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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

Page 52

by Amira Bradford

  "Do you wanna leave, babe?"

  Colin wouldn't look at me. "No," he said simply.

  "I said, do you want to leave? 'Cause I really don't care... It's not really my scene, either."

  "No, I'm alright. You wanna have fun, have fun. Don't let me ruin your night for you." He still refused to look me in the eye.

  I sighed. "Dear, I'm not going to have fun if you're not having fun. We can go, I really do not care."

  "No, no," he insisted. "Have fun, go dance with Amanda."

  "Nope. I'm done. If you're ready to leave, then I'm ready to leave."

  "You'd really leave Amanda all alone?" he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. "Alone? She's got Charlie! She sure doesn't need me to have a good time!"

  Colin looked down forlornly at me. I glared at him. "Let's go," I said.

  "Alright... If you're sure..."

  "I'm sure!" I snapped, and pulled him towards the exit. I only paused to tell Anya we were calling it a night and heading back to camp. She merely shrugged and waved us on our way, though I caught the hint of an eye roll as well, and I knew she figured I'd flake. Oh well...her opinion didn't matter to me nearly as much as Colin's happiness did. Within the minute, my man and I were back on the street and free from the pressures of Karma at last.


  We were about five miles north of the State Park at that point, and the plan was to walk down the beach back to camp. Before we started our trek, we stopped in a few touristy stores like the Gay Dolphin, but then it was down the strip and eventually we cut across to the beach. But maybe two miles into our trip, I realized I had not thought this evening through very well. Walking down the beach in a tight denim skirt with the sand kicking up my legs was causing some seriously painful chafing between my inner thighs. I had to stop every so often and spread my legs all lady-like just to let the cool ocean breeze blow up my skirt and soothe my burning thighs.

  Between my frequent pit stops, and the serious turn our conversation took as we walked, the trip back to the park seemed to take forever. Though we had left the club around nine, it was almost eleven o'clock by the time we were shuffling into the darkened, quiet campground. We wandered slowly back to our site, getting lost along the way in the dark once or twice, but we made it back all the same.

  When we did finally creep into the site, I remembered Hannah was in my tent trying to sleep off the pain of her "injury" from her banana boat accident. I wasn't going to complain just then, though, as she gave me the perfect excuse to hide away in the guys' tent with Colin for awhile. I just grabbed my pajamas, made a quick trip to the bath house to get changed and ready for bed, and then returned to camp and rejoined Colin. We stretched out on the air mattress he shared with Charlie and cuddled innocently for a time. Being in such close contact with him, however, even our most simple kisses and caresses slowly stirred up the feelings that had been boiling just below the surface since this afternoon all over again.

  After awhile, I could hardly stand it. Innocent was just not going to cut it anymore. I thrust my hips into his crotch and ground myself into him, almost as if we were back at the club dancing. Though, strangely enough, he seemed far more accepting of my advances now that we were horizontal.

  "I want bad," I moaned softly. To reinforce my point, I kissed him hard on the lips, before trailing my kisses down his throat and back up to his ear. I nibbled the outer rim of his earlobe and felt him shudder with pleasure. He returned my onslaught with a series of tantalizing kisses of his own, along the length of my neck. A wave of heat flash through my body, leaving me a little light headed. I arched my back in utter bliss.

  "How long do we have?" Colin asked, his voice rough.

  "An hour or two, at least," I reassured him. "Just think how long it took us to walk down the beach. The others were just leaving when we got back here. We have plenty of...alone time."

  He grinned at me. "Good." He kissed me, quick and hard, before pulling away from me and sitting up. "Get on your knees."

  I smiled mischievously up at him, knowing exactly what he meant to do. I rolled over and did as he said, then wiggled my ass invitingly in his direction. The next thing I knew, I felt his hands on the waistband of my Marvel-themed boxers as he yanked them down to my knees.

  I heard him mutter, "Damn." I glanced back at him.

  "Problem, dear?"

  "Yeah...why'd you bother putting on underwear if you're already wearing boxers?"

  I laughed. "I'm sorry, dear." I felt him grab my panties and pull them down as well. "Just habit, I guess—"

  My words were cut short as he suddenly thrust his hips in the direction of my ass. I gasped. I didn't remember him losing his own shorts and boxers. His naked and very erect penis pushed urgently between my buttocks.

  "Little tight, are we dear?" he said. I could hear him smirking. "Well now, I know just how to loosen you up." I gasped again as I felt his dick suddenly slide into my soaking wet pussy. I moaned aloud from the exquisite pleasure of having him exactly where I'd been craving to have him all day. Then I remembered myself and bit my lip, trying to stifle the sounds of my satisfaction.

  All too soon, he pulled out of me completely. But I didn't even have time to mourn my loss as he returned with a vengeance, this time up my ass. I sucked in a breath through my teeth as he probed and stretched my tight little hole with his throbbing dick. He slowly began to thrust in and out, and I whimpered faintly, enjoying the strange, but pleasant sensations. Warmth bloomed in my groin and spread outward; I shivered and trembled and broke out into a cold sweat. With each time that he rammed into me, my brain clouded, and fuzzed, and stars popped and twinkled before my eyes. Suddenly, he stopped, buried to the hilt in my ass. I pushed against him, craving more, but he pulled out and leaned away from me.


  He cut me off quickly, shushing me. "Shit!" he whispered, and he dove for his shorts.

  "What?" I asked again, but then I heard what had scared him so badly. Voices. Outside the tent. Amanda. And Charlie, too, it seemed. I scrambled back into my boxers. Colin stood up, hand poised to unzip the tent door.

  "No!" I hissed. "Lay down!" He looked at me. "Lay down!" I repeated, and motioned violently for him to join me on the bed. Finally, he obeyed. I snuggled up next to him and nuzzled his chest.

  "What are you doing?" he breathed questioningly in my ear.

  "Just trust me," I said. I stretched my neck up and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. I laid my head back down in the crook of his arm and listened. I watched the play of light and shadows upon the tent canvas and made out Charlie's silhouette as he sat down just outside the door. I could hear Amanda unzipping the other tent, and Hannah grumbling as Amanda's rustling roused her from her drug-induced slumber. Amanda and Charlie began telling Hannah of their evening, and as the three talked, I picked up how we had been so surprised. While they had all left Karma at the same time, the others had stopped in a few more of the stores, while Amanda and Charlie had continued on down the beach. By the sound of it, though, it seemed like they were going to stay up and wait on the others. That was good enough for me. I rolled over slightly, and under the pretense of stretching, I pressed my hips into Colin's crotch.

  "Hey now," he whispered disapprovingly. I smothered his objections with my mouth, nibbling on his lower lip, pulling it between my teeth until he returned my slow gyrating with a quick thrust of his own. But then he leaned away again. "We can't be doing this, you know. Charlie and Amanda are right outside!"

  "So?" I said archly, wiggling back towards him.

  He rolled away from me. " that way," I huffed. Suddenly, I almost rolled off the bed. I looked around, alarmed. Colin was on his feet, and unzipping the tent.

  "Oh? You guys are back already?" I heard him say. "We fell asleep and just woke up..."

  From in the tent, I rolled my eyes. So that's how he wanted to play it, eh? I clambered to my feet and stuck my head out, blinking in the relatively bright light.

bsp; "Hello, all," I mumbled, feigning weariness. I stumbled to the girls' tent and groped around for an excuse. When I found my shower bag, I realized that I had forgotten to take my meds. While digging through my toiletries for my pills, my hand ran across a small purple surprise that could definitely come in handy later. I tucked it quickly into my bra before I risked the trip across the darkened campsite to the coolers to grab a bottle of water. As I rummaged through the icy cold waters of the cooler, I relished the chill, though it did nothing to quench the burning inside of me. I heard more voices coming from the road. Rex and Anya, quietly followed by Will and Sara, had returned to camp at last. I sighed. Perhaps Colin was right...perhaps this wasn't going to be such a good idea.

  I downed my pills anyway, and proceeded to finish off my bottle of water before venturing back towards the now-crowded tent city. But when I went to unzip the tent to rejoin Colin, I found that someone else already had. Charlie was stretched out on the mattress next to Colin, fast asleep, or close to it. I sighed once more. So much for that. Squatting beside my lover boy's prostrate form, I noticed he also seemed to have dozed off. I discreetly tucked my now-pointless prize in the pocket of his shorts as I kissed his forehead softly and whispered, "Goodnight, dear." Fighting tears of frustration, I exited the tent and plopped down stubbornly in a chair. I stared up at the handful of stars brave enough to shine through the tree cover above me, and wondered why life had to be so difficult.

  Around me, the rest of the campers got ready for bed. Rex was the last one to return to the site, and the only one to notice that I had not moved once since I had sat down.

  "Are you okay, Jessie?" he asked, actually sounding concerned for once.

  "I'm fine," I said.

  He sat down in the chair beside me. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes," I said shortly.

  He didn't seem convinced. "Are you going to bed soon?"

  I shook my head almost imperceptibly. "I'm okay here for awhile."

  Rex just looked at me for a moment. "Do you want the light on?"

  "No," I said.

  "You're sure?"

  "Yes," I said, my flat tone never wavering.

  Rex stared at me for another second and then rose silently. He patted me gently on the head. "Goodnight, Jessie," he said quietly.

  "Night, Rex," I replied. The camp was suddenly thrown into complete darkness as Rex unplugged the lights. I jumped slightly at the sound of the tent zipper behind me; Rex really was as stealthy as a panther. Still I stared at the tree canopy, catching glimpses of the night sky through the blacker silhouettes of the spiky leaf shapes. A cool breeze danced through the quiet camp, raising goose bumps on my bare flesh, but I was still too fired up to sleep. It was a long time before I finally got up and lay down beside Amanda in my own tent that night.


  With the rising of the morning sun, the oppressive summer heat was back in full-force, rousing me from my fitful sleep. As I sat up, I realized I was the only one awake in the camp. But I knew it would be completely useless to try and fall back asleep now. I was already too hot. I stretched, rubbed my eyes, and sat up as quietly as I could, so not to disturb Amanda or Hannah. I tucked my shower bag under my arm and slipped off to the bath house.

  When I returned to camp, it was still as dead as it was when I left. I sighed. Not normally a morning person, I didn't know what to do with myself. After a few moments of uncertain deliberation, however, I decided I would try to cuddle with Colin again. I thought he was usually more of a morning person that I was, so maybe he was beginning to stir as well. I tossed my bag back into my tent, and then crept back over to the boy's tent.

  Neither snoozing boy stirred at the sound of the zipper, oddly enough. I sank to my knees at the edge of the bed and rubbed Colin's lower back gently. Slowly, ever so slowly, he registered my light touch and his eyelids fluttered open. I leaned down to place a soft kiss on his cheek, and he groaned and rolled up onto his side. Seizing my chance, I scooted into place beside him, stretched out, and sighed in contentment. Colin seemed rather oblivious to my presence. He merely laid his arm over me and drifted right back to sleep. I, however, soon discovered how the boys were able to sleep through the ever-increasing heat. The fan was at such an angle that it blew right across my back, and it somehow kept the whole tent at an overall cooler temperature. The feeling was pure ecstasy. Before long, I was cool and comfortable enough that my eyelids also began to droop heavily.

  I snuggled deeper into the now pleasant warmth of Colin's arms, when suddenly I noticed a bulge in the front of his shorts. I chuckled to myself...morning wood. Softly, I kissed his lips, when a dirty thought crossed my mind. Grinning evilly, I stroked the growing bulge through Colin's shorts. His eyes flew open rapidly.

  "Hey now," he whispered hoarsely.

  "Good morning," I cooed.

  He looked down at me, slightly confused. "Did you sleep here?"

  I frowned. "No... it got a bit crowded in here." I glanced in Charlie's direction.

  He still looked lost. "You're here now?"

  "I came to cuddle with you. To say good morning."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Good morning, eh? I'd say so."

  In reply, I kissed him quickly, and then buried my face in his chest. I inhaled deeply, taking in the warm, heady scent that distinctly belonged to him. He hugged me close for a moment, but I noticed as his embrace slowly loosened as sleep overtook him once more. Before I could drift off again myself, I rolled away from him slightly and propped my head up on my elbow. For a short while, I was content just to watch him sleep. But I found it nearly impossible to lie there with the memories of last night running through my head and keep my hands off of him for long. The embers of our passionate encounter from the night before had yet to die, and his proximity was only stoking the fires.

  Soon, I was doodling aimless patterns up his arm and across his chest: tracing the line of his collarbone with a single finger, dipping into the slight hollow at the base of his neck, slowly making my way up and over his shoulder and down across his lower back. I savored the feel of his bare flesh beneath my hands; it was not a sensation I often got to enjoy. Rolling closer, I began to trail the path of my fingers with gentle kisses. As I kissed my way up his neck, he stirred again. Before he was fully awake, I found his mouth with my own.

  I started out softly, with just a few pecks. But as consciousness returned to him, I began to deepen the kiss: running my tongue across his lower lip, nibbling on his upper one, aligning the rest of my body with his as I kissed him more urgently. My hands slid down to encircle his waist and pull myself even closer to him, when he suddenly pinched my ass, and I jumped. He inhaled sharply as my hips threw themselves forward reflexively into his crotch. Wedging a hand between our bodies, he managed to retaliate by groping my breast firmly, massaging it through my tank top and bra. My heart fluttered, and I stifled a moan.

  "You know..." I muttered in his ear, "I think you have something of mine."

  He glanced down at his hand resting on my breast and met my gaze with a raised eyebrow.

  "No, no. That's not was I was referring to."

  Colin looked really confused now. I slowly slid one hand down from his waist, over his hip, down his thigh, and into his pocket. When it reemerged, I held in my hand my prize from last night. I offered the small, purple bullet vibrator to him.

  With his eyebrow in danger of disappearing into his hairline, but with a smile playing at corners of his mouth, he took it. He pressed the black button on the back end of the small toy, and I watched his smile appear in earnest. Uncertainly, he slid it across my breast. As it grazed my overly-sensitive nipple, a shudder skittered up my spine. By then, he was grinning ear-to-ear. He played it across my nipple again, and again I trembled in ecstasy. Soon I was gasping for air, as he continued with his exquisite torture. Sometime later, as he played with the effects of different speeds on both my breasts and nipples, I finally caught hold of my senses long enough to breathe in his ear: "That's not the
only place that's good for, you know..."

  Catching my hint, he quickly pressed his hand and his new toy into my crotch. The unexpected intensity of the sensation nearly sent me over the edge right then, even through my shorts and underwear. But just as fast as it appeared, it vanished. My hips lurched towards him, searching for the source of the pleasure all on their own. I was not even aware of his fingers burrowing their way beneath my boxers and panties until I suddenly felt the buzz in a whole new way...inside me. My eyes grew wide as I looked up at him, before they rolled back in my head as he bumped up the speed.

  "My, my, dear. Enjoying our new toy, are we?" Colin said.

  I didn't respond. I had long lost my ability to speak. I just closed my eyes and focused on the waves of ecstasy building inside me.

  "Are we?" he repeated. He pressed it in deeper. My eyes flew open, and I gasped loudly. Colin grinned wickedly at my reaction. "I think that's a yes."

  I nodded slowly, putting far too much concentration into such a simple movement.

  "You know? I think I like your new friend, too." He adjusted the speed yet again, and I squirmed. "I wonder what would happen if I just left it inside you, say, through breakfast," he mused. "Would you just suddenly go over the edge and orgasm right at the table?"

  I tried valiantly to turn my glassy stare into a glare.

  "Don't you like that idea?" he continued.

  I groaned in protest.

  "Oh, well fine then." He palmed the bullet swiftly and pulled away from me.

  My body objected fiercely to the loss of the sexual gratification. I could not help but smile, though, at this new, commanding persona. I found it rather sexy. Rolling towards him, I panted in his ear, "Didn't say you had to stop." He chuckled softly, but he was being far too slow. I grabbed his hand and towed it south once more, holding it so that the bullet just grazed my clit. I trembled with pure delight.

  All of a sudden, I heard a groan that didn't come from me. Behind Colin, Charlie was beginning to stir. Colin must have heard him, too, as he quickly turned off the vibrator and stashed it back in his pocket. Hastily, I straightened out my underwear and cuddled close to Colin in order to hide my flushed face. We lay there tensely for a long moment. Eventually though, Charlie just sighed and rolled over.


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