The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4)

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The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4) Page 31

by Marianne Morea

  Damn. She wasn’t going to risk driving when the weather could change on a dime.

  Digging her phone out again, she dialed her almost-in-laws to check on Jenny.

  “Hi, Ellie! It’s me. How’s the peanut?”

  “She’s fine, sweetheart.”

  “The weather says there’s a squall coming. You know what a handful she can be during a storm. Are you sure you want her for the night?”

  “Your father helped Carson set a cot in our room for Jenny, so she will be close to us all night, and she can always curl up with me if it comes to that. It’s no problem. We’ll drive her home tomorrow.”

  Daisy hung up after talking to Jenny. It was all good. She hoped.

  The clock struck seven thirty p.m. She took her bags from shopping with Aimee and headed upstairs to get cleaned up and relax.

  Dropping the bags on the bed, she opened the pink striped lingerie bag and took out the tissue wrapped teddy and matching lace thigh highs.

  The garment was silk and black lace, with open cup breasts and a crotchless bottom. She rolled it up and stuck it back in the bag. Aimee was nuts. She’d never dare wear anything like this.


  She bit her lip. She could always wear her fuzzy pink robe over it.

  Grabbing the bag, she headed into the bathroom to shower. She turned on the spray, stripped and stepped into the water. Washing quickly, she shampooed, rinsed and repeated as directed and then got out to shave her legs and moisturize, adding a dab of scent between her breasts and behind each ear.

  She wiggled the teddy up her smooth legs and straightened the straps and the crotch.

  Ugh. Talk about uncomfortable.

  Slipping her robe on, she opened the bathroom door and padded over to the bed.

  Who was she fooling? Jace was a vampire, and without an invitation it was impossible for him to cross any threshold into the house.

  She towel dried her hair and ran her fingers through the curling mass, dropping the damp terrycloth on the floor. Picking up the remote she turned on Pandora for music, and lay back closing her eyes.

  Exhausted, sleep found her easily and her eyes drooped. She curled into her pillow, the taste of Jace’s lips on her mind as she fell into mists.


  She sighed in her sleep, inhaling as her back arched up into delicious tingles skimming across her skin. Feathery kisses tickled the sensitive underside of her breasts and soft breath puckered her nipples.

  Her eyes flew open to a smirk and a pair of teasing eyes, and she scrambled up toward the headboard.

  “Good evening.” Jace winked, mimicking Bella Lugosi’s famous vampire accent.

  Her shoulders slumped and she shoved at his shoulder. “Jace! I almost had a heart attack.”

  He shook his head, lifting the underside of her wrist to his lips. “Your heart is fine and its tempo is a country love song.”

  Inhaling, he ran his tongue along the soft flesh and blue veins just beneath.

  “Okay, Romeo,” she said pulling her hand back. “How did you get in the house?”

  He laughed rolling onto his elbow beside her. “This is some getup. Open access crotchless black lace and a pink grandma fleece robe.” He lifted a fuzzy sleeve, letting it drop. “Now that’s hot!”

  “I didn’t invite you in, Jace. Just the opposite. I told you it wasn’t a good idea for you to stick around.”

  He sat up, taking her hand in his. “You made that speech on the north edge. Technically, you never rescinded your invitation to the house.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “That means my original welcome still stands. Consider it grandfathered in. Of course, you could always throw me out and that would be the end of that,” he said with a shrug.

  Her eyes took in his clean clothes and freshly washed hair curling against the crew neck collar of his T-shirt. He even shaved.

  “You look good, Jace. Where’ve you been holed up?”

  “The empty riders’ cabin on the far ridge.”

  “Also grandfathered in, I suppose.” Daisy watched him watching her. “We spent a lot of time in there, as well.”

  His eyes took on a faraway look, and he smiled. “My first time.”

  She smiled back, giving his hand a small squeeze. “Mine, too.”

  “Talk about a comedy of errors.” He laughed. “I don’t think two teenagers were ever more awkward.”

  “We broke the lamp.”

  He laughed out loud. “Hell, we broke the bed. Your dad had the sheriff up thinking it was poachers.”

  “I couldn’t find my panties from that night and was scared stiff the sheriff would find them and send them off for forensic testing.” Daisy snorted a laugh.

  “You watch too much television. We live in Texas, not New York and certainly not Hollywood.”

  Her gaze dropped to their entwined hands. “Speaking of New York. Why were you so angry at the bar?”

  “I sensed you were there. Your scent is tattooed on my brain, and knowing you were so close but so far—” He let his words trail off.

  “And anger was your first choice emotion?” she asked, lifting her eyes.

  He shook his head. “No. I wasn’t angry at you. I was angry at the vampire stalking that girl at the bar. Sensing you just added a layer of frustration to everything else.

  “The girl had too much to drink and that made her easy prey. Vampires are predators, but I’ve got my own code of ethics. I don’t glamor, and I don’t take advantage of people who don’t have their senses about them.”

  “Like what Violet did with you.”

  He nodded.

  “So you followed to make sure the drunken twit was okay?”

  Jace’s eyes found hers. “That’s unkind, Daisy, but in a nutshell, yeah.”

  “But you weren’t around when I saw those two in a bondage room with another vampire, and your damsel in distress seemed to enjoy herself, in spades.”

  Stunned, he eyed her. “What were you doing in a bondage room?”

  “I stumbled in by mistake looking for you.”

  “What makes you think I would be in a bondage room?” His voice rising in disbelief.

  She sat up. “I didn’t. I was checking random rooms.”

  Jace got up and walked from the end of the bed, wheeling on his heel to face her. “Of all the stupid reckless things you’ve done, this one takes the cake. The Red Veil is a vampire club. You knew that, and you also knew the backrooms were for fetish and fantasy with blood play.

  “Knowing all that, you still decided it was a good idea to go looking for me in random playrooms where vampires are fucking and feeding. Jesus, God, woman!”

  Daisy’s chin dropped to her chest. “I didn’t think. I just reacted. I was so hell bent on getting answers from you, it sort of just happened.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed again and reached to lift her chin. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. We both need some fresh air.”

  She glanced at her exposed breasts and the satin straps crisscrossing her belly toward the open crotch. “I need to change.”

  He shook his head. “Leave it. Just throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt over that and let’s go.”

  “Go where?”

  “For a drive like we used to.”

  “It’s storming out, Jace. We can’t drive in that.”

  “This, from a woman brave enough to barge in on a vampire bondage feast.” He held out his hand to help her off the bed.

  She grinned. “Okay, but we have a little girl to think about, remember?”

  His eyes found hers and held. “We?”

  She nodded. “You said it last night. She’s your daughter, too.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, his hand in her hair at the nape of her neck.

  When he broke their kiss, Daisy rested her head on his chest. It was warm, but silent and she squeezed her eyes closed against the reminder of what he was now and what he had endured.

��t, Daisy. I smell your worry and fear. We’ll figure it out. I’m just happy you’re willing to give me the chance.”

  She nodded beneath the hollow of his throat. “I have a question.”


  “Last night when you—climaxed,” she paused, embarrassed.

  “Go on.”

  “Well, you howled. And there was a trace of Were in your scent. Can you still shift? Even though you’re a vampire, are you still Were? The moon is nearly full. Do you feel its pull?”

  “I don’t really know. I still feel the pull of the moon, but the urge to shift is dulled to the point of being nil.” He shrugged. “I’ve never met another Were who was turned, so I have no one to guide me. I guess I’ll figure that one out as time passes.”

  She nodded again. “One more thing. Were you in Jenny’s room last night?”

  He stepped back, his eyes searching hers. “No. Why?”

  She held both his hands. “I’m not sure. She crawled into my bed claiming there was someone in her room that had no scent. She thinks it was a man.”

  He glanced away, thinking before looking back at her. “And it wasn’t a bad dream?”

  “I thought so myself, but with what you told me about Violet, I’m not sure.”

  Jace let go of her hands and stalked toward her closed bedroom door.

  “She’s not here, Jace. She’s with your parents’.”

  He turned and looked at her, stunned. “They know she’s mine?”

  Daisy nodded. “Of course. I found out I was pregnant the week after you disappeared. I went to the doctor thinking I missed my period because of the stress, but the rabbit done died.”

  She smiled softly. “Your mom and dad have been wonderful to me and Jenny. Your mother even insisted for a while I call her mom, but I couldn’t. It didn’t seem right.”

  In two steps he had her in his arms again. “I’ll make this right. I swear it, Dais.”

  She shook her head. “We’ll make it right, together.” She inhaled and took a step back. “Come on, cowboy. I suddenly feel like dancing in the rain.”


  Jace pulled up to the riders’ cabin and parked Daisy’s truck out back. The rain pelted the dirt and grass surrounding the small log structure, gathering in large puddles ringed with hail.

  “Still feel like dancing?”

  Daisy flinched as the frozen mix bounced off the windshield. “Maybe later. I’m not into getting pounded by sky rocks.”

  Jace leaned in, tweaking her braless nipple beneath the thin fabric of her tee. “What are you into being pounded by?”

  He took her mouth, his hands roaming the soft curves of her body. “Ready to make a run for it?” he asked against her lips.

  She slid his hand down to the loose waistband of her jeans and he slipped his fingers inside, her wetness clear on his fingertips. “I’d say I’m ready for whatever you have to give.”

  He groaned, taking his hand from her jeans and licked the slickness. “God bless crotchless.”

  She laughed and opened the door, glancing at him once more before sprinting for the cabin’s backdoor and the cover of the roof’s pitched overhang.

  “It’s unlocked,” Jace called from behind. He followed her inside, shaking the rain from the brim of his Stetson.

  Taking the hat from his head, he tossed it onto the knotty pine kitchen table and walked toward the fireplace.

  The cabin was nothing more than a studio sized living room with a small adjoining bunk house to accommodate ranch hands and riders.

  Jace knelt at the hearth and started a fire. “There’s no bed in here, if you recall. But the couch is comfy.”

  Daisy shook her head and instead toyed with the frayed fabric of one of the rustic arm chairs in front of the fireplace.

  “The fire feels good. Warm,” she replied, and walked to wear Jace still knelt.

  She lifted her T-shirt over her head and tossed it onto the couch, slipping her jeans from her hips, as well. She bent for the crumpled denim, letting the teddy’s bare cups showcase her full breasts.

  “You’re killing me, Dais,” Jace croaked, licking his lips.

  She pitched her jeans onto the couch as well and stood in front of him in her teddy and her cowboy boots, her legs a little more than shoulder width apart.

  “Does that mean you don’t want this,” she asked coyly, dragging a finger between her pussy lips.

  Jace reached for her hips, sliding his palms around the full curve of her ass. He pulled her sex to his mouth and licked her from anus to clit, swirling his tongue over her hard bud.

  Daisy fisted his hair and spread her legs farther, urging his mouth for more.

  With a sideways grin he obliged, pulling her hard nub through his teeth. She hissed, and he reached for the base of the couch not missing a beat.

  Jace pulled his face away and licked her slick juice from his lips. “I have a surprise for you.” Opening the bag, he took out two silver silicone covered balls and dangled them from his fingers.

  “What are they?”

  “They’re called Venus balls and they go inside,” he slipped two fingers into her slit and curled them up making her gasp.

  “As you move they vibrate, and when you come, it’s supposed to be amazing.” He curled his fingers more, swirling her spot. “Wanna give them a try?”

  “Where did you get them? How?”

  He chuckled. “Vampires are very ingenious and sneaky when we want to be. Don’t ask.”

  She leaned down and kissed his mouth, grinning against his lips. “I’m game, if you are.”

  Jace squeezed a drop of lube on his fingers and spread it over the balls and the silken cord connecting them. He leaned up and licked Daisy’s pussy, groaning as he slipped one and then the other inside her swollen entrance.

  “You said they vibrate when I move. What should I do?” she asked, heat flushing her skin at the illicit feel.

  “Bend over.” Jace guided her to the arm chair and bent her over the cushions. Her tits hung, swinging and he stepped behind her cupping each one, the rough feel of his jeans against the sheer fabric of the teddy making her pussy drip.

  He rolled her nipples between his thumb and index finger, pulling and pinching the hard peaks, squeezing the full flesh of each breast.

  She moaned and let go with one hand, sliding his fingers over her belly to her mound.

  “Hang on, darlin’,” he whispered behind her ear.

  Jace swirled his fingers over her wet sex, his thumb pressed against her clit. She gasped as he moved the pad of his thumb, the rhythm and pressure faster and harder until she cried out. He ground his thick denim bulge into her ass, the two together rocketing Daisy to near climax.

  “I want you, Jace,” she cried.

  “You want the balls out?”

  She shook her head. “No, I want both at the same time.”

  Stunned he pulled his hand away to free his dick and then hooked one finger into the teddy’s crotchless opening, ripping the sheer fabric up her back. With his palm he spread lube from her pussy to her ass, gliding the rest over his thick cock.

  “Are you sure?” he growled, his hand fisting his hard shaft, waiting.

  With a gasp, Daisy nodded and that was all the invitation Jace needed. He spread her cheeks and plunged his cock into her ass.

  Daisy whimpered, pitching forward onto the chair’s cushion with the force and Jace curled his arm around her waist, steadying her.

  He pulled back, moving slowly, letting her body adjust to his girth. The exacting motion and the pressure left her gasping for more and he thrust deeper, harder, letting her feel his corded thickness against the thin membrane separating him from the silicone balls.

  With each plunge the balls rotated, rolling along the length of him along Daisy’s inner walls. She cried out and he swirled her clit with his fingers, working her as he drove his cock in and out. Her tight hole squeezed him and he threw his head back, ready to cum.

  Daisy reached
down and covered his hand, working her body along with him. She shuddered, crying out as she crested climax, letting go with a howl as she ground her ass back, taking Jace’s full cock.

  He snarled, grasping her hips, pulling back and then driving deeply, jets spurting in spasms as he came.

  Daisy slumped forward and Jace held her as the last of her orgasm shook her lower body.

  He held her close, riding the aftershocks with her. He pulled his member from her body, and then reached to slip the balls from her still sensitive entrance, wrapping them in a hand towel from the bag.

  “I need a shower, but I doubt I can stand,” Daisy teased.

  “No problem.” Jace scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom. He set her on the closed toilet and ran the shower spray until the small bath filled with steam.

  “After you,” he said holding the shower curtain for her.

  Daisy stepped into the spray, taking Jace’s hand to lead him in after.

  She let the water cascade over her body, sighing in the warm feeling.

  Jace worked the bar of soap in his hand to lather, spreading the frothy bubbles over Daisy’s body, washing her gently everywhere and in between.

  She moaned at the feel of his hands skimming over her skin, her body hypersensitive and ready to burst. She continued their foamy foreplay, washing him and caressing his cock to stiffness in her soapy hand.

  “Round two?” he asked, not waiting for her to reply as he lifted her to the wall, driving his member into her soft folds.

  He plunged into her hard and fast and Daisy clutched to his neck, locking her legs around his back against the slippery suds.

  He groaned, burying his head in her shoulder as he pumped his hips. Daisy’s breath came short and fast and her heart raced as she neared climax again.

  Jace tightened his grip, cupping her ass against the tile as he ground his cock deeper. Her body reacted, convulsing around his thick shaft and he roared, his fangs finding the thick vein in her throat and piercing the flesh as she came.

  Daisy cried out holding his head to her, blood, soap and water raining over her chest as he fed. He swiped the wound with his tongue sealing the puncture and threw his head back, his cock jerking inside her as he emptied himself into her again.


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