Secrets of Redemption

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Secrets of Redemption Page 16

by LK Shaw

  Chapter 35


  Connor called me into his office two days later. Detective Webber was already there waiting. He stood when I entered the room.

  “Ms. Bishop.” He inclined his head in greeting.

  “Hello, Detective Webber.”

  Connor directed me to the seat I’d previously occupied the last time we were all in the same room together. I sat on the edge of the chair and placed my laced fingers over my knees while I waited to see what was going to be said.

  Webber spoke first. “I’ve reached out to Connor’s contacts with the FBI. They were extremely interested in what I had to say, and two agents took the first flight out here. I expect them to arrive within the hour. They’re going to have me take the lead on this, but they plan on being there for back up. They know there’s going to be an exchange of information, but I didn’t share any details. Be prepared for that to come out during the phone call though. There’s no avoiding that. If and when the time comes, I’ll do what I can to protect you.

  “You’ll be wired so if things start going south we’ll know. Don’t let him know that you’ve already spoken with us, but rather that’s what your plan is. See if you can get him to tell you anything about the drugs or guns. Agents Crocker and Morgan really want details about the sex trafficking. They’re currently in the midst of a deep cover sting operation involving a member of the Russian Bratva. He’s a known trafficker, and it’s possible your father might have some connections to him.”

  I considered his words. Really, though, there weren’t a whole lot of other options. My thoughts drifted to Miles and what he would say. In my mind’s eye, I could picture the vein throbbing at his temple and his jaw clenching as he ground his teeth together. There was also no doubt in my mind that he would force Webber to take him with him, if for no other reason than he felt he had to protect me. Granted, I felt a little better knowing that he would be there. I knew that he would do everything in his power to make sure I stayed safe.

  “When’s this going down?”

  “Crocker and Morgan thought it best if we moved as quickly as possible, so I suggest you initiate contact with your father once they arrive. We’ll let him set the time, but I want the meeting at his home. Nowhere else. It offers us the safest option.”

  Just as I began to speak, Miles barged in. Honestly, I’d expected him much sooner.

  “I hope I’m not intruding.”

  Connor’s response was dry. “Make yourself at home, Miles. We were just waiting on a few others to arrive.”

  “Then I’m glad I didn’t miss anything.”

  He came over to sit next to me. He didn’t speak, just sat back and assumed a relaxed pose that didn’t fool me. I knew he was tense, but holding it in. Connor only sighed. Thankfully, the phone beeping broke the awkward silence as Margaret’s voice sounded over the intercom.

  “Mr. Black, Agent Joseph Crocker and Agent Nathaniel Morgan are here to see you.”

  “Thank you, Margaret. Send them in, please. And please make sure we’re not interrupted.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The call was disconnected, and in seconds, the door opened as Margaret gestured Agents Crocker and Morgan inside. She closed the door behind her as she returned to her desk.

  “Welcome, gentlemen.” Connor rose to greet them. Greetings were returned as hands were shaken. “Please, have a seat over here, and we’ll get down to business.”

  Once everyone was settled, introductions were made. Agent Crocker was the younger of the two. He appeared to be in his late twenties, whereas Agent Morgan looked to be in his mid-thirties. Both men were handsome with brown hair. Agent Morgan had an intensity about him that reminded me of Connor. He had Dom written all over him. Crocker on the other hand, seemed much softer and had the most piercing blue-gray eyes. I loved Miles, but I still admired their beauty.

  “I’ve just finished briefing Josie on the plan, and she’s in agreement with it. We understand the urgency with which you gentlemen would like to proceed.”

  Agent Crocker spoke first. “We appreciate you working with us on this. We’ve been trying to find the source of Vladimir Dragomirov’s girls for six months now without success. When we heard that your father’s become involved in trading girls, we hoped we’d caught a break. Can you tell us if you’ve seen Drago’s name mentioned in your father’s correspondence?”

  My mind searched for any recollection of the name, but I was coming up with a blank.

  “I don’t recall seeing that name anywhere, but the encrypted email where they discussed the women being sold and an upcoming auction came from someone who called himself Korol'.”

  Both men seemed disappointed, and I hated I couldn’t tell them what they wanted to hear. I was ready for this to be over so I hoped they wanted things to happen soon.

  “So, should I go ahead and contact my father?”

  Miles’ jaw tightened and fists clenched.

  Agent Crocker continued to lead the conversation. “Yes, we want to keep our investigation going forward. Remember, only agree to meet him at his home.”

  I nodded while at the same time I dug my phone out of my pocket. The ringing soon reverberated through the room as I placed the call on speakerphone. Within two rings, his dreaded voice filled the room.

  “Hello, Dad.” My words came out with more confidence than I felt.

  “What the hell do you want now?” My father’s reply was clipped.

  I couldn’t help but needle him a bit. “Is that any way to talk to your oldest and most favorite daughter? I thought we were closer than that?”

  “I don’t have time for your bullshit, Josephine. We said all there was to say the last time you called. So, unless you get to the fucking point of this phone call, we’re done.”

  Knowing I had pushed as far as I should, I got down to business. “I’m calling to make you a deal.”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “An exchange of information.”

  “You have nothing I want.”

  “Oh, I think I do, otherwise you wouldn’t have sent your goons to try and kill me. Twice.”

  An evil laugh erupted through the phone line. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  I knew the two agents in the room were going to kill me, but I took a giant leap. Just because I hadn’t recognized the name, didn’t mean my father wouldn’t.

  “Vladimir Dragomirov. Name ring a bell?”

  I winced when Agent Morgan quickly stood and started pacing as he ran his hands through his hair in obvious frustration.

  “You little bitch. You have no idea what hell you’ve just committed yourself to.”

  “You’ve known since I was thirteen that I can do anything on computers. Korol'. Could the Russians get any more conceited by using a code name that means ‘King’? And just because Dragomirov’s name wasn’t in any emails, did you really think I wouldn’t be able to trace you to him? Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out? You know I’m smarter than that.”

  The sudden silence was deafening. My father had no idea the amount of patience I possessed. Hell, I’d waited six years for Miles. I could wait two minutes for him to come up with a response to my threat. Finally, my patience was rewarded.

  “What do you want?” I would swear I could hear my father’s teeth grinding to a nub in the background.

  “I told you. I’m tired of you holding your so-called evidence against me. I want you to call off your assassins and leave me alone. I want to exchange information. You give me the evidence you have, and I’ll give you mine. I don’t want to keep looking over my shoulder waiting for the day you succeed in killing me. I just want this to end.”

  “So, you’re telling me that you’ve suddenly given up making me pay for what happened to your sister? After all these years, you’re just going to let it go?”

  I let out a huff of air. “If it means staying alive… then, yes.”

  I’d given up in believing in God the day I d
iscovered what was being done to my sister. But now, I prayed with every fiber of my being that he believed me. He had to. Or all of this was for nothing.

  “And what if I don’t agree?”

  “Then I turn everything I have over to the FBI and deal with the consequences of my actions later.”

  Silence reigned while I held my breath waiting for my father to decide.

  “Fine, then meet me at midnight in the old warehouse district by the pier. Just off Division Street.”

  “No,” I responded, succinctly. “We will meet in two days. Your house at 3:00 pm. You don’t have a choice. There will be no other options on the table but that. Take it or leave it.”

  I refused to play this game any longer. My stomach churned at my father’s callous words. No, not my father. Charles Santiago. Criminal. Monster. But not my father.

  “Fine. I will see you then. And you better come alone.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  No longer able to bear speaking to him any longer, I disconnected the call. My eyes closed, and my whole body slumped into my chair, mentally and physically exhausted over the verbal confrontation. My heart ached at the pain my baby sister had gone, and continued to go, through.

  Chapter 36


  “You could have mentioned that you were going to drop Vladimir’s name in the conversation. Your little plan could have backfired and had serious consequences.”

  One of Josie’s eyes opened as she peered over at Agent Morgan.

  “You seem to underestimate how much I know about Charles Santiago. I lived in the same house with that man for eighteen years. I’ve been following everything about this man’s habits for years. Just because I hadn’t seen your Russian’s name in my father’s things doesn’t mean that my father wasn’t completely aware of who he was. The chances of him doing business with Dragomirov were high. I took a calculated risk, which paid off. You’re welcome.”

  Both agents shook their heads in frustration.

  Webber broke in. “Look, it’s over and done. Regardless of how it was done, we got the information you needed. So, Thursday, Ms. Bishop will confront Santiago in order to coordinate an exchange of information. She will then attempt to get her father to talk about the sex trafficking. We need more information than what she was able to retrieve in order to rescue the girls. We need to find this Dragomirov and shut down his operation. She’ll go in wired, and we’ll be there every step of the way.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  If she were going in alone to confront her father, then I would insist on being there. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to let her go without me being there to protect her. I had no problem with Webber. I though he was a good guy who got a bad rap. But I knew nothing about these two other gentlemen,. It didn’t matter to me if Connor recommended them. They weren’t as vested in making sure Josie wasn’t harmed as I was. If shit was gonna go badly, I planned on being there to make sure things were okay.

  “I don’t think —”

  “He can come,” Josie interrupted Agent Morgan. “In fact, I insist he be there.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  Although she was much shorter than either of the agents, Josephine slowly rose to her feet. Her face transformed to an expression I had seen more than once. I called it her “Domme look”. The imperious look had subs, including me, dropping to our knees. I knew who was in charge when Josie pulled out that look.

  “I don’t give a shit what you don’t like. You need me. Without the evidence I have, you both would still be scratching your heads trying to get a lead on your Russian guy. With me, you’re already one step closer. Miles comes or I don’t go. Are we clear?”

  Both men stared her down, none of them giving an inch. Josephine wouldn’t be intimidated.

  With a resigned sigh, they both gave a succinct nod. I could tell neither were happy with her ultimatum, but they were fighting a losing battle and knew it.

  “In two days you’ll have the information you want. In the meantime, I have my own plans I need to take care of. So, unless there is anything else you gentlemen need, I’m going home for the day.”

  When no one had anything further to add, Josie stood. As she moved past me, she paused and held out her hand. Without hesitation, I rose from my seat and slipped my hand in hers. Together, we exited the office and drove back to her house. Neither of us spoke, but no words needed to be said right now. I helped Josie undress, and I drew my shirt over my head and threw it onto the chair in her room. We climbed into bed, and her warmth seeped into my skin as she pulled herself closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in her citrus smell.

  Her chest rested against me, and I could feel her heart beating in time with mine. We drew comfort from each other. I didn’t push her to talk to me. We had time to talk once she rested. Soon, her breathing softened and became shallow. I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and closed my eyes as well, drifting off into oblivion.

  My body jerked awake some time later. The room had darkened with the setting sun, but the faintest of light shone through the blinds. Josie remained cemented to my side. She must have sensed I was awake, because she began to stir. Her eyelashes fluttered a time or two before, finally, her brown eyes opened fully and she stared up at me.

  “Are you feeling better?”

  She covered up a yawn with her fist and stretched slightly. I kept my arousal under control as her breasts arched toward me, the nipples peeking through the sheet. Now wasn’t the time. We needed to talk about what was going to happen over the next couple of days.

  “A little. Thank you for letting me sleep.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I have to get Casey away from him. I don’t want her in the house when we’re there. She’s my Achilles heel, and my father knows this. He’ll use her to get to me.”

  “What do we need to do, then?”

  She drew random designs on my chest while I watched her mind work.

  “There’s a cottage. I bought it three years ago. The deed belongs to a consortium that can’t be traced to me. But, it’s my house. I’ve always planned on using it as a safe house for Casey when I was finally able to get her away from my father. We need to get her there where she’ll be safe. And it has to happen tomorrow.”

  “How are you thinking of getting her out of your father’s house. You said she was agoraphobic. She’s not going to go willingly.”

  That’s the part of Josie’s plan that I knew would hurt her the most. She knew Casey was going to resist, but, in the end, it would be futile. She was leaving that house. It was for her own good.

  “I’m going to need to call in a favor.”

  “From who?”


  Chapter 37


  Once Miles and I rose from bed, I called Connor explaining what I needed. He agreed it was probably the only way. While I sat at my desk in my home office, I hacked into my father’s security system, blocked the signal, and then set up a running loop. That way, if my father checked in on things, nothing would seem amiss. Connor and another member of the company were going to break into my father’s house and get Casey. I wanted desperately to go, because I knew how terrified she would be of strange men practically kidnapping her, but I needed to stay at my computer.

  Instead, Bridget, Connor’s fiancée, would be waiting for Casey. It was the best we could do on such short notice. As soon as Casey was out of my father’s house and in a safe place, Bridget was going to call me so I could speak to Casey over the phone. To at least try and assure her that everything was going to be okay.

  An hour later, my phone rang. Thank God, it was Bridget’s number.

  “Hello.” I was breathless with excitement and anxiousness.

  “We have her. Here, you need to speak to her.”

  A rustling noise sounded as though the phone were being jostled. Then, the sweetest sound graced my ears. It was Casey’s voice, no ma
tter how soft and scared she sounded. I hated that I’d done that to her.


  “God, Casey, it’s okay. I promise. Don’t be scared sweetie. Connor and Bridget are my friends. They’re there to help you. To protect you. Please don't be scared.”


  The hesitancy in her voice gutted me. She had been such an outgoing, loquacious kid. She’d been a practical joker, always making me laugh. To hear her now almost destroyed me. It only cemented my determination to see Charles Santiago brought down.

  “I need you to listen to me. Connor and Bridget are going to take you to a house I bought for you. No one else knows where it is. Dad will never be able to find you. He’ll never be able to hurt you again. I’ll be there soon. I swear.”

  As I spoke, I could hear Casey begin to softly sob in the background. Bridget was trying to comfort her. She was breaking my heart.

  “Thank you.” Her words were spoken so softly with only the barest hitch. But, she sounded more calm and confident, which was all I cared about. We said our goodbyes with my promise I would see her soon.

  Suddenly, the prospect of confronting my father didn’t seem so scary anymore. I removed the looped feed from the security cameras. My father was going to shit a brick when he got home and discovered Casey missing. A small, satisfied, and maybe even devious, smile tipped up my lips.

  “What’s that look for?” Miles moved behind me and wrapped me in his warm embrace. I leaned into his hard body and covered his hands with mine.

  “Oh, just a little fun thought picturing the look on my father’s face when he realizes he doesn’t have Casey to use against me anymore. He’s going to go ballistic when he can’t find her.”

  “You terrify me with your evilness, woman. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”


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