Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories Page 128

by Amira Bradford

  When I finished I saw Sharon looking at me happily, and then we watched Tara, who was finishing herself off. Cindy came back in the room just as Tara was cumming, so all of us watched her. We gave her applause when she was done, which made for a hearty laugh for us all. Yes, even Tara, eventually.

  We didn't, however, stay around to talk much about it. That would come later, if at all. As I left, I thought about the incredible evening. Never would I have believed that I would do such a thing in a group setting, and simply because Sharon told me to. I was amazed at myself, thankful for such an intense experience, and I decided that I was going to spend more time around Sharon. What in the world would she come up with next?

  The End.

  Lewd Awakening

  She woke as the hand was placed over her mouth. The shock of it caused her to draw in breath, but with the hand where it was she couldn't inhale, causing a sensation of being smothered which started her panic. Her nose hadn't been covered, and she drew breath in through that, and the smell of him woke her fully. She tried to raise herself off the bed, but he leaning over her and pushed her back down easily. The fear then set in and she tried to scream, but his hand muffled it and all that came out was a whimper. She struggled against him trying to get away, but he was strong and she couldn't move. After a couple of minutes she settled down, realising it was futile.

  "That's better," he said, "no point struggling. You're mine now."

  The sound of his voice got her moving again, determined to get away this time, but it only lasted a few seconds before she fell back, breathing heavily and smelling him with every breath. She looked up at him, his face covered with a balaclava, and she saw the lust in his eyes. He wanted her, he was going to have her in every way he wanted, and there was nothing she could do about it. He had caught her sleeping, at her most vulnerable. Tears welled in her eyes.

  He shifted on top of her, but she didn't bother struggling this time, she needed to conserve her energy in case an opportunity arose to flee. Then he lifted his hand from her face and she opened her mouth to scream. Before she could draw enough breath he had placed a rag over her mouth and was pushing it between her lips and over her teeth. He pushed the rag to the sides filling her cheeks and making sure her mouth was completely filled, then placed his hand over her mouth again and watched her intently. After a minute he lifted his hand and placed tape over her mouth, firmly securing it and ensuring there would be no screams. He smiled.

  "Now we can get started."

  Her turned his attention to the bed beside her and she followed his gaze. Lying there was a large cloth bag with its mouth wide open, inside she could see rope, lots and lots of rope. Her fear mounted and she started struggling again, but it was short lived as she remembered she had to pick her moment.

  He reached into the bag and grabbed a length of the tan coloured rope. As he pulled it out she saw how long it was and finally realised he was going to take his time with her. This was not going to be a short evening, and she had barely slept. The rope free in his hands he turned back to look at her and saw the fear through her tears.

  "Now we can't have you distracting me while I do this," he said, reached around behind him and grabbed what appeared to be a black cloth. When he opened it up she saw it was a heavy cloth bag. He grabbed her hair and tugged, so she lifted her head to avoid him pulling it up by the hair, then he placed the bag over her head and pulled the drawstring at the bottom, securing it under her chin. The bag blocked the light completely and made breathing even more difficult, so she focused on her breathing while he set to work.

  Rolling her onto her stomach, he grabbed her arms and pulled them back. Using the rope he had grabbed from the bag he made a loop just above her elbows and pulled, forcing her elbows closer together. When he was convinced that they couldn't move any more he wrapped the rope around her arms a few more times before using the last of it's length to cinch it and tie it off. The result was her arms were firmly secured behind her back a thick rope handle about a foot long between them. A shorter length of rope was then used to bind her wrists, again with a tight cinch. After this was complete he rolled her onto her back again, forcing all her weight onto her tightly bound arms. She tried to scream, but the gag and hood meant all she could do was grunt.

  The next item out of the bag was a roll of thick rubber tape. Turning around he faced her feet and grabbed her by the ankles. Experience told him this next part would be tricky as her legs were strong and he needed to get this right if the tape was going to hold, so to reduce her struggles he lowered his weight onto her, forcing the breath out of her and pinning her arms painfully. A few seconds of this and she was still, focusing completely on breathing and not struggling to avoid hurting her arms even more. Then he set to work.

  First he moved her left leg so that her heel was almost against her panties then he put one of his knees on her leg to hold it in place. The other leg he moved until the soles of her feet were touching, then he started taping them together. The tape went around her feet several times, all the way from the toe to her heel, then he wrapped it around one heel firmly securing it, then a few more times around the feet then the other heel. When he was done her feel were locked sole to sole, preventing her from being able to close her legs at all. She could barely move, but her discomfort was only starting.

  Taking a short length of rope in hand, he then picked her up. She squealed and thrashed against her bonds, to no avail. He was strong and sure, and he had her completely at his mercy, even though she believed that mercy was not something we was even considering. Of all the things he might be considering, mercy was definitely not one of them.

  Taking her off the bed be placed her on her knees next to one of the bedposts. Her feet bound together the way they were, she couldn't support her own weight, and she fell forward against him. Using the short length of rope he secured the rope between her elbows to the bedpost so it would take her weight, then he stepped away and looked at her.

  She was on her knees which were held wide apart. Her feet were under her ass, taped sole to sole so they were forced to rest on the floor sideways, her ankles twisted. Unable to support her own weight this way she was leaning forward, and all her weight was taken by her arms, which were firmly secured behind her, her elbows separated by about a foot of thickly wrapped rope and her wrists bound. The weight of her torso was forcing her elbows up behind her, lifting them almost to the same height as her shoulder blades. It was obvious she was in a lot of pain, and that made him smile at the thought of the fun that was yet to come.

  Now that she was in position, the hood was just in the way, he reached under her chin and loosened the cord then grabbed the top of the hood and pulled it off. Her eyes were open, and she closed them tight as the light hit them after being in the dark. When she opened them she looked up at him and he could see the pain she was feeling, alive deep within the glow of her eyes. His cock started to stiffen as he saw how helpless she was feeling. He thought about how good it would feel to stick his cock in her mouth and see how she liked having his dick forced down her throat, but she wasn't broken yet, and he needed to break her spirit before he would put his cock between her teeth. But it would happen soon enough, he knew that for sure. He had brought just the thing.

  First he had to finish her restraint, making her just right for the action that was to come. Her breasts were large and soft, and the way she was leaning forward they hung down slightly as they fell against her angled body. He wanted them more upright, more accessible, and most importantly more sensitive. He loved the look and feel of tits under pressure, and it was time to put pressure on these beauties. Two good lengths of rope was all that would be needed, and he retrieved them from the bag.

  He started with a loop of the rope behind her back, then brought it in front, passing it under her breasts and back around behind her. Then linked through itself the rope came forward again, this time in the other direction. The next passes of the rope here just above her tits, back and forth. The
n he looped the rope at the back again and brought it over her left shoulder, passing it under the rope loops above her tits and then over and under the one below. Back over her shoulder and secured at the back and he had the base ready for the real action.

  The other length of rope started just above the top loops around her, linking around the shoulder ropes and cinching them together. Then he pulled this rope through the one under her tits and pulled it tight. The ropes above and below were pulled together tightly, pinching the inside of her tits and forcing them up slightly. He did a couple more loops making sure it was tight and would hold. She was looking down at what he was doing, aware of the two long ends of the rope that were hanging down from the centre of this harness and fearing what they were for. She looked so beautiful as she knelt there, completely at his mercy, and she would look much better when he was done with those lengths of rope.

  He started with her right tit, grabbing it and pulling it out and up, forcing more pressure onto her arms behind her. Then grabbing one of the trailing ends of the rope he passed it under the tit and wrapped it tightly around the whole circumference. Loop after loop of rope bit into the flesh of her breast, and quickly it started to darken from the pressure caused by the rope. It took nearly a dozen loops to satisfy him, and he was glad her breasts were large and soft enough to handle them. Then he tied off that end and gathered the other one. This time her right tit was secured in exactly the same way, the rope biting into her soft flesh and pinching her skin horribly. By the time he was done and her second tit was turning dark pink, the first was a pale red, and he knew that they would both darken more soon enough.

  As he stepped back to look at her she looked down at what he had done to her breasts. To her they looked like two light globes, small at the base where the rope bit cruelly into them, and round and bulbous for their bulk. They were darkening as she watched, and she could feel the pressure building in them as the blood that rushed into them was restricted by the tight binds. She couldn't decide what hurt most, her shoulders, her breasts or her ankles. She looked up at him knowing that by the end of this she would hurt a lot more than she did right now.

  He had left his new toy, the one that would break her for sure, in the bottom of the cloth bag not wanting her to see it by accident until he was ready. He walked around the bed so she could not see him as he withdrew it, even though she craned her neck to try to follow him. He reached into the bag and past all the rope and found the cold leather by touch. He sighed with delight as he brought it out, his new toy, the one he was here to use, the one he wanted to see in action. It was a tightly braided black leather whip about two feet long and ending in a tight knot. It had no solid handle, it was just thicker at the base so that when he held it in his hand it was flexible and he could feel the braids against his palm. Making sure she couldn't see him he flicked it in a practice swing, causing a short sharp swish that cut the air beautifully. At this sound his bound beauty issued a muted yelp and started to struggle against her restraints. He walked back to her, letting the whip swing by his side like a slow pendulum. At the sight of it her eyes bulged and she frantically fought her bonds, using all her strength to try to break free. He just watched her as she caused herself more pain and discomfort in her futile attempts to escape.

  He raised his arm, letting the whip flick back and rest over his shoulder. Her eyes followed it and she was panting behind the gag, breathing in short breaths dragged in and out through her nose several times a second. She was scared of the whip, but he suspected she wasn't as scared as she should be. He could fix that easily enough.

  With a fast downward stroke he brought the whip down on her right tit, causing a sharp crack.

  The response was immediate and violent. She threw her head back and exhaled a long wail passing almost all of the air out through her nose in one long scream. Her legs bucked up and down, out of her control in their exertions to try to get her away from the pain. Her breast, which was already a cherry red had immediately darkened where the whip had struck it and over the next few seconds turned a deep maroon. As her head fell forward she tried to pull her breasts away from him, trying to protect them from another blow but unable to provide any protection to any part of her.

  The next blow struck her lift tit and again she threw her head back in a muffled scream. The pain was sudden and severe, and left a burning sensation in her flesh that didn't seem to be fading. Her breasts felt like they had been cut deeply, but as she looked down she saw they were marked with welts that kept darkening as blood rushed to the sites of the impacts. She felt completely powerless, unable to protect herself from this agony that was biting and then burning into her flesh. The next impact to her tits caused a weaker scream as she hadn't got her breath back from the previous blow. Tears again formed in her eyes and blurred her vision, another blow caused the tears to flow. She shuddered but didn't feel the protests of her ankles or shoulders anymore, the pain in her chest was too overwhelming.

  He moved to her left and dropped two more slices onto her left tit. With each stoke the tit bounced, the impact accentuated by the tight bondage the tits were in. Each stroke also caused a full body reaction as she reflexively struggled to get away from the punishment that was being dealt to her flesh. Her moans were constant now, and she was weeping behind the gag. He dropped the next strike of the whip onto the inside of her left thigh, and was rewarded with a fresh scream as she reacted to the pain on a different part of her body. Moving to the right he completed the set, and her legs shivered with the strain of her bonds and the pain. Her breathing was irregular, her moans weaker. She was falling into the suffering, unable to fight any more, but she wasn't broken yet. That would take more time, and a lot more attention with the whip. That was fine, he had time.

  As he got used to the whip he became more adventurous, aiming for more secluded targets and not worrying about the effects of awkward angles. Her breasts and thighs got most of his attention of course, that being what he loved to watch hurt, but no part of her body he could reach escaped untouched. On and on it went, each slice of the whip causing her to flail against her bonds. He needed to break her, and until she resigned herself to her fate, that hadn't happened. He had not been counting the stokes, but it was dozens and still she was fighting. If it took a hundred cuts from his short black leather friend to break her, then that is what he would give her.

  In the end it took nearly that many.

  By the time she stopped fighting and just accepted the torment that was happening to her, she was marked all over. Her tits were pale purple, with dark purple welts where she had been stuck over and over. Her thighs here a deep blood red, and other parts of her were deep pink. All over she had a covering of little black marks where the tip of the whip had stuck causing the worst of the bruising. She no longer looked pristine, but she looked even more beautiful to him.

  He stepped back and lowered the whip. Her head had fallen forward and her eyes were closed, though tears were still leaking from them. Her breath was coming in sobs, and she had fallen back onto her feet, twisting her ankles in a way that must have been extremely painful, but she had no strength left with which to raise herself. He stared at her for a few minutes, taking in the look of her, listening to her sob. Then he tossed the whip onto the bed and moved bent down to feel what it had done to her skin.

  He placed his hand on her right tit, causing her to shudder at his touch. He could feel how tight the skin was from the bindings and even more clearly the raised welts caused by the whip. Her tits were still smooth, but rippled where the skin had responded to the blows. He moved his hands over her belly and down to her thighs feeling all the welts there. Then for the first time he touched her cunt, which in spite of itself had been getting wetter and wetter and soaking her panties through. As he touched her she responded, lifting her head and opening her eyes. She looked into his masked face with eyes that were weak and now completely submissive.

  He took a knife from his pocket and slid its side down her ski
n until it was under her panties waist, then turned the blade away from her and slid it out, slicing the elastic. A few more cuts and he was able to pull the panties away from her completely and he saw her shaved cunt, now engorged and hanging open, almost dripping with moisture. Apparently she couldn't help herself, he had taken possession of her and her cunt was showing that. He placed his hand between her swollen cunt lips and rubbed gently. She moaned at the contact and pushed herself onto his hand, fighting for the sensation that might take away the burning pain that was the rest of her. He let her thrust against him, seeing her energy return as she used his hand to give herself some escape.

  As he bent his fingers to touch her clitoris, she started to shudder again, this time in a growing climax she was incapable of avoiding. Her body was out of her control, she didn't want to cum for him, but her body had betrayed her and was now under his control, not hers. He felt her building more and more towards a massive orgasm, and just before she got there he took his hand away. This time the moan she issued was deep and slow. She was frustrated, and wanted release. But he wasn't going to give it to her.

  He reached forward and grabbed the tape covering her mouth and with a swift jerk pulled it away. Her mouth opened to try to get more breath, but the soaked cloth in her mouth didn't allow her much. Spit poured out of her mouth as her head fell forward. He was no longer worried about her screaming, she wouldn't be able to now, moans and grunts were all she would be capable of and there was no danger from those. He put his fingers in her mouth to grab the cloth and she lifted her head and opened wide for him to be able to do so.


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