Heir's Affair

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Heir's Affair Page 5

by Scarlett Finn

  Tally shoved his shoulder. “Oh, Max,” she half-moaned, half-chastised.

  “Tell me off, baby. I love it,” he said and kissed her again as he fucked her.

  Doing it in bed was different to doing it against a door outside with tequila coursing through her. This was more intimate. More permanent. More alluring. She didn’t know how many times she said his name, but by the time her orgasm was pulling the oxygen from her lungs, it was the only word she knew.

  He thrust hard, driving himself into her so fast that she shunted up the bed and hit her head on the wall. Max braced a hand on the wall and the other on her hip as he shoved up once more and emptied his balls into her.

  On one long exhale, he flipped over onto his back beside her. “That’s what we should’ve done the other night.”

  Ok, once she processed what he’d said, she felt better. That’s what this was, they were just finishing the night that they’d started. This wasn’t a new encounter; it was a delayed conclusion to their first one.

  She was limp when he drove his arm under her shoulders and hauled her over to lie against his side. “You got a boyfriend, Boss?”

  Drumming his fingers on her face, Max dragged her hair beneath them.

  “Several,” she said, rubbing her lips up and down on the solid pec her head was resting on. His fingers stopped moving. She laughed and explained. “I date whoever Mr. Stretton tells me to date.”

  “I thought you weren’t sleeping with him.”

  “I’m not,” she said, cringing at the idea of being intimate with both father and son. “I don’t sleep with them. I’m a prop. If he needs me to entertain an associate, or he has to bring someone to a party that he doesn’t want to declare to everyone as his guest, they come with me so they’re dismissed as insignificant.”

  “Hmm,” he said as his fingers moved through her hair again. “And if I said I didn’t want you to do that anymore, would you stop?” So much for post-coital bliss. Tally sat up and his arm fell away. “What? What did I say?”

  “Nothing,” she said and pulled her bra closed again before starting work on her shirt buttons.

  Max stayed on his back but brushed a lazy finger up and down the outside of her sensitive thigh. “Moving too fast? You wanted something casual?”

  Any contact messed with her equilibrium, so she picked up his hand and pushed it onto his torso. “I didn’t want anything at all,” she said, and scooted to the edge of the bed.

  “When we fuck you’re like putty, then as soon as we’re done, you bolt.”

  They’d only done it twice, but that had been her MO so far.

  Sliding off the bed, Tally stood up and turned back to try to locate her phone. “Your life is about to change in ways you can’t possibly imagine, Mr. Flynn,” she said and held up a hand to silence him before he could object. “And I call you that because it’s who you are to me. Right now, we feel like equals because there’s no airs, no graces.”

  “Equals?” he said and rose onto his elbows. “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re a goddess and I’m like pond scum.”

  She smiled because he seemed incredulous. “I’m not rich, Mr. Flynn.”

  “Ah,” he said, sinking back to link his fingers behind his head. Tally fumbled through the sheets trying to find her cell phone. “And that’s what puts us in different leagues?”

  “Yes… Forgive me for not making myself clear, let me fix my mistake.” Rounding the bed, she crouched next to where he was lying, and his eyes turned down to fix on her. “Theodore Stretton plans to make every one of your dreams come true… Anything you’ve ever wanted, Max, anything in the world, it’s right there for the taking.”


  “Yes,” she said, exhaling a laugh. “Money, it will give you security like you’ve never known. You’ll have everything, not just possessions, but possibilities, opportunities. Money opens doors. You go there, meet with him, and you’ll see what he can give you. Power. Respect. People will covet your time. They’ll fear your reprisal. No one will cross you. You will be king of your own kingdom. And women…” She smiled. “Geez, Max, you’ll have any woman you want, they’ll do anything to make you happy, anything. Any fantasy you’ve ever had, they’ll beg to make it come true for you. You’ll have supermodels on speed dial, women desperate for a second of your time… for a smile, for a kiss. You’re going to be a god.”

  “A god,” he said, and his focus rose to the ceiling.

  Rising to stand straight, she guessed she’d got through to him. Tally should’ve given him the sales pitch in Fitzpatrick’s instead of being distracted by their attraction. “I’ll leave the card,” she said. “And the car will be here at seven-thirty tomorrow.”

  She turned, but he sat up and grabbed her hand, pulling her back. “I gotta go to a thing tonight.”

  “I know,” she said. “Horizon, Aaron’s band is topping the bill after open mic night at The Lounge.”

  He smiled. “Right… You coming?”

  “What?” she asked, paling. “No.”

  “Come on,” he said. “If this is my last night as a mere mortal, I deserve to get laid, don’t I?”

  What a fly boy, she turned and folded her arms. “You just did get laid.”

  “Did I?” he asked, bouncing up out of the bed. “I forgot.” He held up her cell phone proving with a wink that he’d been keeping it deliberately hidden. Handing it over, he took advantage of their proximity and hooked an arm around her. “Let me get you drunk, sweetheart… you’ll get your happy ending.”

  Tally laughed and glanced down at his jeans, which were in disarray. She tucked him away and straightened them up to fasten his buttons. “I’m not wearing panties.”

  He kissed her. “That’s all right, I won’t hold it against you.” Max pulled her to the bedroom door. Without caring that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, he guided her out to the living room again. “We’ve got another member for our posse tonight,” he declared to the guys who cheered, but were fixated on the TV. “We gotta pick up the others and eat first, so we’ll be leaving in ten minutes.” Tally glanced around at the mess and he stopped before he sat down, noticing the discomfort in her eyes. “Babe?”

  “Can we… tidy up some of the mess before we go out?”

  All the guys at least had the decency to look at the mess, acknowledging it. She squirmed, hoping they wouldn’t be offended. But Max smiled. “Ok, guys, you heard the boss, let’s square the mess.”

  The guys all groaned. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t mind doing it myself, I just don’t want to be distracted by mess when we get back later tonight. I’m guessing it will be after midnight?”

  The guys were all smiling at her with various levels of mischief in their eyes. Max’s smirk was intense in a unique kind of way. Damn, she was an idiot, and wanted to slap herself. The last thing she had meant to do was confirm that she was going to bed with Max tonight, but she just had.

  “After midnight, sure,” Max said. “And I don’t want you distracted.” She went to squeeze into the space between him and the coffee table to begin gathering up empty bottles. He leaned in to murmur at the back of her ear, “I want you naked.”

  Her eyes flared, and the guys didn’t look directly at them, but their smirks and furtive glances betrayed that they’d heard what he said.

  Gathering the bottles between her body and her forearm, Tally grabbed Max’s wrist with her other hand and wound around the furniture with him in tow, stopping when they got to the kitchen.

  Dumping the bottles on the counter, she spun to take a breath, and had to duck away from his advancing hands that seemed to be trying to find her face or her hair.

  “I need a favor,” she said.

  “Name it.”

  His hands dropped. Taking her seriously, Max didn’t even hesitate to agree. His concentration became absolute, which made it harder for Tally to ask.

  “I don’t know if… well… your friends… they might…”

what?” he asked, offense contorted his face into a scowl. “What’s wrong with my friends?”

  “Nothing,” she said quickly, resting her hands on his ribs as she stepped into him. “I love them, they’re amazing.”

  “Ok, that’s too much,” he said, stroking her arms. “I’d have taken ‘they’re decent guys’ or ‘not a patch on you, lover.’ Amazing is too much. Love is definitely too far.”

  Relaxing into a smile, she turned her face down to rest it on his chest and he stroked the back of her head. “You smell so good,” she murmured.

  He kissed her hair and bent to pick her up, hooking her legs over his hips. “Should we take this back to the bedroom?”

  The hussy that he brought out in her wanted to say yes, but she held back.

  Looping her arms around his neck, she squeezed herself close. “Your friends can see us,” she whispered.

  The guys had their backs to the kitchen, but there was only a narrow breakfast bar and small bistro table between them and the five other men in the room, so the couple didn’t have great cover.

  Sucking her bottom lip, he walked her into the corner. “You never done it with an audience?”

  Pushing her skirt up over her ass, Max set her down on the cold tile making her gasp and pull him closer.

  “You said we only had ten minutes,” she murmured, trying not to draw attention to them.

  “I can do something with you in ten minutes,” he responded and nudged her head aside to kiss her neck.

  His mouth was incredible, so wet, and thorough in the way it hit every nerve ending and managed to stimulate her insanity enough that she couldn’t hold on to reality.

  His finger slid inside her, making her gasp. “Max!” she yelped. Some of the guys turned, Tally buried her face in the crook of his neck, mortified that she’d drawn attention to them and their antics. “Oh, God.”

  His voice was triumphant and amused. “Bedroom it is then,” he said into her hair and curved a hand around her hips to lift her up again.

  “No,” she said, her ass would still be on show if he turned and walked them past the guys. But Tally had to make eye contact to show she was confident. “We have to tidy up and get out. There will be time for… other stuff, later.”

  He nodded and put her on her feet, kissing her until she was balanced. She was loose and feeling a bit high when she had to take her own weight. But, if she didn’t get away from him, Tally didn’t trust her resolve to hold.

  Deciding to return to the job of tidying up, she passed him to head for the living room.

  “Hey,” he said. Tally turned to face him. “What was the favor?”

  Would it cause a fight? Could she afford bad feeling now? No.

  “Nothing that can’t wait,” she said and offered a smile before turning to walk away.

  Tonight was going to be another adventure, one that would deepen her connection to Max Flynn. But, she knew it would be severed quickly enough when he saw what being a billionaire involved.

  Tally also knew she’d take way longer to get over their brief affair than he would, but she’d take the crash when the high was this good.


  Adventure didn’t even begin to describe the night she’d shared with Max and his buddies. In a dark, crowded nightclub, there was barely space to move. The music was loud and intense, the flashing lights disorientating, and the liquor free flowing. Max barely took his hands off her for five seconds. When he wasn’t fondling or fingering her at the table, he was kissing her mouth, her face, her neck, anywhere he could reach. And after a few shots of tequila, Tally was as free with her hands as he was.

  They had sex in the men’s room. He got oral in the ladies’ room. They screwed in the alley behind the club, and she had three orgasms at the table by his hand, spread throughout the night of course, not all at once, and another on the dancefloor where he loved to dance dirty with her.

  It wasn’t just the sexual contact that opened her eyes to her need for him. It was the casual way he looked after her that really made her yearn to captivate him. He kept their fingers laced together or his arm around her at all times. When space got tight at the table, he put her on his lap, and still managed to converse with his friends, and take part in the evening, without making it seem like she was in the way.

  Tally became an extension of him, she wasn’t an obstruction, or a barrier to him connecting with the social occasion. And she was included, which was maybe the most eye-opening part of the night. People wanted to talk to her, they wanted to get to know her and include her. Max put her front and center whenever he thought a random woman was getting too close to him and stuck his tongue in her mouth more than once when guys took too much of an interest in her.

  His attentiveness was a surprise.

  She expected him to be caught up with the guys or like Stretton society, to have more important things to worry about than entertaining the woman he’d brought. But he didn’t mind sharing quiet moments with her at the table or at the bar. He’d cornered her after dancing with her just to check she was ok, and she had a drink in her hand all night. If she put it down or either of them took their eyes from her drink, he removed it, and wouldn’t let her touch it again.

  Even when she got to a point where she felt she’d had too much alcohol, he didn’t push her to drink more liquor, he was happy to switch her to soft drinks. Tally didn’t spend a cent and whenever she tried to, he referred to looking after his woman.

  She’d never been on a date like it. But then, Max wasn’t like any man she’d ever dated.

  “Do I gotta tie you down?”

  Max’s hand was still scooped around the back of Tally’s head, where he’d left it after the blinding kiss he’d laid on her just a second ago.

  They were on their backs, side-by-side in his bed, the buzz of the night still pulsing through their skins that had just been joined in the most intimate way. One thing Max was good at, sober or drunk, was screwing her to within an inch of her life.

  “Tie me down?” Tally asked, panting, but managing to twist her head to look at him. “Why would you—”

  “We just fucked, this is usually when you split.”

  Right. Except she’d broken that habit during their trysts at the club. “We’ve done it a bunch of times tonight and I’m still here… Do you want me to split?”

  Bending his fingers, he scrunched her hair with his trapped hand. “Nah, I’d say you’ve got a few miles left in you.”

  Gasping, she rolled over, throwing herself on top of him to curve her fingers around his throat. “Miles in me?” she said, laughing.

  Tally growled at him and bit his lip.

  But he opened his mouth wide and captured her in a kiss as his arms closed around her, holding her body on his. Kissing and kissing, she loved how his mouth varied its demand. Sometimes it just wanted hers to respond in a calm kind of reassuring and intimate way; other times it wanted to drive her wild and pump up her desire.

  Just when she was ready to beg for his body again, he slowed it down and let his hands trail over her back. “Oh, hey, what were you and Rob talking about during the game?”

  “Why?” she asked, running her tongue across his lip to request access again.

  But when he opened for her, she ducked back, teasing the kiss. She should’ve known better. Max got what he wanted. He rolled her onto her back, keeping her in his arms and forcing his mouth over hers, not that she was particularly reluctant to give it to him.

  “I wanna know if I’ve got anything to worry about,” he said.

  Oh, oops. On a wave of panic, she forgot about teasing and opened her hands against his shoulders. “I didn’t tell anyone who I was, or… who you are.”

  His jaw clenched, and he huffed. “Worry about like him moving in on you, I don’t give a fuck about your boss.” Her boss, not his father. “I figure my buddy shouldn’t know more about my girl than I do.”

  Exhaling, she looked up at this guy who’d turned out to be far more tha
n she’d initially thought. He wasn’t anything like Teddy. But he wasn’t the brute she’d assumed he was after meeting him either. Max was keen and attentive, the kind of decent guy wrapped in a rough exterior that any woman would be lucky to claim.

  Pointing her forefingers, she grazed them along his collarbone. “Lover,” she hummed, drawing out the word.

  Max winced. “Rough start.”

  “I can’t be your girl,” she said. “With you, I’ve… I’ve done everything I shouldn’t. It’s my fault we’ve ended up here. I should’ve been smarter about this.” As he considered her, saying nothing, Tally got self-conscious. “What? What are you thinking?”

  “That I’m fucking lucky I’m on top right now,” he said. “You’re thinking about bailing.”

  She shook her head but couldn’t maintain her innocence and stopped to lick her lips. “It would be easier if I left… Coming back here with you was selfish, of me, not of you. You’ve done nothing wrong, I… I’m the one who should know better.”

  His smirk eased some of the tension. “Think you’ve got more experience than me?”

  In sex and relationships? No. But in the politics of elite families and their machinations? Yes. “I think that in a couple of weeks, you’ll be avoiding me in the hallways. I’ll be embarrassed. I’ll blush and stumble over my words and—”

  “Blush?” he asked and hummed before kissing her. “You don’t gotta blush around me, Boss. But I’ll be straight with you, any time you’re not naked around me, I’m picturing it.”

  Groaning, Tally tried to wriggle out from under him, but he shifted to pin her deeper into the mattress. “Max, you’re not taking me seriously.”

  “I get that you have responsibilities,” he said. “I know why you came here.” Good, that was encouraging, and Tally hoped it meant he was about to let her go. “But can we forget that shit for tonight?” Sighing, she felt so useless, he just didn’t get it. But he brought her attention back to his when it drifted by following her mouth with a kiss. “Please, baby, didn’t you have fun tonight?”


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