by Evan Ansot
“Indeed. As well as the disciple Philip, friend of the prophet Jesus. I see you are well versed in the Holy Bible as well as the Holy Koran. This pleases Allah. This is a very old soul we are talking about here. Allah chose this man to be the father of nations as well as the father of prophets,” said Ahmed.
“And this is my father? This same soul who is to all these people?” asked Youssef.
“That is true. Very much favored by Allah,” said Ahmed.
“That is hard to believe!” said Youssef.
“It is true, Youssef, son of Philip, son of Abraham, son of Zechariah.”
“How can this be? How can this person be all these great people?” asked Youssef.
“Reincarnation of the soul is a great truth. One soul leaving one life and entering into another. It happens all the time,” said Ahmed. Youssef was about to speak, and Ahmed interrupted him with his hand held to his mouth in a motion to quiet Youssef. “Let me explain. Abraham was a great prophet and the father of many nations. Also the father of two great prophets, Ishmael and Isaac correct?”
“Correct,” said Youssef.
“So when Allah needed a great prophet, who would be an excellent choice to come back and take physical form and be the father of a great prophet?” asked Ahmed.
“Abraham would be the best choice,” said Youssef.
“Indeed.Now when Allah needed a prophet to announce the great prophet Jesus, he chose the prophet John the Baptist, correct?”
“Correct,” said Youssef.
“And who was John’s father?” asked Ahmed.
“Zechariah,” answered Youssef.
“Abraham, Elkanah, and Zechariah are one and the same. And if you notice, their wives were barren before they produced a great prophet,” said Ahmed. “Abraham’s wife Sarah was barren, and then she produced the prophet Isaac. Elkanah’s wife Hannah was barren, and then she produced the prophet Samuel. Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth was barren, and then she produced the prophet John the Baptist. All those men were the same soul. All those women were also the same soul.”
“I’m not sure I understand,” said Youssef.
“Abraham, Elkanah, and Zechariah are the same soul. Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth are the same soul. Allah uses messengers that work for his greater glory, so he will use the same soul to get those wonderful results because he knows it worked in the past and it will work again. At least four times in history that same couple produced wonderful prophets in the name of Isaac, Samuel, and John the Baptist,” said Ahmed. “They also produced, Elijah but I don’t know what their names were.”
“And the soul that was Abraham, Elkanah, and Zechariah was also the Saint Philip?” asked Youssef.
“One and the same soul. And, Youssef, that soul is your biological father?” said Ahmed.
“That would make me a prophet,” said Youssef.
“Indeed,” said Ahmed. “And you are. Did you not see the Archangel Gabriel?”
“Yes,” answered Youssef.
The seer remained silent.
So Youssef asked, “Then who is my physical father?”
“The only information I received was that your mother met an American sailor on the island of Crete nine months before you was born. His name is Edward. Allah will not give me any more information than that,” said Ahmed.
“That’s more than I had,” said Youssef.
“You are the son of a great soul, Youssef,” said Ahmed. He grabbed the young man by the shoulders and looked Youssef squarely in the eyes. “You are very much blessed by Allah.”
“God is great. I wonder if I have brothers and sisters.” Youssef asked.
“That has not been given to me. Allah will reveal all things in time,” said Ahmed.
“Thank you for this meeting. I have one last thing to ask you. Why do so many people portray you as conversing with devils?” said Youssef.
“People reject what they don’t understand or experience. If Allah is not speaking to them, then they feel he is speaking to no one,” said Ahmed.
“Allah speaks to you my brother,” said Youssef.
“And to you as well,” said Ahmed. “Youssef, one other thing. The man you are searching for is also being searched for by others. For the very same reason. Some of those people do not have his best interests in mind. That is all I can tell you according to Allah,” said Ahmed.
May 12, 2015
Haifa, Israel
Rabbi Benjamin Yahuda hadn’t slept much the last few days.
He had been up many late nights studying the prophecies of the long-awaited Messiah. He had heard with his own ears from Michael, and now it was reconfirmed through the Rabin family that the smallest of them, Miriam, shall give birth to the Messiah who will lead Israel after great tribulation. After great tribulation, he thought.
Rabbi Benjamin Yahuda had studied the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Micah, Zephaniah, Zechariah, and Daniel.
The rabbi knew that the Messiah, or anointed one, according to the prophet Jeremiah, will come from the house of David.
According to the prophet Isaiah, the anointed one will be well versed in Jewish law. The anointed one will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow its example, A great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. A great judge, who makes righteous decisions. But above all, the anointed one will be a human being. Not some god or demigod as Christians believe.
As for the time of the anointed one, it could be any time. Rabbis have debated for centuries as to when the anointed one will arrive. Many differing opinions have been written; therefore, Rabbi Benjamin Yahuda had no idea of the time of its arrival.
According to the prophet Ezekiel, there will be wars and suffering before the coming of the anointed one. The anointed one will bring about political and spiritual redemption for the Nation of Israel. The anointed one will also restore Jerusalem to its proper place. Jerusalem will establish a government that will be the center of all world governments, both for Jews and Gentiles.
According to Jeremiah, the anointed one will rebuild the temple and reestablish its worship, establish a religious court system of Israel, and establish Jewish law as the law of the land.
After the arrival of the anointed one, the world will live in peaceful coexistence. Hatred, intolerance, and war will cease to exist. Some rabbis even believe that the laws of nature will change between predator and prey, Benjamin being one of them.
All Jews will return to Israel. The law of the Jubilee will be reinstated.
The whole world will recognize the God of Abraham as the one true God and the Jewish religion as the one true religion.
There will be no more sin.
The only sacrifices required will be those of the thanksgiving sacrifice.
If this is the case that Miriam’s unborn child of the future is the anointed one, then the retired rabbi must shepherd this chosen family. The God of Abraham has chosen him to be the spiritual leader for the family that will give birth to Israel’s anointed one. And for that honor he felt very blessed.
Yet he felt insecure to hold that position. Am I worthy, oh Lord, for such a position?
He remembered the words the Rabin family told him of Michael’s latest visit. That Jesus and Sophia are the male and female aspects of the Most High. That the God of Abraham is both male and female.
He always knew the Rabin family to be good Jews, but apparently Michael had told them Jesus was God’s son and this new anointed one will be his sister. The son and daughter of the living God.
It all seemed so confusing to the rabbi.
He bent to pray, and as soon as he did, there appeared before him a man dressed in white linen with a golden rope around its waist.
“Greetings, Rabbi,” said the being in white.
Sixty-seven-year-old Rabbi Benjamin Yahuda wasn’t sure his heart was going to hold up. He had just recovered from a vision of Michael so long ago, and now he was having another vision. This one was someone different. With long, flowing hair,
he looked like a man, yet more than that. But he was different than what Michael looked.
Not knowing the name of whom he was addressing, the rabbi could only say, “Greetings.”
Reading the rabbi’s mind, the being said, “My name is Jesus, and I have come to you to answer questions that plague you.”
“Then it is true,” said the rabbi, thinking about what the Rabin family told him about Jesus being the son of God and Miriam’s future daughter being the daughter of God.
“The Rabin family is incapable of deceit,” said Jesus.
“So Miriam will deliver the anointed one?” asked the rabbi. I better tread carefully, I’ve rejected this being my entire life, thought the rabbi.
“She will. And all the world will be blessed through her,” said Jesus.
“The Messiah,” said the rabbi.
“Yes, the chosen one,” said Jesus.
“How can that be? I thought the Messiah was to be a male” said the rabbi.
“I am a male,” said Jesus.
“But you didn’t establish an earthly kingdom while you were here. You didn’t fulfill all the prophecies of the Messiah,” said the rabbi.
“That is true. I fulfilled some but not all of them. Those that aren’t fulfilled will be done so by my sister,” said Jesus.
“Your sister?” asked the rabbi.
“Yes, my sister, Sophia. Rabbi, let me explain something to you. The God of Abraham is neither male nor female. God is both. I am the male portion of the God of Abraham and the soon-to-be Sophia is the female portion. We are two parts of the same being. I arrived two thousand years ago and was rejected by men for a reason: to release that aspect of the God of Abraham known as the Holy Spirit. Now I will return for only one day very soon and destroy the enemy as it is written so that my sister will rule the earth from Jerusalem. Do you understand?” said Jesus.
“Sort of,” said the rabbi.
“You will, in time,” said Jesus.
“Who is Anna’s father? This sailor known as Eddie?” asked the rabbi.
“He’s lived many lives. But for purposes of all this, he is Abraham returned,” said Jesus.
“Abraham?” asked the rabbi.
“One and the same. But he was also my traveling companion known as Philip. And a couple of other prophets in other lives. He’s much favored by myself and the father,” said Jesus.
“Because of the covenant made between them?” asked the rabbi.
“That is correct. Because of an agreement made between the father and Abraham a long time ago. Once Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son but didn’t because the angel stopped him. Then the Father promised that out of his seed will be the savior and ruler of the world. In other words, all the world shall be blessed through him. I saved it by my blood, and now my sister will rule it,” said Jesus.
“The sister will come from the Rabin family,” said the rabbi.
“Yes, and the enemy will try to resist this. But I have appointed Michael to watch over that family and the whole of Israel,” said Jesus.
“I’m not worthy to be the rabbi for this chosen family,” said Rabbi Benjamin, looking down at his shuffling feet, feeling unworthy.
“Abraham said he wasn’t worthy either. The same with Moses, David, and many others. They all turned out just fine,” said Jesus.
“I need to find this sailor who is Anna’s father, don’t I?” asked Benjamin.
“Yes, and before others do,” said Jesus.
“Can you tell me who he is?” asked Benjamin.
“To do so would be to violate,” said Jesus. “You’ll find him. And when you do, be very careful. After all, he is the spirit of Abraham, the father of our country.”
“I have a man looking for him,” said Rabbi Benjamin.
“I know you do, and he is a good man. When you talk to him next, tell him to be careful, for there are others looking for him,” Jesus repeated.
“Why can’t you stop them, Lord Jesus?” asked the rabbi. I thought I would never be uttering those words in this lifetime, but then again I’ve never seen the Archangel Michael and Jesus in this lifetime either.
“I cannot violate the free will of others,” said Jesus. “It is the first fundamental law laid down by the father.”
“I understand,” said the rabbi.
“That is all I can tell you for now. Rabbi, shepherd my sheep,” said Jesus, and in an instant he was gone.
May 15, 2015
Florence, Italy
The two priests decided to wait and tell Mother Anastasia
after their ceremonial rosary was over. That was the time when Sister Gabriella was supposed to get her messages from Mother Mary, but they doubted that any new message would come through, and if it did, it wouldn’t be shared to them. Good thing that their boss, the papal secretary, had the whole place bugged with listening devices.
Once the nuns were finished, the priests approached Sister Gabriella and asked if there were any new messages from the Holy Mother.
“No, Father, there wasn’t any. Just the traditional blessing of the order,” lied Sister Gabriella.
“Sister, are you sure?” asked a priest. They knew that Sister Gabriella had said the same thing last month and had lied to them.
“Just the traditional blessing,Father,”said Sister Gabriella.
Mother Anastasia was watching the whole conversation from a very close distance. Being the protective mother, she wasn’t about to let two priests steamroll one of her nuns. She walked to the priests and asked, “Is that all, Father?”
“As a matter of fact, no it isn’t. Sister Gabriella has been transferred to Rome,” said one of the priests.
“On what grounds?” asked Mother Anastasia.
“On request from the Papal Secretary himself,” said the priest.
“That doesn’t answer my question.What are his reasons?” asked Mother Anastasia.
“Because he is the second most powerful man in the church, and if he sees fit to transfer her, then he will,” said the priest.
“And I am the most powerful woman in this church besides the Holy Mother. And I need a better reason than that if he is going to transfer one of my nuns,” said Mother Anastasia, her face turning red.
“He doesn’t need a reason. You have until the end of the month to have her transferred to Rome. That is all.” Then the priest turned and walked away.
“We will see about that,” she shouted at his turned back.
An hour later, Mother Anastasia was talking to Sister Gabriella alone out in the courtyard. The mother wanted to talk in the sister’s room, but Gabriella said they had better went outside and talk.
“Mother, the Holy Mother told me they are listening to our conversations. They have the whole order bugged with listening devices. And those two aren’t priests but spies for the papal secretary,” said Sister Gabriella.
“Well, that figures,” said the mother. She had believed in the church her entire life, and now those beliefs were beginning to collapse all around her. A papal secretary sending spies to the Badia Fiorentina to spy on nuns was beyond any type of comprehension for Mother Anastasia. What other evil lurks behind the Vatican Walls? thought the Mother.
“She also told me they were going to try to transfer me to Rome to keep my mouth shut. To put a gag order on me like they did with Sister Lucia,” said Sister Gabriella.
“Over my dead body,” said Mother Anastasia.
“I don’t know what I am going to do,” cried Sister Gabriella. The nun was shattered. Being a nun was all she knew in life, and now the entity that had given her this life as a nun was about to rip her away from her fellow nuns and friends in the faith.
“I’ll figure it out, sweetheart, don’t you worry,” said the good mother.
“I can’t go to Rome,” said Sister Gabriella.
“You won’t have to,” said Mother Anastasia.
“But you heard yourself that they have ordered me there.”
“Orders don’t always
need to be followed, sweetheart. I will come up with a plan to keep you here as long as you wish,” said Mother Anastasia.
That evening, Mother Anastasia held a meeting with the Order of the Nuns of Badia Fiorentina. She didn’t care that the priests were listening in. As a matter of fact, she wanted them to hear what was said. Maybe that will shake them up, she thought.
She told them all that their beloved Sister Gabriella was ordered by the Vatican to be transferred to Rome by the end of the month. The entire order felt shock and outrage. They were all willing to stand behind their beloved Sister Gabriella through thick and thin. And they all knew that it was because of her that they were receiving these visits from their Holy Mother Mary.
“The Holy Mother Mary has informed us that the Vatican will declare the three requests from the Holy Father as nothing more than nuns’ fantasies. Rome has also deemed it fit to take one of our beloved sisters away from us. Sister Gabriella has been ordered to Rome by the end of the month. The Vatican has also seen to it that our conversations aren’t private within the order. I for one will not stand for any of this. If Rome intends to take our beloved Gabriella from us, then I intend to resign as mother to this order and to leave this once-holy church,” said Mother Anastasia.
She continued on, “The decision is yours to make. For all those wishing to stay within the Roman Church, I will understand. But let me say this: I have known no other life than to be a servant in this church, and I am ready to leave it because if Rome doesn’t follow through with the Holy Mother’s wishes, then the church will be condemned within twenty years.
“This was Rome’s final chance at redemption, and they have decided to stay their course. For those of you who wish to remain, know that the future of your church will not be very bright.These are the words of the Holy Mother Mary.”
One by one the nuns of the order of Badia Fiorentina stood up and told Mother Anastasia that they too wished to resign if Rome didn’t back down from transferring their beloved Sister Gabriella.