Second Chances (sequel to Over You)

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Second Chances (sequel to Over You) Page 4

by Christine Kersey

  Frowning, Jessica sighed, then made her way back to the sunroom, deciding to lose herself in her work. When hunger forced her to stop, she realized it was getting late, and Kyle hadn’t come back yet. Irritated that he’d chosen Melanie and her daughter over her, she fixed herself something to eat, even though her appetite had suddenly diminished.

  By the time she got ready for bed, she’d given up on Kyle coming back, and her earlier irritation had morphed into outright anger. Now it would be nearly impossible for him to finish her aunt’s bathroom before Ellen came home. After locking the front door, Jessica climbed into bed and was only able to fall asleep after Hudson curled up against her, his purring comforting her.

  The next morning she woke to the sound of the front door opening. Startled, her eyes shot open, and she froze, certain Douglas Harrington had come back to finish her off. She’d left her bedroom door open in case Hudson wanted to go downstairs and eat, and now she could hear the distinct sounds of someone walking up the stairs. Paralyzed, she squeezed her eyes closed, then focused on what she could hear, anxious to know if the intruder was coming toward her room.

  A moment later she heard footsteps outside her door. Her heart hammered in her chest as she cracked her eyes open enough to make out the shape of a man standing in her doorway. Holding back a scream, she locked her gaze on the figure who hadn’t moved. Finally she found her voice, though it came out in a squeak. “I’m calling the police.”

  The figure moved towards her, and she let out a blood curdling scream.

  “It’s just me,” Kyle said as he hurried to her side.

  Her heart raced as she clamped her mouth shut, and after calming down, she glared at him. “You scared me to death.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on her arm. “I’m really sorry, Jess. I tried to call you, but I guess your phone is off.” He paused. “I just wanted to get an early start since I didn’t make it back last night.”

  The memory of Melanie calling him, and then him dropping what he was doing to rush to her side flooded her mind, and the anger she felt the night before pushed out any warm feelings for him. But she held her tongue. It didn’t feel right to scold him for going to the aid of a two-year-old. Even if the two-year-old’s mother was a woman he’d been dating only days earlier.

  “Leave me alone,” she finally said, then turned her back on him. A moment later she felt the bed move as he stood, then she heard him walk out of her room and down the hall.

  Chapter Four

  A short time later she dragged herself out of bed and into the shower, needing to get ready to pick up Ellen and bring her home. They’d spoken briefly the evening before, and Ellen had said she would be ready to go by mid-morning. Hot streams of water pounded her back, and she realized that she was feeling a lot better.

  After she was ready, Jessica stopped by the bathroom to ask Kyle for the house key back—she didn’t want him to be able to walk in like that ever again. She found him attaching the toilet to the floor, and felt a little better when she saw that nearly everything was done. He just needed to hang the mirror over the sink, and attach the towel rack. “Looks like you’re almost done,” she said.

  He didn’t look at her as he responded. “Yeah. Are you going to get Ellen now?”

  “Yes. But first I wanted to get my key back.”

  His hands were occupied with working on the toilet installation. “Okay. Give me a minute.”

  She watched him finish, then he stood to face her.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you like that this morning, Jess.”

  She frowned. “Well you did.” She held out her hand.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key, then set it in her hand. “I should be done and out of here before you get back.”

  Jessica hesitated, wondering if she was supposed to suggest when they should see each other again. “Okay,” she finally said, leaving it up to him.

  “I’ll call you later,” he said, a small smile on his face.

  Relieved that he’d made the first move, she nodded and smiled back, then turned and left the room. Twenty minutes later she walked into her aunt’s room at the long-term care center. “How are you feeling?” she asked Ellen, who sat in a chair, her packed bag sitting on the floor next to the door.

  “Now that I’m leaving, I feel great.”

  Jessica gave her a hug, then stood in front of her. “How’s your ankle?”

  Ellen lifted her leg and slowly swiveled her ankle from side to side. “Not too bad. I should be able to get around just fine.”


  Before long Ellen was discharged and Jessica helped her into the car. “Your bathroom should be done by the time we get home,” Jessica said as they pulled out of the parking space. “Kyle was finishing it up when I left.”

  “I’m so excited to see it,” Ellen said, smiling. She turned to Jessica. “How are things with the two of you?”

  It had only been a few days since he’d told her he was still in love with her, but already they’d had a few bumps. “Okay, I guess.”

  “You don’t sound as enthusiastic as you did the other day. What’s going on?”

  “I’m just not certain that he’s put Melanie in his past. In fact, I kind of doubt that he has.”


  Jessica glanced at her aunt. “You know her daughter, Avery?”

  Ellen nodded. “Yes, I remember you telling me about her.”

  “Well, the other day Avery cut her head and had to get stitches. Melanie called Kyle and he rushed over to her house. And then yesterday afternoon Melanie asked him to come over and help with Avery, and he dropped everything and went.” Jessica stared at the road ahead of her. “It really bothers me.” She looked at her aunt. “Is that selfish of me?”

  “I don’t think so, dear. But think of it from Kyle’s point of view. How long was he involved with this woman and her daughter?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose I haven’t really wanted to get in to those kinds of details with him. I guess they dated for a while though. He told me that he wouldn’t abandon Avery. He even told me that he loves her like a daughter.”

  “Hmm. That does make things challenging. But you have to admit, Jessica. It sounds like he has changed and he won’t run from a commitment.”

  True, she thought. Although she admitted that in this case she kind of wished he would. She frowned at the irony. She’d been so worried that he couldn’t keep a commitment, but now she almost wished that he couldn’t.

  When they pulled up in front of Ellen’s house, Kyle’s truck was gone. “Kyle’s not here, so he must have finished your bathroom.”

  “Let’s get in there and take a look, shall we?” Ellen said.

  Jessica walked with her aunt into the house, then up the stairs.

  When they reached the bullet holes along the wall next to the stairs, Ellen stopped and stared at the blemishes, then put her hand on her mouth. “How very frightening.”

  “Kyle was going to try to patch those. I guess he forgot.” Or Melanie called and he rushed out.

  Ellen turned to Jessica, a frown on her face. “Well, I’m sure he’ll take care of it soon enough.” They continued up the stairs and a moment later they entered Ellen’s bedroom. Her aunt immediately went into the bathroom. “Oh, it looks lovely.” She walked inside and ran her fingers along the new granite countertop, and turned the faucet on, then off. “He did a wonderful job, didn’t he?”

  Yes, he did, Jessica thought.

  Ellen turned to Jessica, her eyes bright. “I’m going to have him work on my kitchen.”

  “I’m sure he’d love to.”

  “Will you call him and ask him to come over so we can discuss it?”

  “Don’t you want to rest a bit first?”

  Ellen laughed. “I’ve rested far too much these last two weeks. I’m eager to get moving again.”

  Jessica smiled. “Well, I’m glad your energy’s returned. I’ll call him after we’
ve had some lunch.”

  When she called his cell phone that afternoon, he answered almost immediately.

  “How’s Ellen?” he asked. “Was she happy with her bathroom?”

  When she heard his voice, she smiled. “Yes. In fact she liked it so much, she wants you to do her kitchen.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. She said you did a wonderful job.”

  “Good. I’m glad she liked it.”

  “She wants you to come over and talk to her about her kitchen.”

  “Sure, okay. I’ll be over in a couple of hours.”

  “Great. I’ll see you then.” Just before their connection ended, Jessica could have sworn she heard the voice of a child in the background. Was he at Melanie’s house right then? Is that why he hadn’t patched the bullet holes? Because Melanie had called once again?

  Not completely certain she’d heard the sound of a child, Jessica pushed aside her sudden agitation. But if he was at Melanie’s again, what could she do about it? She could let him know how much it bothered her, but he’d told her that he loved Avery like a daughter, and she knew that wasn’t something he could just turn off. Did she even want him to? If he was able to do that, wouldn’t that mean he could turn his love for her off at a moment’s notice too? That wasn’t what she wanted.

  When he arrived that afternoon, she invited him in, a smile on her face. He told me he loves me, she reminded herself as she followed him into the sunroom where Ellen was sitting.

  “Kyle,” Ellen said. “I love what you did with my bathroom.”

  “Thank you. I’m pleased you like it.”

  “Sit, sit.” She patted the chair next to her.

  He sat, then looked at Jessica, a question on his face. “Are you going to join us?”

  His green eyes drew her in and she wouldn’t have minded joining them, but she had her own work to do. “I have to work.”

  He smiled. “I understand.”

  She left them then, and went into the library. As she started working, she could hear them talking, and a few minutes later she heard them go into the kitchen. A while later Kyle stopped by the desk where she was immersed in her programming project.

  “Your aunt and I are done,” he said, leaning toward her, his hands on the front of the desk.

  Her eyes were drawn to his muscular biceps, and she wanted those strong arms around her. She needed them around her, to reassure her that she was the one he loved. She pushed back from the desk and stood, a smile on her face.

  Their eyes met and he returned her smile, then he walked around to where she stood and drew her into his arms. She snaked her arms around his waist, loving the feel of his body against hers. Relishing the security his arms gave her, she rested her head against his shoulder, and after a moment she pulled back and gazed at him.

  “Is there something you want?” he said, his voice low and seductive.

  “You know I do.”

  His smile grew, then with his gaze locked with hers, he moved one hand to the back of her neck, steadying her as he pressed his mouth against hers.

  Jessica’s eyes closed as she savored the feel of his lips possessing hers. His obvious passion for her helped to reassure her that she was the one he loved.

  After several moments, he released her, his eyes glowing with passion. “I’ve missed this.”

  “Really?” Somehow she’d never considered that she’d been in his thoughts all these years, that he might have missed her.

  “Does that really surprise you?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.

  “Yes, I suppose it does.”

  He placed his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to gaze at him. “Jessica, I never stopped loving you. But after I . . . left you . . . well, it didn’t take long for me to realize I’d made a mistake. But I didn’t have the courage to let you know how I felt.” He paused. “And I was still ambivalent about taking that final step and making that final commitment.” He frowned. “I figured you’d moved on anyway.”

  Oh, she thought. That was so far from the truth. Miles from it. But she didn’t see any reason to rehash how broken she’d been after he’d dumped her, so she just smiled softly, still feeling the touch of his lips on hers. “Then it’s a good thing I came to visit my aunt when I did.”

  He moved his hands from her face to her waist. “Yes, it certainly is.” He gazed at her a moment. “Do you think you would be able to go out with me tonight?”

  Jessica bit her lip. “I don’t know. I think I ought to stay here with Ellen. After all, it’s her first night back.”

  “That’s kind of what I thought you’d say.” He smiled, then released her. “I’d better let you get back to work.”

  “Okay. When are you going to start on Ellen’s kitchen?”

  “I have a few small projects I’ve committed to, but I should be able to start in a week.”

  After he left, Jessica focused on her project and worked steadily until dinner time. As the two women ate their meal, Ellen asked how Jessica was doing after her traumatic encounter with Douglas Harrington.

  “I’m okay. My back’s not as sore, and my leg seems to be healing.”

  “I’m glad to hear it, but that’s not exactly what I meant. What I meant was, how are you faring emotionally? The man tried to kill you, did he not?”

  Jessica grimaced. “I guess I’ve just been trying not to think about it.”

  “Do you think that’s the best way to deal with it?”

  “I don’t know.” Jessica smiled. “I’ve never gone through anything like this before.”

  “Well, you can always talk to me if you need to.”

  Her aunt’s sincerity touched her. “Thank you. And you’ve been a wonderful sounding board for me these last few weeks.” She laughed. “Especially regarding my crazy love life.”

  “That reminds me,” Ellen said. “You never told me how things ended with you and that young man from home. Alex, I believe?”

  Jessica sighed. “Technically it hasn’t ended.”


  She told her aunt how Alex had stopped by two days earlier, and how he’d insisted she not give him her answer yet.

  Her eyebrows raised, Ellen said, “Sounds like a young man in denial.”

  “That’s what I thought. I was thinking of going home for a short visit later this week and giving him my final answer so that it’s not hanging over me.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. No sense in letting him think there’s a chance you’ll be saying yes.”

  The next evening when Kyle called to see if Jessica wanted to go out, she wanted to say yes, but didn’t feel good about leaving Ellen on her own yet, so she told him it would have to wait. After she hung up, she went into the sunroom to check on Ellen.

  “Who were you talking to, dear?” Ellen asked as she set her book on the table beside her.

  “That was Kyle.”

  “You’re not staying home at night on my account, are you?”

  “You only got home yesterday. Don’t you think I ought to be here?”

  Ellen laughed. “I’m not that old and decrepit just yet, my dear. I would be fine on my own. You should go out with Kyle.” She paused, looking thoughtful. “In fact, why don’t you make that trip home that you were telling me about?”

  “Are you sure you’d be okay?”

  “Yes. And you told me that you would feel better if you could put that situation behind you.”

  “I definitely would feel better.” Jessica thought it over. “Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll go tomorrow.” Then with a twinkle in her eye, she said, “And I’ll surprise Kyle tonight by bringing over his favorite food to his house for a change.”

  “Good idea. I’m sure he’d like that.”

  With something to look forward to, Jessica finished working, then went up to her room and changed into a blouse that made her feel especially confident. After a final check in the mirror, she grabbed her purse, gave her aunt a hug good-bye, and went out to her car. S
he stopped by a Chinese restaurant that she knew Kyle especially liked, then drove to his house.

  Ellen had given her Kyle’s address, and as she drove down his street in the waning evening light, she watched for the address she’d programmed into the GPS app on her phone. Finally her phone announced that she’d reached her destination. She pulled up out front, took a final glimpse in the mirror, then carried the bags of food up the driveway and to the front porch.

  As her finger reached for the doorbell, she heard talking coming from inside, and noticed the front window was open to allow the pleasant evening air to drift inside. She paused, her forehead creased, as she listened.

  Yes, there it was again. A woman’s voice, and a voice she recognized as Kyle’s. Then she heard the distinctive squeal of a child, and she inhaled sharply as she heard Kyle call out, “Come here, Avery.”

  What is going on? Why is Melanie here? Did he invite her over when I said I couldn’t come?

  “That’s not for you,” Kyle said, and his voice sounded closer, like he was walking into the living room from another room.

  Jessica pressed herself against the wall furthest from the window, hoping Kyle wouldn’t look in her direction, though he would have to crane his neck a bit to see her. She could hear his footsteps fading, and she took advantage of the moment and hurried out to her car.

  Chapter Five

  Quickly climbing behind the wheel, she turned on the engine and drove away, but her vision was blurred with unshed tears. After a moment she pulled over and pressed her forehead against the steering wheel, and let her tears fall.

  It had only been four days since Kyle had confessed his love to her and told her he’d ended his relationship with Melanie. She held up her fingers and counted off the times he’d gone to Melanie—that she knew of. When Avery cut her head, later that day when Melanie asked him to come over, and tonight, when Melanie was at his house. Then she remembered how she thought she’d heard the sound of a child in the background when she’d called him the day before. So three times for sure, and possibly four—in four days!


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