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3013_ALLEGIANCE Page 14

by Laurie Roma

  As Roman greeted the Strike Force Team assigned to the station, Russell welcomed Jax by slapping him on his shoulder, just as he had Roman. This time, Jax grunted in pain.

  “Where are your shadows? Don’t you usually have an assistant trailing after you?”

  “Cal Ryans went to Zion with Troy Takeshi for the holiday. They’re going to spend a few days there, then they’re going to check out the shields on X5 and X16 before they join us again. That way, Serra won’t have to make the trip,” Jax explained, glancing over to where she and Archer were speaking with Seth.

  As a brilliant scientist and inventor in his own right, Officer Troy Takeshi was the perfect assistant for Serra on her various projects, just as Cal Ryans was for Jax and Archer. Since her pregnancy, Troy and Cal had been handling more duties for Serra, especially the ones that required travel away from the Stargazer.

  “Not to be blunt, but why are you even here?” Russell asked. “I mean, it’s nice to see you again, but you’re not participating in the meeting.”

  “No, but my father thought we should be here. He didn’t bring anyone else with him since my mother and other father are still on New Vega visiting with my sister.”

  “Ah, I heard about her conversion. Thank the stars everything went well.”

  “Well? Screw that. Now, I’m related to the Adaros.”

  Russell let out a big, booming laugh.

  A few feet away, some of Matt Malloy’s team had begun to unload their cargo while the others spoke in small groups. After they were finished, one of the station’s crew entered a command into a small panel off to the side. The section of the floor the shuttle was on raised into the air, while another lift slid into place from below, so the floor was once again seamless.

  The lights on the edge of the lift carrying the shuttle turned red as it moved through the air, then they switched back to blue once it lowered onto a platform on the side of the bay. Most visitors thought it was just to keep the shuttles out of the way, but it was really another security measure.

  Whenever the platforms were used, there was a dampening sensor inside of it that temporarily disabled the vessel. For various reasons, the tech was highly classified, and very few people knew it even existed. There were also retractable arms that attached to larger ships, but all of the chancellors had been asked to use smaller shuttles for the meeting since the station wouldn’t remain in the same place.

  Roman started over to the pile of cargo, but he was intercepted by Megara again before he got there. He grinned when he saw her composure slip, and she rolled her eyes at him. “Tired of us already?”

  “Funny.” She lowered her voice. “This shit show is just getting started.”

  That made him laugh. “It won’t be that bad.”

  “This is a big deal, though, and I have to worry about everyone’s safety. I’ll relax again once the meeting ends. They better not try to kill one another on my watch.”

  “Actually, that would be my watch.”

  “Huh, I guess you’re right. Sucks to be you,” Megara said with a grin. “And that all starts right now. The Helios Chancellor, Naomi Tala, and her daughter, Zuri, will be arriving tomorrow. Naomi is coming early to speak to you, specifically.”

  “I received a message from her. I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” He paused before asking, “Something going on I need to know about?”

  “I’m not sure.” She began to walk with him.

  He stopped by the cargo, searching for his single case. He paused when he saw Megara staring at the various bags and cargo cases that had been removed from the shuttle. Smiling at her reaction, he went back to his search. “What’s that look for?”

  “Umm...exactly how long are you planning on being here?”

  “Don’t worry, we all want this meeting over as soon as possible,” Ian said as he joined them. “Some of those containers are the supplies that you requested.”

  Megara smiled. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  Roman lifted his case out of the pile, along with Ian’s. When he set the case down in front of the other regent, habit had him saying, “Sir.”

  “What? You aren’t going to carry it up for me, too?”

  “I can.” Deadpan, Roman held his own large case out so that it was hovering in the air. “Or you could always carry mine.”

  “Stop, you showoff,” Ian chuckled. “You make me feel old, Roman. Then again, I am going to be a grandfather soon.”

  “About that, I hate to say it, but should Serra be here?” Megara asked carefully. “I mean, when is she due?”

  Ian smiled. “We still have time before my granddaughter comes.”

  That made Megara gasp. “Holy nova, they’re having a girl? Poor Jax...or poor girl. He’s never going to let her out of his sight.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to be much better. This is my first time being a grandfather, and I’m already reverting into the tyrant I was back when Mya was little.” Ian laughed, then added, “Serra was set to do the upgrades on the shield thing here anyway, and none of us understand what she does. Besides, she wanted to come, and Jax and Sullivan are doing their best to avoid her wrath.”

  “I know what that’s like.” Seth winked at his chosen when he came to a stop beside her. “We definitely want the shield working at full capacity, but I’ll tell the doc to check on her, just in case.”

  “I appreciate that,” Ian said with feeling. “I can’t help but worry, and I—”

  Roman heard shouts, and quickly scanned the room. Every Strike Force Team member had their weapons drawn and focused on a male who had suddenly appeared in the middle of the chaos. The team members closed in, forming a circle around the male until they had him surrounded.

  “Stay where you are!”

  “Show us your hands!”

  “Oh, shit,” Matt Malloy groaned as he shoved his blaster back into the holster. He raised his hands in a gesture that tried to get the elites’ attention. “Oh, fuck! Stop. Everyone, stop!”

  “Stand down,” Roman ordered, but he had to repeat it a few times in order to be heard over the shouts. He shoved his way through the men until he was standing in front of the male next to Matt. Looking around the circle of elites, he roared, “I said, stand down!” His words echoed through the room, and everyone went silent as weapons were lowered...hesitantly.

  “Hello,” the male said cheerfully. “Well, this is definitely not the welcome I was expecting. I can work with it, though.”

  His voice was lyrical, and there was no fear in his voice or his stance. In fact, he looked relaxed, completely at ease, and there was humor in his tone. The male was the smallest in the room, with a lean frame that almost looked delicate. He was dressed in a white tunic with silver threading that came down to mid-thigh, and matching pants that flowed around his legs. The garments were loose-fitting, but the casual clothing couldn’t diminish his regal bearing.

  There were iridescent blue markings shimmering on the exposed skin of his hands, neck, and face, but they faded slightly within a few heartbeats. Black specks were in his amber irises, piercings covered both of his pointed ears, and his long silver hair had been generously streaked with bright purple and blue.

  Roman mentally cringed as he recognized the male before him as a Xenon. Well, some of the descriptions matched what he had been told, as the person standing in front of him appeared to be exactly like what he imagined an elf would look like. Could it be that the Xenon had no intention of taking the Ministry of Nations meeting seriously? If they were serious, would the Xenon really send someone so young?

  Hell, this guy looked like a fucking teenager.

  “What the hell is going on?” Jax exclaimed as he pushed to the front of the crowd.

  Roman glared at him until he stepped back, then tried for a friendly smile when he addressed the Xenon. “You must be the chancellor from Xenthian. I’m Regent Roman Newgate of the United Federation Command Alliance. Please, call me Roman. Welcome to the Delta Station.”

/>   “I am Torren Blue of Xenthian, but Torren will do for the purposes of this meeting.”

  “Oh, shi—,” Matt wheezed out a cough to cover the curse. “You’re Elder Blue?”

  “I am,” Torren said with a mischievous smirk. “I take it that you’ve heard of me?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m Commander Matt Malloy. We’re very pleased you could join us—”

  “Ah, yes. You were with the group that just visited Xenthian. It was a shame that I missed your arrival. I had other duties to take care of while you were on my world, else I would have been interested in joining your hunt. Then again, it seems as though I always have something someone wants me to do for them...or to them.” Torren waved a hand in the air. “Anyway, shall we begin?”

  While most of the people in the room continued to gape at the newcomer, Ian Spartan stepped forward. “We are very pleased that you have joined us. I am Regent Ian Spartan, the chancellor for the Alliance. We’ll have to wait for everyone to arrive before the meeting begins in a few days.”

  “I probably should have sent word of my arrival, but that’s not really my style. It’s good that I’m early. This gives me more time to learn more about you humans. What do those green weapons do?”

  The quick subject change had the elites glancing at each other warily. Some of the officers were carrying modified weapons that were green, and had longer, wider barrels instead of the standard black blasters the others carried.

  When no one said anything, Roman decided to explain. “We call them trappers. They release a very thin, strong net when the trigger is pulled. It’s a little old school, but sometimes that’s all that is needed to take someone down.”

  Torren’s eyes glittered with humor. “I find that old school works quite well. I’d like to try some of your weapons while I’m on board,” he announced with a polite smile. “Ivy gets nervous whenever I use hers. It’s highly entertaining.”

  “Elder? Seriously?” Jax murmured to Archer. “What is he, like, fifteen?”

  Archer elbowed him in the side. “Shut it and listen. Oh, crap...”

  Torren’s piercing gaze had fixed on Jax and Archer. He took a few steps forward and folded his hands behind his back. “You wouldn’t be able to fathom the extent of my existence even if I explained it to you in the simplest terms. Which I won’t, because I have no interest in sparing the years it would take to elucidate properly.” Tilting his head to the side, the corner of his lips curved again. “You must be Jax.”


  “I’ve heard about you.” Torren just kept walking until he stood in front of Jax, who shoved Serra behind him. She squeaked in protest, but Archer moved closer to his side to completely block her from view. The action made Torren’s lips twitch in amusement, but he didn’t smile. “It’s fortunate I don’t have to go looking for you.”


  “Oh, yes. For you, that is. I’ve brought you something.”

  Jax’s eyes narrowed. “Why would you want to give me anything?”

  “Since I told my Vasera I would deliver it to you. Personally.”

  “Ivy,” Jax hissed, then he cleared his throat and tried for a smile that was more of a pained grimace. “How kind of her. Thank you for bringing—whatever it is, but I’ll have to decline.”

  “You shouldn’t refuse a gift,” Ian said with a disapproving frown.

  Torren nodded. “Refusing a gift from my Vasera would be very disrespectful. Besides, it is already yours.”

  Jax spoke through gritted teeth. “Thank you for bringing it to me.”

  “Oh, it is my absolute pleasure.” Torren lifted his hands, and a tiny, furry animal appeared curled up in his palms. “It is called a bekshin. Ivy has one, and she thought you would like one of your own for a pet.”

  The little animal’s head lifted, and its snout twitched as it sniffed the air. Looking around, its ears flopped, and its double tail wagged in greeting when it saw everyone.

  Archer’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at it. “Wait a second, that’s a—”

  Serra pushed Jax and Sullivan aside, so she could take a better look. “Stars, it’s so cute! Look, it’s a little piglet!”

  “No way. That’s not a pet, that’s a pig,” Jax repeated with a glare.

  Torren ignored him and smiled back at Serra as he explained, “It is a bekshin. They are very tame creatures, and he will make a good companion for you...” he looked down, “...and your youngling.”

  Serra clasped her hands together. “Can we really have it—him?”

  Archer looked down at her hopeful expression, then sighed. “Is it safe?”

  “You have my promise that he will bring no harm to you. As I stated previously, my Vasera has one of her own. She didn’t name this one, so that is for you to decide.”

  Jax held out his hands, then reluctantly took the animal from Torren. “Okay, it’s not trying to eat my face off...yet.” He studied the creature’s shiny black fur and white splotches on its belly and head as he lifted it to eye level. The tiny animal tilted its head to the side nervously, and the wagging tails tucked close to its body.

  “Look what you did. You’re scaring him,” Serra accused.

  “I didn’t do anything!”

  “It has the coloring of a cow,” Archer said. “That’s weird.”

  “Give him to me.”

  “Not yet, sweetheart.” Resigned, Jax held his finger in front of the animal’s snout, waiting for a bite that never came. Instead, the bekshin tentatively licked his finger and made a cute little snorting sound. Jax scowled. “Yuck.”

  “Oh, stop it.” Serra let out a gasp of joy when Jax finally placed the bekshin in her arms. She held it close to her chest and cooed to it. “You are so sweet! Yes, you are. Wow, he has fur instead of bristly hair.” His floppy ears twitched, and his double tails wagged like mad things from the attention. When she stroked his head, he snuggled closer. She laughed. “I think he likes me! He’s so soft, and he makes the most adorable noises!”

  “Yeah, adorable, for a pig,” Archer muttered. He reached out and touched one of the floppy ears, then sighed again. “Fine, I admit he’s kind of cute.”

  “Of course, he’s cute. You’re my little Bacon, aren’t you?”

  “Bacon? Oh, hell,” Jax groaned. “You seriously named him Bacon? That’s wrong on so many levels.”

  “I think it’s brilliant,” Archer said with a laugh. “Utterly brilliant.”

  Torren smiled. “I’m pleased you like your gift. Now that duty is out of the way, I’d like a tour of this vessel. Matt? Come show me around. Perhaps we can do a little target practice, and while we are about, you can tell me what you thought of my world.”

  “Ah...yes, sir.” Matt shot a pleading look at Roman, who just raised an amused brow at him. Nope. No rescue coming there. “I’m not sure about the target practice, though. I’m supposed to check my weapon before I even go through those,” he said, pointing at the entrance of the docking bay.

  “That makes little sense.”

  “Only the Delta Station crew is allowed to have weapons on board. It is part of the security protocols in place,” Seth explained. “There is a room between the docking bay and the rest of the station where we register and hold the weapons until they leave.”

  Torren laughed. “I don’t see how that is going to work. I am my own weapon. If I am not allowed to cross the threshold, this will be the shortest meeting I’ve ever attended. Normally, I wouldn’t mind that, but I gave my word to stay until this is done.”

  “The ‘no weapon’ rule would not apply to you, for understandable reasons,” Ian Spartan assured. “Why don’t I join you on the tour? I have many questions about your world, and I would be happy to answer any you have about the Alliance.”

  Megara, Seth, and Russell shared a look before Russell jogged to catch up to Ian, Torren, and Matt. “I’ll be happy to show you around,” he offered. He glanced back at the others, then said, “I couldn’t help but notice that yo
u didn’t bring a ship.”

  “I left it out there,” Torren said with a nonchalant wave of his hand.

  “Then how did you—?” Russell sighed. “Another security protocol is that no ships are allowed to follow the Delta Station. Did the Vasili and Vasera inform you about that?”

  “Yes, they did.”

  “So, are you going to leave your ship here?”

  Torren just laughed in response.

  The doors slid closed behind the three figures, and everyone in the docking bay remained silent for a few long beats of silence. Then, Tavius let out a low whistle. “That was...interesting. I imagined the Xenon would be different. More uptight or something, but he’s pretty frosty. And I liked his hair.”

  Roman chuckled, “You would. I didn’t expect him to be this early.”

  “He could be a problem,” Megara said in warning. “We have protocols for a reason. If he won’t leave his vessel behind—”

  “I think we have to accept that we can’t enforce rules on the magic-wielders. If they are willing to speak to us to broker peace, I’ll take it,” Archer shrugged. “We need them, but I don’t think they need us very much.”

  “True,” Tavius said honestly. “Still, we can hope for peace.”

  Jax blew out a breath. “I don’t want to think of any other outcome right now.”

  “Agreed. Now, I’d like to change into some workout gear, and take a run up top. I need to stretch my legs,” Roman said. “We can talk about all of this later.”

  Megara nodded. “We’ll show you to your quarters, then I think I will check on Russell and his little tour group.”

  “I’ll join Russell, so you can get back to the command deck,” Seth offered. “I know that’s where you want to be.”

  “After we show them to their quarters,” Megara insisted.

  “I’ll join you for a run in the sky dome,” Tavius said. “I’ve heard it’s pretty impressive up there, but I’ve never seen it.”

  Seth frowned at him. “How did you know about the dome?”


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