted my hand. When he caught it up, his strong fingers circling my wrist in a strange caress, I felt a jolt of pure electricity leap from his skin. It burned away my fear and propelled me to stand.

  "Where are we going?" I asked, unable to keep the fearful wonder out of my voice.

  The first man seemed about to speak, but there came a second voice. Another of the bear-men came closer, staring at me like I was some sort of apparition. "You came to us," he said in a voice suffused with awe. "We have searched for you for so long, and now here you are, finally."

  "After all this time," the third voice spoke.

  "I, don't understand." I had to keep the hysterical laughter from bubbling up inside of me. "I don't understand any of this."

  "Please come and I will show you what my clanmates mean," the first man said.

  I started to follow then stopped. "Who are you?"

  The three men turned back, dark eyes snapping in the dwindling firelight. They glowed somewhere between human and predator and each one of them looked like he would just as soon kiss me as devour me. Instantly it was as if I was the only woman in the world; I somehow knew they had eyes only for me. The three men practically radiated sex, but rather than frightening me with the intensity, all I could think about was how it would feel when they looked at me like that while I was naked.

  Whoa, where did that come from?

  My head was spinning dizzily and I stepped gingerly forward. The first man darted forward, quick as lightning and grabbed my arm before I could fall. "I am Cord," he rumbled and his touched burned my skin. "This is Matt and he is Denton." He paused for a moment, tugging slightly on my arm to propel me forward. I fell in step next to him, hypnotized by his nearness as his voice thrilled through me, sending a series of small explosions rippling up my spine at each incomprehensible word.

  "We are each alphas, the leaders of our clans," Cord continued. "We have warred over this land for centuries, but peace is finally at hand."

  Matt and Denton murmured something in response, but all I could understand was their eyes on my body. I could not have felt more naked than if they stripped me themselves and I was shocked to find out how much I liked it.

  "That's...good," I answered, feeling like I was moving underwater.

  "Yes," Cord continued, "but there is still one more step. We had nearly lost hope, until I caught your scent."

  "We must unite," Matt piped up, his voice low and gravelly. He was in front of us, his huge body clearing a path through the underbrush. I thought I saw light through the trees, but there were no campsites in this direction.

  "The three of us had to agree...." Denton added.

  "And we finally do," Cord concluded.

  I was no closer to understanding than when he first spoke. The light in the tree grew brighter and resolved itself into the dancing firelight of a huge bonfire.

  "What do you agree?" I asked.

  Cord turned and faced me, pressing his huge hands onto my shoulders. "We had to agree on a mate that would suit us all."

  "A...mate," I echoed, staring at his lips as he spoke. They were wet and soft-looking. I wondered how they would taste.

  "We looked for you for ages, traveling as far as the cities on the fringe of these woods," Matt added, coming closer to me. The heat that rose off of his body was unreal, almost as hot as the fire itself. "But we should have had faith… You came to us."

  "You willingly came to us," Denton echoed as he lifted a strand of my hair.

  They were surrounding me, their hard bodies preventing any effort at escape. But I had no plans to run. Not when I felt rough, strong hands brushing against my skin, taking me in, worshipping my body like I was a revelation.

  "I...did," I answered softly, shivering as a hand found the small of my back.

  "And now that you are here," Cord growled low, cupping my face in his hands, "the ceremony can begin."

  "What do I need to do?" I asked, my eyes fixed on him. His strong brows angled sharply down to hooded eyes that glowed amber in the firelight. I could see the animal lust behind them, waiting, ready to pounce the minute he set it free. It sent a delicious shiver down my spine.

  "Nothing," Matt murmured, his hot breath against my ear. "Except say yes."

  I felt a rough hand part my legs, finding the hot center that pulsed with deep desire. I gasped, trapped in Cord's gaze as I felt the rogue fingers trailing up the fabric of my jeans to press against my pulsing, needful sex. A low moan escaped my lips as those prodding fingers found the buzzing bead of my clit and began moving, dancing, sending quickfire darts of pleasure radiating through my body. I sagged into Cord's chest, pressing my cheek against the unyielding granite of his pecs. His heat was unreal and the slow throb of his heartbeat pulsed in rhythm with my aching pussy. "Yes," I moaned in agony of desire. "Oh God, yes, please."

  The minute I gave my consent, the three bear men descended on me in waves. Me, the girl who had always been a control freak, the neat-freak so tightly wound she nearly squeaked when she walked, suddenly found herself completely overwhelmed by the passion of three desperately hungry men. I felt myself lifted, carried to the fire, my clothes stripped from me so quickly that I barely had time to registered that I was now naked before three mouths attacked me at once. Cord's lips found mine, crashing together with a hungry growl. He prodded my lips open with a rough stab of his tongue and began a slow, aching exploration. Matt's lips found my breast, trailing upward in little sucking kisses before finding the puckered bead of my nipple and curling his tongue around the stiffened peak. I moaned into Cord's mouth as Matt dragged his teeth roughly against the delicate skin, the pain intensifying the pleasure of what Denton was doing in between my legs.

  Denton was devouring me, his tongue lapping against my pussy like he was a bear in a honey tree. Low growls emanated from his throat, vibrating against my already overloaded clit. Supernatural desire filled me from head to toe as I gave in to the sensation.

  My whole body was on fire and their lips fanned the flames until I burned hotter than the ceremonial torches that formed a ring around us. When Cord's lips trailed down and fastened to my throat, claiming me with a mark on my skin, my whole body surged upward into their arms, the crashing wave of pleasure pulling me under. I screamed out in an agony of ecstasy as all three of them worked me over until I was nothing more than a mindless bubble of pleasure.

  When the last shockwave subsided, I
sat up, gasping and stared. The three men stood up, the rock hard evidence of their desire bobbing and swinging before me. Cord looked down at me, eyes burning, and I felt the flush of desire rush through me again. I sat up on to my knees.


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