Fox Play

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Fox Play Page 2

by Robin Roseau

  I was warm and happy and so in love.

  We stayed like that for a while. I had worn the sugar and stress from the car ride off and, in a rare moment for me, I rolled over onto my back, offering her my throat again. I didn't usually do that without prompting. Lara kissed my throat and I batted her muzzle lightly. She chuffed her pleasure and we both climbed to our feet.

  I ran under her and headed back towards the house as fast as my little fox legs would carry me. Lara lifted her nose to the air, howled for a long, long time, then ran after me, catching up to me easily. Together we ran into the compound.

  * * * *

  In the house, I shifted human while still on the stairs. Lara was still wolf but she shifted behind me, and I pulled her into the bedroom. She closed the door then a glint appeared in her eyes. I had learned that look, too, and I immediately ran for the bathroom door.

  She beat me there, putting her back to it and holding her arms away from her sides.

  After that, with me shrieking with laughter, she chased me around the room. She could have caught me a half dozen times, but she seemed content to simply cut off my escape. The rule was simple: if I got into the bathroom or out into the hallway, I won. If she caught me, she won. There weren't any prizes, but we were both very competitive.

  We never played the game the other way, with me chasing her. If I chased her, she just caught me.

  She chased me around for several minutes, then slowly began herding me closer and closer to the bed. Finally I made a dash to get past her, but she caught me easily about the waist, picking me up in both hands and holding me upside down from my hips. I shrieked but instantly stopped struggling.

  "Please, Lara," I said immediately.

  "Please wait, little fox?" she asked.

  "Please-" I was tired of playing. I wanted to feel her touch. "Please be gentle."

  "Of course, little fox," she said softly. She set me on the bed and stilled me. I lifted my chin, and she accepted the submission.

  And then she showed me just how gentle the big bad wolf could be.

  * * * *

  Later, we cuddled with her arms around me, my face buried against her as she held me lightly. She was musky from leftover excitement, and I loved how she smelled. I cuddled in as tightly as I could.

  "Is something wrong tonight?" she asked.

  "I'm just... I don't know. I think the alpha's phone call left me unsettled, and I want my girlfriend to assure me everything is going to be okay. I can't figure out what the alpha wants. I can't imagine what is so important she would call me down on short notice; she's never done that before. And she doesn't like when I play poker, but now she nearly commands me to play, and for far higher stakes that I am at all comfortable. It might be pocket change to her, but it isn't for me. If there is a political reason she wants me there Wednesday, I don't know why she isn't bankrolling me."

  Lara pulled me closer, almost to the point of hurting me. She was suddenly tense. I whimpered a little, warning her of her strength, and she relaxed her muscles. She switched to stroking me gently.

  "Do you trust the alpha?" she asked.

  "Yes, with my life."

  She kissed the top of my head. "You understand she can't always tell you everything she wants to tell you."

  "I know she believes that, but why doesn't she trust me?"

  "Oh, little fox, she does. Perhaps you should consider reasons why she wouldn't tell you something."

  "A surprise, like a present."

  "That's one. Do you think that's what is happening this time?"

  "No. She may have promised someone else she wouldn't tell me."

  "She may have. And if that's the case, she is probably very sad about that. She probably wants to tell you desperately, but told someone she wouldn't. If that's what happened, there are probably politics involved as well."

  "I hate politics."

  "I know. But you would be exceedingly good at them."

  "No one would trust me. Wolves are too direct, and would hate being on the opposite side from a fox. They would be tempted to bite first and ask questions later."

  "Which may be why the alpha keeps you away from the politics."

  I leaned away from her to look into her eyes. "Lara, do you think I make things difficult for the alpha sometimes?"

  "I think when you don't let her protect you, that you do. But I do not believe the alpha would want you to change a single thing about yourself. I think she finds your spirited disobedience refreshing, if frustrating. And she loves you from the bottom of her heart."

  We lay together, still, my fingers tracing patterns in her skin. She caught my hand eventually, stilling me, and said, "The alpha won't let me tell you what is going on, little fox, but she said I could tell you a few things that are not going on."

  "All right," I said.

  "You are not in any trouble. Tomorrow, you may feel like you are, or that you are being put on the spot, but you aren't. You need to remember that."

  "Lara, I'm not sure that is reassuring."

  "I bought you some new clothes."

  "Is that a change of topic?"

  "No. I bought you a business suit and everything to go with it."

  "You don't have my sizes."

  "This suit will fit. I was going to get it tailored, but then this came up on short notice and you'll have to wear it the way it is. The alpha will be in meetings all day beginning at nine. You will be invited to the meeting on short notice, perhaps ten minutes. You should dress and then perhaps Francesca could use your help in the school."

  "Trying to keep me busy?"

  "I need you ready, so you can't be outside in grubby clothing, and you'll sit here and fret if you don't have something to do."

  "You know me too well." I reached up and pulled her mouth to mine for a kiss. It was a sweet, gentle kiss. "I only have one question. I understand if you don't answer. Should I be worried?"


  "All right, then I won't."

  After that, she pet me gently until I fell asleep in her arms.

  Right where I was supposed to be.

  * * * *

  We got up together. Lara wore her own business suit, tailored and expensive. The one she had bought me was nearly as expensive. There was a silk blouse, fine nylons, and stylish but practical shoes to go with it. I put it on and it fit well, but she looked at it and said, "We'll have to make minor adjustments, but it's close."

  At 8:30, after we had eaten, Lara chased me out of the house. I walked over to the school and found Francesca teaching the students. When I arrived, she asked Scarlett to take over for a few minutes and pulled me out into the hallway, carrying a clipboard with her.

  "The alpha asked me to help out today, but she made me put these on," I said, gesturing to the clothes. "I can't teach a lab like this, so I don't know what either of you expect."

  She handed me the clipboard and she had a schedule for me. They were all with the older kids and were all things I could do without getting dirty. The first item was, "a history of conservation in the United States".

  "I have notes if you need them," she said. "You can use this class room, I'll take the little kids across the hall."

  "Do you know what is going on?"

  "I have hints, but please don't ask me."

  I sighed. "I don't like being in the dark."

  "I don't like the alpha putting me in this position," she said. "But I am sure she has reasons. If you need me, I'll be across the hall."

  Once Francesca had taken the little kids away with her, I closed the class door and turned to my four students. We knew each other well, and they had been good kids. I knew they all adored me, three because I had helped rescue them and the last because of a small moment of kindness that had been important to her.

  "Francesca asked me to lecture on the history of conservation. Who here thinks that would be a deadly boring lecture?"

  No one raised a hand.

  "Seriously?" I sighed, then sat down and said
, "I don't feel like lecturing. Can we please make it a conversation instead? Do the four of you care about conservation?"

  It didn't take long before I got them into a spirited debate. I had learned long ago that the wolves were usually easiest to lead around if I asked the right questions, so I kept the debate heading in the direction I preferred primarily by asking questions. I managed to include the information Francesca had asked me to teach without turning it into a lecture.

  It didn't take long before I forgot all about the real reason I had been relegated off to the school for the day.

  When lunchtime approached, Francesca told the older children, "Ms. Redfur is wearing very expensive clothing today, and it wouldn't do for the little kids to maul her with sticky fingers. The four of you need to run interference." The kids took her seriously, and they set up what felt like a zone defense around me which only ended when all the little kids were deemed sufficiently cleaned up from lunch to accept a quick hug from me.

  For the afternoon, we went over the latest results from our environmental monitoring program. I had created the program, but the kids did all the legwork, and they took it very seriously. The alpha had addressed the class when we announced the program, indicating this was one way we protected the pack. The kids were proud to help.

  It was 2:30 when Gia appeared in the doorway. She knocked and entered. "Ms. Redfur, the council requests your presence."


  "Ten minutes. They are meeting in a conference room in the barracks."

  I nodded, suddenly nervous. I turned to the kids. "I don't know if I'll be back. But I want you guys to talk about what we should be doing that we aren't. Formulate a written plan of suggestions, and we'll go over it next time. Whose turn is it to moderate the discussion?"

  "Scarlett's" said Derek.

  "You all right with that, Scarlett?"

  "Yes, Ms. Redfur." Outside my official duties, I was Michaela, but right now, being formal was appropriate.

  I followed Gia into the hallway and then stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. "Gia. What council? Are you allowed to tell me?"

  "The pack ruling council," she said.

  "I thought the alpha led the pack."

  "There is a ruling council." She frowned. "I don't know if it's okay to talk about it or not."

  "All right. I feel like I'm being called to the principal's office."

  Gia smiled, but she didn't say anything. She turned towards the front door of the school and led the way out of the building, across the courtyard, and into the building that served as the third wall of the courtyard, Lara's house being the middle wall. There was no front wall.

  She held the door for me then stepped past me once I was inside. I followed at her shoulder as we climbed the stairs and stepped to a set of double doors at the back of the building. Rory and Eric were there as guards, and they greeted me briefly, lacking the normal warmth I usually expected.

  "Does anyone know if I am in trouble?" I immediately asked.

  "No," Eric said immediately. "But we're on duty."

  "I understand," I said. I didn't, but I decided to let it go. "Do I just go in?"

  "You wait," Gia said. "Someone will come out."

  I tried listening to the conversation on the other side of the door and was surprised to find I couldn't hear a thing. That was unexpected. Perhaps they weren't currently talking, but I should hear breathing and heartbeats from this close. I didn't ask if they were sure anyone was inside; that would give information away I didn't want to share. Patience is a virtue, right?

  I waited in the wide hallway, beginning to pace nervously.

  Finally, after I had cooled my heels for longer than ten minutes, the door opened and Elisabeth stepped out. Gia immediately said, "Ms. Redfur as requested."

  My, we were being formal.

  "Come in, Ms. Redfur," Elisabeth said. "You are excused, Gia."

  "Ms. Redfur, Elisabeth? Elisabeth, should I have run when the alpha asked me to come down?"

  "No, Michaela. She wouldn't do that to you."

  I stepped past her and realized that the doors were very thick, and there was another set just a short distance away. I stopped and waited while Elisabeth closed the outer doors. "I'm scared," I admitted. I was used to being scared.

  "I know," she said. "Don't be."

  "Easy for the wolf to say."

  "No one is going to eat you."

  "Only because I'm too stringy," I replied.

  "Michaela, everything is going to be fine."

  But she hadn't hugged me. My heart in my throat, I followed her to the second set of doors, and as I approached, I could hear a variety of heartbeats from inside, deeply muffled. She opened the doors, and I was assaulted by the smell of wolves.

  I closed my eyes, trying to push back the panic. I think I whimpered.

  "Oh little fox," Elisabeth said. "No, it's not like that."

  "Please come in, Ms. Redfur," came a male voice from inside the conference room. "It isn't polite to make us wait."

  "Oh god," I said, but I pulled myself up straight and stepped past Elisabeth.

  I knew that the moment I stepped into the room, every wolf could tell I was terrified. I looked around, evaluating escape routes and threats. The wolves were clustered around a long conference table with Lara at the head of the table. The foot of the table was open, and there was no chair there. No one stood up. Counting Lara and Elisabeth there were fourteen wolves.

  And one frightened fox.

  Elisabeth gestured, directing me to stand at the foot of the table. I moved into place while Elisabeth stepped down and took her place to Lara's right. I wondered if that had once been David's seat.

  I knew some of the wolves, some better than others, but other than Lara and Elisabeth, none of them well.

  "I can smell her fear," said one female I didn't know.

  "Yes," said the male who had invited me inside. I didn't know him, either. "She is clearly terrified, but yet she is here, standing straight and, well, not tall, but straight." And then he smiled gently at me. He was clearly elderly for a wolf, but I couldn't have guessed his age. "Does anyone have any other observations to make before we proceed?"

  I started to open my mouth, but Lara shook her head just once, and I shut up.

  None of the wolves had anything to say.

  "Very well," he said. "Ms. Redfur, when something like this comes up as it does from time to time, the council appoints a spokesman. Today, that is I. You will address yourself to me and only to me. Understand that when you do so, you are addressing the entire council. You may address me as Mr. Berg. Do you understand?"

  I thought about a smart ass response. His directions were quite clear, but I didn't understand. I decided to hold my smart ass remarks at least until I knew what was going on; I knew my intended remarks were coming from my fear, anyway. "Yes, sir," I said politely.

  Lara nodded almost imperceptibly.

  "I will be asking you questions. If you do not understand the question, you may ask for clarification. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, sir." I took that to mean don't ask any questions of my own.

  "Then let us proceed. Ms. Redfur, I know you are very frightened. There is no need." I didn't open my mouth, but I looked around pointedly at fourteen wolves all looking at me, then glanced at the closed door. I'd never make it.

  "You present the council with a rather unique challenge, Ms. Redfur. Your status in relationship to the pack is someone unconventional, and this is causing some stress within the pack."

  I started to open my mouth, and Lara shook her head again. I closed it, suppressing a sigh.

  "The council has discussed your status, at length and repeatedly," Mr. Berg said. "Frankly, we are all weary of this discussion and would choose to reach a conclusion so we may address other issues. Do you understand?"

  I thought about it. "No, sir."

  "I did not speak clearly?"

  "Sir, I understood what you said. But it feel
s like there is perhaps a great deal left unsaid."

  He smiled. "Quite. Let me propose this. I will explain the problem, and I will explain our proposed solution. But before I do that, I would like to offer an observation." He waited for me, and I nodded to him. "You have a certain reputation, Ms. Redfur. You have a reputation for very rapid reflexes coupled with a certain amount of foxy playfulness. I would suggest perhaps this afternoon you may wish to reign these in very, very carefully."

  "Yes, sir," I said. "I will do my best. Have I been impertinent? I have not tried to be."

  "No, Ms. Redfur. But the day is young, and it was perhaps a very close call several times already."

  "Perhaps," I agreed.

  "Ms. Redfur, I will speak plainly. You consume pack resources. You attend pack events. Due to your relationship with the alpha, you hold significant sway over pack decisions. You are privy to pack secrets that very few members of the pack know. You exert authority over a number of pack members even to the point of occasionally ordering the enforcers about."

  I started to speak, but he held up his hand. "This is the time to reign in your response. I am not done."

  "Yes sir. I'm sorry."

  "You do these things while actively defying all authority by the pack members, even to the point of defying the alpha and her closest advisors. And you do these things while declaring loudly you are not part of the pack." I started to speak, and he held up a hand again.

  "The end result, while frequently amusing to observe, is becoming a problem for the council."

  He paused, giving me a chance to say, "May I ask why?"

  He frowned. "I will not offer specifics at this time. I will say it is not you that are the problem, but reactions to your indeterminate status that is the problem. At this point it is not a large problem, but it threatens to become one. We would prefer to head that off now rather than allowing it to grow. Can you accept that?"

  "Yes. Thank you for explaining. May I ask another question?" He nodded. "What resources do I consume?"

  "Ah. That is the least of our concerns, but I shall explain. You consume a very, very small amount of food and occasionally hunt on our lands."

  "I never hunt for myself anything a wolf would bother to hunt, except the occasional rabbit I give to Lara."


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