'Til I Kissed You

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'Til I Kissed You Page 7

by Pam Howes

  ‘Yes, I phoned them after I read my letter. They’ve known about Pat’s cancer for a few months. But she made them promise not to tell us until she was over the worst. That’s even more upsetting, putting us first so we wouldn’t worry. We’ve always shared our problems and there’s poor Pat, thousands of miles away, keeping it all to herself.’

  Jon popped his head around the door again. ‘I’ve finished with the phone, Dad.’

  ‘Thanks, son. If you’re not going out can you read the kids a quick story - if Jess hasn’t already done it?’

  ‘Helen’s invited me over and we’re going clubbing. But I’ll read them a story anyway. They can have one between them, it’ll save time.’

  ‘Katie won’t like that,’ Jane said, raising an eyebrow.

  ‘Well Katie will have to lump it,’ he replied. ‘There’s a sexy little bird waiting for me!’

  ‘You just be careful,’ Eddie warned, laughing at Jon’s lusty grin.

  ‘Dad, for God’s sake, I’m twenty-two not sixteen.’

  ‘Yes, but Helen’s only fifteen. Just you watch you’re step, that’s all I’m saying.’

  ‘That Helen’s bloody jailbait,’ Roy called after Jon.

  ‘I wish he’d find someone nearer his own age and settle down,’ Jane said. ‘He always seems to get involved with schoolgirls.’

  ‘Trouble is,’ Eddie mused,’ all girls look older than their years these days. Helen looks at least eighteen. I nearly dropped cork-legged when he told me her age.’

  ‘Well it’s a girl thing to try and look older,’ Sammy said. ‘Me and Jane used to slap the makeup on when were teenagers.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Roy’s dark eyes twinkled, ‘but I have to say I preferred you in your school uniform - without the makeup.’

  ‘You’re just a dirty old letch, Cantello!’ Sammy smacked his leg.

  ‘Right, let’s phone Pat and Tim,’ Eddie said. ‘At least we’re a bit more cheerful than we were earlier. I’d hate them to think we’ve all gone to pieces. We need to keep strong for them.’

  Tim answered after a few rings. ‘Hi, mate, it’s Ed. We got your letter and photos. We’re very sorry, Tim. How’s Pat doing?’ He fell silent as Tim spoke.

  ‘She’s doing good thanks. Needs more chemo and then she’s having a re-construction. She’s optimistic about a full recovery, well, we both are. To be honest, she’s more upset about losing her hair than her breast.’

  Eddie remembered that Pat’s long, blonde hair had been her pride and joy. Losing it would be such a blow to her moral. ‘Is she able to come to the phone?’ he asked.

  ‘I’ll go get her. Talk to you later, Ed.’

  Tim went off to get Pat while Eddie relayed to the others what he’d just learned. Sammy and Jane nodded and held on to one another.

  ‘Hi, Pat.’ Eddie smiled into the receiver. ‘How are you? - Good, I’m so glad to hear that. Yes, we’re all here at our place. We’re sitting on our bed. - No, it’s not an orgy, well not at the moment anyway.’ He grinned broadly at the others. ‘But as you well know, we’re always open to suggestions. I’m glad to hear that you haven’t lost your sense of humour, girl. I’ll hand you over to Jane and Sammy. Take care, darling. We love you and we’re all rooting for you.’

  Jane and Sammy pressed as close to the receiver as they could, both talking at once.

  Roy rolled his eyes. ‘Just like old times,’ he said, smiling as the pair ooh-ed and aah-ed over whatever Pat was telling them. ‘So, what do you reckon, Ed, will she get better?’

  ‘Tim said she needs further chemo then she’s having a reconstruction. It sounds as though she’s got the spirit to fight it all the way.’

  Roy nodded and smiled at Jane and Sammy, both with tears running down their cheeks, as they said their goodbyes.

  ‘Well,’ Sammy said. ‘She sounded really cheerful. Told us two to stop crying and not to worry. She also said she and Tim have decided to sell up and come home. The ranch is already up for sale. They realise how vulnerable they are out there without family support. Pat’s feeling positive, but if anything goes wrong, Tim would be left to bring the children up alone.’

  Eddie and Roy stared at one another over the girls’ heads.

  ‘You’re thinking my thoughts,’ Roy said, grinning at Eddie’s animated face.

  ‘Am I?’ he replied. ‘You mean, re-formed Raiders? We were only talking about it over dinner.’

  ‘The very same!’ Roy replied. ‘Did Pat say when they’d be home, girls?’

  ‘Hopefully in the autumn. She said they’d leave the ranch in the care of some friends if it hasn’t sold and come home then anyway,’ Jane replied. ‘They could stay here with us until they find somewhere to live. When Jess moves out there’ll be a spare room. Kim and Abby could share with Katie. It would be lovely to have them here’

  ‘Where’s Jess going?’ Sammy asked.

  ‘You mean Nick hasn’t told you?’ Eddie said. ‘Oh fuck, talk about putting your foot in it.’

  ‘Well you’d better tell us,’ Roy suggested. ‘Forewarned is forearmed.’

  Eddie outlined Nick and Jess’s plans to move in together. He told Roy and Sammy that he and Jane had given Jess permission. They presumed Nick had asked if it was okay on the way home from Brighton.

  Sammy smiled. ‘The dozy sod fell asleep after we met up at the services. We’ve had all this upset since I opened Pat’s letter, so I don’t suppose he thought it was the right time to say anything. Anyway, I’ve no objections. Roy?’

  ‘Nor do I,’ Roy said. ‘They’ll soon realise it’s not a bed of roses. Nothing like a bit of practical experience for learning about life.’

  ‘I’ll go and tell them,’ Eddie said, springing up off the bed. ‘Where are they?’

  ‘Jess’s room,’ Jane replied. ‘Don’t go barging in, Ed. Knock first and wait ’til she tells you to come in.’ She turned to Sammy and Roy. ‘Don’t know about you two, but I’m drained. Let’s go down and get a drink.’


  ‘Are you decent?’ Eddie teased as he knocked on Jess’s door.

  ‘Course we are,’ Jess called. ‘Come in, Dad.’

  ‘Why the glum faces?’

  ‘We’re worried about Pat,’ Nick replied, slipping his arm around Jess’s shoulders. ‘We were thinking how it could just as easily have been Mum or Jane.’

  ‘That thought had crossed my mind,’ Eddie nodded. ‘Anyway, at the moment I’m the bearer of good news. You can go ahead and look for a flat whenever you’re ready. If it’s what you both want, then we’re all agreed it’s okay.’

  Jess stared at him. ‘But, Dad, Nick hasn’t had a chance to ask Roy and Sammy yet.’

  ‘Oh well, your Mum put her foot in it by saying that Pat and Tim could use your room when you move out. You can probably guess the rest.’

  ‘So, Mum and Dad don’t mind? Are Pat and Tim coming home? When? Will you reform The Raiders?’ Nick’s questions tumbled excitedly over one another.

  ‘They are coming home just as soon as Pat feels fit enough to travel. It’ll be a good few months yet, but they’re getting sorted out over there. And yes, we may re-form The Raiders. Right, I’ll leave you two to make some plans.’

  ‘Dad, can Nick stay over tonight? I don’t want to be on my own,’ Jess pleaded.

  ‘Of course he can.’

  ‘Thanks, Dad, goodnight.’

  As Eddie strolled down the landing, Jon rushed past looking flustered.

  ‘How come you’ve not gone out yet?’ Eddie said as they ran downstairs together.

  ‘I ended up reading two stories because the awkward little sods couldn’t agree. Then I had to have a shower and my shirt needed ironing. I didn’t like to pester Mum when she’s so upset, so I did it myself. Does it look alright?’

  ‘It’s fine,’ Eddie replied as Roy strolled into the hall. ‘Now go on, get going or it won’t be worth bothering.’

  ‘Before you dash off, Jon,’ Roy began. ‘Tell Livvy to come here Tuesday next for a

  ‘What about Jess?’ Jon said. ‘She hate’s Livvy coming here.’

  ‘Err, I dunno, but you’ll think of something to pacify her,’ Roy replied, going into the downstairs cloakroom.

  Nodding his head, Eddie said, ‘We’d both like Livvy in The Zoo. She’s got a bloody good voice and the band needs it. Now don’t be too late home. You’re back in work tomorrow. Sean won’t be very happy if you don’t turn up on time. Enjoy yourself. See you later.’



  ‘Well fuck you then!’ Sean Grogan slammed down the phone. He turned as his sales assistant, Livvy Grant, ran upstairs to the record department.

  ‘Problems, Sean?’ She stared at her boss who had a stubbly chin and a slightly dishevelled appearance. ‘Night on the tiles?’

  ‘I wish,’ he grunted, lighting a cigarette. He tossed the packet and lighter in her direction. ‘Help yourself then leave them on the counter for Jon. Ah, if it’s not the divil himself,’ he finished as Jon puffed up the stairs.

  ‘Less of the divil if you don’t mind,’ Jon quipped, mocking Sean’s Dublin accent. He helped himself to a cigarette and took a lengthy drag. ‘Ah, that’s better.’

  ‘Well now, it’s grand to see you, Jon,’ Sean said. ‘We’ve been really busy the last few days. Livvy and I have been run off our pegs.’

  ‘You look a bit rough around the edges,’ Jon laughed. His dark-haired, good-looking boss was usually a stylish dresser and never less than immaculately turned out.

  ‘I was about to tell Livvy that I didn’t go home last night. It was Ian from instruments birthday. We had a few bevies in Tommy Ducks and a takeaway curry. I fell asleep at his place so I’m in the doghouse with Tina. She’s just given me an ear bashing for not letting her know I was staying out.

  ‘How the fuck was I supposed to let her know, when I didn’t even realise I was doing it? Bloody women, they won’t listen, even when your excuse is genuine. - Kettle’s boiled. Go and brew up, Liv. I could murder a coffee. How was Brighton?’ he asked Jon as Livvy disappeared into the staffroom.

  ‘Good,’ Jon replied. ‘I met a bird from Pickford down there. Saw her last night and took her clubbing.’

  ‘Did you now?’ Sean said, grinning broadly. ‘You’ve had more birds than Disney has Dalmatians. So, come on, tell all. What’s this one called and what’s she like?’

  ‘What’s who like?’ Livvy said, strolling back into the shop. She placed a tray on the counter. ‘Help yourselves. There’s a packet of biscuits, too, my treat.’ Sean and Jon took a mug each and Livvy plonked herself on a stool behind the counter and nibbled the corner off a custard cream.

  ‘Jon met a bird in Brighton,’ Sean said.

  ‘Another for your harem?’ She laughed and rolled her eyes.

  ‘Her name’s Helen,’ Jon began. ‘She’s tall, blonde, blue-eyed and sexy.’

  ‘Bit like me then,’ Livvy quipped, twisting a curl around her finger.

  ‘Not quite, titch,’ Jon laughed. ‘Her hair’s straight and she’s at least six inches taller.’

  ‘How old is she?’ she asked.

  ‘Erm, sixteen - next month,’ he added, waiting for the ribald comments that were certain to follow.

  ‘Holy BeJesus, Jon, she’s jail bait!’ Sean exclaimed.

  ‘Yep, that’s what Roy said. But she looks and acts a lot older.’

  ‘Well she’s not. So don’t you go hiding the sausage just yet.’

  ‘You sound like Dad.’ Jon drained his mug and finished his cigarette. ‘By the way, The Raiders might be reforming. Pat and Tim are coming home soon.’ He related the story of Pat’s cancer and the family’s plans to return to the UK.

  ‘Let’s hope she makes a full recovery,’ Sean said. ‘But all clouds have a silver lining and it’d be great if the group were to reform.’

  ‘It’s pretty much on the cards,’ Jon said. ‘Dad and Roy are really keen. They miss the buzz.’

  ‘Did you rehearse any of the new songs while you were away?’ Livvy asked.

  ‘We did and they’re brilliant. Roy wants you at our place next Tuesday night to have a run through.’

  ‘What about Jess? I don’t want to cause trouble.’

  ‘Roy’s adamant he wants you there. On the way to work I’ve been racking my brains, thinking of a way to avoid upsetting Jess. We’ll drop your car at your place after work. Then you come home with me and eat with us. When we go to the music room later we’ll say we’d planned to go somewhere after dinner, maybe something to do with work, then I’d remembered about the rehearsal on the way home. We’ll already be at the house, so hopefully Jess won’t kick off. We can rehearse for a while then I’ll run you back to your flat later.’

  ‘It sounds a wee bit longwinded,’ Livvy said, frowning.

  ‘Well it also sounds feasible and saves falling out with Jess. It just makes life a bit easier, Liv.’

  ‘Okay then, if you’re sure. I’ll look forward to that.’ She smiled and took the empty mugs back into the staffroom.

  Sean stared after her. ‘She’s done nothing but rabbit on about those new songs all the time you’ve been away. It’s been Roy this and Roy that. She’s driven me crackers, so she has. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she has a crush on him.’

  ‘He always makes a big fuss of her and says she’s a fantastic singer,’ Jon said. ‘He really wants her in The Zoo, and we could use the extra voice. But Jess has got a bee in her bonnet that she fancies Nick and won’t agree. It’s a shame really, because Livvy’s very good.’

  ‘Ah well,’ Sean mused, ‘if she’s that good, maybe she should try for a solo career.’

  ‘I reckon so,’ Jon nodded. ‘Perhaps Roy could manage her.’

  ‘No doubt your Dad will be in touch with Phil and Carl about the group re-forming.’

  ‘I’m sure he will,’ Jon said.

  ‘I must give Carl a ring sometime. We always got on well once he forgave me for enticing Tina away from him.’

  ‘Ah well, Carl’s happily married to my Aunt Cathy now,’ Jon said. ‘So all’s well that ends well.’



  The shelves in the upstairs music room at Hanover’s Lodge bulged with Eddie’s record collection. Under the window he’d installed a portable recording studio and on Tuesday night, The Zoo and Livvy went straight into the rehearsal of the new song.

  I Need Your Love, the raunchy rocker, written with Livvy in mind, was so much better with the extra voice than Eddie had dared hope. Her vocal range was amazing and tonight she belted out the lyrics like a young Janis Joplin. Fired with enthusiasm, the group ran through The Zoo’s complete repertoire.

  ‘Bloody marvellous, Liv,’ Roy said, beaming at Livvy, who smiled shyly back. ‘One more time with the new one. Give it all you’ve got.’

  Eddie mixed and recorded I Need Your Love. ‘I think that’s cracked it,’ he said as he re-wound the tape. He played it back to them as Jess left to use the bathroom.

  When she returned, Livvy, reclining on a bean bag near the mixing desk, was talking animatedly with Nick who knelt beside her, their heads close together.

  Jess stiffened as she walked towards the pair and they sprang guiltily apart. Nick jumped to his feet. Jess had the knack of reducing Livvy to shreds and tonight was no exception.

  ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ she demanded.

  ‘Nothing, we were just talking,’ Nick replied, frowning. He slipped his arm around her shoulders.

  ‘Oh, it looks like it,’ she said, shrugging him off. ‘Did you need to have your faces so close together?’

  ‘It was difficult to hear what Livvy was saying over the music,’ Nick replied. ‘Cool it, Jess. Why do you always have to have a go at her?’

  ‘I wasn’t having a go. But it’s so bloody obvious that you fancy her.’ She flounced out of the room, as only Jess could flounce, and slammed the door behind her.

  Eddie switched off the ta
pe deck and shook his head.

  Nick looked apologetically at Livvy. ‘Sorry, Liv, she’s a bit touchy today. Probably PMT. I’ll go after her. See you soon. Bye.’

  ‘Oh dear.’ Roy raised an eyebrow. He and Jason were lounging on the sofa bed opposite and they smiled at Livvy who was close to tears. ‘Don’t take any notice of Jess, love,’ Roy continued. ‘She’s always on her high horse where Nick’s concerned.’

  Livvy nodded as Jane popped her head in the room. ‘Stop slamming doors, you’ll wake the kids. And can you call Helen, Jon? She rang earlier but I told her you were recording. Use the phone in our room.’

  ‘That was Jess slamming doors, not us,’ Jon said. ‘Those kids sleep through anything. We’ve been making a noise in here and they haven’t stirred.’

  ‘They’re used to music,’ Jane said, ‘but that bloody door sounded like a bomb going off. What’s she slamming doors for anyway?’

  ‘She’s had a falling out with Livvy,’ Roy chipped in. ‘A misunderstanding over Nick.’

  ‘I see.’ Jane turned to Livvy who was still sitting on the beanbag, wiping her eyes. ‘I’m sorry, love. Would you like to come downstairs and have a cup of tea?’

  Livvy smiled through her tears and shook her head. ‘No thanks, Jane, I need to be going home in a minute.’

  ‘I’ll speak to Helen and then I’ll take you home,’ Jon said.

  ‘Well, if you’re sure you’re okay, I’m going back downstairs,’ Jane said. ‘They’re just re-showing Torvill and Dean doing their Bolero routine on telly.’ She left the room as Roy stood up, stretching his arms above his head.

  ‘Don’t rush your call, Jon, I’ll take Livvy. Perhaps you can take Jason home for me later then I can stop off and have a pint. Come on, sweetheart,’ he said to Livvy. ‘I’ll drop you off first. Do you fancy meeting me in the Royal Oak, Ed?’

  ‘No thanks, mate. I’ll stay home and relax with Jane. I’ll see you tomorrow about noon. I’m sorry, Livvy. Jess isn’t usually this bad. Put it down to hormones like Nick suggested. But for God’s sake don’t tell her we said that,’ he finished with a grin.

  Livvy’s smile was grateful. ‘I won’t. But, Roy, are you quite sure you don’t mind giving me a lift?’


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