Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories Page 139

by Amira Bradford

"What does your favorite shirt say?" she asked.

  "Meat lovers have more fun," he grinned.

  Melody grimaced. "Whatever, there is no way I'm losing again."

  Unfortunately, the pressure got the better of her and she threw a weak ball that only knocked down seven pins. Jeff stepped up with nothing to lose and threw a horrible looking ball that somehow managed to knock down eight pins, leaving the two in opposite corners. Melody had lost again, but she was already planning ahead.

  "Double or nothing you can't finish that spare," she challenged.

  "Hmm, the seven-ten split is practically impossible, so the stakes will have to be high," he said. "I'll tell you what, if I win, you have to change into my shirt in front of me."

  Without thinking of the implications of that, Melody just shrugged. "Go for it, you're never going to make that shot."

  She knew it was a safe bet. He also knew he didn't have a chance, he expected to lose. But they were both wrong. Somehow Jeff's ball caught the seven pin at just the right angle to send it sliding over to nick the ten pin. They both watched the ten pin slowly teeter back and forth and then fall down. Jeff's pals and everyone who saw it roared with approval—and they didn't even know about the bet he'd won.

  Melody turned three shades of red as she realized what she'd done.

  "Let's see," said Jeff. "A turtle ride, you have to wear my shirt for a day, and I get to see you topless...I'm not such a lousy bowler after all."

  Melody seethed all the way back to her chair. It was several frames before she recovered enough to think straight. Jeff was trying not to be smug, but everytime he looked at her he couldn't help laughing. He had finished bowling and was packing up to leave when Melody walked up and stuck a little finger into his chest.

  "Ping pong," she said. Tomorrow noon. My house." Then she stomped off.

  Jeff's friends, who knew they didn't get along, asked what that was all about, but Jeff didn't even hear them. He was remembering another childhood rule they had—no matter what the bet was, the loser could bail out of it by winning at Ping Pong. He couldn't help smiling thinking about some of the epic games that had taken place in her playroom. Most, he remembered, she had won.

  The next day at noon Jeff showed up at the appointed time at Melody's house. Melody answered the door herself, and Jeff immediately recognized an early strategy — distraction. She was wearing short silky shorts and a cutoff shirt that showed off her toned abs, and she smelled deliciously of a light fresh perfume. Her summer tan looked awesome, and she smiled sweetly at him.

  "How very nice to see you Jeffrey," she said, using the name he hadn't heard in 10 years. "I'm looking forward to playing some ping pong." She turned and led the way in, giving Jeff an eyeful of eye candy.

  He had not been in Melody's house in many years, but he remembered the way to the game room, so he could watch her instead of watching where he was going. As Jeff watched her walking in front of him it struck him that he had never really noticed what a hot little body she had. Usually when he looked at her he was too irritated to notice.

  "Wow, I remember this place being a lot bigger," Jeff said as they walked into the playroom.

  "Would you like a cold one?" Melody asked, pointing to a bucket filled with ice and beer.

  "Ah... are your folks home?" Jeff asked nervously.

  "Out of town for two weeks," she said. "Please have one."

  "That's ok," Jeff winked. "I want to be at my best for this."

  "Okay then, let's play," Melody said, tossing him a paddle.

  "Wait, first we have to establish what the stakes are, you have to double up," Jeff said. "Last time I checked, you owe me a turtle ride, you have to wear my shirt for a day, and you.. uh, you have to take your shirt off in front of me."

  "Hmm, so I would have to really raise the stakes from there wouldn't I," Melody said. She walked over to him and stood right in front of him. "I'll tell you what, double or nothing, if you win you get to see me ... completely naked."

  Jeff felt the blood leave his head as he heard the words. He stood in stunned, cold sweat silence as Melody turned and walked slowly away from him. "Maybe I will have that beer," he said.

  Melody smiled. Her plan was working perfectly.

  So perfectly, in fact, that she was ahead 7 - 1 by the time Jeff had finished his second beer and realized they were playing. She was wearing him out—not from the ping pong, but from sauntering around the table, bending over, even blowing on the balls before serving. He was putty in her hands. All he could think about was her being naked, and that wasn't helping his game.

  He did make up a little ground, but she was up 15-9 when there was a dramatic, long point. She was sending him running back and forth and finally hit a huge slam, which he somehow managed to dive and hit, sending a long, high shot, that by some miracle came down and glanced off the very corner of the table.

  From that point on, she froze up, and he could do no wrong. When the final point ended with him winning 21-19, she hurled her paddle across the room and screamed. So much for the sex kitten ploy.

  Jeff could hardly believe he won, he had fully expected to lose. He stood with a stupid grin and watched her jumping around in a fury, and couldn't help noticing how sexy she looked. He decided to be a gentleman about it.

  "Melody, you don't have to pay off that bet, it was just a joke," he said.

  She looked at him with eyes or irrational fury. "No way," she hollered, coming over to stand right in front of him again. "We are going double or nothing again."

  Jeff was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. He felt bad about winning the bet, but he was also becoming very aroused by this angry little vixen standing in front of him, especially when he envisioned her getting naked for him. So aroused that his gym shorts began to show it, and for a second he thought she noticed. Her head was about chest high on him when they were both standing.

  She reached up to put a finger into his chest. "Double or nothing, here's the bet," she said. "If you go 100% vegetarian for one week, don't eat any meat, then I'll let you..."

  Her voice trailed off in a mixture of anger and confusion as she looked for the right words. Then she looked down at the bulge in his shorts.

  "I'll let you put it anywhere," she said.

  "It?" Jeff said.

  Melody looked down again, so there would be no doubt. "It," she answered.

  "Anywhere?" Jeff asked.

  "Anywhere," she answered.

  A few hours later, Jeff was still sitting on the curb in front of his house, looking toward Melody's house. His shock came on multiple levels. He had been offered the chance to screw the neighbor that he had hated for many years, any way he saw fit. But he had to go without meat for a week. He had no sooner started the clock on the deal before his mind became dominated by two thoughts. One thought had him pounding Melody with a merciless grudge fuck. The other thought was sitting in front of a dripping cheeseburger.

  Over the course of the next week, his mind was preoccupied with variations of those two thoughts. One night he even dreamed about screwing her while eating a chicken biscuit.

  Melody didn't make it any easier for him. One night she sent over a pepperoni pizza. Another night she had a bunch of friends over and cooked hot dogs on the grill—in the front yard. She even followed him to a restaurant, hoping to catch him cheating, and she paid the waitress $20 to bring him a juicy ribeye instead of the salad he had ordered.

  But Jeff was resolute, and stayed the course for a full week. In fact, he was rather surprised at how much better he felt going vegetarian, he had expected it would make him weak and tired.

  So exactly one week after making the fateful double or nothing bet, at 5 pm on a rainy summer day, the doorbell rang on Melody's house, and there stood Jeff, looking like a kid on Christmas morning, albeit without turkey for dinner.

  Melody answered the door in a silky short robe, and Jeff was impressed that she hadn't tried to uglify herself in an effort to get him to opt out of the be
t. She looked very cute, though she had a somewhat ill, resigned look on her face.

  "I have not eaten meat for a week," he said.

  "Let's just get this over with," she said, turning to walk into the house.

  She led him upstairs to her room, which looked only vaguely familiar to him. She stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face him.

  "Okay, well, I guess..." she started. "Where do you want to put it?"

  Jeff was nervous and uncomfortable, but he couldn't help chuckling. "You sure know how to sweet talk a guy," he smiled.

  He took a deep breath. "Look Melody, you've proved your point, I know you are good for paying off the bet, but I'm not going to ask you to do this, it was all in fun."

  She interrupted him almost before he was finished. "No way Jeff, I honor my bets," she stammered, fire in her eyes.

  Damn, she was still as stubborn and hard-headed as she was ten years ago, he thought. "I don't want you to do something you don't want to do," he said.

  "I don't want to do it, I have to do it," she glared. "Now take off your clothes."

  It wasn't a request, and Jeff suddenly decided he didn't have a choice. He stripped down to his boxers and stood in front of her.

  Melody may have been angry about losing the bet, but seeing Jeff in front of her in his boxers practically took her breath away. He was tall, tan and perfectly toned and muscular. She couldn't help but let her eyes move up and down, slowly taking him in. At some point during the past week, as it had become apparent that she was going to lose, she had decided she might as well go ahead and enjoy it. She was already enjoying just looking at him.

  After a few moments of standing in silence, she reached in front of her and loosened the tie on her robe, moved it slowly open, and then shrugged it off her shoulders, letting it slide away to the floor. She stood in front of him, completely nude.

  Jeff was totally stunned. He was stunned first by the sudden realization that this was really happening, and secondly by the awareness that Melody had an absolutely amazing body. Her breasts were fabulous, bigger than he expected and beautifully shaped. Her tone stomach led down to athletic hips and legs. Her whole body was completely perfect. His eyes moved slowly over every inch of her. The erotic moment was multiplied by the fact that he knew that the fabulous little body in front of him was at his full beck and call.

  "Well?" her voice broke the long silence.

  "Melody, you are absolutely stunning," he stammered, after closing his gaping mouth.

  "I know that," she said. "I mean, where do you"

  Jeff was still too stunned to say anything, as his mind ran through all the different options available to him.

  After a few moments of mouth gaping, Melody walked over to him smiling. "It looks like I'm going to need to help you out," she said.

  She slipped her fingers inside his boxers and pulled them down for him. Halfway down, she caught a full glimpse of Jeff's fully erect package and she gasped.

  Melody had not seen a lot of cocks in her lifetime. A few live, quite a few of all sizes on the internet. But she was not prepared for this.

  Jeff was big. Even for a 6'4, 250 pound man, his cock was bigger than her wildest imagination. She felt her knees go weak, and she knelt down in front of him and looked with awe upon him. Her eyes glazed over, and as her eyes traced over his nude body, she became fully aware of the fact that the perfect male specimen was standing naked in her room. And he had a very big, very nice cock, and she couldn't take her eyes off of it.

  Jeff broke the silence. "I think I'd like to put it in your hand," he said.

  It took Melody a few seconds to snap out of her trance and obey his simple command. Still on her knees, she reached forward with her little hand. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were huge as her thin, delicate fingers came into contact with the rock hard monster. Her touch caused his cock to twitch, which made her jump and then giggle. Mesmerized, she reached out again, and she took him into her hand, maintaining a light grip as she moved her hand up to the top of the shaft, and then all the way back down to the base.

  Watching her little hand lightly stroking him, Jeff had completely forgotten to breathe. The lightness of her touch was almost ticklish, and he fought the urge to twitch again.

  Melody could feel him throbbing, and she gradually increased the pressure on her grip each time she moved her hand up and down the shaft. He may have won the bet, but she was currently in full control. She slid forward a bit, moving her face to within a few inches of him, and put her other hand on his cock, and then both hands were working up and down, and when she looked up at him he moaned his satisfaction.

  Being a horny young teen he knew he wouldn't last long, and when she quickened her pace jerking him off he could feel his orgasm coming. He tried to warn her with a groan, but it was too late.

  He exploded, shooting off into the air, into her hands, all over her. He was too caught up in the moment to control it at all, he nearly passed out and was unable to see for a few seconds. When he gained some control of his faculties and looked down, there was Melody on her knees in front of him, her hands, her chest, part of her face covered. Her mouth was open and she looked like she was both stunned and furious.

  "Melody, I'm sorry, I lost control," he stammered, waiting for the inevitable tirade.

  She looked up at him for a few seconds, and then the furious angry look melted into an almost satisfied grin. "That's ok," she said. "It happens."

  To his stunned surprise, Melody then rubbed the fluid from her hands over her chest, and then reclined back in front of him. Completely caught up in the moment, she put on a sexy show, rubbing his cum all over her torso, and even making a show of licking it off her fingers.

  Now it was Jeff's turn to be mesmerized. His former arch nemesis, suddenly turned into a sexual vixen, laying in front of him covering herself in his cum. He pinched himself to make sure it wasn't a dream.

  "I'm kinda enjoying this whole sexual slave thing," Melody said softly. "Tell me where you want to put it next."

  As she said it, she put a finger in her mouth and let it slide out very, very slowly, her eyes on him the whole time. Jeff gasped, and realized quickly that he had already become aroused again. It didn't take him long to answer. "I want it in your mouth," he said.

  Some kind of switch had gone off in Melody, and she had gone from hating Jeff's guts to being incredibly aroused at being his pleasure toy. She rose to her knees again and brought her little mouth down onto his cock. Despite her best effort, she could only take about half of him in, but what she lacked in depth she made up for in enthusiasm. Jeff was stunned and shocked watching how hungrily she sucked on him, moaning and cooing as she licked his head and then plunged him deep into her mouth.

  Suddenly he pulled away, then reached down and grabbed her with both hands by the waist. Like a rag doll, he lifted her roughly into the air, her legs splayed apart, and moved her crotch into place just above his cock. He lifted her up a few feet, and then came back down, almost touching his giant cock. He did this several times, lifting her higher each time, as if lining her up to smash her down onto his cock.

  Melody's eyes were wide with horror. From the moment she had seen how big he was, she had been dreading this. Her plan was to exhaust him from her hands and mouth, but it seemed clear that he had caught on, and now she was going to be punished for losing the bet. Punished deeply.

  He had lifted her up high, and held her in the air. She took one last look at the tool that would be rammed into her, closed her eyes and prepared herself for a world of hurt.

  But instead of being thrust down, she suddenly felt herself lifted further in the other direction. Before she knew what had happened, she was 10 feet in the air, straddling Jeff's face. She opened her eyes to look down on him, and he winked at her, and then he gently slid his tongue into her. He was going down on her, except that down was up.

  The effect was immediate. Her whole body shuddered. Ordinarily she would b
e horrified to be in such a precarious position, her head ten feet above the floor and her legs sitting on top of his shoulders. But he was so strong and agile, she felt quite safe and incredibly aroused. It helped that he was surprisingly deft with his tongue.

  So deft that before long he had Melody wriggling uncontrollably on his face. She had her legs wrapped tightly around his head and her hands were in his hair, and she was riding him with her back arched and eyes closed. If she had fallen six feet to the floor she wouldn't have known it.

  Then her whole body melted into an intense orgasm, and she went limp. Her upper body, held carefully by Jeff, drifted backwards until she was hanging upside down. Jeff's tongue was still planted inside her, and his arms were holding her tight against him. As she slowly regained consciousness, she realized that from her upside down position, Jeff's cock was just inches from her mouth. She ravenously took him back into her mouth, part from passion and part from future self preservation. She couldn't take a chance on putting that erect thing inside her.

  Luckily, his strength and her training as a gymnast made it easy for her to complete the standing reverse 69, and Jeff was even able to walk them over to the full length mirror so he could observe the reflection of the odd position. He decided that Melody looked pretty good upside down with his cock in her mouth.

  After enjoying 69 for quite a while, Jeff lifted her away from him, and in one quick move flipped her 180 degrees in the air, so now she was right side up, facing away from him. She caught a glimpse of him in the mirror, holding her up in the air like a rag doll. She was literally half his size, and with his overpowering strength she was totally at his whim. And she realized that her ass was poised above his cock, and all he had to do was lower her down to where she would be impaled on his spear.

  Then he was doing what he feared, lowering her down, and he felt the hardness of his cock coming in contact with her ass. She closed her eyes and prayed she would pass out, but then suddenly he let his cock slip forward so that instead of penetrating her, it was running along her slit. She looked in the mirror and saw that she was riding on top of his cock like it was a balance beam. She also saw him smiling at her. She smiled back and began grinding her hips back against him, rubbing her clit up against the top of his cock. They were both mesmerized watching the scene in the mirror, the huge mountain of a man grinding hips together with the spindly little girl half his size. She dropped a hand between her legs to add some friendly stimulation.


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