Naughty and Nice

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  Right then all she could do was think about how he still had his clothes on. She wanted him inside her like he’d just described. Wanted to feel the bristle of the hair on his thighs against her skin where he’d used the crop.

  His smile and the light in his eyes told he her had his own plans and he’d get to it when he was good and ready. Which only made her hotter for him.

  Her fingers dug into the headboard as she watched the way he reached down and pulled his shirt up and over his head. Whoo boy.

  “Before I fuck you, I’m going to eat your pussy. Take the edge off a little.”

  Beyond words, her brain managed a wheeee!

  He got on the bed behind her. “I can see how wet you are.” His knuckles brushed against her clit, sending dizzying little waves of pleasure through her body.

  “You’re slick and wet, shiny with your juices.” He said this with his lips against that crease where the cheek of her ass met her thigh. “Dark and swollen. Ready for my cock. Spread wider.”

  Rori inched her knees wider and nearly screamed when he took a long lick from her asshole to her clit.

  Over and over, he took long, wet licks through her cunt, over each fold and into each dip. He knew each and every spot, just how hard or soft she liked it. And he used it to ravish her. To devastate her with the build-up of so much pleasure she wasn’t sure she could withstand it.

  She rocked forward and back to meet his mouth until he stilled her with a firm hold, his fingers spread wide over her thighs. Holding her open and just where he wanted.

  There was no hiding from it, from the intensity of sensation drowning her. Instead, she embraced it, leapt into it and opened up to an orgasm that felt as if her entire body exploded apart and welded back together in his arms as he lowered her to the bed, careful to keep her on her belly.

  “Wow,” she managed to mutter around a tongue that felt like a bag of sand.

  He laughed, wrapping himself around her, trailing kisses along her shoulder. When she got the feeling in her legs again, she’d go for that belt buckle.

  “I think we should take a walk. The room even came with two walking sticks.”

  “I think we should have more sex.”

  He nipped her shoulder, making her hiss and then shiver. “We will, greedy. When I’m ready. You’ll need to recover because I plan to fuck you so hard it makes that slapping sound you like so much.”

  Ohgod, she loved when he thrust so hard her tits bounced and his skin meeting hers actually made a slap. Loved the raw edge of his control.

  She smiled, her face buried in the blankets. The bed rustled as he rolled from it and she turned, enjoying the cool of the comforter against the heat on her ass.

  Damn he was easy to look at.

  A smile hinted at the corners of his mouth. “What you thinking about, darlin’? Should I be worried?”

  Love filled her, blurring her vision for a brief moment. She moved to him and straight into his embrace. His heart beat steady against the ear she pressed to his chest.

  “Just about how awesome this trip is. And about how much I love you.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  “I suppose I can let you draw me out into the cold. A walk does sound good and maybe the cold will soothe my ass. Will it be all right to leave with a fire going?”

  “I don’t plan a big long walk. There’s just a path here.” He pointed to the map of the resort. “Maybe ten minutes? We won’t even be totally out of sight. The wood isn’t popping or anything.”

  He brought the rest of the bags in while she got dressed in warm clothing and surprised her by handing her a brightly wrapped package.

  “I think this might come in handy.”

  “You spoil me.” She grinned as the tore the pretty wrapping away and found a soft cashmere scarf, cap and pair of gloves.

  “I was born to spoil you. It’s my job.” He put on his own gloves and a cowboy hat that only made her more reticent to leave the cabin, he looked so delicious.

  Chapter Five

  The trail near their cabin was quiet but for the crunch of gravel beneath their feet. Snow fell on and off in delicate flurries. Enough to cling to Rori’s hair, spun gold with icy white.

  Her cheeks were rosy, eyes bright as she took in the scenery. Her hand fit in his just right. It was just the two of them, far away from all responsibility. It felt damned good.

  “We need to do this more often. Get away from Oakley and our friends and family.” That she said it first surprised him. “I think we need it. The time alone.”

  They kept walking, occasionally halting for her to take a picture or two. The silence between them was easy.

  “I think so too.”

  They stopped at an overlook where he dusted the seat of the pretty bench for them to sit and take in the view. The light was fading and they’d need to go back soon.

  She eased to sit and his cock stirred back to life as he remembered the sounds she’d made while he used the crop.

  “You okay?”

  She turned to him, smiling, head tilted. “You mean my ass?” She laughed. “Yes. The sting is gone. You never really hurt me, Jude.” The meat of her thumb slid over the scruff of his beard.

  “I never mean to. I know I did once.”

  She sighed. “You love me. Take care of me. That you were a giant dick once when we dated isn’t part of what we have now except that I know the sweetness in you I only suspected you had then.” She looked down at their hands, clasped and resting on her thigh. “You waited for me.”

  He’d waited for her for years and now she was his. He wondered if there’d be a time when he simply took it for granted and hoped there never was. Hoped he never lost that sense of joy and holy shit I’m a lucky man in his step.

  “I don’t deserve you, but I sure as hell don’t plan to give you back.” He kissed her, harder than he’d planned to, to underline that. “I’d have waited a lifetime for you,” he gasped when he broke away.

  She looked up, eyes glossy with emotion, her swollen bottom lip trembling just a bit. It came naturally to kiss her again, and so he did.

  She scrambled into his lap, facing him, wrapping herself around him. “Every day I wake up and you’re there. Your scent is on my skin. I have a moment when I am nearly overwhelmed by my blessings. You anchor me in a way I can’t really explain. It is unshakable and deep. Strong and it makes me feel not just loved and safe, but cherished. Adored.” She held him tighter. Neither of them speaking for several minutes.

  “You look at me and make me feel like a queen. Most people live their entire lives without feeling that way more than a handful of times and I feel it every single day.”

  He stood, holding her still. “It’s getting dark. Let’s go back.”

  She took his hand as they headed back up the trail. “Thank you,” he said, softly, as they made their way to the cabin.

  It was new to him, this sort of connection. Sure, they’d been friends most of their lives, and a brief romantic turn before he’d fucked up and lost her to the man she’d fallen for and married. But before Rori he’d not been totally out with his sexuality.

  He took his responsibility…his role as the top in their relationship seriously. And not in an ALL CAPS I’M YOUR MASTER way, but because she chose to submit and he should always be worthy of it. Which meant putting her needs first and being aware of what she was thinking and feeling on a whole new level.

  In truth, it made him a better man, though he wasn’t sure anyone but Zach would have understood it if he’d said it aloud.

  But he wanted to do right by them both. What they had was special and he’d die before he’d fuck it up. At least on purpose.

  “Dinner reservations in less than half an hour.” Not enough time to finish what he’d started earlier. “I did tell you they were bringing it here, didn’t I?”

  Her delight was clear in her features.

  “You didn’t.”

  He shrugged. “Thought you might
like it.”

  “You spend a lot of time thinking about what I like.”

  She dropped to her knees.

  “Why don’t you let me think about what you like for a few minutes? We have enough time for me to suck your cock before they arrive. You know, just to take the edge off.”

  He sifted her hair through his fingers before tightening his fist around it and tugging her forward, reveling in her gasp of pleasure.

  Within moments her clever fingers had worked the belt and his pants open. Her breath against his cock sent shivers up his spine. She wasted no time, taking him into her mouth, hot and slick with just the right amount of suction.

  He would have closed his eyes, but that would have meant not being able to watch her with his cock in her mouth, on her knees in front of him. There was simply no contest there.

  Her hair slid forward and back as she moved, sucking him deep and pulling nearly completely off, giving him a peek-a-boo view, adding to the allure.

  The pleasure banked, building from his toes as she built him up, slowly, surely, knowing exactly what he liked and how he liked it.

  Being known so well was something he associated only with her. She got him all the way to the bone.

  Content, utterly and totally content, he continued to watch, continued to let himself fall into her until orgasm swallowed him, sucking him under as he held onto her shoulders.

  She cut her eyes to his as she pulled back and pressed a kiss to the head of his cock.


  He laughed, helping her to her feet and pulling her in for a kiss. “You make just about everything better.”

  She sighed happily. “I love this place. No cell reception. My laptop is at home. A girl could get used to having Jude Callahan all to herself this way.”

  “You do have me all to yourself.” He snorted a laugh.

  She made a cute little harrumph sound, one he knew quite well since she’d been making it when she was displeased pretty much her whole life. In that moment he saw her as the young girl and then the teen she was.

  Blinking, she paused, surprise on her face. “What? Are you denying women still follow you around town like lost puppies?”

  “Ha! You’re just the she-bitch to smack ’em down. But no, I don’t notice because you’re in my bed. Who the hell wants to be looking at some chick at the grocery store when I’ve got you at home baking me cookies and making my life pleasant and filled with hot sex?”

  It was probably totally bad of him to get turned on by the fire in her eyes when any women got too close, but he did. She was fierce in her claim on him. As fierce as he was in return.

  “When does dinner arrive?” She peered past him to the clock on a far wall.

  “What I plan to do you later will take hours. But dinner will be here in twenty.”

  She hummed. “You say the best things.”

  He knew she’d think about it all through dinner now. Good. He found himself enjoying that part of their relationship—the slow build up to fiery, intense sex.

  Still, there were things he’d been thinking about and maybe with the glow of good sex and a nice walk, they could talk about stuff easier.

  “I think we should buy a new house.”

  There. He’d said it.

  She paused, taking his hand and looking him over carefully. “I brought some wine. I think this conversation might call for a glass or two. Plus, I like wine.” Her smile reassured him.

  “Sit and I’ll get your boots for you.”

  He peeled away his coat, already having tossed the gloves and his hat on the pegged bench at the entry. He sat, enjoying the way she moved to take his boots off, setting them to the side of the couch in an orderly fashion before she dug through the grocery bag and pulled out the wine.

  “This is nice, you know? The quiet. The pace.” She handed him the wine and the corkscrew. “Be back with glasses in a moment.”

  He poured them each a glass, waiting for her to snuggle into his side before he tossed his feet up on the low table and sat back with a satisfied sigh.

  Smiling, she rested her head on his shoulder. “This feels good. Now, back to the house issue. Tell me.”

  “It’s a great house. That’s not really the issue. I know we decided to move the master suite to my room and to stay in the house because the economy is crap and we didn’t know if it would sell very fast. And I know you’ve lived there for several years so I wanted to really give it a try.”

  Filled with love for him, and with hurt on his behalf, she turned and pressed a finger to his lips. He’d done it all for her. How could he not know how much she cherished that? It made every day special. “Stop. You don’t have to make excuses for how you feel. Talk to me. You can tell me anything. I love you, Jude.”

  He nodded. “When I lived there after…after Zach died, I was a roommate. A friend who was there to help you pick up the pieces. And that was fine. You needed that and I needed it too. It gave us both time. Like I said, I like the house. But it wasn’t mine. And then in a beautiful turn, we got together and we shared my old room and I hoped it would feel like my house too. And it does, in most ways. But I still feel like I’m renting a room in your house sometimes.”

  How could she not have known he felt like that? “I’m so sorry.“

  “I don’t want you to be sorry. It’s not about you being sorry or me being mad or anything like that. It’s about us finding a way to move forward and to talk to each other around all this stuff. My goal in life is to not hurt you. I know this stuff hurts.”

  “What hurts is that you were hurting and I didn’t know. I want you and me to be able to talk about anything. I’m not made of glass and we both know I’m pretty high capacity.” She took a drink.

  “How much you can take when I’m wielding a flogger is not the same as talking about your dead husband. That’s real pain and I can’t help that.”

  What a lucky, lucky woman she was.

  “Don’t you see? I give myself to you because I trust, without hesitation, that you will take care of me. That you will know my limits and push them farther than I could imagine. I trust you not just with my body and with what we do sexually, but with my heart. My submission is all of me. We need to be able to talk about anything. Even when it’s very emotional or sensitive. I don’t expect you to be uncomfortable or like a guest in your own house.” It would be silly to think they could get through the next few years without talking about Zach or issues involving him. She wanted Jude to realize she was his totally and that she’d moved on.

  “I don’t know that I’d characterize the situation in those terms, darlin’. I was absolutely genuine when I said we’d move bedrooms. I wanted to give it a try and waited to see if the house would feel more like mine the longer I lived there.” He paused and she touched his hand, wanting him to know she wanted to hear what he had to say. Knowing deep down it was about Zach and her marriage before.

  “It’s hard to find a way to talk about this because I know it upsets you and because well, you and I are still learning how to be a couple.”

  “It upsets me so much more that you felt like a stranger in your house and I didn’t know.”

  He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Didn’t I just say I didn’t think that was it at all? I don’t feel like a stranger in my house. I feel like it’s still Zach’s house. I’ve lived there longer than he did, I know this, but he left his mark. I can share a house, but my everyday life? I don’t think I can.”

  Entirely reasonable. He had every right to be comfortable and happy in his home.

  “All right.”

  “That’s it? You don’t have anything more to say than all right?”

  “Zach died nearly two years ago. I’ve moved on. With you. To you. If you feel uncomfortable in any way that I can help with, especially a request as reasonable as moving to a house that will be ours, I can change that. Easily in fact. I don’t know about you, but the stuff easily fixed is stuff I celebrate.”

p; “You won’t miss your house?” Your house. Man she was slacking to have missed this one.

  She took a deep breath and there was a knock on the door. “Not really, no.”

  Another knock.

  “We’ll shelve this for now.” Jude stood and kissed her again, just quickly, but enough to reconnect them and reassure her they were okay.

  She held him in place with her hand on his arm as she stood. “I want this. I have zero regrets.”

  She watched as he interacted with the staff in that friendly, easy way he had with people. Lazy and charming. He moved with confidence, taking on multiple tasks with such effortless efficiency.

  After the table had been prepared and their dinner ready to eat, she settled in, buttering his bread while he brought the wine over.

  “Do you know how much I admire you?” she asked, dishing up some asparagus.

  Pleasure and surprise brought a smile to his lips. “How so?”

  “You’re just good at everything.”

  He snorted as he cut into the beautifully cooked steak.

  “Don’t snort at me, mister. I got your number. See, you, Jude Callahan, are good at everything. You are spectacular at some of them, extraordinary in most. You can do general man stuff like deal with putting up shelves and the planter boxes you made this year.” She looked up, eyes dancing, a huge grin on her face.

  “Darlin, you please me a hell of a lot in general, but thank you. I’m flattered. And lucky.” She just kept smiling. “What is that smile for?” He knew he blushed and so he just pretended he didn’t know that and continued to eat.

  “I was just thinking how we’d get to make them at the new house, or maybe look for a house that has them? Maybe a lot with a lot of trees. Yes. I’d like a house surrounded by trees. I’m so excited for this.”

  And she truly was. He saw it in her face. And peace washed through him as he could let go of that worry. Gratitude that she felt the same way for him that he felt for her.

  “Trees sound very good. I want a yard with a deck. Obviously we’d want to stay close to our families but there’s a lot out there right now.”


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