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Page 33

by Aleron Kong

  Everyone was quiet for a moment. Zarr broke the stillness, “What would you want in return?” the dwarf mage asked.

  “You will follow my commands and the commands of those I appoint to carry out my will. For my advanced magic users, I have asked you to teach others the ways of your magic, but now it will be a formal task. I plan to build a school. The two of you will be teachers. You will be required to pass on for free your weakest spell to anyone with the aptitude, so that people can practice and build their skill level. Any further spells you wish to impart, I will leave to you to sell or teach as you wish, but 20% of the cost will be paid to the village coffers. Lastly, and this applies to everyone, you will fight to protect this village and its people if necessary.”

  Silence reigned in across the table, until Quasea spoke, “Can we have some time to think about it?”

  Richter nodded, “Of course. The same terms apply to everyone at this table barring Sion and Sumiko who are our allies and guests. You may take all the time you need. I plan to make the Mist Village into a force of positive change in The Land. I am not naïve enough to believe that my goals can be accomplished without power however, so I plan to do what is necessary to get it. I make you all the same promise I will make to the villagers, anyone that bends the knee before me, will then rise in power as I do.”

  With that short speech done, Richter took his seat at the head of the table. He looked out at the men and women before him. Mages, fighters, builders and Companions, they were all people of worth and power. Each was different, but they had one thing in common. They all waited silently and expectantly for his next words.


  The group spoke for the next two hours as Richter outlined what he wanted done. He told them that construction needed to increase dramatically. This should no longer be a problem with the influx of villagers. Randolphus said he would allocate the new villagers to the appropriate job. Richter also wanted to increase the defenses of the village, and he thanked Terrod for already having started the process by establishing a guard. The third item, he addressed rendered everyone quiet. He took the Magic Core from his Bag and placed it on the table.

  “I know you wanted me to keep this quiet Randy, but this is a group that I trust. I need to know what I’m doing with this. Right now I’m leaning towards making a Philosopher’s Cauldron, but Beyan is the most accomplished alchemist in the village. To be frank, I think he’s an asshole, and I’m hesitant to put a Legendary Object in his hands. Do ya’ll have any ideas?”

  Krom spoke up, “I do agree that there be something about that lil man that I do not trust, yer Lordship.”

  “Well, my Lord,” his chamberlain added, “there is an elf woman quite proficient at Alchemy, a journeyman I believe, and also an apprentice in Herb Lore. Her name is Tabia.”

  “I need to meet with her ASAP,” Richter said.

  Everyone looked at him strangely.

  Rolling his eyes, “I need to meet her as soon as possible.” Randolphus nodded and made a notation.

  When it was clear that no other suggestions were forthcoming, he asked Krom about his progress with learning enchantments.

  “I have learned how to impart freeze damage to weapons!” Krom said proudly. “I have not been able to make many however, because of a lack of soul gems and powdered crystal.

  Richter smiled, “After tonight, I don’t think the soul gems will be an issue. As for the crystal.” Richter started reaching into his Bag and removing the large shards of crystal he had stolen. At first everyone just looked at him in confusion, but that quickly shifted to awe as he piled more and more of the precious resource onto the table. He stopped after a while, and despite there being a great deal more in his Bag, he knew that his point had been carried across.

  Even Randolphus was taken aback, “Where did you find all of this, my Lord?”

  “Let’s just say, you now know why the kobolds are so irritated with me. I have a lot more crystal in my Bag, and I want anyone with the Alchemy skill to start preparing it. Sion can you take charge of that?” His Companion nodded excitedly. Richter could see the sprite was already imagining the potions he could make. “Excellent. Now hold onto your butts, because if you liked seeing all that crystal, you’ll love this!” Richter pulled out the Focus Crystal.

  “Fuck my life! Even the Hearth Tree does not have access to an item such as this!” Sion exclaimed.

  “That expression doesn’t totally work here my friend, but I agree, it’s exciting! I need to plant it underground somewhere. If worse comes to worst, I can plant it in one of the rooms of the Great Seal, but looking long term, the crystal garden could easily overgrow the small spaces we have here. Ideally, we can find a nearby cave that is defensible and plant it there. The crystal I have brought will be placed in the treasury. If you need any, Sion, Terrod or myself will be able to access it for you.”

  “I don’t have access to the treasury, brother,” Sion protested. Terrod echoed him.

  Richter closed his eyes for a moment, accessing the city interface. When he opened his eyes, he smiled, “You do now. So do you Terrod.”

  While Terrod seemed speechless, Sion bowed his head in response to the trust he was being shown, “Thank you my friend. I also may have the perfect place to plant the crystal.”

  “Somehow I thought you would be able to help,” Richter said. He knew that the sprite’s wanderlust would have driven Sion to explore the surrounding countryside. Richter turned to his smith, “Start making enchanted weapons, Krom. You can have access to as much crystal and as many soul gems as you need. I want you to level and become a Professed Smith as quickly as possible. To that end,” Richter reached into his Bag and gave Krom ten Potions of Clarity, “use these if you ever have the opportunity to get experience.”

  “It will be done, milord.” Krom looked at the treasured potions his Lord had just given him with excitement.

  Richter looked around at the table, “As I said, fealty has its privileges. Now Krom, the most important point. I need to convince the dwarves of the Serrated Mountains to fight with us against the bugbears. At the very least, I need a positive relationship with them.”

  Krom laughed without any real humor, “Then I suggest ye bring a chest of gold.”

  Richter nodded, “Hisako said as much. I can pay, but you told me there are many different tribes and clans. I need to know who is worth dealing with and who is trustworthy. I wouldn’t want to pay a Bone Crusher when I should be working with a Red Stone, afterall!”

  Krom laughed again, but this time with mirth, “Now that be the smartest thing ye’ve ever said, milord!”

  “How much will we need to pay?” Richter asked.

  “It do be hard to say, yer Lordship. There do be mercenary companies, fifty to a hundred strong. Each dwarf will not be hired for less than five coppers a day. Maybe more. If that one,” he said pointing at Basil, “is up for another trip. I can tell him where to go.”

  Richter looked at Basil who nodded, “I will leave in the morning, my Lord.”

  “Good! Just try not to invite an entire dwarf clan to join us this time,” Richter said wryly. He reached into his Bag for a slip of paper. Handing to Krom he asked, “Can you build this?”

  Krom looked at the drawing, then turned it 90 degrees left then 180 degrees right. He glanced back at Richter with confusion, “It shouldn’t be too difficult, but what does it do?”

  “Oh,” Richter said with a smile, “you’ll be happy you made it. Just make sure it’s pure copper. Randolphus will give you access to the copper that was found in the mine.”

  They talked about a few more sundry items, then Richter dismissed everyone. Randolphus said there were more minor items he needed to report, but Richter waved him off. He needed to rest before tonight. Richter told the chamberlain to gather all of the old and new villagers in front of the Quickening at sundown and then dismissed everyone. They all filed out to take care of their various tasks. The last thing that Richter did was to give Randolph
us the roll of sodden papers he had retrieved from Sonirae’s corpse. The chamberlain didn’t look hopeful, but he said he would try to recover any information that he could.

  When he was alone, Richter pulled out the items he had taken from the bugbear Ranger as well as from the kobold hidden compartment. After a short command, Futen flared white and identified all of the items.

  You have found: Ebonwood Bow of Sundering. Damage 13-18. Durability 48/51. Item Class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 3.3 kg. Traits: Arrows shot from this bow do double damage to the durability of any armor they impact

  You have found: Steel Dagger of the Beast Slayer. Damage 8-10. Durability 29/32. Item Class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 1.2 kg. Traits: +11% vs animals.

  Both of the weapons were respectable, but still not better than what he already had. Both magical qualities could be helpful to his people though if Krom could successfully deconstruct them. He turned his attention to the items he had taken from the kobold warren.

  You have found: Book of Rending Talons. Durability: 4/5. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 0.4 kg. Summons invisible claws to attack all targets within AoE. This is a spell of Earth.

  You have found: Book of Sonic Wail. You can make a sound attack. Durability: 6/6. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 0.5 kg. All within AoE suffer damage and risk being deafened. This is a spell of Earth.

  You have found: Book of Paralysis Beam. Durability: 7/7. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 0.4 kg. Fires a beam at your target and causes paralysis for 4 seconds. This is a spell of Earth.

  You have found: Book of Minor Aura Lance. Durability: 8/10. Item class: Rare. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 0.3 kg. Fires a blast of spiritual energy at your target. Does no physical damage, but causes disruption of the target’s aura. Reduces resistance to all spell types. This is a spell of Spirit.

  You have found: Stasis Box. Durability: 195/199. Item class: Rare. Quality: Exquisite. Weight: 4.1 kg. Anything placed within this box will be protected from entropy until it is opened.

  You have found: Steel Short Sword of Gnome Slaying. Damage: 10-11. Durability 62/66. Item Class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 1.2 kg. Traits: +14% damage against gnomes.

  Richter’s mouth began to salivate when he saw the spells that the books contained. Direct damage with an AoE, paralysis and a spell that lowered ALL resistances? And the last one was a spell of Spirit magic!

  Congratulations! You have learned: Rending Talons. Summons invisible claws to attack all targets within 10 foot AoE. This is a spell of Earth. Cost: 52 mana. Duration: 8 seconds. Range: 60 feet. Cast Time: 3 seconds. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

  Congratulations! You have learned: Sonic Wail. You can make a sound attack with your voice. All within cone shaped AoE suffer damage and risk being deafened. This is a spell of Earth. Cost: 27 mana. Duration: 3 seconds. Range: 20 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 1 minute.

  Congratulations! You have learned: Paralysis Beam. Fires a beam that will lock the target’s body into position. This is a spell of Earth. Cost: 39 mana. Duration: 4 seconds. Range: 25 feet. Cast Time: 3 seconds. Cooldown: 6 minutes.

  Congratulations! You have learned: Minor Aura Lance. Fires a blast of spiritual energy at your target. Does no physical damage, but causes disruption of the target’s aura. Reduces resistance to all spell types. This is a spell of Spirit. Cost: 168 mana. Duration: 1 hour. Range: 100 feet. Cast Time: 10 seconds. Cooldown: 1 day.

  Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Spirit magic.

  Know This! You have learned your first Deeper Magic. The path to Power is never without cost. Beware using your power without thought, there could be consequences to such reckless pursuit of your goals.

  Each book fell to ash as the knowledge imprinted into Richter’s mind. New magic pathways were now open to him and begging to be used. Aura Lance was especially interesting. He wasn’t sure what the real difference was between Deeper Magic and the Basic Elements, but the warning the universe had given him after learning it was a bit disconcerting. Nonetheless, he was excited to use his new magic. He examined the next item.

  A sword of gnome slaying made sense seeing as how kobolds and gnomes seemed to be racial enemies. Richter was pretty sure that he wouldn’t want to be seen walking around with it though. He slipped it back into his Bag until he could unload it in the treasury.

  Now, the stasis box was interesting. Richter remembered that the inside of the hidden compartment had been covered in dust, but the wooden surface of the item had gleamed as if it had been freshly burnished. It was about the size of a carton of milk and was made of a buttery yellow wood with large red veins tracing through it. There didn’t seem to be any break in the wood to show where it opened. The only thing marring the surface was a slight depression in the middle of one of the long faces. It looked like three capital letter “S”s written atop one another, but each was slightly offset from the others.

  Richter pressed on it, but nothing happened. Seeing no other way to get into the box he just put it back in his Bag. If he had to, he could just hit it with a hammer later to see what was inside. He pulled out the last item he had taken from the hidden compartment, the stonewood chest.

  He started examining it closely. Ten different areas lit up red around the rim as he inspected. Richter sighed, happy that he hadn’t opened it before, but irritated over how long it was going to take to disarm these traps. He drew two lock picks and got to work.

  Hours passed, but finally the last trap was disabled. Futen hadn’t been able to detect any wards, so when all of the red had faded, Richter opened the chest. What was inside was well worth the effort he had gone through! Gleaming silver coins shone in his gaze, like moonlight in a midnight sea. He dipped a hand into the chest and scooped up a large amount of coins before letting them fall back down into the chest with a tinkling sound. The coins were octagonal rather than round like the coins he had seen so far and they seemed slightly heavier. A kobold face was embossed on each.

  Richter started scooping the coins into his Bag. He smiled wider and wider as the autosort showed first dozens, then hundreds and finally thousands of coins. The final count was 5,234 of the new eight sided silver pieces. If the conversion rate stayed true, it was more than fifty thousand dollars! He should be able to hire as many dwarves as he needed with all this new cheddar. As he looked at his inventory, all of the coins took up one tile, but a second silver coin was sitting all by its lonesome in another tile. Intrigued, he took it out of his Bag and saw that it was round and resembled more of a medallion than a coin.

  The disc was about half the width of his palm, and three red S’s were superimposed on one another. Richter excitedly realized he may have found a way to open the box. He lined up the symbols and pressed the medallion into the indentation on the side of the stasis box. A prompt immediately appeared.

  You have been offered a Quest: Long Live The King I. Long ago, the kobolds of the Depths were ruled by the Khan caste. In a bloody coup, all of the known Khans were slaughtered. Since that time, kobold society in the Depths has devolved into what it is today. Will you help to restore this scion to power? Reward: Unknown. Yes or No?

  Before he could choose yes or no, a flash caught his eye. He minimized the prompt and saw that the box had started to vibrate. Lines of white light appeared at the edges and then the side panels began to peel back, somehow now flexible like a banana peel. Richter did a fist pump in the air and said, “Yeah baby! Gimme whatcha got!”

  The panels completely fell back, making a wooden ‘X’ on table. In the center of the box was a pedestal that held a large egg. As he watched, the egg began to vibrate and the sound of scratching could be heard. A look of utter horror crossed Richter’s face and he shook his hands rapidly back and forth, “No, no, no, baby! Don’t gimme whatcha got!”

  The smallest of cracks appeared in the side and as eloquent as ever, Richter said, “SHIT!”

  I hope yo
u all enjoyed this latest jaunt through The Land! I really appreciate all of you joining me again! The adventures of Richter and Sion continue in “The Land: Catacombs” which will be coming soon! Stay cool and as always: Peace, love and the perfect margarita!

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  I apologize for any errors that may have slowed down the story. Please email me at the above address if you find any and I will correct them. Thank you!

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  Richter’s Spells


  - Barkskin: This spell will increase natural armor by +2. This is a spell of Earth Magic. Cost: 20 mana. Duration: 20 min. Range: self. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.


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