The Captain of the Manor

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The Captain of the Manor Page 3

by Nicole Dennis

  "Wherever it is relevant," Aiden said.

  "My name is Edmund Darcy Carslyle. I was the Captain of the Hope's Adventure, a dragoon I sailed under a privateer license by the King of England, but I gathered the profits for the young American colonies," Edmund said.

  "American Colonies?"

  "I was born in the spring of 1688 here in this manor. When I was thirteen, I traveled north to learn at the brilliant shipyards and sail with the captains. Over the years, I rose in rank and became captain of a ship, the Hope. I sailed her with my crew under the ruse of a privateer license by the King, but really we all sailed to plunder all enemy ships for the good of the colonies. I was a true patriot."

  "1688. Which means you're…?" Aiden thought about the years.

  "As of this past spring, I've seen 325 years," Edmund said.

  "No way…"

  "As much as I regret saying it, it is the truth. I've seen wars come and go, countries torn apart and pulled back together, loved ones born, grown, and died, and the landscape and culture changed around me. Yet I remain the same. Cursed."


  "By a voodoo priestess whose lover died after I ordered his ship captured and plundered. He was caught in the crossfire and I thought he would survive, but he died on the way to his Caribbean hideaway. His lover, a powerful voodoo priestess, placed a curse upon my soul and body."

  Aiden set the cup on the saucer. He licked his lips and dragged a hand through his hair. "You're a privateer who's been alive since 1688 and was cursed by a voodoo priestess."

  "In the fall of 1720, the curse took effect over me. I disappeared from my ship and reappeared in the manor several months later. I can travel throughout the manor and shift to the lighthouse, but I can't go beyond. I can walk the widow's walk and balconies, but I can't walk around the exterior grounds. The beach is always within my sights, but I'm never able to step foot upon it, the water, or a ship."

  "How does this all work?"

  "Even after three centuries, I don't understand all the differences in this life. From the time of the Autumn Equinox to All Saints Day, I'm able to take a corporeal mortal form whenever I wish. It costs me energy though and when I'm exhausted, I revert back to my ghost form."

  "This is what happened last night."

  "Yes, I was in this form for a good portion of the day dealing with several situations and didn't take time to rest and recharge before locating you."

  "Why are you able to take form this time of the year?"

  "The veil between the shadow world and this one is the thinnest. It's also when the curse happened, her lover died, and she cursed me to live without life and love until I learned the same. Or something to the effect."

  "You never asked how to reverse this?"

  "I tried throughout the first century to find other priestesses or houngans, but none wanted to help me. The priestess who cursed me was very popular and strong, in life and in death. No one wanted to touch her magic upon my body and soul for fear of her lashing out from the grave."

  "So… You're stuck then."

  "I'm forever trapped this half life. For a few weeks, I can taste, touch, and enjoy sex. Other than those weeks, I'm a watcher of this world, unable to take part."

  "How does the manor work?"

  "For the weeks I'm able, I run things. When I'm not, I have a capable manager who oversees everything and looks forward to these few weeks of vacation time. It's a mutually favorable compromise for a unique situation."

  Aiden scratched his jaw, feeling the scruff he didn't shave this morning. "I could do some research for you. I've been… looking into the story of the manor and your family."

  "What did you locate?"

  "You were assumed missing in October of 1720 when your ship came aground after a late hurricane."

  "You found that much about me, I'm impressed."

  "It's what I do. Do you want me to find a way out of this curse?"

  "I doubt one exists."

  "Do you remember the words of the curse?"

  "Never forgot them," Edmund said as his gaze settled on Aiden.

  Aiden rose, scrambled in his bag, and returned with a pad and pen. "Write them down. It could be the clues to free you."

  "Why would you wish to free me?"

  "So you can return to your life and home."

  "When? In 1720 or here?"

  "Wherever the curse lets you return."

  Edmund rapped his fingers along the table as if considering the options. He picked up the pen and scribbled down several lines and pushed it across the table. "This is what I heard above the winds and waves, but I do not know how much it will help."

  "Nothing will happen until we know what we're up against."

  "We? Why are you willing to help me? Everyone else screams 'ghost' and flee the manor."

  "What your lovers? The one you indulge at this time of the year."

  "Last man in my bed was over a decade ago. Not too many want to fall in bed with a cursed man."

  "A decade ago, but you're…" Aiden waved a hand over Edmund's form.

  "There is a bad habit of doing this to my lover…" Edmund said in a dry tone before he faded to his ghost form.

  "Damn… You're even more gorgeous," Aiden said as he rose and walked around to study Edmund.

  "Can you see me in this form?"

  "See and hear you." Aiden studied him. "Could you stand?"

  "No one but one of my family line can see me in this form. Even during this time of the year, how can you see me?" Edmund said as he rose.

  Dressed as a privateer in the 1700s, Edmund's tailored outfit reverted back to knee high black boots, tight black pants, and a flowing white shirt and vest. His hair was longer and pulled back with a leather tie.

  Aiden itched to reach out and touch this man. He wondered what a ghost would feel like. Taking a chance, he stepped closer and reached out with both hands. Instead of misting through like he believed would happen, his hands rested on Edmund's chest. The man was cool to the touch, but still there under his fingers.

  Edmund stared down, his gaze widened. "This is… impossible. No one can touch me."

  Chapter 6

  "Well, I'm touching you right now. It feels weird," Aiden said as he moved his fingers around.

  "What do I feel like in this form?"

  "Not as solid, cold, and something feels a little swirly, like mist, under my fingers," Aiden said. "I want to try something else."

  "Please do so, I wish to figure out how this is happening."

  Aiden leaned forward, paused, and looked at the man. "You do prefer male lovers, correct?"

  "I do and I know it's a known lifestyle, if not completely accepted by some small minded people. Things were a little different during my time, we stayed in the shadows."

  "What about the ship?"

  "As Captain, I could do what I wish, but there were a few young men similar to me and didn't mind warming my bed. Why do you ask?"

  "I don't want to be slugged or have you disappear." Aiden grinned and leaned in before he could change his mind. He pressed his lips against the captain's mouth, feeling the odd wispy sensation, and cool skin. His fingers moved until they touched the man's jaw.

  Under his touch, Edmund opened his mouth to accept the kiss, moving his hands to place them on Aiden's hips. He tugged on the man until Aiden widened his stance and knelt on either side of Edmund's lap. He moved his hands over Aiden's ass, pressing their bodies together. Again, Aiden didn't move through his ghostly form, but pressed against him.

  Aiden pulled back and stared at Edmund. "Damn, you're one helluva kisser," he said, nipping at the captain's lips.

  "I could say the same about you. You've done this before," Edmund said.

  "I have, but not recently."

  "I'm pleased you chose me to kiss."

  "Could you umm…return?"

  "To my corporeal form."

  "Please. It feels a bit strange to kiss you like this or do more."


  "It's what you desire, right?"

  "Yes, but only if you feel the same."

  "I do." Aiden pushed off the chair and found his feet again. He held out his hands to the captain. "Stay with me tonight."

  "Would you like to come to my home? It's next to yours."

  "Do this on purpose for your nefarious gain?"

  Edmund laughed as he rose, flowing into his corporeal solid form. "No, it was only to keep an eye out for your well-being. I've been worried about you."

  "A difficult time at the moment, but I'm grateful and pleased to be here with you," Aiden said and looked around. "I'll leave all this here. For now."

  "For now. Yes," Edmund said as he took Aiden's hand in his and tugged him toward the door.

  Hand in hand, they left and secured Aiden's room before moving to the grand master suite of the manor, left off limits to all customers. Edmund stepped through the solid door, his form shifting.

  "Edmund… Edmund! Solid here. I'm solid," Aiden called out before he thunked against the door. "Ow…"

  "Oh blast it all and damn! I'm so sorry," Edmund said as his head appeared in the middle of the door. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot. You were touching me fine and…" He stepped and disappeared.

  Rubbing his nose, Aiden grinned as he heard the locks click and the door opened with a chagrined captain standing in the doorway. "Keep it lock from the inside, huh?"

  "I never need a key," Edmund said. "Are you all right?"

  "Bumped my nose, but I'm quite all right." Aiden fixed his glasses which were lopsided.

  "Come inside my room, please." Edmund blushed and looked behind him.

  "What is it?" Aiden stepped forward and placed a hand on Edmund's arm.

  "You're the first man, other than staff, to step inside my suite. If I met with another guest, it was always within their suite. Never mine."

  "Do you want to return to mine?"

  "No. No. This feels right. You can touch me in either form. Perhaps… There is something more to this curse," Edmund said, rubbing his fingers over Aiden's hand.

  Stepping across the threshold, Aiden stopped as something flew through his body and mind. His hair blew back with the internal wind. The lights flickered several times and Edmund cried out and dropped into a crouch.

  "What the hell was that?"

  Chapter 7

  "What the hell is going on around here?" Aidan asked as he looked around after the event. He shoved a hand through his wild tangled hair, but didn't move from the threshold.

  Edmund remained kneeling on the ground, arms around his body as it flickered from his corporeal to ghost form several times. His mouth opened in a scream, but there was no sound.

  "Edmund? Edmund, what happened? Are you all right?"

  Before Aiden could move, the balcony doors burst open and smoke and ashes blew through, encircling them. The wavy image of a female in tribal like clothing appeared.

  Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust Twist and bend the bones of thy enemy I bring pain With this curse to learn thy soul and heart I control the soul with eternal fire On all hallows' eve my curse can be undone Touch not heart before By the light of the full moon take thy heart in thy body Pledge forever more and become corporeal By sun rise you will be forever gone or leave the shadows With the eternal fires out of control With this curse I release thy soul This is my will let it be done

  The woman faded away along with the wind, smoke, and a few strange scents. Aiden braced his hands on the doorframe at the last burst.

  "Leave. Please leave," Edmund said in a low strangled tone.


  Edmund glared at him and turned away. "Leave."

  "What happened?"

  "No other man who crossed the entrance was touched by my curse. Not in almost 300 years has the blasted image of the priestess appeared to me. Only by your step over my threshold, the barrier of my prison, did she take notice," Edmund said.

  "Which means?"

  "On All Hallows' Eve, I will either die permanently or become a man."

  "Can you choose to remain cursed?"

  "Why would I continue my existence?"

  Aiden stepped forward but stopped when Edmund held up a hand.

  "Leave, please. Return to your room. I will not ask someone to endure my cursed existence."

  "You would rather die. Without your soul, you'll be damned."

  "I've already been damned the moment the curse will lay upon. Finally, I will be at peace and rest. My life over. It is done," Edmund said and disappeared from Aiden's view.

  "Edmund! Damn you, get your misty ass back here and talk to me," Aiden demanded to the room, slamming his fist against the doorframe. "Edmund! You rotten stinking ghost! Fine! Have at it. I was willing to offer myself for you, but screw you, Captain."

  Turning, Aiden yanked on the ancient handle and the door slammed behind him. He stomped down the hall, the stairs, and found his way on the porch and boardwalk leading to the beach. Kicking off his shoes and socks, Aiden left them at the end. Rolling up his pants, he stepped on the sand, cool with the evening air and breeze. He strolled up and down the beach, thinking, considering options, and wondering what the hell he was going to do. Hours later, exhausted, he plopped his ass in the sand and stared over the dark water, the gentle waves with the misty breaks rolling up the beach.

  * * *

  Appearing in the lower lighthouse's abandoned caretaker's room, Edmund shoved hands through his hair. Since he oversaw the conversion of the lighthouse to electrical, there wasn't a need for a caretaker to remain on the property since it could be monitored from the manor. Instead, he used it as a reclusive area throughout the rest of the year. He hated having people walk through his form. It bothered him at how he couldn't interact with anyone.

  Now this chance, this appearance of the priestess who ruined his entire life, and his entire world was turned upside down. There was no possible way he could dare ask Aiden to do what the priestess said. Why would a young gorgeous man wish to move into the manor and stay with him? He was over 300 years old. How long could he even have if this scheme to end the curse worked?

  "Damn you, priestess, why do you enter my life? Why must you continue to torture me and my heart? I resigned myself to this position in life. I'm secured in who I am and why I do to survive year after year. Why now? Why him?" Edmund called out.

  Never expecting an answer, the erotic ancient spices of the magic flowed around him. Where there were no candles, tall pillars appeared and flamed high. A fireplace roared to life in the empty hearth.

  Spinning around, Edmund saw the voodoo priestess walk through a wall, dressed in her traditional attire. She became more solid in appearance. Her skin was a beautiful copper brown of mixed heritage. Her eyes were dark and ageless, but filled with knowledge and power.

  "Do you not wish to return to mortal man and retain your soul? Is this not what you dream from the night you were cursed to regain your life? I watch you these many long years, Captain Edmund Carslyle. I was verra angry at the death of my beloved Bartolomeo and cursed you with all my might."

  "Aye, you did but I wasn't the cause of his death," Edmund said.

  "You ordered the attack and plunder of his ship. You were the cause, the order was yours. There was no other to rescind the order," she said, pointing her finger at him.

  Edmund held up his hands, knowing he would never win against the priestess. "What do you me to do with this cursed life?"

  "See the error of your ways and open your empty heart. The dalliances of young men meant nothing to you. You saw them as a means to an end. Lives weren't involved. Hearts were left to themselves to break and reform. You had no care other than your own."

  Why would he bother to care for others when they knew he didn't exist beyond the manor? There was nothing he could do to change his circumstances.

  "This young man opened your heart the moment you saw him, wanted him, and yearned for him. Deep in the hole where I took your soul. He is to you what my
Bartolomeo was to me."

  "Do not harm him, Priestess. He has done nothing wrong but appear upon my doorstep."

  "Which you let him enter and stay without payment."

  "He was left alone after I tossed out his boss. What could I do?"

  "Close the door upon him."

  "Nay, I couldn't leave him outside."

  "Your heart wanted him."

  "My cock wanted him."

  The priestess shook her head. "Look deeper, Captain Edmund Carslyle. You will find the answers you seek."

  "What about Aiden?"

  "He will live."

  "Beyond All Hallows' Eve?"

  "My promise. My curse will not harm him."

  "And me?"

  "Choose well. Die or live."

  "For how long?"

  "For you to decide," she said and disappeared along with the flames and scents.

  "Some damn answer," Edmund said to the empty room and paced the room.

  Chapter 8

  Searching throughout the manor and asking various employees where Edmund was hiding and getting nowhere, Aiden stomped back into his room. He yanked off his sweater and tossed it across the room in a fit. Dropping in a chair with a plop, he huffed out a breath and leaned his head back, contemplating staring at the ceiling.

  His laptop beeped several times, alerting him to either messages or emails.

  Grumbling, knowing none of it would be good news, he shoved up and walked to the table. Bracing one hand on the wooden surface, he used his free hand to move across the pad, click, and enter the programs. He plopped hard in a chair when he saw an email about one of the several job apps he sent in over the last few days. Clicking it open, he fixed his glasses, and shoved a hand through his hair, grasping the back of his neck.

  It was good.

  It was damn good.

  They wanted him to call to interview him.

  Bad news. The opening was in Boston, not back home in Orlando, Florida, or even here by the manor.

  "Boston? Snow?" Aiden shook his head. "Job, it's a job. You need a job to pay the damn bills. Suck it up." He scrambled to find his phone and dialed the number. When it connected, he swallowed, fixed his glasses, and said, "Hello, this is Doctor Aiden Joseph, I'm calling about an interest in my application."


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