Yesterday's Ashes

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Yesterday's Ashes Page 9

by Kim Faulks

He made an impatient gesture with his hand, and her gaze caught there. His lifeline seemed to glow for an instant, revealing the juncture of intersecting marks in his palm. Jealousy raked her, drying her throat, because she wanted nothing more in that moment than to be one of those lines, cutting into his life, unable to be erased.

  He clenched his hand into a fist. Helaine forced her eyes to his face. His eyes were blue, like a stormy sea. She wanted to drink from the water.

  She was being an idiot.

  Swallowing hard, she tried to quell the unfamiliar emotions surging through her. The music drummed in her blood, complicating the task. Trying a different tactic, she set her sights on a point just beyond his shoulder—so broad, so strong; how would it feel to cushion my head there?

  Below, all she could see was undulating, needy flesh stroking more needy flesh. The strafing lights revealed hands, lips, legs, caressing, touching, fulfilling needs. The sight made her ache ratchet higher.

  Perspiration slid between her breasts. She forced her eyes from the writhing bodies below.

  Now there was nowhere to look but him. He glared.

  “I’m sorry, but someone was following me. They chased me into the alley and I found a way into the hall. I dropped my phone. It’s broken. I just need to call a taxi and I’m gone.”

  He took one massive stride to tower over her.

  Her heart sang one note. Yes! Her mind screamed another, deeper sound. No.

  His lips were all she could see as he growled.“No. I meant, how did you get in here?”

  Helaine instinctively flinched, frantically searching for the right words.“Um, through the door?”

  “What good am I if I can’t even protect our damn home?”He spun, turning his back to her while he continued to yell.“Let’s just allow any riffraff on the street to waltz in and make themselves at home, Creed.”

  Helaine didn’t dare move. Nothing he said made any sense. Is he reprimanding himself? She clenched her hands into fists while he strode away, only to spin and stomp back like a child. The slam of his boots thundered with the beat as he turned and strode away again. It was a door, for Christ’s sake, not a bank vault. And riffraff… she didn’t know whether to be insulted or just laugh.

  “You should’ve just locked the damn door.”

  He stopped. Helaine could just make out his shoulders heaving. Is he crying?Her stomach dropped. She slid her foot back, ready to run. This whole scene was too crazy to deal with. She’d rather take her chances in the alley.

  His shoulders collapsed and he seemed to stoop. The sound of his laughter crackled through the air like a clap of thunder. He reached for his hood as he turned back to her. She was stunned, first by his bellow, and then by those compelling eyes.

  “Did you say I should’ve locked the damn door?”

  Heat rose in her face. Anger had always gotten the better of her.“What’s so funny?”

  He shook his head as his laugher died.“What’s your name?”

  She opened her mouth to speak and fear silenced her. He’d never find her, not in a place like Sydney, but still she couldn’t take the risk.“I just need to use the phone. Can you help me with that or do I need to take my chances down there?”She pointed below, her hand trembled.

  She watched those lips curve into a smile. There was something about the way he watched her, as though he was picking her apart, just like Mark used to do. She didn’t need a man to protect her, she just needed a damn break. Her anger and confusion subsided, giving way to exhaustion and fear.“I just want to go home, please.”

  His expression softened.“Whatever you need. I’m sorry I upset you. He pulled a phone from his inside jacket pocket and thrust it toward her.

  The excitement of whatever this place was waned leaving her exhausted.“Thank you.”

  The handset was ancient. A crack wandered across the small screen, the tiny screen lit up and the small symbol at the top showed her he had service, at that moment, making the call that would get her home was all she cared about. She pressed the number for information, asking to be transferred to a taxi and covered the handset while she asked.“What street is that out there?”

  He answered without taking his eyes off her.“Three-oh-three Langbeckers.”

  She spoke quickly, cupping her hand against her other ear to hear the voice on the other end of the phone, and repeated the address before hanging up. Helaine handed him the phone, keeping her gaze fixed on anything other than his intent eyes.“Thank you.”

  From the corner of her eye, she caught the movement as he reached for the phone.“Sure.”

  She could feel his gaze stripping away her resolve. She refused to break down in front of these people. She refused to break down in front of him. Mark loved her and still walked away when she couldn’t be strong, so she’d be damned is she’d be weak in front of a stranger—or anyone—ever again.

  “I’m just going to wait out in the hallway.”

  “Wait.”He reached for her. His fingers brushed her arm before he jerked back. His gaze turned hard. He stepped forward, towering over her. A chill ran through her, standing the hair at the nape of her neck on end.

  “I just have to ask. Was it you who sent them after me?”


  “The damn demons. Did you send them after me? How are you caught up in all this? You’re just a naïve.”

  Helaine felt herself blanch. The reflex gave him more power than she wanted and she made her voice harsh in response.“I came in here looking for help. Obviously that was a mistake. One I’ll never make again.”

  Before she could blink, he had a lock of her hair in his hand. The dark curl lay across his palm. The strafing lights made the tress appear to writhe. Her breath caught. She raised her gaze and his eyes pinned her in place.

  “You’re not just a naïve are you?”He shook his head slowly.“I never thought I’d find someone like us ever again. Do you know how special you are?”

  She remained silent. Still he continued, only this time his tone held a warning.“I can feel something powerful in you. You best be prepared. Whatever it is, it’s stronger than you could ever imagine.”

  His words made no sense. She nodded.“Sure.”

  Not one moment of this night that made sense. She wanted out of here. She wanted to get home. Even so, turning from him took all her strength. She descended the stairs and stared at the pulsing crowd, dreading having to work her way past them a second time.

  “Excuse me…. Please let me through.”Helaine pushed, shoved, and slipped between the dancers, not bothering to stop, not caring how they danced…or, didn’t dance. The horde didn’t fight her this time. She cut through the bodies, making her way to the rear of the floor.

  Her steps slowed as she spied the door. The movement accompanied a nagging thought that she was missing something. She felt for the slim wallet on the curve of her ass. The slender lump reassured her, but the feeling of loss stayed with her as Helaine grabbed the handle and shoved the door open. Her palm stung with the contact. Electricity raced through her skin, lifting the hair on her arms.

  You best be prepared.

  His voice echoed inside her head. Helaine stilled and looked over her shoulder, gripping the handle, searching the darkness. She could feel him overhead, watching her. The energy sparked and tore through her. She held on to that power, even as she walked through the door and let it slam behind her.

  If you’d love to keep reading you can grab Love and War Part 1 from Amazon here and thank you for your support.




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