Captive Princess (Romance on the Go Book 0)

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Captive Princess (Romance on the Go Book 0) Page 3

by Winter Sloane

  Some part of her mind recognized he’d never hurt her though, although she didn’t know where the idea came from.

  Better to have a killer by her side than no one, a new voice in her head said. Would it truly be so bad, to be wanted by the only man who truly saw her? Never once did he make fun of her during that wedding, treated a silly, naive girl like an equal.

  “No games between us, Eve. You want me as much as I want you.”

  A simple statement but she didn’t deny it at all. Meeting Vadim had altered her. Her mother thought maybe men didn’t interest her, but that was untrue. Eve only held a torch for one man, and any other guy who came after her didn’t measure up to Vadim. Besides, all of those suitors had been the same, only wanting her family name. That name now meant nothing, but Vadim’s desire and her own remained.

  Vadim’s expression didn’t change, not once, until now. With open hunger on his face, he eyed her up and down, like a starving man denied food for so long. Her nipples contracted, and despite the loose shirt, Vadim could no doubt, see them. Heat pooled between her legs, moisture gathering between her pussy lips.

  Her mouth went dry, and she was ashamed of her reaction.

  “I—it doesn’t matter.”

  Vadim closed the distance between them, and Eve froze up, the car key, the only means of getting away, forgotten. She didn’t stop him from cupping her cheek. He slid a hand up the curve of her back, nudged her close, and the contact of her heavy breasts being crushed by his hard chest made her gasp.

  Like the time he’d asked her to dance, she liked it when he fisted her hair, angling her face for a kiss. Ever since she woke up to find herself in the unfamiliar bed of a stranger, Eve plenty of opportunities to start brainstorming how to get away. It wasn’t escape she craved, she realized, but solace in the arms of a man who helped put her family members in the grave, but for some reason, he’d saved her from a fate worse than death.

  Guilt bloomed inside her like a poisoned flower, but he obliterated her ability to formulate logical thoughts when he took her mouth. He slammed his lips over hers, all bite and no finesse, but she didn’t mind. As if she’d been starved for his touches and kisses, born to receive them, she responded with equal passion.

  Years of sexual frustration, of wondering what had been wrong with her to want a man like Vadim, dissipated. He gave her hair a little tug, and she realized she liked that bit of pain. Their tongues tangled, teeth clashed. Vadim bared her throat and licked her pulse point, making her shudder. He grazed his teeth where shoulder flowed to neck, then bit, making her groan.

  Her breasts felt full, nipples hardening to points, and Eve didn't stop him from sliding one callused hand past the hem of her shirt. His touch burned, but she craved the heat he provided. Vadim thumbed her left nipple, gave it a twist, a tug. She gasped, widening her eyes as he did the same with her right nipple.

  “Mine,” he whispered against her ear, breath warm. “All mine.”

  Vadim said those words like a man confident of his possession. Eve didn’t voice her complaint, for she’d known the truth in her bones ever since they met at her sister’s wedding. Her guilty conscience seemed like a small thing now. Irrelevant.

  He thrust his tongue down her throat, and she sucked down on it, aware of the bulge in his jeans, digging against the thin fabric of her shirt. Their clothes had to go. To her frustration, he pulled away, and she blinked in confusion when he extended a hand towards her.

  “Come back inside, princess. We’ll make breakfast together. If you have more questions, ask.”

  She glanced at the key on the ground again, and stooped down to pick it up, aware Vadim watched her every move. He stood still as a statue, clenching his jaw. Eve handed the key back to him.


  Relieved she hadn’t attempted escape, Vadim closed his fingers over her small gift of trust, one he’d never abuse. Once he tucked the key away in his back pocket, he offered her his hand again. Her fingers closed over his, and he led them back inside.

  Eve remained silent, even when they prepared breakfast together. Three days ago, Vadim had bought enough supplies from the nearest town, enough for the two of them to last a month.

  She winced when he took out the slightly burnt bacon with a spatula and nudged him aside. “Let me, you’ll waste good quality bacon.”

  Bemused, he handed her the spatula.

  “Sit, I’ll do the rest. If I need something, I’ll ask.”

  “Am I your little assistant chef then?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Do you even know how to handle a frying pan?”

  “I usually order in when I come home.”

  “How do you even muster up an appetite after killing some poor innocent bastard?”

  She squeaked when he approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her. Eve didn’t resist him, although if she showed any indication of refusal, Vadim would instantly back off. Contrary to the rumors surrounding him, Vadim wasn’t unnecessarily cruel and didn’t force himself on the unwilling.

  Ironic, given he’d tossed out part of his conscience a long time ago to be a more effective killer, but he had some standards.

  “None of the fuckers I’ve killed were innocent. Don’t cast your judgmental eyes on me, princess. You of all people know what people like me and your father are capable of.”

  Vadim didn’t lie. Maybe when he’d been younger, still under the influence of his father, he didn’t have the luxury of picking his targets. After his father died, he made his own decisions. He might not be a decent man, but there were always worse than he was, those who deemed themselves untouchable by the law.

  Eve slumped her shoulders, the collar of his shirt slipping to one side. He nibbled on the bit of exposed flesh, dick straining hard against the zipper of his jeans. Such a small gesture, but he could no longer contain the hunger that had built inside him ever since their paths crossed.



  “You taste sweet, and I can’t wait to have more.”

  Eve scoffed, and he raised his head, nuzzling her neck. Vadim couldn’t stop touching her, wanted so much more, but knew at this stage, their relationship—if it could even be called that—was too delicate. Any wrong move or word could send Eve retreating to one corner.

  “Weren’t you the one who pulled away from the kiss? Why? Found me disappointing?”

  “The exact opposite. Better than I imagined, but you’re not ready.”

  Like a good little boy, Vadim took a seat at the dining table like she initially instructed. Eve painted a pretty picture by the stove, dressed in one of his shirts, barefoot and focused on the task of making them decent breakfast. A wave of possessiveness filled him, took root in him. Whoever touched her, ruined this perfect moment, he’d gut without remorse.

  Never in Vadim’s imagination had he seen himself longing for a seemingly deceptive domestic arrangement, but fuck him. He wanted to wake up every morning with her soft curves pressed against him, his cock buried deep inside her cunt. The night before, he’d fill both her holes with his seed, like a dog marking his territory.

  As if sensing he harbored dirty thoughts, Eve cast him a suspicious look from the kitchen.

  Vadim smiled, which seemed to unnerve her. He checked his phone instead and discovered Gustav had contacted him, discreetly inquiring about how he was enjoying the payment. He typed a quick response, which cut him to his soul, but it was necessary to maintain the lie. No one would trace his connection to Eve. Neither would anyone come to the conclusion she meant the world to him.

  Vadim: I’ve used the bitch up and discarded her. Do you need to see the remains?

  Vadim sent Gustav a photo of old gravesite he dug up weeks ago at another job.

  Gustav: Let me know when you’re done with your holiday. I could use a good man like you again.

  Semi-retired. That was the word he’d tossed around in different circles before taking on Gustav’s job. Vadim walked over to the
desk by the wall, opened the drawer, and took out the thick binder containing information about his plans.

  Moments later, Eve placed two plates on the table, containing perfectly good eggs and bacon. She looked at the binder.

  “What’s this?”

  “Later, after we eat.”

  She frowned, but didn’t ask again.

  “Don’t worry,” she commented when he scooped up a generous portion of eggs. “I didn’t poison your food.”

  He ate the eggs. Flavor exploded in his mouth. “It’s good.”

  “Cooking is kind of a stress release for me. I can’t be like Clarissa. I wasn’t good for anything other than being a bargaining chip, but no one complained when I made breakfast on Sundays.”

  He snarled at that, making her jump. Vadim had always known her family belittled her, treated Eve and her sister differently. It pissed him off why her own flesh and blood couldn’t see what he did—a fucking gorgeous woman with steel in her backbone and a will of unbreakable iron. Who else could sit down with her captor for breakfast?

  Oh, he knew he hadn’t won her completely yet. Eve was probably concocting plans in her head, better ways to escape him, but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. Vadim didn’t need to use physical restraints to chain her down. He had a better weapon in mind, one that involved a lot of physical contact. Once he owned her body, her heart wouldn’t be far behind.

  Chapter Four

  Eve flipped through the thick binder once more. She settled it between her knees. Without realizing it, Eve considered the living room couch “her spot”.

  Three days had passed since Vadim had taken her here, but she didn’t know if she could still consider herself his captive. He carelessly left his keys right by the small table her the door. Not reckless, but the choice to leave had always been an option.

  Not that it mattered. Once she stepped out of his property and back to civilization, she’d be a hunted woman. She turned her attention to the data he’d collected, evidence he hadn’t lied to her once. The file contained information about her family, the Petrovichs most of all, and a detailed list of the deals Gustav Petrovich had made over the years. Eve finally saw a pattern emerging. All of the steps Gustav had taken would lead to the downfall of her family.

  The mob boss had slowly won over the Valentins’ allies, swayed them over to his side, so when the day came for their eradication, no one stood in his way.

  Vadim appeared in front of her, and just when she thought she’d become used to his presence, he proved her wrong.

  Her pulse raced a little faster whenever he approached, and it was hard to ignore Vadim. Eve unthinkingly scooted to one side to make way for him. He sat, placing one proprietary hand over her exposed left thigh, just below the cut of her denim shorts.

  It made complete sense now, why he had clothes in her size and other feminine products. Vadim had known what Gustav Petrovich had planned for the longest time. He’d had no way of contacting her—her family made sure of that—but he’d thought ahead.

  Goosebumps appeared across her arms. He’d been obsessed with her, and yet she couldn’t judge him, not when she’d been miserable all these years, thinking only of him, too. Vadim ran his hand up her thigh, and she swallowed, aware of her panties getting wet.

  Any closer and he could flick open the button of her shorts, drag the zipper down, expose her pink panties. Lacy underthings she’d never choose for herself, but she wore them all the same, because arming herself with layers of clothing felt like the right choice. Eve understood on some level he’d never touch her without her consent, but the protection wasn’t against him, but for herself. Eve was terrified she’d be so lost in his kisses, his touches, that she’d forget what he was.

  Finally, he spoke. “Aren’t you sick of looking at that? Some sunlight and a walk could do you some good.”

  Eve gripped the edges of the binder. “You’ve been thorough.”

  She could no longer call it a kidnapping. It still was, but in some ways, he’d saved her, too.

  “Any wrong move and I’d lose you forever.”

  He stopped touching her, and she almost begged him to keep on doing it. Eve didn’t know how it started, why she allowed these little gestures, but she’d gotten used to it, didn’t mind crossing boundaries, one step at a time when it came to him.

  “Was I worth the effort?” she dared to whisper.

  “You know the answer to that question. Gear up. We’re going for a hike.”

  She scrunched her face. “Seriously?”

  “Woods surround us in all directions. It’ll be a waste if you remained indoors all the time.”

  “I’ve never gone on a hike since forever,” she argued, then gestured to her body. “As you can see, I’m not exactly fit and slender.”

  He caught her wrist, the movement so fast she barely noticed it. Eve’s heart hammered against her chest.

  “There’s absolutely nothing fucking wrong with you. The curves and breasts you hate so much, I dream of possessing every moment and every day.”

  What could she say to that?

  “There’s something wrong with you.”

  Vadim chuckled, and she stared, never expecting to hear him laugh. It was a good sound. “I’ve known that since my father shoved a gun in my hand where other kids were given toys. What can you say for yourself, that you’re attracted to a monster?”

  “You’re not that.” A monster wouldn’t risk so much, put his own life at stake simply to claim one woman for himself. “Not to me.”

  Vadim’s expression grew intense, unreadable. Ignoring her comment, he jerked his head to the door. “Ten minutes.”

  Eve wondered if she tempted Vadim with sex, would he reconsider? The thought made her blush, because her purity remained intact. Did Vadim know that? She saved it for him all these years, even when it became clear they might never meet again.

  “Nine minutes,” Vadim said, looking at his watch.

  Fuming at him, she retreated to the room he’d assigned as hers. His room lay next to hers. She lingered by the doorway. Last night, she’d debated slipping into his private space and joining him in bed, not necessarily for sex, but she wanted company and she had a feeling his presence would ward off the nightmares she’d been having.

  “Seven,” Vadim added, and she hurried inside to change.

  Eve pulled out her drawer. The day before, he’d caught her staring at the purchases and told her she could order her own choices online and he’d pick the package up at the nearest post office. There was a nearby town, she knew that. That was where he picked up supplies. She’d tested him once, asked him to bring her there.

  Not yet, he’d said, and she wondered if that was a lie.

  Eve shook her head. No use examining every choice and action now. She dressed into clothes more suitable for hiking, and slipped into a pair of sneakers. They were probably a half size bigger than what she was used to, but a good estimate.

  She didn’t know what to think of a man who paid so much attention to detail. Other women in her situation would have freaked out, but not her. Better living with a man whose wants she understood as opposed to the real monsters who wouldn’t hesitate to tear her apart and leave her an empty-eyed doll.


  “Are we there yet?” Eve asked him, panting. He grabbed one of the water bottles from his pack, handed it to her to drink. She uncapped it, taking a huge gulp. “This view better be worth it.”

  “I assure you it is.” The path turned uphill, uneven, full of wayward roots and rocks. Vadim slowed his pace, offering her a hand to cross harder areas. Missing a step, she startled and cried out, but he hauled her against him, amazed how her curvy frame fitted against his body. Perfect.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, still a little shaken.

  “Slow down, don’t rush.”

  She glared at him, crossing her arms over those luscious breasts he imagined sucking on, leaving his teeth marks on. Then he turned his attention to their destination. Af
ter the rocky obstacle, his ears caught the sound of running water.

  “Are we near a river?” Eve asked, clearly excited.

  “This way.” He led her past a trail of trees and into an opening, which led to the river that threaded the entire forest.

  Eve caught her breath. “Pretty.”

  “I knew you’d like it. We’ll have our sandwiches and rest here a while.” Vadim had packed enough for the two of them. They found a spot near the bank. Feeling ravenous, he finished his food in a few bites, noticing Eve do the same.

  “What?” she demanded.

  “I like a woman with appetite.” His woman, Vadim didn’t add, not wanting to scare her away.

  “Most men aren’t like you.”

  “You speaking from experience?” Unexplainable jealousy hit him like a punch to the gut. Thinking of some clueless fucker unable to comprehend what kind of treasure he held in his hands made him seethe.

  “You jealous?” she threw back, and didn’t argue when he eliminated the distance between them. He sat behind her, legs spread on either side of hers, so the curve of her ass and her back pressed up against his front.

  Vadim decided he liked this position a lot.

  “This is wrong,” she whispered, twisting to look at him.

  “What is, princess?”

  “Me, wanting you after everything that happened.”

  “Nothing wrong with that.”

  She rose shakily to her feet. Vadim killed the urge to yank her back down, but she surprised him by straddling his lap instead, locking her fingers behind the nape of his neck.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, amusement in his voice, but his cock formed a bulge in his jeans, seeking relief. What better way than to sheathe himself in the tight heat of her cunt?

  “Princess,” he managed to grit out. “If you keep doing that, I’ll lose control. I’m only a man after all.”

  She pressed one hand over his chest but closed his fingers over hers. “It felt good,” she admitted. “When you took my lips, kissed me hard enough to let me know you wanted to do wicked things to my body.”


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