The Nerd Who Loved Me

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The Nerd Who Loved Me Page 13

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  Oh, yeah. Leo. And Joey. Harry had been so exhausted and preoccupied with sex that he'd nearly forgotten their original reason for being here. "Well, I don't want you to get too worried about this, because Leo and his guys are on top of it."

  "Harry, I'm too tired to get worried about much of anything."

  He nodded, understanding completely. "It seems Joey's run up a bunch of gambling debts."

  "That's no big surprise. He was always looking for the big score. But what does that have to do with Dexter?"

  "Joey would get back in good with his dad, not to men­tion be in line to inherit a fortune, if he can prove that he has a kid. His money problems would be over."

  "Inherit? His older brother Emil is supposed to in­herit. Joey was very bitter about that."

  "Turns out Emil's gay."

  Lainie started to giggle, and after a while Harry was worried that she wouldn't stop.

  He pulled up in front of the unit they'd been assigned, turned off the motor, and glanced at her. "Are you okay?"

  "Uh-huh." Hiccuping, she wiped her eyes and looked at him. "It's just too funny, that's all. Ending up with a gay son must be the worst thing Doyle Benjamin could imagine. But I don't see how Joey's going to present him with a kid born out of wedlock to a showgirl. That won't fly with old Doyle, either."

  "My guess is he won't present Dexter in that light." He decided not to outline all the possible ways Joey could change the story about Dexter. "Let's go in." He reached for his door handle.

  "Wait a sec, Harry."

  He turned to find her watching him, all traces of her giggling fit gone.

  "I'm beginning to get the picture," she said. "Joey would be better off if I didn't exist, right?"

  "I don't think you have to worry about—"

  "Not that I think he's capable of something so dras­tic," she added quickly, as if to reassure herself, "but the fact remains that without me, he could make up any story about Dexter he wanted."

  Harry felt the grip of a fear that made snakes seem like child's play. "That scenario's not possible, Lainie."

  "It's possible, but not probable. Joey's a blowhard and he can get riled up at times, but I can't picture him doing anything that violent." Despite her confident words, she'd begun to shiver.

  "It doesn't matter what he's capable of or not capable of," Harry said quietly. "Because he'll never get close enough to you to test the theory."

  "Because of Leo?"

  "No, because of me."

  Chapter Eleven

  Lainie had never had a protector before, and she loved the feeling. "Thank you, Harry. That means a lot."

  "You're welcome." He opened his car door and grabbed his cell phone from the dash. "And the first or­der of business is to get us both safely inside that time-share unit. I can call Leo once we do, and find out if he's learned anything more."

  Lainie wanted to check on Dexter, too. "I'd like to call your mother, if that's okay."

  "Definitely okay. Here, you take my phone. Let's make this transfer quick, in case anybody's watching us."

  "Do you really think they are?"

  "Probably not, but I'd like to get you inside before we worry about the suitcases. Do you have the key?"

  She held up one of the metal keys. "Right here."

  "Good. Let's go."

  Lainie didn't really believe that Joey would be lurk­ing around, waiting for a chance to pounce on her, but adrenaline pumped through her anyway as she hurried to the entrance and shoved the key in the lock. It wouldn't open the door.

  "Dammit! Let me try."

  She stood aside so Harry could fool with the key. She tried not to be spooked by the fact they were standing out here exposed, but she couldn't help glancing around.

  "There. Finally!" Harry opened the door. "Quick, get in there."

  She scooted in and Harry followed, closing the door after them.

  He flipped the security lock into place. "At least there's a security lock in this fleabag. Stay here and I'll check around."

  Her heart thudded faster. "Oh, I'm sure nobody's hiding in here."

  "Probably not. But that's how they do it on TV. The bodyguard checks everything in advance."

  "Is that what you are, then?" She thought it was the cutest idea.

  He adjusted his glasses. "Well, uh, Leo told me to keep an eye on you, so I guess that's my job description. I real­ize I'm not exactly trained for this, but I'm the only—"

  "I'm honored to have you as my bodyguard."

  He looked pleased. "I think I will check the place over. Better make sure Dudley's not hiding in the closet, ready to leap out and make us an offer we can't refuse."

  "No kidding." She smiled, to let him know she appre­ciated his attempt to lighten the mood. She was a little unnerved by the situation with Joey, but she hated to ad­mit being afraid of him. That seemed to give him more power, and she didn't want that. "While you're checking around, I'll call your mother."

  "You know what, that's a new phone and I don't have the number on speed dial yet. Let me write it down for you." He moved toward a notepad on the end table near­est the door.

  "That's okay. I know it."

  He glanced at her in surprise. "You do?"

  "I saw it when you wrote it on the registration form."

  "Yeah, but that was hours ago."

  "And your point is?"

  He shrugged. "I'm only thinking that most people wouldn't see a phone number once and remember it. You must have a really good memory."

  "I guess. I don't work at it, though. I just see some­thing and it sticks."

  He studied her for a moment. "Have you ever heard of a photographic memory?"

  "I think that's what I have. Dexter does, too, but then, he's way smarter than I am. Don't get the idea I'm a brain or anything. I'm a one-trick pony when it comes to intel­ligence."

  "Maybe, maybe not." He gazed at her a little longer, as if absorbing this new piece of information. "Well, I'd bet­ter make my tour. Here's the car keys." He tossed them in her direction. "If you hear me yell, take off."

  She caught the keys in midair. "As if I would do that! First I'd call 911, and then I'd grab a lamp and come help you."

  "Because you think I couldn't handle it?" "No, because I couldn't leave you in the lurch." He sighed. "Lainie, you're the one in potential dan­ger, so I'm supposed to hold them off so you can get away. I don't know much about how this is supposed to work, but I do know that."

  She thought of Harry, who probably didn't have a vi­olent bone in his body, fighting bravely with some in­truder while she ran away. She'd never be able to leave him when he was in trouble, but he seemed to need her to say she would. "Okay." She mentally crossed her fingers behind her back. "If something happens, I'll go for help. How's that?"

  "Better. I'll go check around." He turned and headed into the bedroom.

  If she thought for a minute there was anyone waiting for him, she wouldn't let him go alone, but nothing about this unit felt ominous. After years of being on her own, she trusted that the fine hairs on the back of her neck would warn her if danger lurked nearby.

  Maybe that's why she hadn't sensed any threat when they'd nearly stepped on that snake. Harry had freaked, and his panic had transferred to her. But if she'd listened to her gut, she would have known the snake was harm­less.

  Right now, her gut told her Joey wasn't out to bump her off. But he was after Dexter, and that was scary enough. She turned on Harry's cell phone and dialed Rona's number. While she was waiting for it to ring, she glanced around the living room. It was a little more rundown than the model, but a similar colorful blanket was draped over the sofa. This time the rag rug was positioned on a differ­ent section of the carpet, near a worn easy chair.

  Rona answered on the second ring. "Harry?"

  "No, not Harry. Lainie." She heard Harry opening closet doors and swishing aside the shower curtain. His earnest inspection of the premises made her smile. "Harry loaned me his cell phone so I cou
ld call and find out how Dexter's doing."

  "Great! He's right here. Would you like to talk to him?"

  "Thanks, I sure would." Lainie felt a lump grow in her throat. She was so far away from her little boy, several hours by car. But he was better off in Rona's condo, guarded by Leo's associates, than he would be with her.

  "Hi, Mommy!" Dexter sounded very happy.

  That made the lump in Lainie's throat get bigger. He really was fine without her. "Hi, sweetie. Are you having fun?" Silly question. He was obviously having a ball.

  "Yep! Did you know Fred slept in my bed all night?"

  "That's wonderful."

  "He follows me everywhere, even when I go potty! He waits outside the door. He loves me soooo much."

  "I'm sure he does. You're a lovable guy."

  "That's what all the ladies say. We're playing this game called Texas Hold 'Em. Usually they play with money, but today they're playing with M&M's because I'm just a little kid." He paused and pride crept into his voice. "But I have the biggest pile."

  "I'm sure you do." So the TITS were teaching Dexter to play poker. Not only that, they were smart enough to play with M&M's, maybe because they'd learned that Dexter could clean out their savings accounts in no time.

  Dexter lowered his voice. "Do you think I should let them win a few hands, Mommy? I don't want them to quit."

  Lainie didn't know what to tell him. She knew how Dexter ached for companions, and so few people could keep up with him. Yet she hated to encourage him to lose on purpose, to do less than his best. She'd have to trust the TITS not to abandon this lonely little boy. "I think they're smart enough to know when you're not playing your hardest, and they might be insulted. I say go for it, Dexter. My guess is that they'll hang in there with you."

  "I sure hope so. Because this is very, very fun. Here's Miss Rona. Bye, Mommy. I miss you." He smacked a kiss into the phone.

  "Miss you, too." Lainie was telling the truth, but she wasn't sure about Dexter. Between his extreme intelli­gence and her single-mom status, he'd stayed way too isolated, and she could see that now. She'd find a way to fix it once this mess was over.

  "I promise I'm not filling him full of sugar," Rona said. "He can't eat the M&M's, at least not now, when they're the only way he can keep score."

  Lainie hesitated. "Rona, is it a problem, that he's winning?"

  Rona laughed. "A problem? You should see what a kick we're getting out of watching that little rascal clean up. And it's for M&M's, after all. I think these women are mature enough to lose a few M&M's without getting bent out of shape."

  "I'm glad, because he loves playing games, but he has trouble finding people to play with him because he always seems to win."

  "But he's so cute about it. I can see you've taught him not to gloat."

  The praise felt good. She hadn't had much validation of her parenting skills. But she didn't think she could take credit for Dexter's attitude. "He figured that one out himself. It's bad enough that he beats everybody, but if he rubbed it in, he'd be even more unpopular."

  "He's a great kid, Lainie. Thank you for letting me borrow him for a couple of days."

  "But I'm the one who should be thanking—"

  "Nope. I'm in my element. All the TITS are loving this. So how are things there?"

  Now there was a loaded question. Harry had come out of the bedroom and was checking the lock on the back slider that went into the patio. "Why don't I turn you over to Harry and he can fill you in?" Lainie said.

  She walked over and handed the phone to her newly minted bodyguard.

  He seemed to mentally brace himself before he put the phone to his ear. "Mom? Yeah, it's been quiet. I talked to Leo."

  Lainie walked into the bedroom, not wanting to eaves­drop on his conversation. She wished Rona hadn't been so obvious about her matchmaking attempt. That was another good reason not to have sex with Harry. He should be saving himself for a woman who could actu­ally end up being his wife.

  The unit was stiflingly hot, so she located the air-conditioning control on the wall in the bedroom and flipped the switch on high. The blast of air coming through the bedroom vents wasn't very cool yet, but it would probably take a while. She glanced at the bed and noticed that the quilted spread was torn in several places and the stuffing was coming out.

  So this unit wasn't kept up as well as the models. Oh, well. She still longed to stretch out on the bed, torn spread or not. With the air conditioner on, she could make out the low murmur of Harry's voice but not what he was say­ing. Unfortunately, that low murmur turned her on.

  She had no trouble coming up with ways to seduce him. She could strip down and get in the shower, leaving the door open. She could take off her clothes and climb into bed with the sheet draped strategically to showcase her assets. Or she could leave her underwear on and walk into the living room like that.

  But she wouldn't engage in any of that behavior. She wondered how much longer Harry would be on the phone, and what the two of them should do once he hung up. Peeking out of the bedroom doorway, she discovered all six feet, three inches of him sprawled on the sofa, his head propped against the back while he talked on the phone. He'd laid his glasses on the coffee table and his eyes were closed.

  "Yeah, Leo, I'll be careful," he said. "We'll play it safe, I promise."

  She remembered that he'd wanted to check with Leo, so he must have called him after ending the call with his mother. Harry looked like he'd been run over with Dudley's golf cart. He was in no condition to be se­duced, even if she hadn't decided to be noble and not do it.

  Instead she felt the urge to stroke his forehead and brush back the lock of hair that had fallen out of place. He looked so vulnerable, this straitlaced man who had appointed himself her bodyguard.

  "I'll keep you posted, Leo. Bye." Eyes still closed, Harry slowly lowered the phone and stayed where he was, his long legs stretched out, his arms resting slackly at his sides.

  He'd probably been awake for more than thirty hours. Squeezing his eyes shut, he started to get up. Then he groaned and flopped back against the sofa.

  Lainie stayed very still and watched the rhythm of his breathing change as he drifted toward sleep. Once he tried to rouse himself again, but it was no use. He'd reached his limit.

  When she was absolutely sure he was asleep, she went back to grab a pillow from the bed before taking off her shoes and walking over to the sofa. Placing the pillow against the armrest, she got to her knees and started gently taking off Harry's shoes. Although he snuffled softly in his sleep, he didn't wake up as she worked him out of his loafers.

  Taking off his shoes was the most intimate thing she'd done with Harry, and she was enjoying it way too much. She'd never pegged herself as having a foot fetish, but once she'd successfully pulled off his shoes, she decided to take his socks off, too. She hadn't seen naked male toes in a long time. Funny what a girl could miss.

  Harry, it turned out, had elegant toes. His second toe was longer than his big toe, which she'd heard some­where indicated a link to the aristocracy. She would be­lieve that of Harry. He had a little bit of dark hair on his toes, just enough to make them look very masculine. His toenails were clipped neatly, which she would have ex­pected.

  She wondered if he'd ever had a woman suck on his toes. Some guys loved it and some were too ticklish to enjoy the sensation. She'd learned that stroking a guy's feet could be very stimulating for him, but she might be out of practice with that. She might be out of practice for the whole sexual routine. What a depressing thought, especially now that she was going to forgo the pleasures of the flesh with Harry.

  Some said sex was like riding a bicycle and every­thing would come back once you got started. She was also worried that using the vibrator had conditioned her to the point that she could only have orgasms that way. Some women had that problem, she'd heard. Well, she wouldn't be finding out this trip, sad to say.

  As she contemplated Harry, she decided he'd rest better if she could
get him horizontal, so she stood and grasped his shoulders. Then she tried to push him to­ward the pillow. No dice. He felt nice and solid, though. Touching him, feeling the warmth of his skin through the black silk shirt, was making her mouth water.

  She pushed a little harder. "C'mon, Harry," she mur­mured. "Lie down."

  He moaned softly in protest and struggled in her grasp.

  She stepped back, not wanting to wake him up. She sure would love to unbutton that shirt, but she could find no justification for undressing him some more. He could sleep with his shirt buttoned, no problem.

  "Gotta stay ... awake." His speech was slurred.

  As she peered closer, she could see his eyes moving behind his closed lids and knew he must be dreaming about their predicament and talking in his sleep. Poor guy. Even asleep he was worried about protecting her.

  But if he stayed like that, he'd end up with a vicious crick in his neck. She decided to try working with the other end of his body. If she lifted his feet and swung them around, maybe he'd be off balance and slide right down to that pillow. Hefting his feet up off the floor took some effort, but when she finally maneuvered them onto the sofa, sure enough, he toppled over onto the pillow.

  "Mm." He smiled and snuggled his cheek into the plump surface.

  "That's it," she murmured, perching on the edge of the coffee table to gaze down at him. "Get some rest."

  He sighed in his sleep.

  What a sweet guy, to interrupt his life like this. She reached out to comb his hair back from his forehead. His hair was silky and she allowed herself to keep stroking it, petting him like a puppy. It wasn't only sex she'd missed all these years, but the tiny pleasures like running her fin­gers through a man's hair and grabbing onto shoulders with some bulk to them. She liked the crisp scent of a man's shaving cream and the deep sound of male laugh­ter. But dating seemed so risky with a little guy as im­pressionable as Dexter.

  Before she started dating again she needed to know that Dexter understood the concept of testing out poten­tial stepdads. He had to realize that her true love might not show up right off the bat. Dexter was smart about a lot of things, but he might have trouble with that pro­gram until he was much older.


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