Blood Royal

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by Evan Ansot

  “Amen,” agreed Bartholomew.

  The tree of the bloodline had thrived in Gaul, becoming first the Fisher kings, then the Merovingian kings, and followed by Charlemagne and the Carolingian kings. From there, it moved on to the Capetian dynasty and then branching off like a tree into a thousand directions. The bloodline, otherwise known as the Holy Grail by those who would keep it a secret, had not only survived but thrived in the world. Yet, because of the influence of the church, the truth would remain hidden, and Rome’s doctrine would remain.

  With the help of Philip and Bartholomew, Joseph of Arimithea would go on to establish the first Christian church in Britannia at Glastonbury as had been commanded and become Britain’s first bishop.

  Lazarus would lead the church in Gaul as its first bishop.

  Maximinus and Sidonius would be entrusted to take care of the holy family. They would begin a secret group that would keep track of and protect the holy bloodline. This secretive group would end up becoming the Knights Templar in the middle ages and then the Freemasons after the Templars were outlawed by the king of France and the pope in 1307.

  Philip and Bartholomew would convert Carthage then appoint Ananias, a converted Jew, to be the bishop to lead the church there. From Carthage, they strengthened the faithful at Alexandria, Egypt, and then on to Ethiopia to strengthen their church there.

  After establishing what would end up being the Celtic churches at Gaul and Britannia, they would establish what would become the Coptic churches in North Africa. The evangelist Mark, who would end up spending a good deal of time in North Africa, would get credit as the founder of the Coptics, but in reality it was the apostles Philip and Bartholomew who were the first to establish Christianity on the African continent.

  From Ethiopia, after two years’ time being away, Philip and Bartholomew finally reunited with their families at Caesarea in 45 ad. Once he reunited with Deborah, Philip promised he’d never leave her again, and he never did.

  In 50 ad, they moved on to Asia Minor and would build many churches there and in Greece until Philip would be crucified at Hierapolis in 80 ad. He would live thirtyeight more years after smuggling the royal bloodline out of Israel. Not long after Philip’s death, Bartholomew would be martyred in Armenia. Since they had been children, those two beloved apostles would never leave each other’s sides, spending seventy-five years of their lives together.

  Those two would never get the credit they deserved from the early church who became too infatuated with Peter and Paul.

  Numerous times, others would question Philip or Bartholomew of the whereabouts of Mary Magdalene and her children. Not trusting the church or the authorities of Rome, neither would ever divulge this information. It would remain a secret from their fellow brothers.

  Upon Philip’s death, his daughters would go on to carry his message of the gospel of the kingdom. They would compile the Gospel of Philip and the Acts of Philip, which would later on be rejected by the Church of Rome as heretical. The Gospel of Philip would be the only gospel that would refer Mary Magdalene as Jesus’s companion. It would remain the only gospel that told the truth of their relationship. When Philip’s daughters passed away, they were buried in Hierapolis with their beloved father.

  Through the works of Peter and Paul in the first century and then the Emperor Constantine’s in the fourth century, the Roman church would become the prominent center of Christianity for centuries to come. The false doctrine of Jesus as a virgin would remain. Only those in Gaul, Britannia, and North Africa would know the truth.

  Tales would be told of a holy grail by the Celts. Descendants of those converted by Philip and Bartholomew. Books would be written using terms like San Graal, which stood for a holy grail or a cup of Christ that would lead many on a fruitless quest for its riches.

  The truth is that San Graal was a code for Sang Real, which meant “the royal bloodline.” The true cup of Christ was Mary Magdalene and her two children, Joseph and Judah, not the cup used by Jesus at the last supper.

  This secret of the bloodline had always been known, dating back to the first century by the earliest apostles. It was kept hidden because to reveal the truth would take the power away from a counterfeit doctrine and give it to the true inheritors: the holy family.

  From the covenant between Abraham and God to provide a Messiah for his people, through the line of Judah, then King David, to Jesus of Nazareth, and beyond, God never forgot the promise He had made to Abraham.

  October 21, 1985

  Haifa, Israel

  Edward Dudley had a childhood that most people would

  like to forget, and that is exactly what he did with it. He reckoned there just wasn’t any point in reliving a nightmare. The best way to deal with all that bullshit was to dump it right into the trash where it belonged.

  His father and mother divorced when he was twelve. Not thinking about the kids at all, his father was granted custody of Eddie, while his younger sister and brother stayed with their mother. As if that wasn’t bad enough, both parents moved so that they all lived three hundred miles away from each other. Which kept the two brothers separated, which scarred the youngest for life. Eddie never forgave his parents for that.

  His father,being led by his penis more than anything else, remarried to what can best be described as a stepmonster one year later, and Eddie’s withdrawal from his father began from that point forward. Hating each other on sight, the two would never reconcile.

  After five years of isolated hell, Eddie decided the best thing to do after high school was to get the hell out of dodge and join the navy in June 1982, one month after graduating from high school. Those last few days couldn’t come fast enough for him.

  In June 1982, he went to boot camp in San Diego, California. Six months later in December, he went to electronics technician school at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Chicago, Illinois. Nine months later in September 1983, he went to Norfolk, Virginia, for radar repair school. After six months at the school, he went on to be stationed onboard the USS Deyo (DD 989) in Charleston, South Carolina.

  In October 1985, Petty Officer Edward Dudley— known as Fast Eddie by his shipmates onboard the USS Deyo—was sipping a beer at the 300 Club that sat atop Mount Carmel near Haifa, Israel. With him were Petty Officers Gregory Paul, from Conway, South Carolina, known as Red; Chris Beddings, from Memphis, Tennessee, known as Snake; Scott Cink, from Long Island, New York, known as Slim; and Kevin Hill, from Fort Payne, Alabama, known as Hillbilly.

  By 1985, disco had been destroyed in the United States, but apparently the news hadn’t hit Europe or the Middle East yet. The Bee Gees were playing, strobe lights were everywhere, the place was rocking, and the dance floor was full. Off in the corner sat the five American sailors jawing at each other.

  “Every time we do a hogging contest, Snake wins!” stated Eddie. Chris Beddings had received his nickname because legend has it he had no inhibitions about whom he would have sex with. He would screw a snake if it kept its mouth open long enough hence his well-earned nickname.

  A hogging contest was each man would put twenty dollars into the kitty and whoever had sex with the ugliest woman that night would receive the bounty.Chris Beddings was practically unbeatable.

  “Come on, fellas, you’ve all got about three paychecks in your wallet. Now put your money in,” taunted the Snake. The ship had been out to sea for a month straight, so they all had money to burn.

  “Y’all got no morals, Snake,” said Hillbilly.

  “What I’m going to have is your money, Hillbilly,” Snake answered.

  “I’m not sure I want to go hogging tonight,” said Slim.

  “I might set myself up with one of those babes that just

  walked in.” He eyed the front door to the 300 Club. With that remark, Fast Eddie looked toward the

  entrance of the place and saw Sarah Rabin. He pulled a

  twenty out of his wallet, handed it over to Snake, and said,

  “You can have my mon
ey this time, buddy, I’m sleeping

  with that blonde tonight,” pointing at Sarah.

  “Oh bullshit,” said Red. “She’s too damn good-looking

  for a man of your caliber, Eddie.”

  “Want to place a side bet on that?” asked Eddie. Red and Eddie each pulled out another twenty dollar

  bill and handed it to Snake for the holding.

  “Easy money,” said Eddie. “One more beer and I’m

  moving in.”

  “I know, Eddie,” laughed Red. “She loves you, she just

  doesn’t know it yet.”

  “Exactly, big guy, exactly. I was born for this night.”

  Eddie didn’t know it at the time, but his words would be

  proven quite prophetic.

  Three hours later at Sarah’s apartment, Eddie and her were settling down for a glass of red wine.

  “Well, sailor, what do you plan on doing with your life?”

  “I hadn’t much thought about it,” answered Eddie. “I’m sure as hell not going to stay in the navy.”

  “No? Why not?” she asked.

  Eddie paused and thought about it for a moment and said. “The life is okay, but it’s not for me. These guys that stay in for twenty or thirty years seem to age quickly.” He took a sip of some good Italian red wine, licked his lip, and continued, “There’s too much bullshit, I’ll do my six years and get the hell out.”

  Sarah was eyeing Eddie up with her green eyes and beautiful smile. “You plan on settling down?”

  Eddie was looking Sarah up and down thinking to himself, I’d settle down with you, but you’re a world away. This is an extremely attractive woman. He cleared his throat and sipped. “It’s a damn shame you live half the world away from me.”

  “There’s something about you, Eddie, I can’t put my finger on it, but there is an attraction that seems surreal to me. I know this sounds corny, but you seem predestined and familiar, like I know you from somewhere.”

  Eddie was thinking, Where has this woman been all his life? Oh yeah, that’s right, Israel for God’s sake. “As soon as I saw you walk into that club tonight, something told me that I needed to be with you.”

  “And how many women have you used that line on?” asked Sarah.

  Eddie blushed, he knew he was busted. “None like you.” Which was the truth: this woman was in a league that Eddie knew nothing of. He’d been a rascal, it’s true, but this woman was one worth keeping. If he only didn’t live on the other side of the globe as her, he’d be a reformed man. Damn, thought Eddie, why does life have to be so damn cruel?

  Sarah had a twinkle in her eye that told him that he had the green light. He slowly moved to her, brushed the hair out of her face, and kissed her like he had never kissed another. He kissed her cheeks, chin, and then they parted lips. She melted at his touch, and in no time they were making the most passionate love of their lives.

  A few hours later, Fast Eddie was gone from her life. Or she thought he was.

  The next afternoon, the USS Deyo (DD-989), with Petty Officer Eddie Dudley aboard, would leave Haifa, Israel, for good. In spring 1986, on the same med cruise, the Deyo, along with several other ships, would cross Kaddafi’s line of death in the Gulf of Sidra off the coast of Libya and almost kill the leader of that country. Colonel Kaddafi would remain quiet for the next two decades due to the bombing.

  On July 21, 1986, Sarah Rabin, no believer in abortion, would give birth to a wonderful blonde-haired, green-eyed daughter and name it Anna. Approximately 1,944 years after the holy royal bloodline had been smuggled out of Israel by the apostle Philip, it had returned in the unlikely person of Edward Dudley of Bald Eagle Bluffs, Michigan.

  The bloodline had left Israel in Caesarea and returned twenty-eight miles to the north in Haifa. Quite the small world we live in.

  No one alive had any idea of the significance of that one-night stand in Haifa. Not even the keepers of the Holy Grail, the Priory of Sion, or the Freemasons, who were too busy looking at the royal families of Europe, to pay any attention to a cocky sailor from Nowhere, USA. This one had slipped completely off their radar just the way God had intended it all along.

  The only beings who took notice of the event was the heavenly host, namely the angel Samuel, who was Eddie’s assigned Angel, and the demons who were also keeping track of the whereabouts of anyone who carried the bloodline of Christ.

  Oh yes, the demons. They were watching the apostle Philip smuggle Mary and her two children out of Israel. They kept track of every branch of the ensuing tree that blossomed from that event. Not only the royal branches of France and England but the minor branches as well like Fast Eddie Dudley from Michigan.

  Those same demons who crucified the Christ at cavalry have tried to destroy his seed ever since. Even the smallest like Eddie and his unknown children, such as baby Anna and others who would follow.

  Many times throughout history those demons had tried to destroy the royal bloodline. They knew the real power didn’t reside in Rome but in the seed of Abraham through to the Messiah. From labeling the followers of Saint Philip to be heretics, to the inquisitions of the Middle Ages, all proof and knowledge had to be wiped out.

  Lucifer and his followers knew that the only power capable of destroying their plans of ruling the earth and the heavens lie not in the church, but in the holy royal bloodline of Jesus the Christ.

  July 21, 1986

  Beaufort, South Carolina

  It had been one hell of a Mediterranean cruise for Eddie.

  One for the ages. He went to the captain’s mast for getting in a bar fight in Naples, Italy. He received a nice 250-dollar-a-month fine for two months and a 30-day restriction to the ship for that fiasco. His excuse was he was sticking up for his shipmate, which was true. Slim had been sucker punched, and Eddie had taken a pool cue to the head of the perpetrator. Slim had gotten off free of any wrong doing—after all, his only crime was getting knocked out—and for the loyalty shown by Eddie, Slim had paid half of Eddie’s fines. Such was the price one paid for being a true, loyal shipmate.

  Then there was the fight in Crete because a member of the Royal Canadian Navy had insulted the state of Michigan by saying that they didn’t know how to play hockey there. An insult that Eddie took an exception to. Another fine and another restriction to the ship followed.

  Another night, he showed up at the pier two hours after he was supposed to at 4:00 a.m. in Gibraltar after drinking with Her Majesty’s finest of the British Royal Navy all night long. He just couldn’t break himself away from the good time his hosts were showing him. How can one leave in the middle of “God Save the Queen?” That one didn’t fly over that well either. For that offence, he spent the last four weeks of a long eight-month cruise on what is known as Class Charlie Liberty Risk. That is what they do when a sailor who gets into trouble too often: restrict them to the ship. By the time the cruise ended, forty sailors from the Deyo were on liberty risk. One for the books.

  With all the trouble Eddie had gotten himself into, little did he know that he did his duty by bringing the bloodline back to the holy land of Israel. For good measure, he brought it to Egypt and Italy as well.

  The navy did what the navy does with cases like Eddie and his shipmates: they send them to a six-week-long course known as alcohol rehabilitation. Since the naval hospital in Charleston, South Carolina, where the Deyo was stationed, was packed full of mischievous sailors returning from cruises who had a grand time while away, they shipped him off to lovely Beaufort, South Carolina, instead. Right next door to Parris Island, where the Marines perform basic training. Semper fidelis.

  Eddie thought the whole thing was quite comical since the navy basically promoted drinking in those days. There wasn’t much else to do for a single man out on the prowl. You worked, you did your duty, and you spent your nights carousing. Such was the life of single sailors in 1986 at the height of the Cold War.

  Marines like to drink and have a good time as well, so several of th
em were in Eddie’s alcohol rehabilitation class. It was quite a healthy mix of a couple dozen servicemen, half sailors and half marines, all competing with each other. Eddie finished at or near the top in every area of competition, which prompted a Marine to say, “You should have been a marine, Eddie.” Followed up with a sailor saying, “You should have been a SEAL.”

  They’d spend their mornings doing calisthenics and exercises, their afternoons in classrooms learning of the evils of alcoholism, and their evenings in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. It was all a very good show meant to keep their bodies in excellent shape and also to increase their awareness of the disease that seemingly plagued them.

  One evening, about four weeks into the six-week course while at an AA meeting, it was Eddie’s turn to talk. On the very same night that Anna Rabin was born, Eddie was just about to speak when he felt a hand touch him from behind on his right shoulder. Eddie turned to see who it was, and there was no one there. He could have sworn he felt a touch of the hand there.

  Then a feeling of bliss permeated his body, beginning at the right shoulder, proceeding down to his toes, and to the top of his head. It took about twenty seconds for his whole body to feel complete and total peace. The world’s most powerful drug had just engulfed Fast Eddie Dudley.

  “Eddie, what the hell is wrong with you?”asked a marine. The Holy Spirit enveloping him, Eddie began babbling incoherently in a language no one had ever heard of. It sounded like some form of Middle Eastern mumbo jumbo, but none of them could be sure. None of them had ever heard anything like this.

  His eyes were bulging out, and his mouth just wouldn’t stop. If any of those present knew any Hebrew, they would say he was prophesying, but that unfortunately was not the case.Then he began to have a seizure,shaking uncontrollably until he passed out, like Eddie was having an epileptic fit. The ancients would have claimed that Eddie had a demon in him.


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