'Til I Kissed You

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'Til I Kissed You Page 13

by Pam Howes

  ‘Didn’t you sleep well, Jason?’ Jess frowned.

  ‘Not really,’ he mumbled.

  ‘But you were shattered when you went to bed.’

  ‘Creaky bedsprings,’ he said. ‘Stereo creaky bedsprings at that!’

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Jase.’ Jess ruffled his hair affectionately.

  ‘Yeah, I’m sorry, too,’ Jon apologised. ‘We promise not to do it again.’



  ‘For you.’ Sean handed the telephone to Livvy and busied himself serving a young man who was clutching the sleeve of a Smiths album.

  Livvy spoke into the receiver and then replaced it, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She looked up as Sean’s customer left. ‘Did you say something?’

  ‘Bloody hell, cloth ears! I said was that Roy Cantello on the phone?’

  ‘Yeah, it was. He invited me to lunch so we can talk about my rehearsing while Jon and the gang are away. He wants to take a demo tape to Abbey Road next time he goes. With The Zoo not being around, Roy said he and Eddie would back me instead.’

  ‘I see,’ Sean replied, unconvinced. The animation on Livvy’s face spoke volumes, and quite obviously had more to do with her seeing Roy than recording any songs.

  Sean had had his suspicions for weeks now that something was going on between Livvy and Roy. There’d been numerous phone calls and meetings and she was walking around as though the lights were on but there was no one home. Mind you, Sean thought, she was always what Tina called, a bit fey, whatever that meant, but it sounded kinder than Jon’s choice of not a full shilling.

  Sean hoped his suspicions would prove to be unfounded. Roy surely wouldn’t cheat on Sammy after all this time and not with a kid like Livvy, no matter how heart-stoppingly beautiful she was.

  ‘Why do you keep staring at me like that, Sean?’ Livvy’s voice broke his reverie.

  He looked at her for a long moment and then said, ‘Is something going on between you and Roy Cantello? Something other than the music, I mean?’

  ‘Of course not. What on earth makes you think that?’

  ‘Call it intuition,’ he replied.

  ‘Well you’re wrong, very wrong.’

  ‘Okay. So why bite my head off?’

  There was a welcome diversion as a delivery driver came up the stairs with the days’ order of new stock. Livvy busied herself opening the box while Sean chatted with the man and signed for the goods.

  Sean sensed he’d get no further with his questioning and left her to it. She filed the records on the shelves and disposed of the box in the stockroom.

  Roy arrived and had a brief chat with Sean while Livvy collected her jacket and handbag.

  ‘See you later,’ she called to Sean whose shrewd gaze followed the pair downstairs.

  The way Roy had looked at Livvy as she’d walked towards him and the look that passed between them had further fuelled his suspicions. He’d bet his life on it that Roy was shagging her. Oh well, he thought, it wasn’t his place to interfere. Though God help him if he and Livvy were having an affair and Sammy discovered his indiscretions. She’d have his bloody balls on a skewer and serve them up to Jane’s dog Lennon faster than you could blink.


  Out in the street, Roy openly took Livvy’s hand as they walked towards Tommy Duck’s public house. ‘You okay, Liv?’

  ‘All the better for seeing you.’ She grinned at him and he bent to plant a kiss on her lips.

  ‘Same here,’ he replied, pulling her close as they walked into the pub.

  ‘I’ve never been in here before.’ She looked around the famous old pub and Roy grinned as she stared in amazement at the knickers-strewn ceiling.

  ‘This place is quite famous for its knickers,’ he told her. ‘Some of them have been up there since the year dot. We used to come in here regularly in the sixties to meet up with our dealer mate, Mac. In fact,’ he looked around, ‘I was hoping to see him today. That sod Nick’s helped himself to my dope supply. I had an empty tin this morning. Ah well, I’ll call Mac later. We can have a drink here and then I’ll take you to a restaurant to eat if you prefer.’

  ‘No, here’s fine. I only get an hour for lunch, so we don’t have too much time. I’ll have a sandwich and a glass of lager, nothing fancy. It’s just so nice to be with you.’

  ‘I know.’ He held her hand as they waited to be served at the bar. He placed their order and carried the drinks to a quiet corner at the back. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t get over on Sunday night, but with the kids going to France the following day it was a bit difficult. Can I see you tomorrow morning?’

  Livvy nodded. ‘I’ve got to work in the afternoon. With Jon being on holiday we’re short of staff. But we can have all morning together.’

  ‘Shall we spend it in bed then?’ he teased, grinning as she blushed.

  ‘Roy, what are you like? Everyone will hear you.’

  ‘So, they’ll all be envious of an old fella like me, in-between the sheets with a pretty young lady like you.’ He stroked her cheek. ‘I don’t mean to embarrass you. You’re so shy at times.’

  ‘No I’m not,’ she grinned. ‘Not anymore.’

  ‘Hmm. You’re getting to be quite an insatiable wee Madam. I’m having difficulty keeping up with your demands on my poor old body.’

  ‘Oh yeah, I don’t think so.’ She smiled as the barmaid brought their order of sandwiches to the table. ‘So, what’s happening with the other new song? Have you finished it yet?’ She took a sip of lager and picked up a sandwich.

  Roy bit into his and nodded, cheeks bulging.

  ‘You look like a hamster.’

  He swallowed and laughed. ‘I’m starving. I only had black coffee and a couple of fags for breakfast. I was hoping we could try the song tomorrow afternoon, but if you’re working it’s going to have to wait. Leave it with me. I’ll speak to Ed later. Maybe we’ll make it one evening instead. I could pick you up from your flat after work and then take you back later. That way we get to spend a bit of time together afterwards.’

  ‘Sounds okay to me. Have you heard from Jon and the others?’

  ‘Yeah, Jon called Ed last night to let them know they’d arrived safely. They’ll have a wonderful time. It’s just a pity Jason hasn’t got a girl. He’ll probably be feeing a bit left out. I was hoping he’d get it together with that Ronnie bird he met in Brighton when Jon met Helen, but nothing came of it.’

  ‘He seems very shy.’

  ‘To a point,’ Roy said. ‘He’s comfortable around people he knows. Nick’s a chip off the old Cantello block, a real Jack the Lad. But Jason’s nothing like him. You can’t even say he takes after Sammy, because she’s like Nick and me, calls a spade a spade, although Jason gets his arty ways from her. He spends a lot of time in his room playing his keyboard or with that mate of his, Jules. Nick says Jules is gay, but I don’t know. I can’t make him out sometimes. He dresses a bit poncey, but then again, it’s all this New Romantics influence.’

  ‘Jason’s a lovely lad, Roy. I don’t think you’ve any problems with him.’

  ‘You’re probably right. At least he doesn’t bring trouble home. Anyway, get stuck into your sandwich. ’

  They finished their lunch and Roy walked Livvy back to work. Outside the store he swept her into his arms and kissed her.

  ‘Until tomorrow,’ he whispered. He waved goodbye as she sauntered away with a dreamy expression on her face.


  ‘I can’t believe we’ve already been here over a week.’ Jess lay back on the tartan travel rug, squinting up at the patches of brilliant blue sky just visible between the dense green needles of the pine trees.

  She and Nick had decided on an afternoon alone and had driven to Le Foret de Lanouee. They’d parked the Jeep and, carrying the rug and laden picnic basket, had strolled into the forest until they found a perfect spot to settle down. Although the day was hot and sticky, Jess hoped it would be cooler under the trees.

p; They’d tucked into crusty bread, cheese, ham and fresh fruit and then washed it all down with a chilled bottle of white wine.

  ‘This is pure bliss, Jess. I could stay here forever with you.’ Nick leant over to kiss her.

  ‘I’d like to live here if The Zoo doesn’t take off soon,’ she said. ‘But seeing as we both flunked French we’d have to re-learn it. It’s a good job Jon and Helen speak it fluently or we’d be really stuck.’

  ‘What would we do for work if we came here?’

  ‘We could sing in bars and clubs. We’d easily make a living,’ she replied.

  ‘I suppose we could,’ Nick said. ‘But if we decide to live abroad at all, we should go to the States. It’s a pity in a way that Tim and Pat are coming home. We could have stayed with them and tried to get singing jobs out there.’

  ‘We could go under our own steam. Work as a duo. Pat and Tim have loads of musical contacts and people they know that could probably provide us with accommodation. Why don’t we do it, Nick, next year?’

  ‘Would you, Jess? Would you really come with me?’

  She nodded and sat up. The last few days had been wonderful, but there had been times when she’d felt an undercurrent of tension between Nick, Jon and herself. It would probably be the best thing all round if she and Nick went away for a while. Put some space between her and Jon.

  ‘If that’s what you want, then yes, I’ll come with you and give it a whirl.’

  He knelt in front of her, eyes shining with love. He rested his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. ‘There’s one more thing, Jess, one more thing I’d like us to do.’

  ‘What?’ she said. His face was serious now. ‘What’s on your mind?’

  ‘Will you marry me?’

  Her jaw dropped. ‘Nick,’ she spluttered, ‘you always said marriage isn’t necessary if we love one another. Why have you changed your mind?’

  He smiled and held her face between his hands. ‘Because living with you has made me realise that I want to be with you for ever. I want to make a commitment to you, to our relationship. Don’t you want to marry me, Jess?’

  Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them away. ‘Of course I do. You’ve taken me completely by surprise. I didn’t think it was what you wanted at all.’

  ‘Well it is, more than anything in the world.’

  ‘They’ll all say we’re too young. You know that, don’t you?’

  ‘But we’re not, are we? I’m eighteen; you’re almost nineteen. We know we’re right for one another. I don’t want anyone else. I’ve only ever wanted you, Jess. Since we first started dating there’s only ever been you for me.’

  Nick spoke with such conviction that Jess knew he was being serious.

  ‘And we’re so compatible,’ he finished, slipping down the shoulder straps of her blue sundress and giving her that special look. He pushed her down onto the rug and lay beside her, kissing her passionately.

  ‘What if someone comes?’

  ‘Well, that’s the general idea,’ he quipped, pulling up her dress to reveal her lightly tanned legs and skimpy white knickers.

  ‘Nick! You’re so rude at times. I don’t know why I put up with you,’ she laughed. ‘You know full well what I mean. What if someone comes by?’

  ‘They won’t. There’s absolutely no one around. We’ve been here ages and not seen a soul. Come on, Jess,’ he coaxed. ‘I want to make love to you. You never bother when we’re doing it in Norman’s Woods back home.’

  ‘That’s because we know no one ever goes to our favourite spot. We don’t know these woods. The world and his mother could come charging through on horseback at any minute!’

  ‘It’s highly unlikely,’ Nick said, grinning at her rationalising. ‘Stop playing hard to get. You never refuse me as a rule. What’s the matter with you?’

  Jess smiled at his impatience. ‘Nothing.’ She kissed him, running her hands down his front. She unzipped him, freeing his erection.

  ‘I need you, Jess, can’t you tell?’ He groaned at her gentle touch.

  ‘Yes, and I want you too, but I’m keeping my dress on, just in case.’

  ‘Okay,’ he agreed and quietened her protests with a kiss as she responded to his touch in her usual wild fashion. Later, lying side-by-side, totally satiated, Nick turned his face to hers. ‘Still want to marry me?’

  ‘You bet, more than anything.’

  ‘How about a Christmas wedding?’

  ‘What, this Christmas? Isn’t that rushing things a bit?’

  ‘Well there’s no reason to wait. We’ve got a home, money in the bank.’

  She stared up at the sky for a long moment. What would Jon say? But then again, he seemed to be enjoying spending time with Helen, in spite of what he’d said the other night. ‘Yeah, okay. Why not?’ She leant over and kissed him.

  ‘Christmas it is then,’ he said. ‘We can go somewhere wonderfully hot for our honeymoon. Let’s go back and tell the others. We could all go out tonight for a meal to celebrate. I’ll buy you an engagement ring tomorrow.’

  ‘I’d love an antique ring,’ she enthused. ‘But can we afford it?’

  ‘Of course we can. I’ve just said; there’s plenty of money left in the account Mum and Dad gave us. You shall have the exact ring you want,’ he promised.


  ‘They want to what?’ Sammy gasped, looking across the office she shared with Jane.

  ‘They want to get married,’ Jane repeated. ‘Jess called last night. Nick proposed to her yesterday afternoon in some forest or other. It was very romantic and she said yes. They tried to call you and Roy last night, but got no reply.’

  ‘We went to see Roy’s mum and dad and then for a meal. We must have missed their call.’ Sammy shook her head in disbelief. ‘I thought they were happy enough living together? Why on earth do they suddenly want to get married? Is Jess pregnant?’

  ‘Nope, she’s not. I also asked that and nearly got my head bitten off. They love one another and want to make a commitment. They’ve decided on a Christmas wedding and want us to make enquiries at Ashlea Church for a free Saturday mid to late December. Jess said to ask if you’ll design her dress.’

  ‘So, they want the full Monty? Church, white dress, the lot?’

  ‘So it would seem,’ Jane replied.

  ‘Who would ever have thought it? The worst pair of rebels, Manor Banks School ever had through its portals, according to the Head,’ Sammy said. ‘Yet they’re ready to settle down together. I must call Roy. By the way, what did Ed say?’

  ‘He’s delighted, now he’s over the shock of course.’

  Sammy dialed her home number. ‘Are you still in bed, Roy? Right, well stay lying down while I tell you something. Nick and Jess want to get married. He proposed to her yesterday afternoon. No, she’s not!’ Sammy rolled her eyes at Jane and shook her head. ‘Why? Well because they love one another of course. Why else? Yes, dear, I know it’s a shock. But it’s a nice one, don’t you think? Okay, well I’ll talk to you later. Bye.’

  ‘What did he say?’ Jane asked.

  ‘Is she pregnant?’ Sammy grinned.

  ‘So did Ed. Aren’t we awful parents? Always expecting the worst from our kids. It’ll be lovely to have a wedding between the families. We’ll be related, just.’

  ‘Well we near enough are now,’ Sammy said. ‘You’d think Roy and Ed were married to one another, the way they go on.’


  Jess chose a pretty diamond set in a circle of tiny pearls from an antique shop in Josselin. She couldn’t believe her luck when Nick slipped the ring on her finger and it fitted perfectly.

  ‘It’s beautiful,’ she said, looking at her left hand with delight.

  ‘You want that one then?’ Nick looked at her, his dark eyes shining.

  ‘Yes please, it’s perfect,’ she said, tears of happiness running down her cheeks.

  Back at the farmhouse Jess showed off her ring to Jon, Helen and Jason. Helen smiled with de
light as she looked at Jess’s outstretched hand.

  ‘It’s lovely, Jess. I hope it’s not true what they say though.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Nick asked, frowning.

  ‘Well, pearls for tears.’ Helen chewed her lower lip as a flicker of alarm crossed Jess’s face.

  ‘It’s a silly old-wives-tale, Jess, nothing more,’ Jon re-assured her. ‘Congratulations, Sis, and you too, Nick. You’re a lucky guy. My sister is one very special lady.’

  Nick beamed and hugged his fiancé. ‘Course it’s an old-wives-tale. There’ll be no tears for us, we’re so happy together.’

  Jess glanced at Jon and tried to fathom the look on his face as his eyes bore into hers. She shivered involuntarily, but smiled at him and pushed the strange feeling that crept down her spine away. She was proud to be wearing Nick’s ring and silently told herself that any doubts she had about their future would be unfounded.

  The remaining days of the holiday passed by in a haze of celebrations and last minute gift shopping. On Friday morning the relaxed and suntanned friends loaded the Jeep, said goodbye to Madame and Monsieur Delabres and set off to St Malo to board the ferry to Portsmouth.


  ‘So, what do you think, Gran?’ Jess proudly stuck out her left hand.

  Enid smiled, admiring the ring on her granddaughter’s finger.

  ‘It’s beautiful, Jess, really beautiful. And you say it fitted without having to be altered? Well that’s a good omen then, in spite of what they say about pearls.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Jess’s eyes widened.

  ‘Well, they do say, pearls for tears. That’s what we used to say when I was younger.’

  This was twice now that Jess had heard the tale relating to pearls and tears. She sighed.

  ‘That’s a load of old wives’ rubbish, Gran. Nick loves me more than anything in the world and he won’t let me down. Any tears shed for us will be tears of joy, not sorrow.’




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