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SPQR Page 55

by Mary Beard

  20 Fragments of terracotta sculpture from temple in Rome, sixth century BCE, Musei Capitolini, Rome. Photo © The Art Archive/Museo Capitolino Rome/Araldo De Luca

  21 Bronze liver from Piacenza, third-second century BCE, Museo Civico, Piacenza. Photo © akg-images/De Agostini Picture Lib./A. De Gregorio

  22 The Cloaca Maxima, Rome. Photo courtesy of Soprintendenza Archeologica del Comune di Roma

  23 Roman silver coin, 120s CE, showing Hadrian and Pudicitia. Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum

  24 Temple of Castor and Pollux, Roman Forum. Photo © Gaertner/Alamy

  25 The sarcophagus of Scipio Barbatus, third century BCE, Musei Vaticani. Photo © akg-images/De Agostini Picture Library

  26 Statue of Cincinnatus by E. Karkadoulias (1982), Cincinnati. Photo © Thomas G. Fritsch

  27 Flamines from Ara Pacis, Rome. Photo © De Agostini Picture Library/G. Dagli Orti/Bridgeman Images

  28 Sketch of the Servian Wall, Rome from H. F. Helmolt, The World’s History, Vol IV (Heinemann, 1902). Photo © The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images

  29 Third century BCE plate showing elephants, Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Rome. Photo © DEA/G. Nimatallah/De Agostini/Getty Images

  30 Portrait of Pyrrhus,? first century BCE, from Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples. Photo © DEA/A. Dagli Orti/De Agostini/Getty Images

  31 ‘Atilius Regulus taking leave of his family to begin his journey Carthage to face certain death’, by Sigismund Nappi (1826), Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. Photo © akg-images/De Agostini Picture Library

  32 Portrait of Polybius from plaster cast in Museo Nazionale della Civiltà Romana, Rome. Photo © akg-images/De Agostini Picture Library

  33 First-century BCE veristic portrait, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Altino. Photo © akg-images/Cameraphoto

  34 Tomb portrait of a priest of the Great Mother, Musei Capitolini, Rome. Photo © DEA/A. Dagli Orti/De Agostini/Getty Images

  35 Portrait of Pompey, Palazzo Spada, Rome. Photo © Galleria Spada, Rome, Italy/Mondadori Portfolio/Electa/Andrea Jemolo/Bridgeman Images

  36 Roman silver coin, 113 BCE, showing voting procedures by secret ballot. Photo © akg-images/De Agostini Picture Lib./A. Rizzi

  37 ‘Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi’ (1785) by Angelica Kauffman, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Photo © akg-images

  38 Palazzo Barberini, Praeneste. Photo © Hemis/Alamy

  39 Reconstruction of ancient sanctuary at Praeneste (after H. Kähler). Photo © DeAgostini/Getty Images

  40 Silver coin minted by Italian allies in the Social War. Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum

  41 Silver coin of Sulla, 84–83 BCE, showing head of Venus and symbols of victory. Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum

  42 Pompeiian painting showing ‘Spartaks’, early first century BCE. Photo © Jackie and Bob Dunn www.pompeiiinpictures.com. Reproduced courtesy of Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia

  43 Silver coin showing the head of Mithradates VI. Photo © akg-images/Interfoto

  44 3D visualisation of the theatre of Pompey by Martin Blazeby, King’s College London. Reproduced courtesy of King’s College, London

  45 Roman silver coin, 19–4 BCE, celebrating the return of Roman standards captured at the Battle of Carrhae. Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum

  46 Portrait of Julius Caesar, possibly modern, British Museum. Photo © Planet News Archive/SSPL/Getty Images

  47 Tombstone showing camel and family members,? second century CE, Museo Civico di Sulmona. Photo Museo della Diocesi-Valva Sulmona

  48 Roman silver coin, 43–42 BCE, showing head of Brutus and symbols of liberation. Photo © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 2015/Bridgeman Images

  49 Roman painting (‘Aldobrandini Wedding’), first century BCE, Musei Vaticani. Photo © Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City/Bridgeman Images

  50 Roman tombstone of Aurelius Hermia and Aurelia Philematium, first century BCE, British Museum. Photo © akg-images/Album/Prisma

  51 A Roman midwife from Ostia, Museo Ostiense. Photo © The Art Archive/Alamy

  52 Roman vaginal speculum, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples. Photo © akg-images/Mondadori Portfolio/Alfredo e Pio Foglia

  53 House of the Griffins, first century BCE, Palatine, Rome. Photo © Photo Scala, Florence, courtesy of Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

  54 Plan of ‘The House of the Tragic Poet’, Pompeii

  55 Sculpture from Antikythera wreck, Greece, National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Photo by R. Cormack, reproduced courtesy of the museum

  56 Grand Congloué, cargo of amphorae. Photo © 2010 MIT. Courtesy of MIT Museum

  57 Fragment from the ‘Laudatio Turiae’, first century BCE, Museo Nazionale Romano, Terme di Diocleziano. Photo courtesy of Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma

  58 Lead bullets from Perugia, first century BCE, Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell’Umbria. After L. Benedetti, Glandes Perusinae: revision e aggiornamenti (Quasar, 2012)

  59 Triumphal scene from the Actium Monument, first century BCE, Nicopolis. After K. Zachos et al., Nikopolis: Revealing the city of Augustus’ Victory (FCMPA, 2008)

  60 Tombstone of Marcus Billienus, first century BCE, Museo Civico di Vicenza, drawn J. Callan. After L. Keppie, The Making of the Roman Army (Routledge, 2002), p. 114

  61 Left, ‘Via Labicana Augustus’, Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. Photo © DEA/A. Dagli Orti/De Agostini/Getty Images: Right, ‘Prima Porta Augustus’, Musei Vaticani. Photo © Erin Babnik/Alamy

  62 The Mausoleum of Augustus, Rome. Photo by author

  63 The Temple of Rome and Augustus, Ankara. Photo © Vanni Archive/Corbis

  64 Reconstruction, the Forum of Augustus in Rome, G. Rehlender. Photo © Falkensteinfoto/Alamy

  65 Detail of the processional frieze from the Ara Pacis, Rome. Photo © akg-images/Tristan Lafranchis

  66 Family tree – a simplified version of the family and descendants of Augustus and Livia

  67 Fourteen emperors: Tiberius (© De Agostini/G. Nimatallah/Getty Images); Gaius (© Prisma Archivo/Alamy); Claudius (© Marie-Lan Nguyen); Nero (© Alfredo Dagli Orti/The Art Archive/Corbis); Vespasian (© akg-images/Album/Prisma); Titus (© Anderson/Alinari via Getty Images); Domitian (© akg-images); Nerva (© DEA/G. Dagli Orti/De Agostini/Getty Images); Trajan (© akg-images/Erich Lessing); Hadrian (© Marie-Lan Nguyen); Antoninus Pius (© Bibi Saint-Pol); Marcus Aurelius (© DEA/G. Nimatallah/De Agostini/Getty Images); Lucius Verus (© The Art Archive/Alamy); Commodus (© Marie-Lan Nguyen)

  68 Portrait of Gaius, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Photo © Louis le Grand/Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

  69 Portrait of Claudius adapted from portrait of Gaius, Centrale Montemartini, Rome. Photo © Bill Storage/Musei Capitolini, Centrale Montemartini

  70 Scene from Column of Marcus Aurelius, late second century CE. Photo © Piazza Colonna, Rome, Italy/Alinari/Bridgeman Images

  71 Painting from Nero’s Golden House, Rome. Photo © Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

  72 Ornamental pool (‘Canopus’) in Hadrian’s villa, Tivoli, 120s–30s CE. Photo © Riccardo Sala/Alamy

  73 Head of Hadrian in gilded bronze, from Velleia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Parma. Photo © DEA/A. De Gregorio/De Agostini/Getty Images

  74 Base of the Column of Antoninus Pius, showing apotheosis of Antoninus and Faustina, 160s CE, Musei Vaticani. Photo © Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican City/Bridgeman Images

  75 Reconstruction of Pliny’s villa by Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1841). Photo © akg-images

  76 The town of Timgad, Algeria. Photo by author

  77 ‘Its all right Covdob’, cartoon by Simon James. Reproduced with permission of Simon James

  78 Forum scene from the Praedia of Julia Felix, Antichità di Ercolano Vol. 3 (1762), Plate

Roman insula block under Capitoline, Rome. Photo by author

  80 Tombstone of Q. Artulus, child miner, second century CE, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid. Photo © Sebastià Giralt/Courtesy Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid

  81 Tombstone of Caius Pupius Amicus, dyer, first century CE, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Parma. Photo © Alinari Archives, Florence

  82 Marble relief showing poultry seller’s stall, second century CE, Ostia, Museo Ostiense. Photo © Museo Ostiense, Ostia Antica, Rome, Italy/Roger-Viollet, Paris/Bridgeman Images

  83 Tomb of Eurysaces, Rome, first century BCE. Photo © akg-images/Bildarchiv Monheim/Schütze/Rodemann

  84 Roman bar, Pompeii. Photo © DeAgostini/Getty Images

  85 Nineteenth-century copy of painting from the Bar of Salvius, Pompeii, from E. Presuhn, Pompeji (Weigel, 1882). Photo © akg-images/Florilegius

  86 Gaming board from tomb outside Rome,? first century CE. Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum

  87 Statue of the snake god Glycon, second century CE, Museum of National History and Archaeology, Constanta. Photo © akg-images/De Agostini Picture Lib./G. Dagli Orti

  88 Bronze horse head found at Waldgirmes, Germany, first century CE. Photo © PA Images

  89 Scene from Column of Trajan, completed 113 CE, Rome. Photo © DeAgostini/Getty Images

  90 Hadrian’s Wall, near Hexham, Northumberland, England. Photo by author

  91 Panel from Sebasteion, Aphrodisias, showing Augustus, ‘Victory’ and prisoners, first century CE, Aphrodisias Museum. Photo by author. Courtesy New York University Excavations at Aphrodisias

  92 Restored inscription recording the dedication of a temple to Neptune and Minerva, first century CE, Chichester. Courtesy CSAD/RIB/The Haverfield Bequest

  93 Portrait of Trajan in the guise of a pharaoh, Dendera, Egypt. Photo © De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images

  94 Façade of Temple of Sulis Minerva,? second century CE, Bath. Photo © World History Archive/Alamy

  95 Indian ivory statuette from Pompeii. Photo courtesy Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, 149425

  96 The Pantheon, second century CE, Rome. Photo © akg-images/Andrea Jemolo

  97 The site of Mons Claudianus, Egypt. Photo © rome101.com

  98 Aerial view of Monte Testaccio, Rome. Photo © Sebastian Contreras Rodriguez

  99 Tombstone of Regina, second century CE, Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum. Photo © Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums/Bridgeman Images

  100 Arch of Titus, late first century CE, Rome. Photo © PhotoStock-Israel/Alamy

  101 Statue of Boudicca, T. Thorneycroft, 1850s–1902 Victoria Embankment, London. Photo © Chris Lawrence/Alamy

  102 Figure of Zoilos and reconstruction of the sculpture on Zoilos’ tomb. Drawing: C. H. Hallett. From R. R. R. Smith, The Monument of C. Julius Zoilos: Aphrodisias I (Mainz 1994), Fig. 5

  103 The Arch of Constantine, 315 CE, Rome. Photo © Chris Selby/Alamy

  While every effort has been made to contact copyright-holders of illustrations, the author and publishers would be grateful for information about any illustrations where they have been unable to trace them, and would be glad to make amendments in further editions.


  Figures in italics refer to captions


  Abdera, northern Greece; Abderans 194–5, 198

  Actium, Battle of (31 BCE) 347–50, 351, 352, 352, Pl. 19

  adoption 418–20, 425, 528

  Aemilianus, Publius Cornelius Scipio 170, 172, 176, 185, 200, 209, 210, 211, 225, 236, 265, 418, 487

  Aemilius Paullus, Lucius, natural father of Scipio Aemilianus 170, 418

  defeats Perseus of Macedon 176, 184, 194, 196, 199, 201

  on how to organise a battle 183

  Aeneas 74–7

  as founder of Rome 27, 56, 74–5, 471

  and Dido 75, 180, 210, 351, 376–7

  Aesop: Aesop’s Fables 467


  exotic animals captured 504

  province of 265

  senators and emperors from 67, 521–2

  see also Carthage; Jugurtha

  Africanus, Publius Cornelius Scipio 169–70, 171, 181–2, 204, 277, 281

  Agricola, Gnaeus Julius 494–5, 521

  Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius 348, 364, 378–9, 379, 380, 504, Pl. 21

  Agrippina, mother of Gaius 390

  Agrippina, mother of Nero 37, 400–401, 403, 415

  Agrippina, Vipsania, wife of Tiberius 379

  Alba Longa, Alban Hills, Italy 58, 77, 92, 110

  Alexander the Great

  emulated 161, 176, 214, 258 270, 273, 284, 392, 477

  Livy compares with Romans 158, 161

  tomb visited 161

  Alexandria, Egypt 33, 290, 292, 346, 347, 348

  Allia, Battle of the (390 BCE) 155, 157

  alliances, of Rome and other Italians 62, 139, 161, 163–6

  Altar of Peace (Ara Pacis), Rome 148, 379

  Amulius, king of Alba Longa 58, 59

  Ancus Marcius, King of Rome 93, 95, 100


  animal fables 467–8

  animal sacrifice 103, 112, 224, 431

  in triumphal processions 201–2

  slaughter of exotic animals 258, 504

  wild beast hunts 365, 447, 500, 532

  Ankyra (modern Ankara), Turkey: Temple of Rome and Augustus 360–61, 362

  Antikythera wreck 323, 324

  Antinous 430

  Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of Syria 191, 194, 197, 200

  Antiochus ‘the Great’, King of Syria 169, 170, 176, 191

  Antium (modern Anzio), Italy 104, 105, 162

  Antoninus Pius, Emperor 388, 401, 413, 433, 500

  Antonius, Lucius, brother of Marcus 342, 345

  Antonius, Marcus (Mark Antony) 253, 305, 380

  supporter of Caesar 293–4, 339

  ally and rival of Octavian, in triumvirate 340, 345–6, 347, 349–50, 352–3, 377, 378

  and Cicero 325, 341–2

  and Cleopatra 290, 346–7, 349–50

  defeat 347–8

  see also Fulvia; Octavia

  Aphrodisias, Turkey 486, 523–5, 524

  apotheosis 73–4, 303, 317–18, 432–4, 433

  Appius Claudius (decemvir) 149

  Appius Claudius Caecus 136, 149

  Arbeia (modern South Shields) 510

  Arch of Constantine, Rome 532–3, 533

  Arch of Titus (and Vespasian), Rome 319, 511, 512

  archaeology of early Rome 81–9

  precise dating 83–4

  Archias (Aulus Licinius Archias) 40, 240–41

  Aristides, Publius Aelius: Speech in Honour of Rome 500

  Armenia 194, 347, 350

  Arminius (‘Herman the German’) 481, 511, 512, 513


  administrative role under emperors 490–91

  Augustus’ reforms 370, 371–2

  contributions to Roman forces by allies 163–4

  payment of soldiers 155

  Polybius on military organisation 186–7

  problems of veteran settlements 248, 251, 267, 342–3

  recruitment from Roman citizens 221–2, 267–8

  Arpinum, Italy 28, 54, 319, 325

  Asculum, central Italy 237, 250, 251–2, 298

  Asia, province of 263, 278, 369, 521

  Asiaticus, Lucius Cornelius Scipio 170, 176, 191

  Astura island 313, 317, 318, 321

  Athens, similarities and differences with Rome 67, 68, 77, 128, 143, 150, 188, 202, 307

  population 98, 135

  Attalus III, King of Pergamum 223, 226

  Atticus, Titus Pomponius 39, 311

  Book of Chronology 71

  letters to 44, 69, 258, 262, 275, 301, 317, 331, 346

  Augustus, Emperor 337–85, 356, Pls. 20, 21

  building 365–7, 366, 407

  civilitas of 356, 376, 406, 413–14

  claims descent from Aeneas 356, 369, 376

  death an
d funeral (14 CE) 97, 380–81, 384, 387, 414

  divine status 384, 429, 431, 432–3

  family and descendants 305, 382–3, 391

  generosity to ordinary citizens 364–5

  images of 356–8, 356

  military successes and reverses 363–4, 480–81, 483, 487

  month renamed after him 275, 369

  name 340, 354

  problems and successions 374–80

  reforms and legislation 309, 340, 355, 363

  Res Gestae (‘What I Did’) 360–68, 362, 372, 374–5

  return of Roman standards (19 BCE) 280, 280

  staff 408–9

  template of imperial rule 354, 412–14, 420, 481, 530, 531–2

  visits Alexander the Great’s tomb 161

  ‘west’ vs ‘east’ 349–50

  see also Octavian


  Balbus, Lucius Cornelius 373–4

  bar culture 455–61, 456, 457, 471–2, Pl. 17

  Barbatus, Lucius Cornelius Scipio 138, 160, 412

  his tomb and epitaph 132–4, 133, 135, 136, 139, 153, 167, 168, 169, 305, 449–50

  Barbatus’ son, epitaph of 169, 175

  Bath (Aquae Sulis), Britain 463, 465, 498

  temple of Sulis Minerva, Bath 497–8, 499

  baths, public 233, 307, 439, 492, 528

  beards 411–12, 412

  beer 492, 496

  beggars 444, 444

  Bibulus, Marcus Calpurnius 282–3, 289

  Bithynia, province of 425, 475–80, 487, 489, 520

  black stone, Roman Forum, remains under 87–9, 88, 91–4, 91, 118, 335

  Boni, Giacomo 87, 88, 94, 95

  Boudicca (Buduica or Boadicea) 511, 513–16

  statue, Thames Embankment, London 515

  ‘Bovillae, Battle of’ 218, 281

  ‘bread and circuses’ (panem et circenses) 228, 440


  Caesar’s landing in 280, 284, 482

  Druids 284, 489

  Roman invasion (43 CE) 367, 442, 481–2

  ‘Romanisation’ of 442, 443, 494–6, 497–8, 499

  Strabo’s assessment 482–3

  Tacitus on Roman power in 18, 494–6, 515–16

  see also Agricola; Hadrian’s Wall; Lollius Urbicus; Vindolanda

  Brutus, Lucius Junius (founder of Republic) 123, 127, 129, 132, 151, 339

  Brutus, Marcus Junius (assassin of Caesar) 123, 295, 305, 337–9, 341–2, 422, 426

  depicted on coinage 295, 353


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