To many millions space I thus should give,
Though not secure, yet free to toil and live;
Green fields and fertile; men, with cattle blent,
Upon the newest earth would dwell content,
Settled forthwith upon the firm-bas’d hill,
Uplifted by a valiant people’s skill;
Within, a land like Paradise; outside,
E’en to the brink, roars the impetuous tide,
And as it gnaws, striving to enter there,
All haste, combin’d, the damage to repair.
Yea, to this thought I cling, with virtue rife,
Wisdom’s last fruit, profoundly true:
Freedom alone he earns as well as life,
Who day by day must conquer them anew.
So girt by danger, childhood bravely here,
Youth, manhood, age, shall dwell from year to year;
Such busy crowds I fain would see,
Upon free soil stand with a people free;
Then to the moment might I say:
Linger awhile, so fair thou art!
Nor can the traces of my earthly day
Through ages from the world depart!
In the presentiment of such high bliss,
The highest moment I enjoy — ’tis this.
[Faustsinks back, the Lemureslay hold of him and lay him upon the ground.
Him could no pleasure sate, no joys appease,
So woo’d he ever changeful phantasies;
The last worst empty moment to retain,
E’en to the last, the sorry wretch was fain.
Me who so stoutly did withstand —
Time conquers, — lies the old man on the sand!
The clock stands still —
Stands still, no sound is heard;
The index falls —
It falls, ’tis finish’d now.
Yes, it is past!
Past, ’tis a stupid word.
Why past?
Past and pure nothingness are one, I trow.
Of what avail creation’s ceaseless play?
Created things forthwith to sweep away?
“There, now ’tis past.” — ’Tis past, what may it mean?
It is as good as if it ne’er had been,
And yet as if it Being did possess,
Still in a circle it doth ceaseless press:
I should prefer the Eternal — Emptiness.
(Solo.) Who hath the house so badly built,
With shovel and with spade?
(In chorus.) For thee, sad guest, in hempen vest,
’Tis all too deftly made.
(Solo.) Who furnish’d hath so ill the place?
Chair, table, where are they?
(In chorus.) Short was the let; there came apace
New claimants, day by day.
There lies the body, would the spirit flee,
I’d show him speedily the blood-sign’d scroll —
Yet they’ve so many methods, woe is me,
To cheat the devil now of many a soul!
On the old way one is not sure;
Upon the new we’re not commended;
Else had I done it unattended;
Assistants must I now procure.
In all things we’re in evil plight!
Transmitted usage, ancient right —
In these the time for confidence is past.
With the last breath once sped the soul away;
And like the nimblest mouse, I watch’d my prey;
Snap! Lock’d within my claws I held it fast;
Now she delays, nor will the dismal cell,
The loathsome body, leave, though reft of life,
The elements, in ceaseless strife,
Her, in the end, disgracefully expel.
For days and hours I’ve plagu’d myself ere now; —
Abides the sorry question; — when? where? how?
Old death has lost his power, once swift and strong;
If dead or no? in doubt we tarry long;
On rigid members oft I’ve lustful gaz’d;
’Twas but a feint, it stirr’d, once more itself uprais’d!
[Fantastic gestures of conjuration.
Come swiftly on! Double your speed; no pause!
Lords of the straight, lords of the crooked horn!
Chips of the ancient block, true devils born,
Hither bring ye forthwith Hell’s murky jaws.
Hell, to be sure, full many jaws may claim;
Which gape as rank enjoins, and dignity;
But we however in this final game,
Not so particular henceforth will be.
[The ghastly jaws of Hell open on the left.
Clatter the corner-teeth; the fire-stream whirling,
The vault’s abyss doth overflow,
And through the background-smoke upcurling
The town of flame I see in endless glow;
Up to the very teeth the ruddy billow dashes;
The damn’d, salvation hoping, swim amain,
Them in his jaws the huge hyena crashes,
Then they retrace their path of fiery pain.
In nooks fresh horrors lurk to scare the sight,
In narrowest space supremest agony:
Full well ye do, thus sinners to affright,
They hold it but for dream, deceit and lie.
(To the stout devils, with short straight horns.)
Now, paunchy slaves, with cheeks that hotly burn,
On hellish brimstone richly fed, ye glow,
Clumsy and short, with necks that never turn —
For gleam like phosphor-light, watch here below:
It is the soul, Psyche, with soaring wing;
The wings pluck off, so ’tis a sorry worm.
First with my seal I’ll stamp the ugly thing,
Then off with it to fiery-whirling storm!
Mark ye the lower regions duly,
Ye bladders! ’tis your duty so!
If there she likes to harbor, — truly,
We cannot accurately know;
She in the navel loves to bide:
Take heed, lest from you thence away she glide!
(To the lean devils, with long crooked horns.)
Buffoons, ye fuglemen, a giant crew,
Grasp in the air, still clutch without repose,
With outstretch’d arms, claws sharp and pliant too,
The fluttering, fleeing creature to enclose!
In her old home she rests uneasily,
Genius aspires, it fain would soar on high.
[Glory from above, on the right.
The Heavenly Host.
Follow, ye envoys bless’d,
Leave, brood of Heaven, your rest,
Earthward to steer:
Sinners do ye forgive,
Dust cause ye now to live!
Floating on outspread wing
Through nature’s sphere,
Kindliest traces bring
Of your career!
Discordant tones I hear, an odious noise
Comes with unwelcome daylight from above:
artist: franz simm.
angels strewing roses on the body of faust.
A mawkish whimper, fit for girls and boys,
Such as a canting taste doth still approve.
Ye know how we, in hours with curses fraught,
Plann’d the destruction of the human race:
The most atrocious product of our thought
In their devotion finds a fitting place.
They come, the fools, in hypocritic guise!
Full many a soul from us they’ve snatch’d away —
p; With our own weapons warring ‘gainst us, they
Are devils also, only in disguise.
Here your defeat eternal shame would bring;
On to the grave, and to the margin cling!
Chorus of Angels.
(Scattering roses.)
Roses, with dazzling sheen,
Balsam outpouring!
Float heaven and earth between,
Sweet life restoring!
Branchlets with plumy wing,
Buds softly opening
Hasten to blow!
Burst into verdure, Spring,
Purple and green!
To him who sleeps below,
Paradise bring!
(To the Satans.) Why duck and shrink? Is this hell’s wonted way?
Stand firm, and let them scatter to and fro.
Back to his place each fool! Imagine they,
Forsooth, with such a pretty flowery show,
To cover the hot devils, as with snow?
They’ll shrink and shrivel where your breathings play.
Blow now, ye Blowers! Hold! not quite so fast!
Pales the whole bevy ‘neath your fiery blast.
Not quite so fiercely! Mouth and nostril close!
Your breathing now too strongly blows.
that ye never the just mean will learn!
That shrivels not alone, ‘twill scorch and burn.
Floating they come, with poisonous flames and clear;
Stand firm against them, press together here! —
Force is extinguish’d, courage all is spent;
A strange alluring glow the devils scene.
Blossoms, with rapture crown’d,
Flames fraught with gladness,
Love they diffuse around,
Banishing sadness,
As the heart may:
Words, blessed truth that tell,
Give, by their potent spell,
Spirits eterne to dwell
In endless day!
A curse upon the idiot band!
Upon their heads the Satans stand!
Tail foremost down the hellward path
Plunge round and round the clumsy host.
Enjoy your well-earn’d fiery bath!
But for my part, I’ll keep my post.
[Striking aside the hovering roses.
Off, will-o’-the-wisp! How bright soe’er thy ray,
Captur’d, thou’rt but an odious, pulpy thing;
Why flutterest? Wilt vanish, straight away! —
Like pitch and brimstone to my neck dost cling?
Doth aught thy nature mar?
Cease to endure it;
If ‘gainst thy soul it war,
Must ye abjure it;
If to press in it try,
Quell it right valiantly!
’Tis love the loving one
Leadeth on high.
I’m all aflame, head, heart and liver burn —
An over-devilish element,
Than hellish fire more sharp by far!
Hence ye so mightily lament,
Unhappy lovers, who, when scorn’d ye are,
After your sweethearts still your necks must turn.
Thus too with me, what draws my head aside?
Them have I not to deadly war defi’d?
My fiercest hate their aspect wak’d of yore;
Hath something alien pierc’d me through and through?
These gracious youths, them am I fain to view! —
What now restrains me that I curse no more?
And if befool’d I now should be,
Who may henceforth “the fool” be styl’d? —
The rascals, whom I hate, for me
Too lovely are, I fairly am beguil’d!
Sweet children, tell me, to the race
Belong ye not of Lucifer?
So fair ye seem, you I would fain embrace!
At the right moment ye appear;
So pleasant ’tis, so natural, as though
I you had seen a thousand times before,
So lustfully alluring now ye show.
With every look your beauty charms me more!
nearer come! O grant me but one glance!
We come, why dost thou shrink as we advance?
So, if thou canst, abide; go not away.
[The angels hover round, and occupy the entire space.
(Who is pressed into the proscenium.) As spirits damn’d we’re blam’d by you —
Yourselves are yet the sorcerers true,
For man and maid ye lead astray. —
A curs’d adventure this I trow!
Is this love’s element? My frame
In fire is plung’d, I scarcely now
Feel on my neck the scorching flame! —
Ye hover to and fro; with pinions furl’d
Float downward, after fashion of the world
Move your sweet limbs; in sooth that earnest style
Becomes you; yet, for once, I fain would see you smile;
That were for me a rapture unsurpass’d, —
A glance, I mean, like that which lovers cast:
A slight turn of the mouth, so is it done. —
Thee, tall and stately youth, most dearly thee I prize;
But ill beseemeth thee that priestly guise,
Give me one loving glance, I crave but one!
Ye might, with decency, less cloth’d appear,
O’er modest in such lengthen’d drapery. —
They wheel around, to see them in the rear!
All too enticing are the rogues for me!
Chorus of Angels.
Love now with lustrous ray
Thy fires reveal!
Those to remorse a prey
Truth’s power can heal;
No longer evils thrall,
Joyful and blest,
One with the All-in-all,
Henceforth they rest!
(Collecting himself.) How is’t with me? The man entire, like Job,
Must loathe himself, cleft through with boil on boil, —
Yet triumphs too, after the first recoil,
If he his inward nature fairly probe,
And in himself confides and in his kin:
Sav’d are the noble devil parts within.
This love attack he casts upon the skin, —
Burnt out already are the cursed flames,
And, one and all, I curse you, as the occasion claims!
Chorus of Angels.
Whom ye with hallow’d glow,
Pure fires, o’erbrood,
Bless’d in love’s overflow,
Lives with the good.
Singing with voices clear,
Soar from beneath;
Pure is the atmosphere,
Breathe, spirit, breathe!
[They rise, bearing with them the immortal part of Faust.
(Looking around.) How is it? Whither are they gone?
Me have ye cozen’d, young things though ye be!
They with their booty now are heavenward flown.
Therefore they nibbl’d at this grave! From me
A great rare prize they’ve captur’d: the high soul,
That pledg’d itself to me with written scroll, —
This have they filch’d away, right cunningly!
From whom shall I now seek redress?
Who can secure my well-earn’d right?
In thine old days thou’rt cheated! Yet confess,
Thou hast deserv’d it, art in sorry plight;
Mismanag’d have I in disgraceful sort,
Vast outlay shamefully away have thrown;
The devil’s sense, though season’d well, the sport
Of common lust! — a love absurd I own.
d if the shrewd old devil chose
Himself to busy with this childish freak,
Not small the foolishness, the truth to speak,
Which him hath thus o’ermaster’d at the close.
Mountain Defiles, Forest, Rock, Wilderness.
Holy anchorites, dispersed up the hill, stationed among the clefts.
Forests are waving here,
Rocks their huge fronts uprear,
Roots round each other coil,
Stems thickly crowd the soil;
Wave gusheth after wave,
Shelter yields deepest cave;
Lions, in silence round
Tamely that rove,
Honor the hallow’d ground,
Refuge of love.
Pater Ecstaticus.
(Floating up and down.)
Joy’s everlasting fire,
Love’s glow of pure desire,
Pang of the seething breast,
Rapture, a hallow’d guest!
Darts, pierce me through and through,
Lances, my flesh subdue,
Clubs, me to atoms dash,
Lightnings, athwart me flash,
That all the worthless may
Pass like a cloud away,
While shineth from afar,
Love’s germ, a deathless star.
Pater Profundus.
(Lower region.)
As the rock-chasm, sheer descending,
On chasm resteth more profound,
As thousand sparkling streamlets blending,
Foam in the torrent’s headlong bound;
As soars, the realm of air invading,
The stem, impell’d by inward strain;
So love, almighty, all-pervading,
Doth all things mould, doth all sustain.
A roaring that the heart appalleth
Sounds as if shook the wood-crown’d steep;
Yet, lovely in its plashing, falleth
The wealth of water to the deep,
Refreshment to the valley bearing;
The atmosphere, with poison fraught,
The lightning cleareth, wildly flaring,
Whose deadly flash dire ruin brought —
Love’s heralds these, His purpose telling
Who, ever-working, us surrounds.
Come, holy fire, within me dwelling,
Where, tortur’d in the senses’ bounds,
Fetters of pain my soul enclosing,
Hold it immur’d in rayless gloom!
God, my troubl’d thoughts composing,
My needy heart do thou illume!
Pater Seraphicus.
(Middle region.)
Through the pine trees’ waving tresses,
What bright cloud floats high and higher?
What it shrouds my spirit guesses!
Soars from earth and youthful choir.
Chorus of Blessed Boys.
Whither, father, are we hieing?
Tell us, kind one, who are we?
Happy are we, upward flying;
Unto all ’tis bliss to be!
Father Seraphicus.
Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Page 259