Drift: The Renegades Saga: Book Two

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Drift: The Renegades Saga: Book Two Page 30

by E. M. Whittaker

  “She forgot something again. I swear she’d lose her head if it was detached.”

  His eyes slinked toward Q’s hands as he pulled out familiar silver-rimmed spectacles from his pocket.

  “Here’s her glasses. It’s not fair Aviere’s caught in this situation, but Limere made his choices on a lie he believed. The least you could do is help patch up their underlying guilt.” One hand clasped the exposed flesh on his thigh where Aviere had torn his jeans. “Damn, she hasn’t attacked me in a while. Thank God I started building a tolerance again. Nasty poison.”

  They’re not scratched, Travis noted, angling them against the light. Not a single scratch. Someone repaired them. There’s no way she’s using bulletproof glass on these.

  The spectacles slipped in Travis’s free pocket after he folded them in place. “They can settle their own affairs.”

  “Their guilt stems from when their mother died and her father left them. It’s a delicate situation.”

  “Q, stop pestering me. I deal with enough of Mye’s family issues.”

  “I hate asking for favors, but I don’t need Aviere to deteriorate because of Limere. At least nudge her to talk with him and share those shrouded feelings before he runs out of time.”

  Lyssa, I’m going to charge these lunatics every time they use me as a makeshift therapist, Travis fumed, adjusting his hat until his bangs stopped hanging over his eyes. This is his woman. He should handle her affairs, not me.

  “No offense, but you distract Mye better. She could use some pleasant company.”

  Travis backed away when Q’s gray aura darkened after his sentence. Several emotions flashed through the other’s eyes, but they blended before Travis could analyze his feelings.

  What did I say? She’s right about his attitude… it shifts on a whim, like someone who—

  “I planned on it, after ordering several bottles of wine with dinner… but the human ruined my surprise date with his asinine stunt.”

  Lyssa, I thought I’d nailed the entire dynamic between her crew until I saw Q and Mye together. For once, I’m not sure how to analyze him. One minute, he’s honest. The next, he wants to murder someone.

  Travis scrunched his eyebrows while regarding Q, thinking about his previous statement.

  “When I said company, it wasn’t an invitation to incapacitate her. No wonder she withholds information. Everyone stops her when she tries acting on her own.”

  “Aviere’s reckless.”

  “Then help Mye instead of leading her on one-night stands.”

  “For fuck’s sake, mage.” Q flashed his hand and rolled it, silver gleaming from the florescent lights above them. “I didn’t. Her scent attracts nutjobs. Always has.”

  “I’d stop before Curious Peters wakes up with colorful questions,” Travis interjected when he spotted his partner stirring on the floor. “I’m not concerned about how your screwy relationship works. Just stay away from her on assignments. You’re not compatible on the field.”

  “She’s going to get killed staying with you two.”

  “How will you know if you’re micromanaging and questioning her judgment?”

  “Shouldn’t you take your own advice?”

  “Learning how to handle somebody and saying they’re shitty at what they do are two separate things. Everyone’s got their strengths and weaknesses.” He thumbed at Peters. “While this was an enlightening conversation, I need to hurry before Mye leaves.”

  “Take the human with you before I destroy him. He drudged up old memories… things that caused our separation in the first place. If he pisses me off again, I won’t hold back. Consider this his get-out-of-jail-free card.”

  After shaking his head in frustration, Travis dropped his hand and dispelled the magic surrounding him. He brushed aside his stringy bangs before lifting Peters’s body over his shoulder, wrapping both arms around the man’s dirty slacks.

  “By the way… try arresting me, and see how fast you’ll land in a body bag.”

  “I survived being poisoned,” Travis said, closing his eyes. “Mye’s given me mini-heart attacks. She thrives on making this goddamn collar beep at the worst opportunities. You don’t hold a candle to the despicable shit she’s capable of, Q.”

  As the large man lunged at Travis, the mage snickered, creating fragments of broken energy while he stepped into a temporal portal. After realizing what he did, panic rose in his chest as a depraved grin spread on his lips.

  ~Keith, Quentin isn’t your enemy, even if he hurt Shawn. Be civil. You’re not a savage like that abomination you’re hunting.~

  With surprising speed, the agent made the sign of the cross across his chest, keeping a wary eye on the impending darkness threatening to swallow him whole. Once the shadows turned into light and blinded his colleague, Travis sighed in relief and he faded from sight.

  It was only a matter of time before his inner darkness consumed him, but Travis held onto hope that Aviere would fix the situation in time.

  If it’s not one crisis, it’s another. At least I had an entertaining morning.

  He reappeared inside Peters’s office and closed off the portal before Q followed, sighing at the constant vibration against his butt cheek. After another shake, Travis laid the unconscious man on the long beige sofa, retrieved his brand new Note 7 and smiled at the text message on his screen. He missed the tiny Motorola flip-phone, but didn’t regret being able to see his texts or answer them in a timely fashion.

  “Tell anyone about Quentin, and I promise I’ll ruin more than your morning coffee, agent.”

  Still grinning, Travis whistled an old show tune and secured the office door behind him. He checked his watch, considered their distance, and mulled over how to spend the remainder of his afternoon. Between the unfinished report and the allergy shots, he cursed the shifter before power walking to the elevator.

  Phone in hand, he banged a fist on the white square button as he remembered his doctor’s office was closed on Friday afternoons. Nimble fingers maneuvered through the touch screen as he answered her scathing text.

  “I’ll consider it, if I can follow you to your doctor. The allergist is off and I need my shots.”

  The elevator dinged and Travis slipped inside, ignoring the chime from the phone. He paused when Aviere waved at him, holding a thick paperback novel between her fingers.

  “You waited,” Travis said, scratching his jaw. “Ambush or no?”

  “Pick where we’re stopping for lunch. I’m not keen on eating hospital food, and the shifter wards don’t cater to human diets. We’ll hit the Government District around eight thirty when sunset starts. I want Donahue’s head as a prize on my living room wall by tomorrow evening. Angelique and her brother are next when I’m through with him.”

  “Keeping someone’s head is disgusting and illegal,” Travis said, turning pale as the doors slid closed. “And barbaric. You’re always bragging about how discreet you are.”

  “Donahue’s tried my patience for years, but using Limere to attack me is unacceptable. Under the rules, I’m supposed to issue a bid before killing someone. However, since I’m a cleaner myself, no one will blink if I attack Donahue. We’ve feuded since he stole my territory, and it’s technically a turf war.”

  “You’re spitting out technicalities when we both know its vengeance, Mye.”

  “If you understand, then finish Donahue if I fuck up or Lim dies first.”

  “What if your brother beats us to him?”

  “Lim?” A sardonic smile crossed her face. “He might, and it wouldn’t surprise me. When Roland issued the pardon, I realized I’d lose Limere afterward. Maybe I should let him decide his end. Celene’s the one I feel sorry for, though.”

  “Talk with him. Don’t let it end like… her.”

  “I won’t.”


  As he pressed the button to the ground floor, Travis remained silent, staring at the wall instead of the hateful look emanating through Aviere’s eyes. He stopped
himself from offering comforting words, knowing they would do nothing to stop the darkness seeping through her aura. Instead, he handed her the silver-rimmed glasses and nodded when she placed them on her face.

  Once he braved looking at Aviere, all emotion had cleared from her dark, cerulean eyes—the inner madness quelled and her aura solidified to its forest-green hue.

  There. She’s ready, Lyssa. Tonight, we hunt. Tomorrow, we kill.

  When the doors opened, light returned to her cerulean eyes, dispelling the inner killer’s voice as Travis followed her to the Ferrari. Shame crossed his eyes as he imagined warm blood coating his face. The bonus inside his checking account didn’t offset his guilt or the growing hunger inside his heart as Lyssa’s imaginary voice chided him.

  For the first time, Travis ignored the inner killer’s demands, dreading the moment Demetrius and Evan Donahue’s lives ended. He wanted Aviere to achieve one dream for everything she’d lost, and for the sacrifices to follow.

  Queasiness returned once she started the Ferrari and Travis gulped when he opened the passenger door, but not from the scent of Armor-All and carpet cleaner. Instead of begging her to stop speeding, Travis allowed her to peel out of the parking lot to blow off steam.

  Between Q and Peters, Travis figured the lengthy drive served Aviere as a reward for sparing their lives. His sympathy dissipated the moment screamo music blasted through the Poisoner’s speakers at deafening levels.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Just once, Limere longed for a day without death threats, accusations, or questionable stares whenever he probed around town for relevant information.

  After a productive afternoon searching through Charm City and dismissing a series of important phone calls, the mage’d unlocked his apartment door, blew out a hot breath, and stared at the crowded living room he avoided all afternoon. Various conversations fluttered through his brain as Limere’s eyes trailed around the room, disregarding the accusatory glares from each person regarding him.

  They wonder why I don’t depend on anybody, yet look at their body language. The condescending stares send another message.

  Limere cringed at the piercing stare from a recognizable set of chocolate-hued eyes as he entered the apartment, expecting his painful state to subside as he moved toward them. Pain laced through his corded neck and the base of his skill while he reflected on Karyn’s disappearance. Bags hung underneath his exhausted blue eyes, drained from scanning various neighborhoods throughout the day.

  He blinked at a hairy arm rushing toward him from the doorway, then glided back into the hallway and pressed against the slate wall.

  “You can’t run forever,” the intruder said. “Stop running and come inside, Limere.”

  ~If the werewolf didn’t stink of booze, he might prove advantageous,~ the demoness whined. ~Why must you consort with werewolves, boy? There are better individuals to associate with… smarter people.~

  The same reason no one believes in me, Limere sent to the demoness. My sister’s chaotic life bleeds into everybody else’s. Now, shut up. I spent a good chunk of energy scouting through Charm City this afternoon, and I cannot concentrate on both you and Joe.

  ~I noticed. Your reflexes slowed when your drugs subsided.~

  I’ll lose if you continue bantering, bitch.

  His companion huffed with a melodramatic sigh before becoming silent once more.

  “Papa, threatening Limmy won’t force us to find Karyn faster.”

  Oh boy. Limere straightened after hearing the lift in Celene’s pissy accent. Yeah, time to haul ass before she breaks any furniture. I assumed she’d visit, miss me, and then call later tonight. Your luck transferred to me, Sis.

  “You’re terrible, threatenin’ a wiry man with a whole pack of freakin’ werewolves. I’d bail after seein’ your ugly mug.”

  Fuck this. I’ll find another place to smoke. God, I pray our neighbors aren’t paying attention. Our other neighbors were great with shifters, but they understood our situation.

  “When your brother avoids my phone calls, it’s personal. If he wasn’t dating my daughter, I’d gut him. However, past affiliations make jurisdiction hazy, and your sister’s not here.”

  “Joe, I’d accept your visitin’ excuse if only Celene or Jem accompanied you, but not your entire pack.”

  “People get agitated when their coworkers and friends go missing. I lost a long-term client today because Karyn never showed up to finish repairing their vehicle.”

  “Karyn didn’t skip work!” Limere argued, hunching over as his temple sent stabbing pain through his right eye. “You can’t condemn her because she hid from the Society! After the bloodbath last night—”

  “Then you should have left, mongrel,” Joe said as a hard slap echoed through the hallway. “I overlooked your past mistakes and trusted your judgment this time. This isn’t what I expected sending Karyn—”

  “I’m not allowin’ a brawl inside our new apartment because you’re still borderin’ on sobriety. I spent days pickin’ out decent furniture and delivered our donations back to their owners. Unless you’re willin’ to pay for repairs, send everybody home and talk to Lim yourself.”

  “Hmph. Who’s going to prevent me from taking the bastard myself?”

  Glass cracked and wood splintered inside the living room.

  “Well, the sassy woman lingerin’ over my broken coffee table. She’s capable of handlin’ Limere’s inner demon lady.”

  “If she’s foolish enough to intervene, I’ll discipline her, too.”

  Limere rolled his eyes as another table smashed to pieces from his girlfriend’s temper.

  Heavy footsteps thudded along the floor before Limere noticed Celene’s curvy body obstructing the entrance. He stared at her long curly tresses before her arms rested against the dark frame.

  You don’t have to continue protecting me, Cel, Limere lamented, driving his fingers into his temples. I’m stronger than you.

  ~Your bitch senses your limitations.~ Pride laced the temptress’s statement. ~Your woman possesses the right attitude to wield dark magic. Perhaps I’ll screw the fiery bitch once I steal your body. She’s tolerated my power well enough.~

  Limere held his seizing arms tightly to his chest as he studied Celene’s unyielding stance. No.

  ~Not now, of course,~ the temptress reassured him with a throaty laugh. ~Take the reprieve and relax. You’ll fight soon enough, once the diseased thrall acts according to his mistress’s wishes.~

  The mage closed his dry, burning eyes and extended his power as he examined the complex for any threats. Each silver aura around the apartment’s perimeter sent a piercing sensation through Limere’s chest as he realized escaping his home proved problematic.

  Bastard surrounded the entire floor. I guess I’m heading back to Charm City for a smoke and one last meal. Better than dealing with this mess.

  “Papa… it’s not like they meant to lose Karyn. You’re cornering him after he searched all afternoon.”

  The soft lift to Celene’s accent relaxed his anxious body and reduced his developing tension headache. His eyes drifted lower and gazed at her posterior while she crouched and tied her shoes.

  ~Your woman’s one sexy bitch. Trust me, angels lack nice racks, devils stay wispy, and mages let themselves go after a while.~

  No one appreciates dealing with a third wheel until a demon inhabitants your body and follows your intimate relationships, Limere projected with cynicism. Many a night, you’ve killed sex while discussing my “performance issues”.

  ~It’s not my fault you’re sexually repressed, or fantasizing about bending her over, the temptress teased. ~But then, with her sensuous body, I can’t criticize you, boy.~

  Don’t get any ideas, demon. She’s mine.

  “Everyone keeps judging Limmy for his past mistakes and forgets about the present. Instead of going after Chelsea and her gang, everyone continues to beat up my boyfriend over something—”

  “Cel, it’s fine.” L
imere opened one eye and moved away from the smooth wall. “Thank you, but Chelsea was mine, remember?”

  “When you dated her! Before you separated! You dropped everything once you turned away from the syndicate!”

  A warm hand settled against his heart as Celene’s voice fluctuated in pitch.

  “True, but beside the point. Chelsea is a disease, growing the longer she exists. My mistakes continue to cost us, Cel.”

  He paused while Celene’s arm flexed and her shoulder popped. “Doesn’t mean Papa needs to ambush you. I claimed I’d be fine alone.”

  Carbonation reached Limere’s ears before a metal bottle cap clanked to the floor. As Limere stood behind Celine, he saw it spin and land on its back. When he glanced up, he recoiled from Joe’s brooding stare, gulping when the werewolf downed the amber brew from inside the container.

  Once emptied, the glass bottle joined the myriad of broken shards splayed across the living room floor and throw rugs. Trickles of liquid stained the animal printed material.

  Although Joe is used to stressing about us, even this magnitude increases his drinking. Shit, he’s not drinking and driving, is he?

  “I suppose I’ll send the boys hunting if your boyfriend stays put for five minutes.”

  Limere considered Joe’s request, staring at the ceiling to collect his thoughts. “Fine. I see you found your supply for this week, but stop busting the bottles when you’re pissed. There’s no indestructible bottles on the market.”

  “Whatever. Grab me a cold beer. Celene can wait outside with Maurice while we talk.”

  “I’m not leavin’,” the Jamaican answered as ice clanked inside a cup. “I’m not spendin’ hours inside the department store, explainin’ why I’m replacin’ brand new furniture this weekend. Also, while Lim’s not the sharpest light bulb, it doesn’t justify an ass whoopin’ because of his psychotic ex-girlfriend’s behavior. I don’t gamble, but five against two aren’t good odds.”

  Reese, since when do you defend me?


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