A Pound of Flesh

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A Pound of Flesh Page 16

by Jackson, Sophie

  “Peaches,” he murmured. He took a step toward her but stopped when she held up her hand. “I— What the . . . ? Shit, did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “No. You didn’t hurt me.”

  “Then what?” He risked taking another step and breathed easier when she didn’t stop him. The urge to be near her, now that he’d tasted her, was so fucking strong.

  “We just . . . I can’t believe—” She looked up. “Do you realize what could happen if people knew what we just did?”

  Yeah, he did know, but right then he couldn’t have given a shit. “Peaches,” he said, holding out a hand, which she didn’t take. “It’s okay.”

  Her head snapped up. “Okay?” she exclaimed. “There is nothing okay about this, Carter. I’m your teacher!”

  “Don’t yell at me,” he fumed, his temper rippling. “I know exactly what you are. I also know that you liked it just as much as I did.”

  “Regardless,” she snapped, “it can’t happen again. It won’t happen again.”

  Searing pain sliced across Carter’s chest, and he covered it with anger. “What-the-fuck-ever. Like I give a shit if it happens again.”

  Her eyes met his and he immediately saw the hurt. He swallowed down his pride. “Peaches, I— Shit— I . . .” He hesitated, feeling that, somehow, “sorry” wasn’t nearly enough to fix the moment.

  “I’m going home,” she muttered.

  Carter noticed how tired and small she looked. He was almost desperate with need to take care of her and make it better.

  She started to turn from him, and he took another step toward her. “Peach—”

  “Don’t,” she begged, closing her eyes. “Just . . . don’t.” Her shoulders fell. “Carter, I’m sorry that I—I didn’t mean to lead you on. The kiss was— I need to go home.” Her eyes opened slowly. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.” She kept her eyes on his for a beat before she turned away.

  Carter stood silently and watched her walk away, certain that she was taking half of him with her.


  Carter’s entire apartment shook as he slammed the door shut behind him. He launched his keys and jacket against the wall, threw his helmet on the sofa, and collapsed against the breakfast bar of his loft. He’d been struggling to breathe properly since Peaches had walked away from him.

  She’d walked away.

  Christ, that had hurt.

  When Carter had put his mouth to Peaches’, he’d lost himself. She felt so good pressed against him and yet, he could do nothing but handle her as though she would fracture under his fingertips. He’d never kissed a woman that way before. He’d surprised himself at his own tenderness. The hunger for her that resided deep within him was desperate to take her wild and hard against the tree, but the moment they touched he knew there was no way he could do that to her. He beat the hunger back and held her as gently as he could.

  Their lips had moved together so slowly and tentatively. But Carter had wanted more.

  With her pulse thrumming under his fingertips, he’d kissed her with everything he had. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel more of her. He wanted her to touch him.

  He’d fucked up. He shouldn’t have kissed her. Peaches had even told him not to. But he’d done it regardless. He just didn’t have the fight left in him anymore.

  He knew, now that he had experienced the feel of Peaches on his lips, he had to have it again. And he knew that was an impossibility, just as she had told him. Nevertheless, Carter couldn’t help but suspect her determined promise that it wouldn’t or couldn’t happen again was a carefully constructed front that hid her own desires for him. She’d kissed him back, for fuck’s sake. She wanted it, too. Didn’t she?

  He rubbed his brow at the realization that the situation just wasn’t on their side.

  Carter wasn’t stupid; he understood she had a lot more to lose than he did and that, should their kiss be found out, she could be in a whole heap of shit. But he didn’t have to like it. His temper and selfish side started to escalate.

  He thought back to what he’d said to her. What-the-fuck-ever. Like I give a shit if it happens again.

  He was a lying son of a bitch.

  The fact was her words had hurt. He’d been hurt before, by many people in his life, but Peaches seemed to know how to cut him to the quick. He wasn’t so much of a dick that he couldn’t admit it. She’d hurt him and he was pissed.

  He glanced at the clock, a bitch of a headache starting in his temples. It was just before five, and he needed something to help him chill out and cut loose. He needed to stop thinking about Miss Lane, with her soft lips and peach-flavored tongue.

  He pulled out his cell and found his contacts list. The line rang three times.

  “Yo, Carter! How was your date—I mean, session?”

  “Eat a dick, Max,” Carter snarled, striding toward his bedroom.

  “Whoa, such hostility! It didn’t go well, I take it?”

  Carter pulled his T-shirt over his head and dropped down onto the corner of his bed. “No. It didn’t,” he snapped. “Look, what have you got planned for tonight?”

  “Not much. Why, you thinkin’ of something?”

  Carter ran a hand down his face. “I need to get shitfaced, and quick. Where can we go?”

  Max laughed. “I know just the place, my man. Come to the body shop in an hour.”

  “I’ll be there in thirty.”

  ·  ·  ·

  “Keep moving!” the stranger hissed from under his hood. “We have to get away from them. They’ll kill you! Move!”

  “I can’t! My dad!”

  The stranger didn’t stop to listen. Gunfire filled the air. Kat screamed. She began running but was wrestled to the ground. He was heavy on top of her back and smelled of cigarettes.

  The sidewalk was so cold.

  “Stay here,” he breathed into her hair as she wriggled beneath him. “You can’t go back. He told you to run, for Christ’s sake.”

  Kat shot up from her bed, gasping and hoarse from the scream that died slowly in her throat. Her face was wet, as were her clothes, from the sweat pouring from her.

  She leaned against the headboard, taking in a huge lungful of air when she remembered she was in her bed. It had been a while since she’d had such a dream, yet the effects of it were just the same. With a groggy head, she lifted herself from her bed and made her way to the bathroom, knowing a bath would relax the muscles in her neck and back that were still tense.

  After her long soak, and a good hour of tears, she pulled on a pair of sweats and a hoodie and put on the DVD of School of Rock for some light Jack Black entertainment. A knock at the door had her glancing at the clock, wondering who would turn up at her door past eight on a Saturday night.

  Her heart thumped hard when she peered through the peephole. She unlocked the dead bolt and pulled the door open, leaning on it with her hip. She stayed silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

  “Can I come in?” Beth asked in a quiet but firm voice.

  “Sure,” Kat answered, standing back to allow her to enter.

  Beth stepped in and stood awkwardly while Kat shut the door behind her.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Kat tucked her air-dried hair behind her ears. Beth nodded.

  Kat shuffled to the kitchen. Once Kat had poured Beth’s drink and handed it to her, she walked, without a word, back toward the sofa and sat. Beth followed and sat at the far end of the couch, sipping her drink.

  Kat placed the TV on pause as Jack Black started singing about straight As, then she turned to her friend. “How are you?”

  Beth gave a small smile. “I’m okay.” She placed her glass on a coaster on the coffee table. “How are you?”

  Kat crossed her arms, feeling weirdly defensive. “I’m fine. Tired.”

  Beth clasped her hands in her lap. “Austin said you weren’t well. That’s why I came: to see if I could do anything for you.”

  Kat sighed, thinking about the text
that she’d sent Austin, the lie she’d written to get out of going for drinks with him, unable to see him after the kiss with Carter. “I don’t need anything.” She saw an uncomfortable shift in her friend. “So where’ve you been? You haven’t replied to any of my texts.”

  “I know,” Beth conceded. “I’m sorry. There’s been some family stuff Adam’s been dealing with.” Her eyes darted to a pile of Carter’s work lying on Kat’s coffee table.

  “Is everything okay? You should have called.” Kat blinked at the answering silence. “Have I upset you? You seem, I don’t know . . . off. And that whole performance at my birthday dinner—I just . . . get the feeling something’s wrong.”

  Beth moved closer to Kat on the sofa. She sighed and pressed her lips together. “No.” She cleared her throat. “No, nothing’s wrong, I— I just worry about you. You know, working at Kill and with Carter one-to-one outside of the prison. I wanted—I want—to make sure you’re all right.”

  Kat stared at Beth for a beat, wondering what it was that she wasn’t being told. Too tired to figure it out, she searched for the right words. “It’s been a shitty day.”

  “You wanna talk about it?”

  Kat barked out a laugh and shook her head while making a mumbled noise of words that made no sense. “Not really,” she answered, her throat closing up again. “I’m just a stupid, stupid idiot.”

  Beth sat back. “Kat, what happened?” She paused before asking, “Did he hurt you?”

  Kat’s head snapped up. “What?” she asked incredulously. “Why would— Who?”

  “Carter,” Beth answered. “Did Carter hurt you? That’s who you’re talking about, right?”

  The tears Kat had tried like hell to keep back dropped down her face. Her face scrunched up with despair and a sob broke from her throat.

  “Oh God.” Beth pulled Kat into her side. “I knew it. Shhh, it’s okay. If he hurt you, we can send his ass back to Kill. Adam and Austin can—”

  “No, Beth!” Kat sobbed. “I fucked up. Me.” Beth stayed quiet. “He didn’t hurt me. He would never hurt me.”

  Kat didn’t know why, but she’d always known Carter would never do anything to cause her physical pain. She felt safe with him, even when he’d thrown a table across her classroom. There was something in his eyes, something in the way he moved around her, that made Kat feel secure and impervious to any danger.

  She knew—deep in her soul—that he would protect her if she needed him to.

  “Kat, what the hell happened?”

  Kat sniffed. “He kissed me. And I kissed him back.”


  “Well, shave my ass and call me Priscilla! It’s a motherfucking Kill reunion up in here!”

  Riley’s booming bass voice smacked Carter and Jack around the head like a baseball bat before his mammoth body launched from Carter’s apartment doorway at the two of them and pulled them into a death squeeze.

  “Oh, I’m so happy,” Riley chimed sarcastically as Carter grumbled and pushed his oafish ass away.

  “Dammit, dude,” he said, stretching his back out of the concertina Riley had made of it. “Calm the hell down.”

  Riley smirked. “I see freedom hasn’t chilled your uptight ass out any. I, on the other hand, have been free for forty-eight hours and everything is awesome!” He turned to Jack before Carter could respond. “How’s it hanging, J?”

  Jack chuckled and straightened his jacket. “I’m hanging fine, Riley. Good to see you. I’ll see you on Thursday for our meeting.” He slipped past him and waved. “We’ll talk soon, Wesley.”

  Carter nodded and closed the door behind him while Riley sauntered into the apartment and looked around the place like a prospective buyer or some shit. Carter sighed.

  “What can I do for you, Moore?”

  Riley patted his enormous chest with his palms and smiled. “You got any beer? I’m about parched.”

  With two beers in hand, Riley dropped himself onto the couch while Carter fiddled with his cell phone, feeling disgruntled. It’d been two days since the kiss in Central Park, and he still hadn’t heard from Peaches. Not that he’d expected to, but it didn’t stop him from being fidgety as all hell. He had no idea what he was going to say to her when they met for their session.

  “Am I keeping you from something?” Riley asked nonchalantly, sipping his beer.

  Carter shook his head, threw his cell to the side, and lit a cigarette. “So how’s it feel being out? Forty-eight hours? I’m surprised I’ve not seen your ass sooner.”

  Riley smiled. “You know me, Carter: places to see, people to do.”

  Carter laughed and raised his eyebrows in agreement.

  “Not that you’re not important to me or anything,” Riley added with a wry wink. “But I had to get some shit organized.”

  Carter paused. “You getting involved with hot parts again?”

  Riley frowned. “No. No, man. That was a mistake I will not be reliving. I just had a few deals to settle. Jack here for the usual?”

  “Yeah,” Carter replied. “Diane was here earlier. She’d have loved to have seen you.” The two men snorted.

  Riley and Diane hadn’t always had the best relationship. To say that she didn’t understand his foul-mouthed humor was an understatement.

  “She wants me,” Riley answered coolly as he sat back and kicked his feet up. “What can I say?”

  “Of course she does.” Carter chuckled but stopped abruptly when his cell beeped with an incoming text. Max. Dammit.

  “That your new . . . female plaything?” Riley winked.

  “No. It’s not my new ‘plaything,’ ” he barked before looking back at the cell screen.

  “Okay, okay,” Riley retorted before he lit his own smoke. “Chill yourself, asshole. It was only a question.”

  Carter exhaled and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. “I know . . . just . . . It’s not like that.”

  “Things are going well with Miss Lane, I assume,” Riley commented smoothly.

  Carter extinguished his smoke and blew rings toward the ceiling. “Just swell” was his curt reply.

  Riley hummed as though daydreaming. “Damn,” he said in a low voice that he saved for seduction and all things nasty. “I do miss her tight ass in those pencil skirts.” He licked his lips. “And those legs? I could have smooched on those bad boys for—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Moore!” Carter bellowed. He snapped his arm up and pointed at Riley menacingly. “Watch your mouth about her.”

  Riley lasted all of three seconds with Carter’s finger in his grill before his face creased into a smile the size of the Hoover Dam.

  “Well, I’ll be goddamned.” He snickered with his hands up. “You and Miss L, huh? Nice.”

  Carter’s arm dropped instantly and a groan of realization and frustration left him. He rubbed his palms down his face and mumbled into them.

  “It’s not like that, okay? I mean, I want it— I want her to . . . fuck.” He snatched his beer from the table and fell back into his chair.

  Riley chuckled and sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Look, man, I’m not interested in the hows, whys, or what-the-fuck-ever. I’m just glad that I won the bet I had with myself.”

  Carter narrowed his eyes. “Bet?”

  “Yeah, I bet myself how long it would take for you two to bone once you were out.” He smacked his huge chest with both of his fists. “Guess I won, huh?”

  Carter blinked in shock. “For Christ’s sake, Moore. We haven’t even— Shit, it’s not about boning.”

  “Oh yeah, I know, but you get my drift.” Riley smiled and put his smoke in the ashtray. “Hey, talking of fucking hot women, a few of us are going to hit a couple of bars tonight. You in?”

  Carter shook his head. “Nah, man, I’ve got stuff to do.”

  Riley waggled his eyebrows. “Or someone . . .”

  Despite himself, Carter couldn’t help but laugh.

  ·  ·  ·

  At the end of Kat�
��s class at Kill the following Tuesday afternoon, she found herself walking toward Jack’s office. Her feet and legs became sluggish, almost willing her not to keep going. But she had to. She needed answers and direction. And, truthfully, even with talking with Beth about her anguish from hurting Carter, there was no one else.

  Gathering herself, she knocked lightly against the door.

  “Come in.”

  Jack smiled when he saw Kat peer around the doorframe. “Miss Lane,” he said, standing from his seat. “Good to see you. What can I do for you?”

  Kat bit her lip and allowed her body to slide gradually into the room. She closed the door, grasping the handle as if her life depended on it.

  Jack looked concerned. “Are you all right?”

  Kat tried to smile back, to reassure him, but it fell flat. She cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck. “I need to ask you a hypothetical question,” she muttered.

  Jack frowned. “Hypothetical.” Kat nodded. “Well,” Jack continued, “I’ll certainly do my best.”

  He gestured for Kat to take a seat before he sat back down and placed the papers he’d been reading back into a folder. Kat slinked over to a chair and sat down. This was hell. She fisted her hands in her lap and averted her eyes. She never behaved like this. She was usually so sure and steadfast.

  “Miss Lane,” Jack said, sitting forward. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes,” she rasped through a dry throat. “I was just— I was—”

  “Did Carter do something wrong?”

  Kat shook her head. No. Everything Carter had done had been oh so right.

  “I saw him yesterday,” Jack continued. “He seemed anxious about something. Wouldn’t tell me what it was, of course—”

  “Who do I speak to about quitting as his tutor?”

  The words tumbled from her mouth with such speed, she was amazed they came out in the correct order. As the words settled around them, all she felt was pain. Not physically, but emotionally. She was angry at herself for asking the question she never thought she would. Her eyes became blurry, but she swallowed the tears. She’d done enough crying to last her a lifetime.


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