Vicious Minds

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Vicious Minds Page 21

by J. J. McAvoy

  “Ethan,” she begged, her brown hair sticking to her face, making her look even more sinful. Her voice was pushing to me the edge.

  “Ethan…I…ah…” She cried out as she came. But even when she did, she couldn’t stop herself from being turned on again from the pressure between her thighs.

  With one hand working my cock, I leaned over and took her nipple into my mouth sucking on it, feeling her soft skin between my lips. She cried out, leaning toward me.

  “Come on,” I hissed, sitting up and …fuck. I hadn’t meant to, but seeing my load on her stomach awakened another realization in me…that I wanted it. I wanted to mark her like that. I placed my fingers to her lips and she licked and sucked on them. Her tongue wrapped around my fingers, her saliva coating them, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I grabbed on to her breasts once more, squeezing them before putting clamps on her nipples.

  “Ethan!” she cried out.

  “Yes?” I ran my hand over the curves of her beautiful body. Every time I reached one of her birthmarks, I leaned over and kissed them.

  “Get these fucking things out of me and fuck me!”

  “You don’t make the rules here, love.”

  She exhaled harshly through her nose.

  “But if you beg…”

  “Fuck you,” she snapped, and I grinned. Her stubbornness only made this all the more entertaining to me.

  “Shut up and enjoy the show,” I said, grabbing the remote and increasing the speed of the vibrators.

  “FUCK! I’m so…ah…I…you’re…dead…oh!” I kissed her lips, watching her get wetter, and just like that I felt myself getting hot again, my cock coming back to life.

  Licking my lips, I brought my cock closer to her mouth. Horny and desperate for release, she stuck out her tongue, licking me from the tip all the way down. She turned over, pushing herself to her knees and kissed the tip of my cock. If she turned me on well enough, I’d need to fuck her, and she wouldn’t have to beg.

  I brushed her hair from her face and my mouth dropped opened as she took me deep in her mouth. And without mercy she tried to make me let go of my plan. The more I watched my cock slide into her mouth, the more I sunk deep into the back of her throat, the harder it became for me to stick to my plan. She made me weak.

  Damn her.

  Clenching a fist full of her hair I tugged slightly, and she let go of me, grinning. She bloody well knew what she was doing. She didn’t even wait for me say anything, she just crawled and turned around, her ass in my face.

  “Eth..ahhh,” she cried as I slowly pulled the plug out of her. She nearly came when I pulled the vibrator out of her wet pussy. I tossed them on the other side of the bed. On my knees, I rubbed myself against her, feeling her grind back against me. I slowly, torturously slid inside her. When my hips were firmly pressed against her ass I undid the knot around her wrists. She pushed herself up, rearing back against me as I pulled the blindfold off. The moment I did she was met with her own reflection in the mirrors.

  Her cheeks were flushed, her parted lips swollen and glistening, saliva at the side of her mouth. Her grey eyes focused and met mine the mirror. I held her waist pulling out slightly before slamming myself back into her. Neither of us looked away from our reflections as I slowly thrust deeper and deeper into her. She fisted the sheets and tried to control her breathing, her whole body bucking forward with my onslaught. I reached under her and tugged off the nipple clamps, and it was only then that she looked away, a desperate wail escaping her lips.

  Gripping her throat with one hand and a breast with the other, I kissed the side of her face. “Don’t look away. I want you to see how you sinful you look right now with me inside you.”

  Her eyes barely open, she looked back into the mirror and I sped up, the sound of our skin slapping together, our breaths, and our moans the only thing filling my ears.

  “Ethan, please, more,” she begged, obviously out to kill me. I pulled out, my cock covered with her slickness, and she whined until I entered her ass. The bed shook beneath us, and I closed my eyes, unable to keep them open with how tightly her walls squeezed around me.

  “Yes! Oh! YES!” she screamed, coming.

  Fuck! I was nowhere ready to let go of her but apparently my body had other plans. Her body rocked with mine as I kissed her neck and I unloaded in her.

  “This isn’t over, La mia anima.” I panted as I rested on top of her.

  She grinned, closing her eyes. “Good. Where is the wine?”

  I’m never going to be able to tame this woman. It took me a second before I could pull out of her and I lay back, trying to ignore the spots in my vision. Because she obviously wasn’t human, she sat up looking around the bed for the wine.

  “I love this one.” She sat beside me on the bed and drank from the dark colored bottle. She gulped it like water before offering it to me. I drank only a little bit and handed it back.

  “So, what are we calling this place?” She looked around the room. “Your sex dungeon?”

  “A little luxurious for a dungeon, don’t you think?” I said gently, pulling her to sit in between my thighs. She rested her back against my chest and drank again.

  “I’m a very luxurious prisoner. So, it fits,” she joked, and I smiled at that.

  “It’s the angel room.”

  “The angel room?”

  “An angel fell from the sky, right in front of me and I’ve been letting her wander around on her own, wreaking havoc on mankind. I think it’s time to keep her close by,” I whispered that last part, brushing my hands down her arms.

  “Sex makes you very sentimental.”

  “No, just you,” I replied, and she turned, staring at me.

  “Are you telling me to move to Chicago?” That was one of the things I loved about her. She was quick understand me.



  I frowned. One of things I hated was her unwavering stubbornness. She didn’t let go of her plans unless there was a logical reason for it; me wanting her close wasn’t logical enough, apparently. “Calli, this is almost over—”

  “I will move back when it is. Until then I’m not moving into a separate house like your damn mistress. Living here while that…woman is in the Callahan mansion. The easier it is for you to get to me or Gigi, the more comfortable you’re going to get.”

  Was she insane? “Do you really think I’m the type of the man who’d just leave you and my daughter living on the sidelines—”

  “No, but we need to also keep in mind the unexpected…until this is officially over, and Klarissa and her family are gone, I’m going to remain where I’ve always been, where I bloody well choose.”

  “Fine. I have enough on the Moretti’s. I’ll take care of them tomorrow—”


  “She’s almost four, Calliope.” I reminded her. “The memories that stick with a child for the rest of their lives begin when they turn four. My daughter is coming home. You are coming home. If the world is coming for us, I want us united under the same damn roof the Callahans have always been united under.”

  She exhaled and put her head on my chest. “It’s hard to reason with you when you do this.”

  “Aren’t you tired?” I asked, kissing the top of her head. To my surprise she nodded an admission.

  “I am,” she said softly. “But like you said earlier, the difference between us and everyone else is our sacrifice.”

  “Don’t use my words against me.” I frowned, and she giggled…actually giggled, wrapping her arms around me.

  “You have enough on Moretti?”

  “Tobias has been helping.” The little cunt.

  “The little cunt,” she said, as if she could read my mind. Her eyes met mine “You still want Dona to do it?”

  “I need her to do it. It’s the only way she’ll come to terms with it. But she can’t kill him unless I give her permission, and I can’t give her permission without exposing the fact that I want her to
do it.” What a fucking clusterfuck.

  “It’s a fucking clusterfuck,” she commented and this time I just stared at her, baffled. “What?” Her eyes were wide with confusion.

  I just shook my head. “I need to think of something that gives her the right to kill him without me being there.”

  “Don’t be there.” I could see her trying to piece together a plan. I wondered if this is how I looked too.

  “Go on.”

  “If you are called away for work in another area, who do you usually leave in charge?”

  “No one,” I answered, not sure why she asked. “Just because I’m in another location doesn’t mean I still don’t know what’s happening at home.”

  “Well change that, at least this once…leave to take care of business and make it clear you aren’t going to be reachable. Let Dona run the family for a little.”

  “That’s dangerous. Once my sister tastes that power—”

  “Will your sister betray you for power?” I hated to even think of the answer to that question.

  “She will be tempted to.”

  “Temptation is not a sin, it is the thought of committing sin. She’ll think about it until her face turns blue, but will she do it? Will she betray you?”

  I shook my head. “No matter how badly she wants to, she’s a Callahan. She’s my sister. Her ambitions give way to our family. Always.”

  “Then trust her with this.”

  I could see how it might work, but I was going to need one hell of an excuse to leave her in charge when I would normally never do so.

  “What could be big enough to draw you away though?” she asked, and I was convinced she could read my mind but was not telling me. “The Finnegan brothers?”

  I snorted at that. “You yourself said without Grams they’ll crumble within weeks,” I reminded her.

  “They don’t know it was Grams,” she observed, and I automatically knew where her mind was going.

  Grinning, I followed her logic. “I should support them in her place, just like with Rocha. Let them grow thinking they are getting stronger to fight me.”

  I could use them in more ways than one; this could be exactly what I needed to bring all of this to an end.

  “Exactly. Then when the situation gets serious, you’ll go to Boston. What?” she asked, her eyes roaming my face as she tried to figure out what I was thinking. The thought hadn’t even finished forming in my mind and she was already onto me.

  “How did you know I was thinking of something else?”

  “You weren’t following my eyes anymore. Now what is more captivating than me helping you think of a plan while naked?” She sounded almost insulted.

  I leaned forward and kissed her lips quickly before saying. “You aren’t going to like it.”

  “Go on.”

  “The Finnegan brothers have a cousin in Chicago.”

  “And I won’t like this because…” She waited for me to fill in the blanks.

  “She’s in prison.”

  “Still not following. Bring her out and use her against them. Why would this displease me?”

  “Because of how I’ll need to use her,” I said, and her eyes narrowed as she exhaled through her nose. I could tell she wanted to strangle me.

  “I want to strangle you,” she snapped and turned her back to me.

  Well, it’s good to know I can read her mind too.

  “You haven’t even finished off Klarissa and you’re already adding another woman to your harem.”

  “You’re cute when your jealous—ahh…Calliope,” I hissed through clenched teeth as she reached behind her and squeezed my balls, her nails digging into my skin.

  “You couldn’t even handle the thought of me going on a date with another man and you’re about to screw yet another woman. Are you really suffering here? Because you seem to be having a grand ol’ time.”

  “Are you done?” I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer.

  “The moment you sleep with her, I’m going to have an orgy,” she muttered, and I hugged her tighter, trying to forget she said that. I kept silent, waiting for her to collect herself and look past her jealousy and anger. “I’m done. Why do you need this cousin?”

  “Wyatt. I need him to come back home too,” I said gently in her ear.

  “What makes you think this woman will make him come back?”

  “I know the Finnegan brothers have a cousin have a cousin in Chicago because I remember her. When I was young, sometime after you left for Italy, I met a little girl in the O.S. center during our weekly volunteer time. She was there, we had some argument over cake which caught my father’s attention and he later told the whole family about it. My father lived for teasing both my brother and I.”

  “How could an argument over cake be worth any attention?”

  “My reaction. I was shocked and didn’t know how to reply to her. So the Great Ethan lost a verbal spat with some silly girl. My uncle Neal, after hearing the story, said that’s the type of woman I should marry. Wyatt will remember who she is, or I’ll make sure he knows. We’ll go Boston and have it out with the Finnegan brothers. She’ll magically die, I’ll get hurt, he’ll come to his fucking senses and remember who he is and kill them with his own hands for daring to mess with our family. The guilt of it will humble him a bit. I rid myself of her and the idiot brothers and gain my brother back.”

  “First, your uncle Neal isn’t my favorite,” she grumbled. “What is this girl in prison for?”

  “Her sister, or step-sister, framed her in a drunk driving accident which left someone crippled, so aggravated assault. And assault with a deadly weapon.”

  “How long has she been in prison?”

  I thought back to the article I read back then. “She should be six years into a 12-year sentence by now.”

  “Six fucking years? So not only is she fool, she’s weak.” She snickered and shook her head. “Is she just going to rot in prison for a crime she didn’t commit? I won’t even stay in prison for crimes I did commit.”

  “Foolish and weak people are the easiest to manipulate,” I said, and she nodded in agreement. “We have backstory already, although it’s thin. People are waiting for me bring home the future Mrs. Callahan...”

  “A prison bitch as Mrs. Callahan? Your parents would spin in their graves if they were really dead.” She laughed, no longer jealous. She was right. Such a weak woman could never be Mrs. Callahan.

  “La mia anima, mia amore, Sono innamorato di te. Sei tutto per me. Sei il mio universe. Siamo fatti l’uno per l’altra. Voglio soltanto te. Sei la regina del mio cuore. Solo tu mi capisci. Io sono tuo. tu sei la vera signora Callahan, (My soul, my love, I'm in love with you. You are everything to me. You are my universe. We are made for each other. I only want you. You are the queen of my heart. Only you understand me. I am yours. You are the real Mrs. Callahan.),” I reminded her as I leaned closer. She smelled like wine, vanilla, and roses.

  “Avrei potuto usare quelle dolci labbra tra le mie cosce prima, (I could have used those sweet lips between my thighs before.),” she whispered back, getting closer to my lips.

  “La notte è giovane. (The night is young.).” I kissed her shoulder. “Lavora prima, poi gioca. (Work First, Then Play.).”

  “Fine.” She focused on the topic at hand. “This jail bird…you use her.”

  “All of them still think I’m this weak little boy trying to live up my parents’ legacy. Why not let them keep thinking that? They’ll think I’m so desperate to get married that I rushed and picked her out of the gutter. I’ll tell her about how I fell in love with her. Can a nine-year-old fall in love?”

  “You can be a special case. Poor girl will have serious trust issues though. You’re going to have to make her truly believe you’re love with her.”

  I grumbled at that.

  “What does that look like for normal people?”

  She giggled and gestured around the room. “This…everything you are doing with me now.

  “I doubt she’ll let me tie her up.”

  “No, you ass…what happened before you started to—”

  “Toy with you?” I grinned.

  She moved to break my hug and sit on her own, but I held on to her. “The sweetness. You washing my hair, you putting your forehead on mine…that shit is what normal people see as love.”

  “Should I be annoyed you’re reducing me to ‘normal’ or more annoyed you no longer seem jealous?”

  I could see the fat smile on her face. “I’m no longer jealous because she’s going to drive you up the fucking wall. She going to be like a doe-eyed fawn stuck to your side. Cute at first but utterly unless and annoying. The moment she makes you look bad I’m going to be the one reminding you that you can’t kill her yet.”

  I cracked my jaw at her cockiness. “She could be ruthlessly waiting for her chance to bust out of prison and get vengeance. She could surprise us both.”

  “Fine. If I’m wrong, I won’t complain once and support you blindly.”

  Impossible, but okay. “And if you’re right?”

  “I get to kill her any way and time I need.”

  “Deal.” I held my hand out in front of her body and she shook it. It really didn’t matter to me either way.

  “What’s her name?”

  I thought for a second. “I believe it’s Ivy.”

  She laughed again. “Like the batman villain? What’s her nickname going to be? Poison Ivy?”

  “Will she live long enough to get a nickname?” I didn’t see how. My goal was to use her.

  “Well, you first you have to keep goading the Finnegan brothers. You can’t just bring her out now and kill them. They aren’t a big enough threat to make Wyatt react. So she’ll be next to you—”

  “For as short a fucking time as possible. She’ll sit her doe-eyed self in prison until I’m ready to take out the brothers. Wyatt still has a few more months before he’s done interning. We’ll do it around my 28th birthday. I’ll look more desperate then. Hopefully I can wrap it up in month or two.” The last thing I needed was another Klarissa on my goddamn arm.


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