The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4)

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The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4) Page 6

by Marianne Morea

  Bette shrugged. “Have it your way, but I heard feeding from an aroused Were can quench a vampire’s thirst for a month. Besides,—” She leaned in close. “I’ve been told when a male Were comes, his cock head swells to twice its size and won’t release until every last drop is spent.”

  Abigail made a face. “That’s gross.”

  With a snort, Bette shook her head. “Speak for yourself. I, for one, want to see if it’s true or not, and these pups tonight might be just the ticket.” She winked at her friend. “Interested?”

  “Not a chance, but you do you. Just don’t come running to me if you end up with fleas.”


  Abigail tugged on the youngblood’s hair. “More tongue, less dribble. If I wanted a spit bath, I’d take one.”

  With an exhale she gripped the back of his head, forcing her slick folds further into his mouth. “That’s it, Mmmmmm…use your fingers.”

  The muscled vampire wrapped his arm around her lower back, pulling her ass toward the edge of the office couch. Her legs spread wider to accommodate his broad shoulders. The youngblood slid two digits into her wet cleft and curled his hand, rubbing her sweet spot.

  She moaned again and the sound urged him deeper. He grazed her clit with his fangs. Sucking her hard nub, he ramped up his finger-fuck to supernatural speed.

  Abigail’s head dropped back and she inhaled through her teeth, her breath catching in her throat. “Yeah, baby—right there.”

  Visions danced through her mind as he worked her. A faceless Were, his body covered in sweat as he gripped her hips, his large cock, engorged and thrusting, its swollen head ready to burst.

  The youngblood licked her deep and then pulled his fingers from her dripping sex. He unbuttoned his fly, freeing his member.

  Grabbing her by the legs, he plunged his hard length into her hot, wet core. With a cry, she ground her hips up, matching him thrust for thrust. Her body tensed as her inner walls convulsed.

  With a snarl, red eyes flashed and she threw her head back, her body shuttering as she exploded against his shaft.

  The youngblood bared his fangs and forced his cock deeper, his razor tipped teeth sinking into her bared throat.

  With a vicious shove, Abigail pushed him from her, her own blood dripping from her neck to her breasts.

  Flickering images of the Were tantalized and taunted her mind, and she crawled forward, predatory and ready to strike. Holding the youngblood down, she straddled his waiting cock, impaling her wet pussy. Plunging her teeth into his chest to draw heart’s blood, thick and black, she rode him hard until he cried out.

  In her mind’s eye, the Were howled and she shivered, spent, but wanting more. Wanting the wolf.

  With a frustrated scowl, she pulled the youngblood’s face to her throat and he licked her wounds closed before she did the same for him, sealing the bite on his chest.

  “Get dressed and get out.” She climbed off his hips, giving his thigh a shove. “You’re done here.”

  He smirked, using her panties to clean the blood from his skin before tossing the ruined lace back at her. “Glad to be of service, ma’am,” he said before tonguing her scent from his fingers.

  “Get out!”

  Abigail slumped onto the couch, throwing her soiled panties at the closing door. She exhaled hard, dropping her head against the leather sofa back.

  “Damn you and your big mouth, Bette.” Memories flooded her mind unbidden, and with them came remembered hurt and shame. She pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes, smearing her makeup.

  “Who’s there?” A young man’s voice called from the riverbank. “Show yourself.”

  Fear skittered down Abigail’s spine. She was warned to stay away, to keep her presence hidden. Sébastien said there was much she didn’t yet understand about her new existence, but she couldn’t stay away. Each night she ventured close to the settlement, hoping for a glimpse of her family.

  The youth pushed through the trees, ducking the hanging branches. “Show yourself!”

  Abigail froze holding her breath, but a distinct growl followed the sound of heavy paws hitting the earth. Ground birds took to the sky and she screamed. Panic gripped her throat and she ran, newborn preternatural speed taking over.

  Unaccustomed to the pace, she slowed, swallowing back on the blood and bile forced into her mouth. She no longer needed to breathe, but she sucked in large gulps of air regardless and steadied herself against a tree.

  “Stop! Don’t be frightened. I only wish to speak with you.”

  Silver light dappled through the trees from the full moon, its glow illuminating the dark with long shadows. The young man’s voice jerked her gaze toward the dark thicket. How did he catch her?

  He slipped past the low hanging branches and stood naked in the patchy light. Abigail’s lips parted. He was beautiful. Radiant in ways she couldn’t comprehend. And his smell—Good God!

  An involuntary sigh caught in her throat. Every sense was suddenly alive and a strange tingle formed in her lower belly, a damp itch between her legs. She’d heard the young wives talk in the village, but she’d never felt it herself. The feeling had a name. One the reverend warned against from the pulpit. Lust.

  Desire, hot and demanding, coursed through her body. She wanted the young man’s hands and mouth on her everywhere, and the itch between her legs turned to a throb. Abigail’s mouth watered and her new fangs tingled with a need of their own.

  “Who are you?” His voice was soft, but his eyes burned as they traveled her length, his nostrils flaring slightly. “Where did you come from? Are you a child of the moon?”

  His tone seemed lonely, with a desperate edge. Abigail understood. Since the awful night she awoke to darkness, loneliness was her constant companion as well.

  She shook her head. “I…I don’t know.”

  “Does the moon rule your life?”

  She nodded. “It is my only friend.” Her gaze dropped to the leaf covered ground.

  “And so it is with me. My name is Nathan…” He walked closer and she tensed, until warm fingers slipped beneath her chin and he lifted her face to his—

  Memories fast-forwarded lightning fast behind her lids. Their friendship. Their laughter. Their first kiss. The way their bodies twined and fit. How he left her breathless and craving more.

  Her palms dug further into her eyes at the remembered feel of his hands on her body. A desire that grew urgent and pounding, until one unguarded moment changed everything.

  He ripped himself from her. “Get back! Devil’s spawn!”

  Abigail’s hand flew to her mouth, covering her bloodstained lips and teeth. “Nathan, please! I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? You led me to believe you were like me, but you’re an aberration! Unclean!”

  “Don’t say that! What I am is as much outside the realm of nature as you!” she begged.

  “Nature? Vampires possess no nature except what they steal from living veins as you did from mine!”

  “It was a mistake,” she sobbed. “I love you!”

  “Love? Your undead flesh mocks the very notion. Leave my sight before I drive a stake through your fiend’s heart!”

  Abigail cursed again, pushing the memories deep into the closets of her mind. Annoyed, she closed her eyes and shoved her hand between her legs to purge the residual from her body and her brain, but all she saw was the full moon and pair of angry, lust-filled eyes.


  Music thumped and the very walls vibrated with the heavy bass. The concrete dance floor pulsed with their energy as people from all walks of life packed the three bars and the upstairs balcony of The Red Veil.

  “Didn’t I tell you? This place is off the chain!” Gehrig laughed, shoving his brother’s shoulder. “Just look at all the hotties.” He spread his arms and inhaled. “God, I love the scent of estrogen-soaked air.”

  “Estrogen? Seriously?”

  Gehrig smirked. “The promise of sex, bro. Can’t you taste it? The atmosphere is
thick with untapped lust, like a throbbing, erotic fog.”

  “Ignore it. We’re here to do a job, Gehrig, not hunt for pussy in heat.”

  “You’re here to do a job, Dash. I’m here for the fun.” He crossed his arms and eyed his older brother. “Remember fun? Excitement? The rush from an illicit night out? You used to be up for anything. That is until you started getting all political on me. Tonight I’m looking for a hook up. Preferably one whose name I don’t know and won’t care to remember.”

  “Jeez, crude much, Gehrig? I know we’re wolves, but do you have to be such a dog about it?”

  Gehrig howled, giving his brother a teasing shove. “Lighten up, Francis. My nocturnal prowling is practice for the real deal.”

  “Real deal?” Dash rolled his eyes not really wanting to know.

  “Yeah.” his brother winked. “When I take a mate I want her to pant for me and what better way to make sure that happens then to hone my boning skills in a sea of anonymous pussy.”

  “Watch it. Sean is the Alpha of the Brethren, and he’s the only reason we’re even in New York.”

  Gehrig snorted. “If it wasn’t for his hot wife, our top wolf would never step foot in this city. I’ve heard the stories. Lily’s a live wire.” He clicked the inside of his cheek. “Good ole’ Sean needs to lighten up even more than you do. I swear if he reads us the riot act one more time about keeping our professional distance from the vampires, I’ll snap.”

  Dash’s brows knotted. “He’s right to worry, Gehrig. Our truce is too new. It has no roots, yet. Any step over the line could break the contract, not to mention get us served up as a warm lunch with our hearts in a wooden box sent back as a warning.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Gehrig, don’t be a douche. You may play it cool, but keeping the peace is just as important to you as it is to the rest of us. Besides, I really need your help with the shadow houses. Leave the politics to Sean and Lily.”

  Gehrig flashed a wide smile. “No problem, bro. I’ll do whatever you need during the day, but once the sun goes down, I intend to experience everything this city has to offer in the time we’re here. Uptown, downtown and everywhere in between.”

  “Which won’t be long if you keep eyeing the vampires like that—are you even listening to me?” Dash jerked his brother’s arm, turning him back to the conversation at hand.

  “What? I heard you, man—” Gehrig cut his retort short, his eyes tracking a pretty woman across the bar. “Dude, look at that one! Talk about a ringer for Marilyn Monroe!”

  He slapped Dash’s arm. “I bet it is her!” Thunderstruck, his mouth dropped. “I’ve heard stories about her death being some kind of cover up, but I always thought they meant the CIA. Now it makes sense. Like Elvis—holy fuck, she smiled at me! Marilyn Monroe. A fucking vampire!”

  Gehrig gestured for Dash to head toward the crowd at the bar. Get us a couple of beers. I’m going in. I gotta get me some of that!”

  “Gehrig, no.” Dash grabbed the back of his brother’s shirt.

  “What? Let go! Do you know how many guys still masturbate to her nude pics? I know I do. It’s fucking Marilyn Monroe and a she’s a vampire. Two bucket list hits in one night.”

  Dash made a face. “First off. TMI, dude. Second. No. And thirdly. NO! Vampires are still taboo, regardless of the truce. Sean would never allow it, and I’ve got news for you, neither would Sébastien.” He slid his eyes toward the 1950’s blonde bombshell. “Besides, I guarantee you’ll be very disappointed if you try and tap that.”

  “Disappointed? Not a chance. I’m going to nail that legendary sex symbol—”

  “Bro, she’s not a vampire. She’s a guy.”

  Gehrig blinked. “Huh?”

  “You heard me. She’s a dude, as in female impersonator.”

  Gehrig shot his brother a doubting smirk and then glanced at the starlet, again. “No way.” He snorted, but then his smug grin faded when he caught a quick glimpse of her rearranging her balls in the mirrored wall. “Oh man! Talk about a boner kill.”

  Dash burst out laughing and clapped the young Were on the shoulder. “Like you said, there’s plenty of fish here tonight. Just be careful where you cast your net, little brother. Manhattan is not Maine.”

  Gehrig glanced at the woman again and then looked at Dash. “Is Sean meeting us or did he and Lily leave us on our own to meet the council?” he asked, suddenly all business.

  Dash smirked at his brother’s about-face. “Sean’s already here.” He pointed toward the VIP lounge at the back behind the dance floor. “It was his idea for us to meet the vampires on their own turf. Show of trust and all.”

  “Excuse me. Are you Dash Collier?”

  The older Were turned and his eyes locked on the pretty dark haired woman, waiting for his reply. “I am. And you?”

  “Sent to fetch you. If you’ll follow me, please.”

  She was pretty and pert, with terrific curves. Her pale skin faintly lined with blue made it clear she was undead. Dash gave his brother a quick nod, and the two fell in step behind the vampire.

  “Let the games begin,” Gehrig muttered, earning a sharp look from Dash.

  The vampire’s hips swung with natural grace as she led them toward the velvet ropes prohibiting general admission. She paused, flashing a brilliant smile as white as her skin.

  “Thank you, Miss?” Dash asked as she unclipped the brass hook.

  “Elizabeth Mason, but everyone calls me Bette.”

  “Ms. Mason,” Dash replied with a nod before stepping past her and heading up the stairs.

  “Is he always so P.C.?” she asked with a laugh, watching the older Were smooth the front of his jacket. “I mean, who wears a suit to an underground fetish club?”

  Gehrig raised an eyebrow. “One who’s been entrusted to help keep you leeches happy and healthy.”

  Bette slid her eyes to Gehrig. “Attitude and a protective vibe.” She smiled letting her fangs descend. “Yummy. The combo gives your scent a little something extra that makes my mouth water.”

  He let his eyes travel her fully fleshed curves, and smirked. “And I smell more than curiosity behind that fanged swagger. Makes me wonder if anything else on you is wet?”

  She laughed giving him an appreciative nod. “Quick. I like that.”

  “Gehrig!” Dash motioned for him to come.

  Bette’s lips spread into a teasing grin. “Better go, Fido.”

  Gehrig raised an eyebrow and met her smirk. “I come when I feel like it, and I promise, there’s nothing quick about it.”


  The young Were winked at Bette, and then took the trio of stairs in one leap, falling into step with his brother without missing a beat.

  “Seriously, bro? In less than ten minutes you went from fantasizing about nailing Marilyn Monroe to chatting up bloodsucker Bettie Boop. Pick one pussy and point your erection there. You’re starting to give me whiplash.”

  “What’s the matter, jealous?”

  Dash held up his hand not bothering with a reply, and the two Weres walked side-by-side in silence toward the back table to meet Sean.

  All eyes focused on them from the bar. “We’re surrounded,” Gehrig murmured under his breath.

  Dash answered with an almost imperceptible nod. “Eyes and ears open, bro. This is not a drill.”

  Sean stood, leaving one hand on Lily’s shoulder as he greeted the two wolves with a nod. “Sébastien, may I present Dash Collier and his younger brother, Gehrig.”

  The alpha eyed the two in silent communication not to be rude.

  “It’s an honor to be here,” Dash replied, earning a close-lipped smile from Sean. He nodded to his Sean and then took a step closer to Lily, seated on the low, plush couch. “Hey, gorgeous,” he whispered leaning in to give her cheek a peck. “How goes the howling?”

  A sound of disgust jerked Dash’s attention from the alpha’s mate, his eyes turning toward the unexpected grumble.

  Sébastien frow
ned, and his hard eyes swept Abigail’s face, his displeasure locked on her. “You’ll have to excuse my subordinate, Sean. As you may recall from the last time we met, Abigail is not as accepting as we’d like, and she’s unaccustomed to public displays of affection that aren’t sustenance based.”

  The master vampire’s words addressed Sean and Lily, directly, as the alphas of their group, but Dash knew the explanation was for everyone’s benefit. Neither he nor Gehrig had ever set eyes on the woman before, and he stifled an involuntary cringe what the man meant. Sex for blood and blood for sex.

  The taboo images rang through his mind, but at the same time his crotch tightened as his eyes found Abigail, again. His cock thickened at the sight of the stunning vampire.

  Despite her scowl, she was a haughty cross between Grace Kelly and Jackie Kennedy, with all the beauty and mystery plus a hint of real danger. Sex incarnate with death on the side just for kicks.

  Dash glanced at Sean first before addressing the beautiful vampire. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to make anyone uncomfortable. Lily and I are friends, and I haven’t had the pleasure of her company in a while.”

  Abigail exhaled again. “It’s not your friendship I object to, nor your silly words. It’s the need for your presence here at all—” She paused, ignoring Sébastien’s warning glare. “And you reek of wet dog.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Abigail!” Sébastien stood, and the motion was menace made flesh. He didn’t utter another word, but his expression spoke of punishment no one wanted to think about.

  She shifted her eyes from the master vampire to Dash, dipping her head slightly. “My apologies.”

  A tiny smirk played at the corner of Dash’s mouth. “Well, you’re not that far off the mark. It is raining out.”

  Gehrig burst out laughing and Sean pressed his lips together stifling a chuckle.

  Tension diffused, Lily placed her hand on Dash’s arm, giving Abigail a small smile. “Pheromones. It’s a male thing, Abigail. It has to do with the proximity of the moon. When its waxing is close to full, their instincts get a little wired, if you get my meaning.”


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