Sorcerer: Trouble with Werewolves: Power of Air Book 2

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Sorcerer: Trouble with Werewolves: Power of Air Book 2 Page 5

by Harrison, D. L.

  It didn’t take long for Sierra to find the trail.

  “This way, whatever happened, she didn’t get on a train.”

  She led me over to an employee only door that led who knows where. A little known fact of Chicago is that it has six different tunnel systems under the loop, CTA being only one of them. Sierra forced the door and we entered some kind of maintenance tunnel. I felt like I was being dragged to my doom…

  I let Sierra guide us, she followed the scent through a series of tunnels, often dodging into a side tunnel or room when she heard someone coming. I wasn’t exactly helpless down here, but my range with fire wasn’t as large as air, maybe twenty-five feet instead of a hundred. By the time I felt the body heat of someone approaching it would’ve been too late.

  It was about a half an hour of walking and sneaking when we reached a door to a storage area. The door itself was metal that looked rusted and old, the padlock however looked relatively new. I was about to burn it when Sierra grabbed the bottom and twisted it. The sound of metal protesting filled the hall for a moment, before the plink as it broke.

  Is it wrong that I was a little turned on by that?

  She winked at me, and pulled the broken metal off and opened the door. It was dark as we went inside, Sierra turned on a hanging light that had a string on the chain, and then went deeper into what turned out to be a really large storage area, almost warehouse sized excepting the much lower twelve-foot ceiling.

  When we got to the back I heard Sierra growl dangerously at what we found. There were four large cages, about the size for a large canine, two of them had young woman inside, Cindy, and a girl even younger, maybe fifteen or sixteen. There was no one else here however.

  “Can you let them out, I’ll call the cops and look for something that might be connected to this asshole, maybe once I’m back up top I’ll be able to see who did this.”

  Sierra nodded fiercely but softened her stance when she approached the cages.

  “We’re here to get you out, you’re safe now,” she said in a soft melodic voice.

  I called Mike, let him know where I was, and the room number of the storage area, I figured he’d find it just fine with the help of a city worker. There was a bed next to the cages, with handcuffs, as well as several sex toys. I had to take a deep breath to calm down, before I accidentally set the bed on fire. All kidnappers were bad, but this guy was the worst kind.

  I didn’t really want to touch any of it, and was relieved when I saw the key to the cages hanging on a nail by the bed. I grabbed that and slipped it into my pocket, it should work well enough to identify the guy later. Sierra didn’t need it; she’d already ripped the doors off. I felt a rage growing in me again as I heard Cindy’s and the other girl’s sobs.

  I said softly, “I’m going to wait by the door okay?”

  Sierra just nodded as she tried to handle the two young woman, at least they were fully dressed. It was more than me just not wanting to see the aftermath of the evil man that took them, I knew the last thing the girls needed was to be around a guy right now. So I waited at the door for Mike to show up.

  It was almost an hour later when Mike and Aiya showed up with two female paramedics, and a number of other officers including a crime scene analyst. Explaining Sierra’s presence was a juggling act, I just told Mike I had a feeling a woman was needed, and she was a friend. It was kind of weak, and Mike knew I was hiding something, but he trusted me enough to shrug it off. Aiya on the other hand was looking at Sierra speculatively, she must have known Sierra was another supernatural, but of course all she could do was speculate, I couldn’t tell her either.

  By the time Sierra and I were released from the crime scene and made it back upstairs, it was almost noon, three hours after we’d gone down there. The feeling of being back up in open air was amazing as I felt the power rush back into me, connected once again to the air all around me, feeling everything within a hundred feet, something I was starting to take for granted.

  Aitheria sent as she hugged my neck tightly, “It’s about damn time, I was going crazy up here waiting for you damn it.”

  I quirked a smile, “Sorry Ria, had to be done. We rescued two young women if that makes a difference to you.”

  Aitheria sent, “You’re my only concern, but yes, I understand why you did it.”

  I took out my phone and sent a text message to both Mike and Aiya. The key worked and I sent the address and the job the abductor did for the city along with his name, Daniel Burns. Luckily the key had just given me the man’s information, and memories of opening and closing the cage. Perhaps it was more than that, maybe my power itself knew I didn’t want to see it, so I didn’t have to suffer through knowing and seeing what had happened on that mattress. I’d make sure the bastard didn’t get away one way or the other, but I’d let Mike and Aiya have the first crack at the man.

  I turned to Sierra, “Would you like to get lunch?”

  She smiled, “I thought you’d never ask. I’m starving.”

  Chapter 8

  Thursday, May 19th, 2016, 12:48 PM

  I was stuffed from surf and turf. I’d also been amazed at the twenty-six-ounce porterhouse I’d watched Sierra polish off along with two baked potatoes. Apparently werewolves did very much eat more than normal humans. She’d clearly enjoyed every bite as well.

  Sierra asked curiously, “So, is that what you do when not working for the council? Rescue kidnap victims and find people?”

  I nodded slowly and looked her in the eyes, “Does that surprise you?”

  She smiled, “Yes, it does. In a good way though, it proves we were right to invite you to ally. You’re a good man,” her face turned fierce as her smile melted away, “How do you not feel the urge to hunt down the one who did that and kill him. I have to admit I’m tempted to do just that.”

  I shrugged, “I do feel that urge, but humans have a different justice than we do. It helps to know that he’ll be in jail, and pedophiles and rapists are not well received there. He wouldn’t suffer merely as much from a quick death. Maybe the fact I was raised human makes a difference there.”

  She nodded thoughtfully, “I hope he does suffer, it’s probably a good thing we didn’t catch him down there.”

  That probably would have been bad, although I could have destroyed the evidence easily enough.

  It was getting to the point I knew she’d be heading back to the pack, and I was thinking of asking her out on a pure date, no business. It wasn’t the fast connection Diana and I had formed, but I was definitely interested in more, and not just because she was so damned attractive. But her phone went off before I said anything, and the way her eyes widened with a sheen of tears, it was definitely not the time.

  “What happened?” I asked as I pulled out my wallet and dropped three twenties on the table.

  She shook her head, “I have to go… something… I need you to come with me. It’s about the pack…”

  She looked a little dazed, so I walked around the table and helped her up. She was a strong woman, but I somehow knew my touch would be calming. Wolves don’t grieve alone, and anyone stupid enough to think that makes them weak would be foolish. I had no doubts if the enemy were nearby she’d be having a different reaction. Right now though, she needed the tactile contact and comfort to function.

  When we got out of the restaurant I kept her hand as we walked toward the Metra station.

  I tried again and asked, “What happened?”

  She spoke so softly I could barely hear her above the sounds of the city, if I wasn’t a sorcerer with control of the air to guide the sound of her voice, I was sure I’d have missed it.

  “They got one of us, Debbie, she’s was just nineteen. I don’t know any details yet, just to get home, and bring you. She… wasn’t a fighter, not like me, she was in college…”

  I didn’t ask any more questions. I tried to imagine what she was feeling, and I realized that would be hard to do, pack bonds were very close. The closest I could r
eally understand would be the loss of my mother, or imagining what it would feel like to lose Amy or my Aunt. So I stayed quiet as we got on the train.

  When we sat down, Sierra was practically sitting on my lap and curled into my side. Under other circumstances I may have enjoyed that quite a bit, but her pain was palpable and my thoughts didn’t go in any direction except to be there and offer what comfort I could. I wrapped my arms around her and we were silent for the rest of the trip. Even Aitheria looked grave.

  The ride seemed interminable, but it was right around forty-five minutes, just like every other time, and we arrived around one-thirty. She didn’t even comment when I led her over to her car and put her in the passenger seat and drove us the rest of the way. When we got into the backyard, there were nine werewolves gathered, including Sierra, with an undercurrent of grief and anger. To my surprise Sierra stayed buried into my side, instead of joining one of the groups of her pack mates.

  Derik nodded my way, but otherwise ignored my presence and started to explain.

  “Now that we’re all here, let me tell you what happened. The invading pack struck their first blow. I told you all not to go anywhere alone, but I made a mistake. I thought Debbie would be safe at college surrounded by humans, but I was wrong. Debbie and her human roommate were killed while crossing through an isolated part of the campus mid-morning today, in the same way others have been killed by this invading pack.

  “I want to make it clear to the rest of us, that we need to stay together, two or more when possible, and be vigilant. We know they’re using magic to hide their scents, so don’t depend on just your noses when you’re out there. The authorities have the body, and since it was a murder it may be some time before we can put our daughter to rest beneath the earth.”

  It took me moment to realize he’d meant daughter as in his flesh and blood, not just pack. Although I wasn’t even sure if that distinction was meaningful, they were all family and all were grieving. If the rogue pack was in front of me right now, I’d have killed them all.

  He looked at me, “Can you and Sierra go with my mate to look at the body. The police will have to allow it for both religious and by family right. I need to stay here with the pack. Plus, if she breaks the spell we’ll need you there to track them.”

  I wasn’t sure of that, if they weren’t done gathering evidence they wouldn’t want the body disturbed even by family. But I simply nodded, I didn’t have it in me to object to a grieving father and alpha. Besides, I didn’t really want to object, we would make it happen. Sierra let go of my hand and let me know she’d be right back. I understood when she went into the house, a white sundress with flowers probably wasn’t the right thing to have on when visiting the morgue.

  She came out in a black skirt that was just short of her knees, and a dark gray blouse, and two inch black heels. She collected Selene on the way over to me, who was similarly dressed in dark colors, and we headed out to the car. I tried to give her my condolences, but my throat closed up, we did exchange a look however and she seemed to understand without me actually saying anything.

  The drive was fairly long, maybe thirty minutes to the to the morgue. Luckily, it was one of the newer buildings that didn’t have the morgue in the basement, we’d have had trouble explaining why we needed to move the corpse above ground so my power would work. We went in to the building and stopped at the desk out front.

  Selene cleared her throat, and when the guard looked up she said, “I’m here to see my daughter’s body.”

  The guard sat up straighter and stared at Selene a second too long. She didn’t seem bothered by it, I imagined she was used to that sort of thing. It was hard to believe she had a nineteen-year-old daughter, she could barely pass for thirty.

  The guard asked, “Name?” after he unlocked his console.

  “Debbie Williams,” she said softly.

  The guard typed it in and read the screen before grabbing the phone.

  “Doctor, can you come up here, there’s someone to see Debbie William’s remains, the computer says it’s cleared but…”

  He listened for a moment and hung up the phone before he looked up at Selene, “Mrs. Williams, the ME will be right out to speak with you.”

  We took a seat and only waited a few minutes. Sierra held my hand while her and Selena leaned against each other. They sat up straight when the door opened, and an older man walked over and introduced himself.

  “Mrs. Williams, I’m Carl Denton, the ME. I’m very sorry for your loss, and though we’ve finished gathering evidence and the remains are available, I’d urge you to reconsider seeing your daughter’s body.”

  Selene shook her head, “I need to see the remains for religious reasons, please take us back there.”

  It looked like Carl wanted to argue, but instead he just nodded and led them toward the back. We passed through a few doors, the last one had a guard outside of it and we had to sign in. The ME led us over to a drawer and pulled it out.

  Selene asked, “Can you give us some privacy please?”

  The ME shook his head regretfully, “I’m sorry, I can stand over on the other side of the room, but I can’t leave you in here alone.”

  I understood that, there were probably other corpses in here and chain of evidence issues would come up. I didn’t like to do it, but Diana had taught me how a couple of months ago. I pulled power from the air around me and after getting his attention locked eyes with the ME, creating a connection between us. His face went blank a second later when the mesmerize power took hold.

  I sent into his mind, “Go stand in the other corner, remember nothing of what happens until we leave.”

  When the doctor shuffled away, I nodded to Selene. She reached out and pulled the sheet back, the face had deep claw marks in it, and the body was even worse, missing parts of her flesh clearly made by ripping teeth. I’d have rather not seen it, but then this would help with having no second thoughts when we finally do hunt the bastards down. She stopped pulling down the sheet when we saw the symbol which was carved in her upper chest, right below her throat.

  I’d like to say it didn’t bother me, but the truth was even with relatively very little relieved I almost lost my lunch. It was… horrifying is the right word.

  I couldn’t really feel the magic of earth, it was the opposite of my nature, I was essentially blind to it, but I could tell it was there because it blocked my abilities. Selene took a calming breath, and brought out a small vial with some kind of oil, and poured it onto the symbol, then she closed her eyes and chanted, her face the picture of concentration. I knew she was doing magic, my inner core wasn’t happy to be standing there, but my power also knew I was safe with them at the same time.

  What she was doing though wasn’t just earth magic, there was a component of fire as well and I could feel it eating away at something. It was weird being half blind to what was happening.

  I held my ground ignoring the discomfort, and watched as she went through a ritual chant. I felt the difference right away as I felt the blocking magic fail, and knowledge rushed into my mind. Not as much as I wanted, and at the same time, way more than I wanted. I now had the memories of exactly how Debbie had died, and never in my life had I wanted to kill anyone more than I wanted this enemy pack dead.

  They hadn’t just killed her, they’d played with her first, this wasn’t a simple territory take over, attacking her hadn’t simply been about culling the weak member of the pack, no… they’d enjoyed what they did. It wasn’t a werewolf thing at all, it was just that particular alpha was an evil bastard.

  I sighed, “I don’t have their location, but I think I have everything else. I’m not sure why, perhaps their pack is protected directly against it, on their own bodies? Is that possible? Maybe we should go back, so I don’t have to explain it more than once?”

  I knew it was possible with a witch, it had happened on my first case with the vampire council after all, but I wasn’t sure what the limits of a mystic were.

>   Selene nodded slowly and covered up the body, and pushed the drawer in. I couldn’t tell if she was just acknowledging my words or answering my question. When I opened the door to the room the ME blinked and came out of his trance. He looked confused for a moment, but then adopted a solemn look.

  Selene asked, “Do you know when the remains will be released?”

  The ME shook his head, “I’m sorry, it may be some time with an open murder case. I’ll be in contact as soon as I know anything.”

  Selene murmured a thank you and we left the building.

  Chapter 9

  Thursday, May 19th, 2016, 03:37 PM

  Pack ally and friend or not, it was a little intimidating to have nine angry and grieving werewolves focused on me with unforgiving gazes. Their anger wasn’t about me of course, but in addition to those natural feelings I had that werewolves were a natural enemy, it was a bit disconcerting. I had managed to shrug off those instincts in regards to Sierra, and even to an extent with the alpha and his mate yesterday. But I felt like I was standing in front of a semi-truck bearing down on me.

  I took a deep breath, knowing intellectually I was safe hardly made a difference. But I was… safe I mean, so I started to lay out what I knew.

  “I still don’t know where they are, their location is blocked to me. But thanks to Selene breaking the spell, I was able to see who, and a little bit of why. This isn’t an alpha that just randomly picked this area because he wants it. He wasn’t kicked out of his old territory at all, he is here specifically for revenge against perceived wrongs, and he isn’t sane.

  “His name is Karl Lansing, although I think that last name is fake.”

  I paused for a moment, there was no recognition in some of the pack, but Derik, Selene, and a couple I hadn’t met yet widened their eyes.


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