Vampire Mine las-10

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Vampire Mine las-10 Page 6

by Kerrelyn Sparks

  “Always?” He grimaced. “Ye doona tire of the con-stant noise?”

  “Noise?” She gave him an indignant look. “You’re calling our music noise?”

  “It was beautiful,” he conceded, then drew a deep breath. “ ’Twas the loveliest sound I’ve ever heard. I’ve never felt so full of joy and peace.”

  She smiled. “Then you do understand.”

  He shook his head. “ ’Twas no’ real.”

  “Of course it was real. You felt it.”

  “It was . . . alluring, but it canna be. I live in this world where we canna escape death and suffering. Besides, I wouldna want the constant voices in my mind. Nor would I want anyone else to hear my thoughts. I need my privacy.”

  She looked at him, stunned. “You prefer to be all alone? You’d rather suffer than be at peace?”

  “I prefer to be myself.”

  She touched his chest. “Even with the pain you carry?”

  He scooted back, out of her reach. “At least it is my own.”

  Frowning, she rose to her feet. “I never realized before how frightening and lonely it is to be human. How do you bear it?”

  He shrugged and stood. “Some rely on faith.”

  “What do you rely on, Connor Buchanan?”

  He winced. “I’m no’ a good person to ask. I just keep going . . . out of stubbornness.”

  Her mouth tilted with a smile. “Then I shall be stubborn, too.” She shivered, then shifted her gaze to the stars. “I will find my way back. And I will count my blessings, for the Lord is good.”

  Connor stifled his snort, but she still glanced at him as if she could sense his doubt.

  “The Lord is good,” she insisted, “for I have been sent a fierce protector.”

  He almost looked over his shoulder to see who she was referring to. It was laughable to consider him a “fierce protector.” He’d failed his wife and bairn. He’d failed Shanna.

  “And the Lord let Bunny heal me,” she continued with a smile.

  He blinked. “Ye were healed by a rabbit?”

  She laughed, the sound like the tinkling of wind chimes. “Bunny is a nickname for Buniel. We’ve been best friends for ages. He’s an excellent healer.”

  “He?” Her best friend was male? And a perfect angel, too. Bugger.

  Her smile faded. “Bunny wanted to take me with him, but . . . he couldn’t.”

  Connor’s jaw shifted. “I wouldna have let you go.”

  Her eyes widened with surprise. She stared at him, speechless, while he fought to keep his desire from showing. Time stretched out, and the air felt thick between them. He balled his fists to keep from touching her, from drawing her into his arms.

  Her gaze drifted down his body, then back up. His heartbeat quickened. He looked at her mouth, wondering if she could possibly react like a real woman. Could she be aware he was studying the pink plumpness of her mouth?

  She licked her lips.

  Yes. He smiled slowly.

  Her cheeks blushed a pretty pink, and she turned away. “A mouse just died,” she said in a breathless voice.

  “Excuse me?”

  “A mouse has died. Carried off by an owl.”

  He strained his eyes, but couldn’t see an owl in the night sky. “Where?”

  “About thirty miles away.” She gazed at the forest with a pensive look. “Not all my powers are gone. I can still sense death.”

  “Ye know when something’s dying? How far can ye sense it?”

  She shrugged. “Anywhere in the world. It’s how the Deliverers know where to go when people are dying.”

  She can sense death. Connor paced toward the cabin, then back. This was a valuable skill. If she could sense people dying while Casimir and his minions were attacking them, then she might be able to help the Vamps find him.

  He glanced up at the stars. Had God sent him a secret weapon that would help them defeat Casimir once and for all? Then Father Andrew might be right. He was meant to find Marielle.

  He looked at her.

  She was gazing at the distant mountains. “I have always thought the Earth was full of beautiful places. Now I can experience them as a human. It should be very interesting, don’t you think?” She turned to him with a hopeful expression. “ ‘Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.’ ”

  He winced. Morning always brought him death. He was going to have to explain what he was. He could only hope she wouldn’t be disappointed. Or disgusted.

  She shivered and hugged herself. “I never realized how much humans feel the cold.”

  “Ye should come inside.” He motioned toward the cabin, then froze when he heard a noise in the forest.

  She heard it, too, whirling around to face the line of trees. Leaves shuddered as something pushed through the bushes.

  Connor whisked the dagger from the sheath beneath his knee sock. A black snout poked out from the bushes. A wolf? No, it was wolflike, but bigger. The black, furry beast emerged from the forest.

  Marielle stiffened with a gasp.

  Connor widened his stance, his dagger ready.

  She touched his arm. “You cannot fight it. It’s here for me.”

  The beast moved to the side, keeping its dark eyes focused on her. Then the eyes turned red and began to glow.

  Connor inhaled sharply. “What is it?”

  Her voice was whisper soft. “A demon.”

  Chapter Six

  Marielle squared her shoulders and glared at the black beast, feigning a courage she wished she had. She’d dealt with fallen angels before, but always with the vast power of the Heavenly Host to back her up. Now she was alone.

  Not entirely alone. Connor stepped in front of her, but his protective move only increased her fear. Didn’t he realize he was no match for a demon?

  “Go inside,” she whispered.

  He shook his head slightly, never taking his eyes off the beast. “Nay.”

  He hardly knew her, yet he was willing to risk his life for her? Emotions swirled inside her, strong human emotions she wasn’t accustomed to feeling. She didn’t know whether to hug Connor or yell at him. One thing was certain, she didn’t have time to deal with the confusion now. She had to make sure he survived.

  She eased away from him as she glared at the demon. “Begone!”

  The wolflike creature tilted its head to watch as Connor moved close to her once again. She groaned inwardly. Was he determined to get himself killed? She should have yelled at him.

  The beast drew her attention with a low growl. Its red gleaming eyes focused on her. Its lips pulled back to reveal a row of long, pointed, yellow teeth.

  “I have come to escort you to your new home,” it rasped in a masculine voice. “I suggest you come along quietly.”

  She lifted her chin. “Never.”

  “I could rip you apart,” it hissed.

  “Try it, and I’ll send ye back to hell in pieces!” Connor shouted, lifting his dagger.

  The beast snorted. “A savior? I love killing those.” It narrowed its bloodred eyes on Marielle. “Are you willing to let the fool die for you? In that case, hell would be the right place for you. Of course, you could act like a little angel and rescue him from the jaws of death. Come with me, and I’ll leave him alone.”

  Connor grabbed her arm. “She’s no’ going with you,” he said hastily as if he were worried she would sacrifice herself to keep him safe.

  The swirl of emotions inside her came to rest, and she knew then that she’d much rather hug Connor than yell at him. He had a good and noble heart.

  She laid her hand on top of his. “I won’t let it hurt you.”

  The beast made a huffing noise. “So you refuse to be frightened or coerced into submission. No big deal. I have other strategies.” It snarled, baring its long, yellow teeth. “One way or another, I will succeed.”

  Its body glimmered, then reshaped, taking the form of a human male. A very handsome male with flowing red hair, bright blue eyes, a
bare muscular chest, and a plaid kilt. A perfect body with flawless skin.

  She felt Connor stiffen beside her. No doubt he was shocked to see an enhanced version of himself.

  The demon flashed a brilliant white smile at her. “Now do you like me?”

  The demon must think she was attracted to the Scotsman if he was attempting this ploy. With a small jolt, she realized he was right. Still, the trick wouldn’t work. Connor was real, and his rough, imperfect exterior only made him more beautiful in her eyes. “Begone.”

  “Before I can even introduce myself?” The demon assumed a wounded expression. “Come, Marielle, didn’t they teach you better manners than that up in heaven?”

  She swallowed hard. He already knew her name.

  “Oh yes.” He nodded his head, knowingly. “We’ve been watching you for some time. Poor little angel who keeps getting into trouble. We knew it was only a matter of time before those sanctimonious snots decided you weren’t good enough for them.”

  Her skin crawled with goose bumps. Connor’s grip on her arm tightened.

  “My name is Darafer, by the way. My friends call me Dare.”

  “Go back to hell,” she said.

  “Of course. And I would be honored to take you with me.” His mouth curled with the hint of a smile. “If you dare.”

  “I will never go with you.”

  “You will,” he snapped, his smile vanishing. “You’d be a fool to want back into heaven. Look what those prigs did to you. They tortured you. Cut off your wings. Left you in the dirt to die.”

  She winced inwardly. In her mind, she knew better than to heed the words of a demon, but there was enough truth in what he said to make her heart squeeze in her chest. Banished. Connor seemed aware of her pain, for he drew closer.

  Darafer’s upper lip curled in disgust. “Even your best friend rejected you.”

  And that slashed at her more painfully than having her wings ripped off. “He had to follow orders.”

  “Did he? Why didn’t he disobey?” Darafer’s blue eyes glittered. “You have the courage to disobey. You’re more like us than you realize.”

  That shocked her out of her pain. “I will never be like you! You spread evil across the world.”

  He waved a dismissive hand. “Yeah, yeah, it’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it.”

  Anger flashed inside her. “You make light of it when millions of people suffer because of your evil?”

  His eyes turned solid black. Beside her, Connor tensed.

  “I wasn’t joking,” Darafer snarled. “Somebody does have to do it. Your precious Father in Heaven couldn’t play the good guy if we weren’t doing our part. He needs us as much as He needs you. Where would Jesus be without Judas? By joining us, you can play a valuable role in the grand scheme.”

  She shuddered. “You’re twisting the truth to suit your own purposes.”

  “You think so?” Darafer snorted. “Maybe now that you’re disconnected from the all-holy collective, you’ll start thinking for yourself.” He stepped closer. “Who created us, Marielle? All of us fallen angels—who made us the way we are?”

  She stiffened. “The Lord is good. It was your decision to rebel against Him.”

  Darafer smirked. “And wasn’t it your decision to rebel, too, little angel?”

  Her skin chilled. Connor gave her arm a tug as if he wanted to move her back. She held her ground, even though inside, she cringed with fear. Was there any going back now? What if she’d already doomed herself?

  Darafer’s eyes turned back to blue, and he gave her a knowing look. “Yeah. Free will. It has a way of coming back to bite you in the butt.”

  Her heart raced. “Just because I disobeyed a few times doesn’t make me like you. I was trying to protect the innocent. You derive a sick pleasure out of tormenting them.”

  He shrugged. “All in the grand scheme, angel. Sometimes a little torment drives the sheep right back into the Father’s arms. You could say we’re doing Him a favor.” Dare’s mouth curled. “Of course, sometimes it leads them straight to hell. Speaking of which—” He extended a hand toward her. “Are you ready?”

  With a shudder, she stepped back.

  Darafer chuckled. “It’s a bit warmer there. You’ll like it.”

  She shook her head. “I will never go with you.”

  Connor remained close by her side. “Ye have yer answer, now go.”

  Darafer gave the Scotsman a bland look, then turned back to Marielle. “Have you ever heard of a banished angel being reinstated?”

  No, she hadn’t. Panic swelled inside her, and she fought against the surge of fear and despair. She couldn’t give up hope.

  “The longer you stay on Earth, the more human you will become,” Darafer continued. “Do you really want to lose all your power? How about your immortality? Do you want to grow old and turn to dust?”

  She forced the words past the lump in her throat. “Better to lose my immortality than my honor.”

  Connor inhaled sharply, drawing her attention. He was staring at her, his eyes gleaming with strong emotion. He inclined his head. “Well said, lass.”

  Her heart expanded in her chest. He understood. He approved of her even when heaven had rejected her. A spring of gratitude and affection bubbled up inside her, and the panic faded away. “Thank you.”

  Darafer snorted. “Pardon me while I puke.”

  She glared at him. “I’m not going with you. Begone.”

  “You’re so naïve,” Darafer hissed. “You have no idea what kind of parasite is clinging to you, do you?”

  Connor stiffened. “She told you to go. Now leave!”

  “Looks like I hit a nerve.” Darafer smirked as he looked Connor over. “I suppose Marielle could do worse for a bodyguard. Hell knows you’ve shown a distinct talent for violence.”

  Connor lifted his dagger. “Doona tempt me.”

  “Oh, I do. That’s my job, Connor Buchanan.” Darafer chuckled when the Scotsman flinched. “Yes, I know who you are. You’ve been on our list for a long time.”

  Marielle touched Connor’s arm and winced at how tense he was. “Pay him no heed. He’s a deceiver.”

  Darafer snorted. “Who’s deceiving whom? Maybe for your sake, angel, I should take out the trash. Wouldn’t want the parasite to soil your dewy innocence.” He smiled slowly as he looked her over. “I’m planning on doing that myself.”

  “Ye willna touch her!” Connor yelled.

  Darafer shot him an angry look. “Do you really think you can stop me? Try it. Then I won’t have to go back empty-handed tonight. Looks bad on my résumé, you know.”

  Marielle’s heart lurched when the demon’s eyes turned red. He was planning to attack.

  Connor realized it, too, for he jumped away from her and assumed a defensive stance.

  Her heart pounded. Connor couldn’t possibly defeat a demon. And still, in the face of death, he tried to protect her. He kept moving to the side to draw the demon away from her. His dagger gleamed in the moonlight as he raised his arm.

  Darafer stepped back and his body shimmered, shifting back into the beastly black wolf. He crouched, preparing to pounce. A low growl rumbled in his throat.

  Oh God, no. She couldn’t let Connor die. She shot up a desperate plea for help, but heaven was silent. It was up to her. Curling her hands into fists, she hoped she still retained enough power to keep Connor from being ripped to shreds.

  The beast leaped.

  “No!” She threw her arms out, her hands splayed. A massive burst of air exploded around her, shooting out in all directions. It blew the beast back, tossing him forty feet into the forest. He crashed into some bushes.

  Unfortunately, the blast also knocked Connor back forty feet and he landed on his back, thumping his head hard on the ground.

  With a growl, the beast jumped to its feet.

  Marielle raised her hands, hoping she could muster enough power for another attack. Fear crept along her skin, making her shiver. Darafer had
the same abilities she had, but even more since he could change his form at will. He could also call for assistance from Lucifer’s other servants.

  She, on the other hand, was trapped in a human body and cut off from the Heavenly Host.

  He morphed into a male human form. Long dark hair, emerald-green eyes, luminous pale skin. This was most probably his preferred look, and she hated to admit he was striking. Dramatic and elegant, too, in his black leather pants and long black coat.

  “You don’t want to get into a battle with me, angel,” he said quietly. “You know you’ll lose.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “Luckily for you, I’m not allowed to force you to accompany me,” he continued. “Free will, you know. Sometimes the black beast strategy works, and the poor sap says he’s willing out of fear. You didn’t fall for it, though, so I’ll have to wait until you want to come with me.”

  “That will never happen.”

  He smiled slowly. “I was hoping you would be a challenge. Makes the final surrender so much more sweet.” He lifted a hand, palm up, and a red glowing light appeared, then condensed into a solid red object. He tossed it toward her.

  The object rolled toward her feet. A shiny red apple.

  “Let me know when you’re ready to take a bite.” With a whoosh, black wings sprang from his back, and he was gone.

  Marielle drew in a deep breath. Thank God. She was safe for now. And Connor? She ran toward him.

  He was still flat on his back. The poor man must have hit the ground hard.

  With a gasp, she stumbled to a stop. Good heavens. The blast of air had blown his kilt up to his chest.

  “Oh,” she breathed. She’d never seen an angel look like that. Come to think of it, she’d never seen a human look like that. As a Deliverer, she’d seen her share of naked human bodies, but they tended to be old, or ill, or injured. And they were usually gray, shriveled, and dead.

  She stepped closer. Definitely not gray. Rather pink and healthy. And most definitely not shriveled. Even his hair was interesting. Red and curly, it looked very soft and . . . touchable.

  She tilted her head, marveling at the size and structure. It was all so . . . out in the open. Blatant. Masculine.

  The invasive purpose of the design was so obvious, she reacted instinctively and pressed her thighs together. That was . . . curious. Oddly pleasurable. A shiver ran down her arms, but she didn’t think it was caused by the cold. She felt strangely . . . warm.


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