Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories Page 68

by Amira Bradford

  "Soon. First, get me hard again."

  She opened her mouth and he slid his cock inside. With her head practically hanging off the edge of the desk, he was able to slide in deep with each thrust. Cupping her breasts, he made the clips on her nipples bounce enticingly. When he finally stepped back, her face was pink and there was a trail of precum hanging from her nose.

  Sitting back down in his chair, he gestured to his lap. "Come on then. You wanted me inside of you."

  She hopped off the desk eagerly, wiping the cum off her face. Straddling his legs, she lowered herself onto his thick cock, sliding all the way down his length until his cockhead bumped against her cervix. She began to ride him furiously, the steady slapping sound of skin on skin and their heavy breathing echoing in the small room.

  Reaching up, he removed her nipple clamps, groaning as she tightened around him from the painful tingling sensation of blood returning. He drew each into his mouth, his hands sliding to her sore ass, helping her bounce harder, drawing him deeper, as she whimpered.

  "Cum for me. I want to feel you cum around my cock." No sooner as he finished his command, she began to buck in an intense orgasm bringing him along in its wake. He exploded deep inside of her with a guttural moan.

  Without being ordered, she slid off his lap and dropped to her knees, taking his spent cock into her mouth once more, cleaning off their juices from his skin. When she finished, she looked up at him, still kneeling at his feet. "I'm sorry sir. I'll try to dress less provocatively from now on."

  He nodded, "Good. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

  She stood on wobbly legs and left the room, closing the door softly behind her. Reaching down, he picked up her forgotten panties off the floor and smiled. He loved role play night.

  The End.

  A Friend at the Gate

  The early morning has always attracted me, especially after a good night's rest. I love those hours when I'm awake and the whole world sleeps. It is my thinking time, a time without distractions. I could sit for hours with just my thoughts, suspended somewhere between 4:30 and sunrise. In the rural area where my weekend house stands, those hours are nothing but the sound of insects and owls and in the far distance trucks moving along the highway. And a month ago, the click of the door.

  "What are you doing out here?" Linda asked with a hint of sarcasm.

  I jumped, "shit, you scared the hell out of me!"

  "Sorry," She laughed. "I smelled the coffee."

  "Have a seat. I'll get you a mug." I rose from the table and passed her near the doorway. She was wearing a long night shirt that looked like a giant tank top. With the help of the darkness it covered her well, but as casual friends I was still surprised that she would be so comfortable dressed like that around a simple friend like me.

  But that was Linda, a worldly woman. I knew that Linda had been married more than a couple of times, that she had experienced her ups and down. Like me she had traded wild parties of her youth for fitness and early morning coffee.

  We had met at work and were somehow attracted, likely the camaraderie of a similar past and being close to the same age. And she had worked at our casual friendship as hard as I did and over time that friendship matured into one that most people experience once or twice in a lifetime.

  The kind of woman who wore lady's dresses and an easy smile, not business suits, and when she was married to the biker, Leon, she would occasionally come to the office in tight jeans and a top too small to be professional, showing off. Generally she let her brunette hair flow past her shoulders in bouncing waves. Sometimes, like tonight, she kept it bound in a tight braid.

  All this swept through my mind as I pulled a mug from the cabinet and went back outside into the dark. I could barely make out her shape sitting crossed legged at the table and then only because of the long white night shirt against the dark. I set the mug before her and moved the coffee carafe closer.

  "Want anything with it?" I asked.

  "No, I like it black." She replied as she poured herself a cup.

  I knew she would take it black because of the past: loud meetings, black coffee and cigarettes.

  She took a long pull while I got comfortable beside her. As my eyes became more used to the dark, the edges of her bright face and a coy smile became clear. She set the cup lightly on the table as if not to disturb the night.

  "Thanks for letting me stay here during the antique show." She began.

  "Sure, anytime." I poured myself another cup.

  "I was afraid that I might put you out." She said as she blew to cool the coffee.

  "No, I'm doing the same things I would do if you weren't here."

  "What about skinny dipping in your pond. You always talk about that and I haven't seen you do it yet."

  That was what I liked about her, no beating around the bush. If something was on her mind, she said it.

  "Okay," I agreed, "the same thing except I wouldn't be wearing shorts. But since you're here I thought I would show some common courtesy and all that."

  Now she was much more than an outline in the dark. I could see her bare knees, her long slender hands and the outline of her rings. Much of her face was no longer hidden in shadow and her look clear to me as we sat there alternately lifting and lowering our coffee cups. I caught myself looking at her breasts, solid nipples pushing up the fabric of her night dress in the soft light, a million years of evolution working on my brain. I looked back into her face and knew that she knew and understood.

  She lifted her cup to her lips and even in the darkness I could see her take on that look, the one that she had whenever she was ready to make a big business deal, like the game was on.

  "So you don't wear clothes? Most of the time I mean." She began again.

  "Would you? It is eighty degrees and eighty percent humidity at five in the morning. And it gets worse from here. Anyway, it's a throw back to my days when I was a dirty hippy on a dirty motorcycle with a dirty girlfriend."

  "Were you really?" She asked.

  "All but the dirty motorcycle part. I kept my bike clean."

  She dropped her coffee cup to the table, carelessly this time. "When I was married to Leon, the guys used to try to get me to flash at the rallies."

  "Did you?"

  "Shit no, not there with all those people. Some customer might be in the crowd."

  "Reasonable concern," I agreed. "But you're not opposed to it in principle?"

  I thought she gave me 'the look' women give when they think men are being jerks, but I could not be sure.

  We each lifted our cups and she tilted her head slightly. I could feel that predator that I had seen in action around so many conference tables.

  "So, is that all you do out here nude in the moon light?" She asked.

  The insinuation was clear and I chuckled at the thought. She had held her share of cocks, knew all the ways of men and apparently was willing to entertain herself with it.

  No, often I go and stand by the gate and watch the world go by. You can see the highway in the distance and up there nothing interferes with the wind on your body."

  "Really," She asked in mock surprised.

  "Really," I assured her.

  A car passed on the road, one of the country people leaving for work at the local gas station or maybe heading down to open the office at the egg packing plant. In the distance an owl hooted, sounding like a deeper, darker white-winged dove calling into the night for love. From another direction a dog barked its warning. Sound travels so far in the night, carried on the wind.

  "What do you do when a car passes?" She asked.

  "I step back down the drive and let them pass. In the night all they can see is what their headlights show. Someone in the darkness goes unnoticed."

  "Is that all?" She teased again.

  She poured herself another cup of coffee.

  "I'll go with you." She said after a moment's silence.

  I found myself not that surprised by the offer. All the smiles and wi
nks and little flirts that passed between us had told me that she was at least comfortable if not interested. A motorcycle going way to fast on the dark country lane passed reminding me of my own stupidly fearless youth. A youth she had lived several states away.

  "Let me get my stick. You need to get some flip flops."

  "I thought we were going out there nude." She said with some seriousness.

  "We are, well mostly." I stood up and unbuttoned my shorts letting them fall to my ankles.

  Linda reached for the hem of her nightshirt and pulled it up and over her head as she rose from the chair. She was wearing a pair of white panties and she quickly slipped out of them before turning to face me, clearly showing off. "I can see pretty well and I go barefoot most of the time so my feet are pretty tough. Anyway I've always liked being naked outdoors, completely naked."

  I wondered about the rings. Even jewelry can provide some cover.

  "Well okay. Let's go."

  We both picked up our coffee mugs and started off of the porch. Along the way I picked up the long stick leaning against the wall that I carry to knock down the spider webs. While I stopped for the stick Linda stepped off the porch ahead of me and I rushed to catch up.

  Out from under the eve of the porch, in the direct moonlight, I could see her much more clearly. Tall, slim and fit, she was as attractive as any woman. All of the promise of the sexy clothes she wore from time to time at the office was delivered. With each step she gingerly picked her way up the gravel drive. I walked around her and then walked ahead, kicking a few larger stones off into the ditch and clearing the cobwebs so that neither of us would be wrapped in them as we passed.

  As I reached the gate I turned. She was only a few steps behind, but far enough away for me to get another good look at her in the bright moonlight. She moved with a mixture of good posture and grace. Wisely, she had her breasts done and I could see that her nipples were large and hard. It was also clear that she shaved, creating a thin line of tight pubic hair that pulled the eye to her flat belly and hips. I felt myself getting heavy and decided to go with it. If she didn't like it she would say something. We weren't still finding our way in the world. No reason for false modesty here.

  She caught up to me and set her cup beside mine on the great wooden gate and together we looked out onto the dark road beyond.

  "It is nice here. You can feel the breeze." She said, leaning into me as she often did at the office, letting the closeness drive desire. I felt her arm press against mine and I leaned into that soft, supple skin.

  "Yea, it is pretty nice out here." I said as I spread my legs just a little to feel the breeze. I bumped my leg against hers, our bare hips touched. "So, go nude much?" I asked.

  "Not as much as you I bet, but yea, some."

  "So, you're not missing all the fun."

  She turned toward me.

  For a moment we were drawn, faces inches apart, the potential for a kiss drawing us together, but down the road I saw the lights of a car high up in the trees. I waited, then I took her by the arm and warned, "car."

  She turned to look as we both stepped away from the gate walking back down the lane that led to my house about ten yards before turning to let the car to pass. I was a few steps farther down the lane than she and as the car approached I signaled for her to step back a little farther, but no, not Linda. She stood there with her hands on her hips, shoulders square and feet apart as a large white four door pickup flew by headed toward town.

  "Hm." She said.

  She seemed honestly disappointed that the truck had not slowed. As I walked back toward her I could see her in the moonlight.

  "Show off." I accused.

  "Look at you." She crooked a finger at my half hard cock.

  "Well It's been a while and..." I joked well knowing all the things that she might think. I didn't care.


  "And the company is quite attractive."

  She turned and walked back to the gate, this time with a little swing in her hips. I took up the place next to her, once again pressing my arm against hers, then my hip. She pressed back. Our faces turned toward each other and neither of us could help but laugh.

  Our game was soon punctuated by a kiss. Not a long and passionate kiss, no, that was not what either of us felt; but a solid, confirming press of open lips with that hint of tongue that said we were both fearless, ready for anything. We pushed together at that gate, trying as best we could to gain contact, laughing at each other, kissing.

  "What's changed most in your life since you quit partying?" She asked after we broke.

  "I haven't quit partying, I just quit the booze. I party better this way."

  To our next kiss we added the press of flesh, face to face, her nipples to mine, I cupped her ass and pressed my hard cock into her belly. I slid a hand down the outside of her thigh as far as I could reach then pulled the backs of my fingers along her side and up to the bottom of her breasts. She kissed me harder, more tongue so I softened my touch even more.

  There was the matter of my hard cock between us. It was a rock now, strong and working on its own. Cupping her breasts I leaned forward to test one of her nipples with my lips, superb, hard, ready.

  In the distance the sound of a car arose. From one direction headlights would illuminate the gate, from the other, they would miss it, but still I moved away whenever a car came from either direction. As I started to move Linda held my arm.

  "We need to move." I argued.

  "Why? What can they see through the gate? Look this board covered my tits. This other one covers the rest of us. Let's just stand here."

  It was true what she had said about the construction of the gate. The top was over four and a half feet from the ground to the top and heavy boards, just like the horse fence on either side, crossed well enough to hide us in the dark. We stood there as flatbed truck with a welder on the back passed by.

  "You do like to flash."

  "As they say, If you got it." She grinned.

  I felt her hand searching. "You really like this too." She held my cock, first with one hand solely on the shaft and then with the other she massaged my balls. "Is that all you like? Flashing the neighbors?"

  I kissed her again. "No I'm a diver too. Mind?"

  "Shit no. Are you nuts?"

  It was a hard thing to do, to pull away from a woman who had knowing hands on my cock. It took me two attempts before I mustered the effort. But it was another car that made it happen, coming from the opposite direction from the last. I hoped that the angle of the gate, the addition of the fence along the side and the angle of the hill would hide Linda enough from the unsuspecting eyes of the driver. I would go unseen as I knelt before her, hidden by the heavy wood slats of the fence. Just as the bright lights climbed over the hill I grabbed her ass in both hand and pulled her to my lips.

  The sound of the car passing roared in my ears just as the sweet, salty taste of her labia met my tongue. Pulling hard, almost pulling her off balance I searched her folds as she grabbed for the gate and balance. There was a sharp cry, not of ecstasy but of surprise. A long moan followed next.

  I love it when a woman holds my head against her pussy. I love it more when she arches her back and opened her legs so that I can bring more sensation to her. All I could do in return was to try to excite her.

  "Oh, oh shit!" She cried.

  "Like it?" I mumbled.

  "They're stopping!"

  I stood and looked down the road. It was true. The car was slowing to a stop. I stood as it began a turn in the narrow country road.

  "Come on! Get the cups!"

  I grabbed a coffee cup and took her by the hand, pulling her along with me as I raced down the lane toward the safety of the porch. As we reached the darkness under the awning the car slowly cruised back up the road and then off in the direction that it had come.

  "Forgot something," Linda offered.

  "Or it was a deputy that lives on Winchester road and he saw us." I added.
"Anyway, I have something else in mind. Sit down."

  My porch was a large one and it served as my living room. It had benches for seating and a kitchen table in the middle complete with wooden chairs and brightly colored cushions. It was at one of those wooden chairs that I directed Linda to sit and from another I took a cushion and dropped it between her feet. For just a moment I stood there before here, a foot away and massaged my cock as she watched. Then I knelt and with one hand on each inner thigh, spread her, pulling her hood open with my thumbs to free her hard clit.

  I softly pulled at her clit with my lips, then I kissed her until her taste softened and I could smell her on my lips and taste her in my mouth even as I drew away for breath.

  At first she took my work without reflex, her flat stomach still, her hard breasts forming a gorgeous wall over which I could barely see her face in the darkness. My tongue struck deep into her, as deep as I could go and follow up her clitoris and onto her pubic mound. I noticed that she had a tiny diamond in her navel and another tiny piercing in the folds of her hood. The taste of the metal was a new sensation for me, a new desire and I tongued it softly.

  Finally Linda groaned, holding my head with the fingertips of both hands and straightened her legs, lifting her feet from the floor for just a moment. I raised my head and tongued her clit again, making room. I probed my middle finger into her, reaching deeply and searching for that smooth nubbin that awakens every woman's desire. Turning my hand palm up, I found it and added another finger to my work.

  She took little breathes, short inhales several in a row before letting loose with a deep sigh. Contractions in her stomach and her thighs told me what was coming. She held me tight and rather than destroy the moment I continued to massage her both inside with my fingers and outside with my tongue.

  I had known this in only a few women before, the great flow of orgasmic fluid as they came. Linda was one of those and as she shuddered, clamping my shoulders tight between her knees, holding my head in her hands, she released her pleasure. I stroked myself with my free hand, but just for the moment.

  The throws of orgasm take their time to play out, one strict convulsion and then other, lighter ones. Softer and softer they came as she worked her way down from ecstasy, but she was not done.


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