Alien Adoration

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Alien Adoration Page 8

by Jessica E. Subject

  “What?” What could he possibly do from the other side of a locked door? She never wanted to see him again. Hopefully the closing date on his house would come quickly. He’d be gone, and she could forget about him. But would she ever be able to truly purge him from her mind? Her heart? Even as a young boy, he’d haunted her dreams. She’d yearned to find him again. Back then, she wasn’t even sure he existed outside of her mind. Now, she knew the truth. Everything about the sexy alien broke her heart.

  A fresh set of tears trailed down her cheeks.

  A roar echoed from her porch. He really did feel her emotions. Good. He deserved to feel the pain he’d caused her.

  A click came from the front, like a lock coming undone. She held her breath and turned toward the door. Luke dropped to his knees in front of her, grasping her hands.

  She reeled back. “Get out! You broke into my house.”

  He stood slowly, propping his palms on his knees. Taking a step away from her, he still remained in her kitchen. “I didn’t. The orb opened your door, just as it did to mine. It’s been flashing red, unhappy with this situation. It doesn’t want us to fight.”

  Balling her fists in her lap, she glared at him. “Yeah? Well, how did it feel when you cheated on me with Pepper?” She spewed out the woman’s name like a bad taste in her mouth.

  “Pepper? What does she have to do with anything?”

  Her blood boiled. How could he act all innocent? She rolled her eyes at his feigned surprise. “I thought you loved me, Luke. Then I find out, while I was gone, you sold your house, got a gig on a TV show, and cheated on me. Why did you lie?”

  His brows furrowed. “Cheated on you? With who?”

  “Pepper,” she spat out. “Even Mrs. Yantzi noticed how cozy you two were during the first episode. I’m sure everyone who watched the show figured out the host and the guest carpenter were fucking.” Saying the words deepened the wound. She gasped, struggling to breathe. She just wanted him gone.

  He drew a hand over his face. “I deserved that, I know. With my past reputation and the secrets I’ve kept from you this week, I can’t blame you for not trusting me. But, I promise you, nothing happened between me and Pepper. Nothing happened with the women who came to my house, either. I always asked them to leave before we…. I only want you. I love you.”

  “Bullshit. How do you expect me to believe that? I saw how cozy the two of you were on television. Don’t lie. Just leave.”

  “No.” He pulled out his cell and dialed. “Hey, Pepper….”

  As if! Calling his new fuck-buddy right in front of her?

  “…my girlfriend wants to ask you something.” Holding out the phone, he raised his eyebrows. “Ask her.”

  A wave of terror washed through her. Had she made a huge mistake in her assumptions? Or maybe he was covering his ass. Maybe they had an agreement.

  Her fingers shook as she put the cell to her ear. “Hi, Pepper?”

  “Yep, it’s me. Let me tell you, you are one lucky lady.”

  What, did Luke fuck her then reveal he had a girlfriend? Wouldn’t surprise her, since he hadn’t even told Mrs. Yantzi they were dating. No point in holding back. “Did you fuck my boyfriend?”

  Laughter burst through the phone before she heard, “I wish.”

  “Listen, Rachel. I admit that Luke is extremely hot, and I wasn’t shy in my advances on him.”

  Her stomach turned. Actually hearing that he really had cheated on her would hurt worse than anything.

  “But, he made it very clear from the first day that he had a girlfriend and was very happy with her. In fact, he ditched the production party tonight to get home to you. Seems he had something big planned.”

  With a sharp inhale, she glanced up at him. Had she just made the biggest mistake of her life?

  He stared at her with hard eyes, his lips pursed.

  “Is that all you wanted?”

  She turned her attention back to the phone. “Yes, that’s all.”

  “Okay, well, good luck.” Pepper hung up, leaving her with a whole lot of groveling to do.

  She gave the cell back to him. “I… I’m sorry.” How could she ever make up for what she’d accused him of?

  He grabbed his phone. “I hope you believe me now.” Spinning on his heel, he left, slamming her front door behind him.

  What the hell? How could he walk out on her like that? She’d said sorry. And he’d still kept stuff from her. Why hadn’t he told her all along?

  She gripped the seat of her chair. Is this the end? Did he leave for good? She squeezed her eyes shut. If he truly felt her emotions, he should know how much guilt consumed her. He should know.

  Springing from her seat, she headed for the door. He couldn’t walk out on her. I’m not finished with him yet.

  She raced outside and over to his house. He still had to explain why he hadn’t told her about the show or his house. And what did he have planned for tonight?

  Reaching up to knock, she found the door open. Again. If he could walk into her house, she had no qualms about walking into his.

  Peering inside, she gasped. He lay in the foyer, sprawled on his stomach.

  Dropping to her knees beside him, she grasped his wrist to check for a pulse. Still strong.

  “Luke? Are you okay?” She brushed hair away from his eyes. They were closed. Had he fallen asleep? Did aliens just drop like that? He’d never done so around her, but how well had she really known him?

  Her heart thudded. What am I supposed to do? If she dialed 9-1-1, they’d take him to the hospital, and someone would be sure to discover he was an alien. And if he’d only passed out, calling for help was overkill.

  The orb! Could it help? He’d brought it over, but where was it now? She examined the foyer for his bags. Nothing.

  He must have left it at her place. She ran a hand across his back. “Luke, I’ll be right back.”

  Sure her feet never touched the ground, she rushed back home and found the orb on her porch, in the same duffle bag he’d brought it over in the first time. Bright red light flashed, making it impossible to stare at the orb directly. Glancing away, she grasped the handles then zipped up the bag. She didn’t need any nosy neighbors questioning her about his giant alien crystal. Racing back to his house, she fretted, finding him still on the floor. If the orb didn’t work, she had no idea what to do next.

  She slipped her hands into the bag and removed the flashing crystal. Now purple, it still flared with a blinding intensity. Laying the orb on his back, she hoped to revive him.

  When its color changed to blue, she leaned back against the wall. Blue is a good thing, right? The flashing stopped, but still, the crystal pulsed, a warmth radiating from inside.

  He moaned and turned on his side. She lunged to grab the orb before he rolled on top of it, returning it to the bag. Then she stared down at the man she loved. Never would she doubt him again. But is he okay? She stroked the side of his face. The secrets didn’t matter anymore, so long as he woke to hold her in his arms again. If he forgives me.


  Rolling onto his side, Luke whimpered. Every part of his body ached. Yet, something soft brushed over his cheek. Rachel. He opened his eyes and gazed up at her. Was she really there, or just an image created by his unconscious mind?

  He’d tried to make it to the couch, but Rachel’s emotions had weakened him so much. Managing to shut the door, he’d turned around before everything went black. And from the pain radiating through his body, he must have fallen flat on the floor.

  “Luke, are you okay?”

  He tried to answer her, but no words left his mouth. Still too weak.

  “Oh, Luke, please be okay.” She placed her other hand on his chest. “I love you. I have since we were children. God, I just wish I knew how to help you.”

  A new sensation radiated from her palm, flowing through him. Hot and cold at the same time, flushing out all of the pain. He gasped, struggling to sit up. She backed away, but he grabbed her hand, pl
acing it back on his chest, above his heart. “You healed me.”

  Chewing her bottom lip, she nodded. “Yes, I put the orb on your back—”

  “No.” He drew in a quick breath. If only it were that simple. “The orb can’t do that. When you rested your palm on me, I felt your concern, your love, your forgiveness. It all flooded into me, pushing away everything from before.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.”

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter anymore.” Ushering her onto his knees, he kissed her soft lips.. Less than an hour ago, he had been sure he’d never have the chance to touch her again.

  “Can we put it all behind us? Can we move on?” He swallowed down the nervous lump in his throat. “Because I have something very important I want to talk to you about.”

  Her eyes grew wide, and he sensed her trepidation. She rose from his lap, brushing off her ass. If all went well, his hands would be there later tonight. So long as he didn’t screw everything up.

  Pushing off the ground, he stood, his head spinning. But he took a deep breath and planted a palm against the wall to steady himself. He had to ask her. The only reason he’d come back to Hanton was for her. And now he planned to leave. Would she agree to leave with him?

  Grasping her hand, he guided her over to the couch. She sat while he remained standing, too anxious to sit next to her.

  With her arms crossed, she gazed up at him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “So, what important thing did you want to talk to me about?”

  “Well, you know now that my house is sold.”

  She nodded, throwing off a hint of anger.

  He cringed. This was already heading in the wrong direction. He had to save himself, and quick. “I’m sorry for not telling you. But you should know that I already have a new place lined up. It’s a year-round cottage on the shores of Lake Barnaby.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” She tried to sound excited, but her emotions betrayed her. Instead, he felt her bracing for bad news.

  No. No. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. “The problem is, the cottage isn’t built yet. I’m going to need a place to stay until then.”

  Her hands dropped to her sides. “I have an extra room. If you want to stay in my rundown home.”

  Her extra room? But that’s not what he meant. Her disappointment stung. Shit, this wasn’t going well at all. He had to stop talking about the house. Just ask her!

  Fishing in his pocket, he fumbled for the diamond ring he’d bought a week ago. Back then, he’d been much more sure of himself, confident Rachel would say yes when he asked her to marry him. Now, he didn’t even know if she wanted him as her neighbor.

  Only one way to find out. He yanked the ring out and lowered to one knee.

  She covered her mouth.

  “I know we haven’t dated for very long, but I’ve never wanted anyone but you. Never.” He reached for her hand, and she didn’t pull away. “When I move into my new place, I want you to move in with me, as my wife. Rachel, will you marry me?”

  A single tear trickled down her cheek. Her bottom lip quivered.

  Shit, she’s going to say no.

  Silence lingered, eating away at the single shred of confidence he had left. He tried to read her emotions, get a sense of what to expect. But he got nothing.

  Finally, she stroked his face. “I’ve waited a long time for my alien to come and rescue me from this life, this place. And now you’re here. Finally.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “Yes, Luke, I will marry you.”

  Relief mixed with intense joy washed over him. Hers blended with his. He slipped the ring on her finger and grinned. Nothing could make him happier than this moment.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and joined him on the floor. Grazing her lips across his, she tortured him with her adventurous tongue. He had to have her. Now.

  Lifting her in his arms, he carried her up to his room. Since the night he’d arrived on Earth, he had waited for this moment. And now he had everything he wanted. Rachel. Always Rachel.


  She waved goodbye. A hint of sadness washed through her as she watched Christine and Roy drive away. She hadn’t expected their relationship to last, but they’d remained together for almost two years. And even her old boss, Bill, had found love again. With Pepper, of all people. Maybe Hanton would one day lose its reputation as the cheating capital of the province.

  But she was happy to be gone, leaving behind her old house and the memories of what had happened there many years ago. Her new life had begun.

  She turned around to face the lake, where oranges and reds danced across the water and sky as the sun dipped below the horizon. Absolutely beautiful. The same view would greet her every night from inside the house her husband had built in between his numerous contracts. LJ Construction became a much sought-after company after Luke’s appearances as a guest carpenter. And she’d finally taken her accounting course in order to manage the books for the business.

  “We’re finally here.” Her husband, an alien, wrapped his arms around her, laying his hands on her ever-growing belly. “Is he still active, or has he calmed down a bit?”

  Covering his hands with hers, she guided them across her stomach to the spot where their baby’s foot pressed against her insides. “He’s sleeping now, but I think he’s a bit squished in there. Only two more weeks. I hope I don’t burst beforehand.”

  Luke chuckled then kissed the top of her head. “We were cutting it close with the construction, but we finished. Now, let me carry you over the threshold and into our new house.”

  Even with her big belly, he scooped her into his arms, carrying her up the steps and inside their cottage. “Welcome home, my love.”

  God, she adored her husband. Her alien. She rested her head against his chest. Not long ago, her life now had been an impossible dream. But her spaceman had returned for her, and now her dreams had become their reality.


  There are so many people involved in taking any story from a blank page to a published book. Even for self-published titles. Though writing the first draft may be a solitary endeavor, the process after that is not.

  To begin, I want to thank my peeps, Deb, Susan, Mason, Liz, Mel, and Stacey, who encouraged me to try self-publishing, and for all of their friendship and advice.

  And a HUGE thank you to my critique partners, Layna Pimentel, DL Jackson, Zee Monodee, and Rebecca Royce, for taking the time to read over my stories to tell me what works, and especially what doesn’t work. I have learned so much from all of them, and they are great friends.

  I can’t tell you how much I LOVE being an author at Decadent Publishing. The owners, Lisa Omstead and Heather Bennett, the editing staff, and my fellow authors are the most supportive group of people I know. I have met so many great people, and found so many fabulous books and authors through my publisher.

  And it was through Decadent that I found my editors and cover artist. Valerie Mann and Kate Richards…. I can’t say enough how much I love working with them. Every set of edits is a learning experience, and a pleasure.

  Fantasia Frog Designs creates fabulous covers that I can stare at for hours. She always seems to capture the essence of my stories perfectly.

  Shout outs and thanks go to Lindsay, Heather, Cate, Laura, Danielle, Pippa, Kacey, Liz, Tawania, Alexa, Zee, Lisa, Crystal, Liz, Tracy, Lilly, Valerie, Diana, Jenna, Talina, Danielle, and Selena. Their support means the world to me.

  I can’t forget my family in all of this. Without their support I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. Thank you to my daughter who has her own cover collection, and keeps my son occupied while I’m trying to work. And thank you to my son who knows me by my author name and by “Mommy”, and for just being a kid.

  Word cannot express how grateful I am to my husband for allowing me to live out this dream. He is my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and also a promoter of my books even though I don’t ask him to. I’m sure he gets some strange l
ooks when people see my covers on his toolbox

  Author Biography

  Jessica Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to erotica. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.

  When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk. Fast. But she just may slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.

  Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.

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  What Jessica’s Reading

  Rebel Souls by D.L. Jackson

  Ava Frost is a strong-willed woman smuggling illegal material across the galaxy. But when she meets Fleet Commander Seth Reynolds, she considers giving up her life of crime. Throw in the rebel leader she once loved and believed dead, and you have a gripping and sexy story that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

  Terms & Conditions Apply by Pippa Jay

  For such a short story, Terms & Conditions Apply packs a huge emotional punch. It is sweet and sexy rolled into one, with a surprising twist at the end.

  Lucy in the Sky by Barbara Elsborg

  What can I say about this book, but WOW! Not only is it a fabulous alien abduction story, but it is filled with smokin' hot scenes. The world-building, character development, and erotic scenes are all amazing.




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