'Til I Kissed You

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'Til I Kissed You Page 40

by Pam Howes

  ‘Livvy, for God’s sake, woman, you drive me crazy!’ He caressed her breasts and kissed her rounded belly. He tugged at her knickers, pulling them down slowly, teasingly, with his teeth.

  ‘Roy, make your phone call first,’ she said, pushing him gently backwards.

  ‘Okay,’ he sighed, tearing himself away. ‘Go and wait in the bath for me. I won’t be a minute.’


  Lying in the bath, Livvy could hear Roy speaking to Sammy, who, from what he was saying, appeared to be already in bed. He talked for a few minutes about the arrangements for tomorrow and finished with, ‘I’m just about to jump in the bath and have an early night myself. See you in the morning. Yeah, I love you, too.’

  She heard him hang up and he was quiet for a moment. She guessed he was feeling guilty. Sammy trusted him and here he was, about to betray that trust again. Well, she thought, there was sod all they could do about it. She was here in the bath, waiting. There was no way he would tell her to go home now. She smiled as he hurried into the bathroom, throwing off his clothes.


  Sammy woke early and leapt out of bed. She stretched in front of the full-length mirror and smiled at her reflection. She could see light at the end of the tunnel at last. Pat was on her way home, and Roy, well he would be with her later and she was so looking forward to seeing him again. She took a quick shower, dried her hair and was about to go downstairs when the bedside phone rang. She glanced at her watch. 7:00.Who could be calling so early? Maybe it was Roy. A shiver ran down her spine as she snatched up the phone. ‘Hello.’

  ‘It’s Jane,’ an excited voice told her.

  You’re up early,’ Sammy said, smiling into the receiver.

  ‘I couldn’t sleep; I’m on such a high!’

  ‘Been smoking spliffs again?’ Sammy teased.

  ‘No, well - just a small one with Ed last night. I’ve checked on TV and listened to the news on the radio and there hasn’t been any plane crashes, so that’s promising, isn’t it?’

  ‘Jane! For crying out loud. What are you like?’ Jane hated flying and was like a cat on hot bricks while anyone she knew was up in the air.

  ‘I can’t help. It’s the way I am. What did you do last night? Did you see Roy?’

  ‘No, I stayed home and relaxed. I went shopping straight from work. I’ve filled the fridge and freezer and topped up the drinks cupboard and wine racks. So we won’t go short over the weekend. You and Ed must come for dinner tonight. I’m toying with the idea of asking Roy to stay over this weekend, and then he can move straight into his flat from here on Monday. You’re all coming for Sunday lunch, too, aren’t you?’

  ‘Yes, we’ll be there. I’ll get Jon and Jess to baby sit tonight. Roy will be so happy if you ask him to stay. I’d better finish getting ready. See you later, bye.’ Jane rang off and Sammy decided to call Roy before making breakfast.


  Roy sat up, signalling frantically to Livvy, who was wrapping herself around him, to be quiet. They were in the middle of making love and Livvy groaned at being disturbed. She lay quietly on top of him, eyes opening wide as he mouthed it was Sammy and not the alarm call coming early.

  ‘I’m sorry, did I wake you?’ Sammy asked.

  ‘No, I was already half awake,’ he replied. ‘What’s up, why have you called so early?’

  ‘Would you like to check out of the hotel this morning and spend the weekend at home with us? I’d really like you here. That’s if you want to, of course.’

  He gasped as Livvy disappeared under the bedcovers. He took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on what Sammy was saying. His voice came out an octave higher as Livvy’s mouth worked its magic.

  ‘Yes, Sam, that would be great,’ he panted; trying to fight the wonderful sensations Livvy was giving him.

  ‘Are you okay, Roy, you sound a bit odd?’

  ‘I’m fine, really. Got cramp in my left foot. I’ll go now, try and get rid of it. See you later.’ He hung up and dived under the covers to drag Livvy out. ‘You little minx!’ He rolled her onto her back. ‘You get me into some bloody trouble, you do. Let’s finish what we started before breakfast arrives.’

  She grinned and wrapped her legs around his back, sighing blissfully as he slid into her again.

  ‘What would be lovely?’ she asked when Roy eventually cried out and rolled off her.

  ‘What?’ He lay back against the pillows, panting.

  ‘What you said to Sammy while I was under the covers.’

  ‘Oh, so you could still hear what I was saying, could you?’ he teased, pulling her into his arms. ‘You’ll get me hung drawn and quartered one of these days.’

  ‘Well, what would be lovely?’ she repeated, snuggling closer.

  He sighed. ‘You won’t like it. Sam wants me to stay at Jasmine House this weekend.’

  ‘Will you be sleeping with her?’

  ‘We’ll probably be in the same bed.’

  ‘That’s not what I meant, Roy. Will you be making love to her?’

  He shrugged. ‘I don’t presume anything anymore.’

  ‘But if Sammy wants to, will you?’

  ‘Stop it, Livvy! I don’t want this conversation. Let’s not spoil what we’ve just enjoyed by arguing.’

  ‘Okay, I’m sorry. Can we do it one more time before I have to go, please, Roy?’ she wheedled.

  ‘I can’t, Livvy, not so soon. I’m forty-two remember, not twenty-two like you. I need a rest in between these days and we haven’t got the time. You’ve got to get out of here before Sammy arrives. Come on, get up.’ He tickled her ribs gently.

  ‘Please, Roy, just try.’ She reached down but he grabbed her hands.

  ‘I’m knackered, Livvy. You wore me out last night and finished me off just now. I thought you’d have had enough yourself. You’re randier than ever now you’re pregnant!’

  She sat up and smiled. ‘It’s because I’m not getting as much as I’m used to having.’

  ‘I’ve spent two nights with you this week, you insatiable little monkey, not to mention the mornings after!’

  ‘Yes, but I don’t know when I’ll see you again, do I?’ she replied wistfully.

  He shrugged. ‘Let’s play it by ear. I don’t want to cause problems at home with Pat and Tim staying there. I’ll try and call you over the weekend or early next week and I’ll transfer that money into your account on Monday, so you can go shopping for some clothes. That dress just about fitted where it touched last night. God knows what people must have thought.’

  ‘Will the receptionist tell Sammy I stayed with you?’

  ‘It’s more than her job’s worth to tell tales on the guests. Anyway, Sammy won’t have any need to come inside the hotel. I’ll meet her on the car park. Their paths are unlikely to cross.’ He climbed out of bed, dragging Livvy with him. ‘Shower, go on, get in and I’ll join you. Breakfast won’t be long.’


  Sammy frowned as she replaced the receiver. Roy had sounded really odd and he’d rung off very abruptly. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Something was wrong, he wasn’t alone; she just knew it. But who could he be with? Surely not Livvy, he wouldn’t dare, would he?

  She rummaged in her handbag and found the piece of paper with Livvy’s phone number. She dialled and it rang and rang. The girl might be in the shower and couldn’t hear the phone ringing, or maybe she’d already left for work.

  She waited five minutes and dialled again; still no reply. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater, grabbed her handbag and keys and ran out of the house. Jumping into her car she shot off towards Westlow. On the hotel car park her headlights picked out Roy’s car in the morning gloom. Down near the bottom her sharp eyes spotted a red Mini. She pulled up alongside it and clambered out.

  Peering through the windows, Sammy could see nothing that would identify the vehicle as belonging to Livvy. Anyway, it probably wasn’t her car and she was over reacting. Not answering the phone didn’t necessarily mean t
he girl was here with Roy.

  ‘Get a bloody grip, Sam,’ she told herself. ‘You may as well join him for breakfast now. Tell him you wanted to surprise him.’ She walked into reception where the redhead was bent over the desk, filing her nails. Marching past the girl, Sammy walked towards the stairs. She knocked on the door of Roy’s suite. ‘Room service!’ she called. He threw open the door, a towel around his waist. His jaw dropped as she marched in and pushed him out of the way. Her eyes took in the rumpled bed and clothes strewn on the floor. Roy stood holding his head in his hands as Livvy strolled out of the bathroom, naked.

  ‘Is that breakfast, Roy? I’m starving.’ She stopped, eyes widening in horror.

  ‘You little bitch!’ Sammy lunged as Roy sprang between them.

  ‘No, Sammy, no! She’s pregnant; leave her alone. It’s not her fault. I invited her over for dinner because I was lonely and I asked her to stay.’

  Sammy rounded on him.

  ‘Lonely! How the fuck are you lonely? After everything we’ve done together this week and everything you’ve promised me.’ She turned to Livvy. ‘Has he told you I’ve been coming here at lunchtime and we’ve been making love? No, judging by the look you’re giving me, he hasn’t.’

  ‘She knows I’ve seen you at lunchtimes,’ Roy faltered as Livvy’s face crumpled.

  ‘He’s using us both, Livvy, ‘Sammy ranted. ‘Two stupid women who can’t resist him! What an ego booster, you fucking bastard! Well that’s it as far as I’m concerned. You’re welcome to him. You’ll both be hearing from my solicitor next week. I never want to set eyes on you again, Roy Cantello as long as I live. Don’t you dare come near me, Jason, or the house again!’

  Giving him one last burning look she turned and marched out of the room.


  With shaking hands Roy closed the door, walked across the room and collapsed onto the bed. That final look had contained such anger, hurt and betrayal it would remain etched in his memory for ever.


  The rush of adrenalin carried Sammy down the stairs, past the receptionist and out to her car. She started up the engine and drove to Hanover’s Lodge on automatic pilot. Climbing out of the car she spotted Lennon cocking his leg against Jane’s Porsche. He ran back indoors. She followed him into the warm kitchen and surprised Eddie by collapsing into his arms.

  He called for Jane to come quickly and she raced downstairs in her towelling robe, freshly washed hair flapping around her face. She looked in dismay at her friend’s pale and stricken face and led her to a chair. ‘Tea!’ she ordered Eddie. ‘Put plenty of sugar in it.’

  ‘She doesn’t take sugar,’ Eddie began.

  ‘Just do it, Ed. What is it, Sam? Has there been a plane crash?’

  Sammy shook her head.

  ‘What then? Sammy, for God’s sake, what’s wrong?’

  ‘Roy,’ Sammy uttered in a strangled voice.

  ‘What about him?’ Jane shook her gently. ‘What about Roy? Has something happened to him?’

  Sammy opened her mouth but nothing came out. She closed it, shook her head again and burst into tears.


  Eddie grabbed the phone and dialled The Grand. ‘Room 125, please. Mr Cantello.’ His eyes opened wide as the phone was answered. ‘Livvy? It’s Eddie, is Roy there?’

  ‘He can’t talk right now,’ Livvy sobbed down the line. ‘Sammy just came to the hotel and found us together.’

  ‘It’s okay you don’t need to say anymore. Tell him I’ll call back later and he’d better have a bloody good explanation.’ Eddie hung up; looking at Jane’s shocked face over the top of Sammy’s head.

  ‘No!’ Jane shook her head slowly in disbelief.

  ‘Yes!’ He nodded.

  Jane blinked back tears and sat down in front of Sammy, taking her friend’s cold hands into her own. ‘Why?’ she asked in bewilderment.

  Sammy shrugged. ‘I don’t know,’ she whispered. ‘We were so happy yesterday. I don’t understand it. I called him after I spoke to you earlier and asked if he’d like to stay over the weekend. He sounded odd, sort of breathless; his voice was different. He told me he’d got cramp in his foot and hung up quickly. Oh God,’ Sammy looked at Eddie and Jane in despair, ‘it’s just dawned on me - he was screwing her. I wouldn’t have been any the wiser if I hadn’t called him, would I? She’d have been long gone before I picked him up and he would have been sharing my bed tonight.

  ‘I bet he’s never stopped seeing her, and after all the promises he made me this week. I can’t believe I’ve been so bloody stupid to fall for all those lies about loving me and not letting me down. I wouldn’t have slept with him again if I’d known he was still shagging her. Christ, I feel dirty, used. He told me yesterday no one could love me like he does and then he does this.’ Her hands shook as she took the mug of sweet tea Eddie handed her. ‘The marriage is over now, believe me.’


  Livvy put down the phone and looked at Roy who was lying on the bed, staring silently up at the ceiling. She felt helpless and didn’t know what to do or say so busied herself making two cups of coffee from the hospitality tray. She placed them on the bedside table, lay down next to Roy and put her arms round him.

  ‘Roy, I’m so sorry. Why did you take all the blame? It was my fault, not yours.’

  He looked at her and shook his head. ‘No, Liv, I asked you to stay. I wanted you to stay. Truth is, I needed you here.’

  ‘But Sammy said she doesn’t want to see you again and she sounded as though she really meant it.’

  ‘She did mean it, believe me,’ he replied, smiling weakly. He sat up. ‘Shit, what a fucking mess I’ve made of things!’

  ‘I shouldn’t have come here,’ Livvy said tearfully. ‘I only wanted one more night with you. Now I’ve ruined everything for your family.’

  ‘Livvy, stop it! Think of the baby. It won’t do any good to get upset. I could have sent you packing but I didn’t. What about you? You know I’ve been sleeping with Sammy again. Bet you hate me for that.’

  ‘She’s your wife. You were trying to patch things up.’

  He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes. ‘Well that’s it, my marriage is over. She’s made the decision for me. I’ll have to speak to Ed next time he calls. Sam’s obviously gone to his place. He and Jane will look after her.’

  Livvy nodded. ‘I’d better get ready to go home. I need to go to work soon.’

  ‘Don’t leave me, Livvy, please,’ he begged. ‘I can’t bear to be on my own today. Jon will know what’s happened and he’ll tell Sean you’re with me.’

  ‘I’ll have to get clothes from my flat,’ she replied. ‘I can’t wear that black dress all day. I need clean underwear and my makeup and stuff.’

  ‘We’ll go shopping later and I’ll buy you some new clothes. Your things are too small for you now anyway. Give me a bit of time to compose myself. Breakfast will be here soon. You need to eat and look after that baby.’

  As he spoke there was a knock on the door. Roy let in Sharon carrying a tray.

  ‘Breakfast, Mr Cantello,’ she said as Livvy turned away from her curious gaze.

  ‘Thanks, Sharon.’ Roy handed her a five pound tip and closed the door.

  ‘Maybe Sammy will change her mind when she’s had time to calm down,’ Livvy said, parking herself on the bed and buttering a slice of toast. ‘I could try talking to her; tell her it was my fault.’

  ‘It won’t do any good. She gave me one last chance and I blew it. I knew I was skating on very thin ice when I asked you to stay.’

  ‘But, Roy, you should talk to her. Don’t you even want to try?’

  ‘I couldn’t face it. But I guess the least I can do is call Ed, make sure she’s alright.’


  Jane answered Roy’s call. ‘You’ve got a bloody nerve,’ she told him and handed the phone to Eddie.

  ‘Roy, I’ll go upstairs and talk to you privately. Hang on a minute, mate. Jane, put that phone down when I pick up in ou
r room,’ Eddie ordered.

  She nodded and slammed down the receiver as soon as she heard Eddie’s voice.

  Sammy drained her cup and sighed. ‘I suppose I’d better go back home and finish getting ready.’

  ‘Don’t you want to wait and hear what Roy has to say?’

  ‘No!’ Sammy shook her head. ‘I want nothing more to do with him. I don’t think I can ever forgive him for this. I’m totally devastated, more so than I felt the other day when I found out she was pregnant. I honestly thought we’d turned a corner. I mean, yesterday at Nick’s grave Roy cried and we held each other. We had a lovely lunchtime and yet he still had to spend the night with her. I just don’t understand it. She obviously means more to him than he realises.’

  Sammy stood up to go and Jane put her arms around her and hugged her.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Sam, I really am. This is the last thing we need, today of all days.’

  Jon strolled into the kitchen, making them jump. ‘Hi, Sammy, you’re up early. What’s up?’ he asked, frowning at their tearstained faces.

  ‘You tell him, Jane. I’ll go home. Jason will be up soon and he’ll wonder where on earth I am. I’ll see you at the airport in a couple of hours. Meet me in the arrivals hall.’

  Sammy left as Jon poured coffee and popped a slice of bread into the toaster.

  ‘So?’ He raised an eyebrow at Jane.

  ‘Can’t you guess?’ she replied.

  ‘I’ve a pretty good idea,’ he nodded. ‘Roy and Livvy?’

  ‘Who else? She spent the night at the hotel with him. Sammy had her suspicions, went to The Grand and caught them together first thing this morning.’

  ‘You’re joking? Fucking hell! Oh, sorry, Mum.’

  ‘It’s all right, Jon. I feel like swearing myself.’

  ‘What the hell is he playing at? He came into work yesterday and told Livvy he couldn’t see her on her own again. Now you tell me they spent the night together. He’s crazy.’

  Eddie walked into the kitchen, shaking his head.

  ‘Well?’ Jane asked.

  ‘I wash my hands of him for now. I can’t be doing with it.’

  ‘What did he say?’ she asked.


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