'Til I Kissed You

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'Til I Kissed You Page 56

by Pam Howes

  As he approached, Jess looked up, her blue eyes shining. He bent to drop a kiss on her lips before flopping down next to Katie.

  ‘Do you want me to take him?’ he asked, looking at the sleeping baby on Katie’s knee.

  She nodded. ‘I’d better go home and wait for Lucy.’

  ‘Thanks for nursing him to sleep, Katie,’ Jess said. ‘Enjoy Live Aid.’

  ‘I will. See you later.’ Jon took the baby and she jumped up, brushing bits of dried grass from her skirt.

  ‘Have fun with Toby,’ he teased.

  ‘Who’s Toby?’ Jess asked.

  ‘Someone Katie fancies at school,’ Jon replied as Katie stood in front of him, hands on hips.

  ‘No I don’t! Anyway, Lucy snogged him last week and he couldn’t do it. That’s no good to a girl, is it?’ She turned and ran across the gardens, leaving Jon and Jess laughing.

  ‘Oh, dear!’ Jess wiped the tears from her eyes. ‘Toby had better buck his ideas up if he knows what’s good for him.’

  ‘Mum’s offered to baby sit next Tuesday night,’ John said. ‘The boys can stay over. Do you fancy going out for a meal?’

  Jess beamed. ‘Brilliant. I’m desperate for some time together. No babies or visitors. We could park up and go to that barn on the way back,’ she suggested, a glint in her eyes.

  ‘Hey, remember what happened last time we did that?’ He gestured to the twins. ‘We got a bit more than we bargained for!’

  Jess laughed. ‘It’s funny though, when you think of it, these two conceived in a barn and Harley born in the Jeep.’

  ‘Oh, hilarious,’ Jon said. ‘I sometimes can’t quite believe the last twelve months. When you think back to this time last year, we’d just come back from France. I was with Helen. You were engaged to Nick. Do you regret any of it? I mean, apart from Nick’s death of course.’

  ‘I don’t regret a thing, well, apart from Nick’s death, as you say. That was tragic, but I have a funny feeling deep down that he and I would never have married.’

  ‘Really? Why?’

  ‘Don’t know why,’ Jess shrugged. ‘Just this feeling.’

  ‘Well, everything that’s happened seems to be for a reason,’ Jon mused. ‘Harley was surely meant to be, maybe to help soften the blow for Roy and Sammy. And then the two of us and these boys of ours, how weird’s that? Angie’s son and Eddie’s daughter, it must have been meant to be.’

  ‘The Lord moves in mysterious ways as Gran’s so fond of saying,’ Jess said. ‘Maybe he made Nick our guardian angel and he decided to give us a double dose for our sins, hence the twins!’

  ‘Nick always did have a warped sense of humour,’ Jon laughed. ‘I’m glad we gave Jack his name. Jack Nicholas, do you think he might take up golf one day?’

  Jess rolled her eyes. ‘Very funny.’ She looked at her sleeping baby and stroked his soft cheek. ‘We really have to do something about reviving our band again now the babies are here. I can’t keep putting it off. First my wrist and ankle and then my huge lump getting in the way of my bass.’

  ‘We’ll sort it. Get Jules and Jason over and launch Zoo Two. The Raiders renewed success has fired my enthusiasm and I’m dying to get cracking again,’ Jon said.


  Relaxing in the kitchen with a sandwich and a pot of coffee, Eddie smiled as Sammy and Pat strolled through the open back door, arms laden with silk flowers and bags of ribbons. ‘Come to decorate the marquee, girls?’

  ‘Yep,’ Sammy replied. ‘How are you, Ed? You look a bit tired.’

  ‘Absolutely knackered! Touring’s hard work these days. That’s the problem when you’re older and been away from it for as long as we have.’

  ‘That’s what Roy said. He went straight to bed to recharge his batteries. Tim’s looking after the baby and Kim and Abby.’

  ‘I bet Tim’s as tired as Roy is.’

  ‘He is, but he’s watching Live Aid with the girls and Jules and Jason. If he nods off they’re on hand to take over.’

  ‘I’ll leave you to get on with your decorating and I’ll go and watch Live Aid with Jon and Jess,’ Eddie said. ‘Do the doting Grandpa bit at the same time.’


  ‘It’s only me,’ Eddie called out as he strolled into the kitchen.

  A harassed looking Jon poked his head around the lounge door.

  ‘Dad, you’re just in time to help with feeding. Jess’s in the bath and they’ve both fired up together. Grab a twin and a bottle.’

  Eddie picked up a screaming baby and sat down on the sofa opposite the TV. He popped a teat into the demanding mouth as Nik Kershaw walked on stage.

  ‘Rather him than me,’ he said. ‘Geldoff called Frank, but we’ve been so busy, with the tour and promoting the album. Which one is this?’ He looked down into vivid blue eyes that mirrored his, little mouth sucking in a contented fashion.

  ‘Err, I’m not sure,’ Jon frowned. ‘Is he looking you directly in the eye, or acting coy?’

  ‘What on earth are you on about? Coy, I suppose, but how would I know?’

  ‘Well, if he’s coy, then it’s probably Jack.’

  ‘How do you work that one out?’

  ‘It’s what Mum said this morning.’ Jon sat the baby he was feeding forward. The child belched loudly and opened his eyes wide with surprise. ‘This is definitely Nathan Edward. Sounds just like his namesake!’

  Eddie laughed, looking at Jon’s proud face. ‘You’ve taken to this father lark much better than I did.’ Mind you, he thought, having your family with the woman you love has a lot to do with that, as he’d found out when he and Jane had Jess.

  As if his thoughts had conjured her up, Jess appeared in the doorway, dressed casually in T-shirt and shorts.

  ‘Ah, now there’s a lovely sight, all my favourite males in one room,’ she said.

  ‘Hi, sweetheart, how are you?’ Eddie greeted her.

  ‘I’m fine, Dad. How’s the tour going?’

  ‘Fantastic, Jess. Every theatre’s sold out. Can you believe that women are still screaming for your old Dad? I’m so tired. I’m glad to be home for a few days.’

  ‘How are the other’s coping?’ Jon asked.

  ‘Same as me, knackered! Sammy told me Roy’s gone to bed and that’s not like him.’

  ‘Not on his own anyway,’ Jon said.

  ‘Quite!’ Eddie laughed. ‘Phil’s back with Laura. It’s early days, but he’s spending the next few nights at Apple Tree House with her and the kids. Fingers crossed for them. They’re coming tomorrow afternoon, so we can see for ourselves how they’re doing.’

  ‘Laura’s a very nice lady,’ Jon nodded. ‘You got on well with her when you met her backstage after the first show, didn’t you, Jess?’

  Jess smiled. ‘Yes, she was lovely, really friendly and she’s so pretty. Phil’s very lucky to be given another chance. I hope it works out for them. I’m going over to help Mum, Sammy and Pat decorate the marquee. Can you two cope alone?’

  ‘Of course we can,’ Jon replied. ‘Dad’s a dab hand. They’re asleep now anyway, so they can go down in their baskets for a while and we’ll grab a couple of beers and watch Live Aid in peace.’


  Jess found her Mum, Sammy and Pat sitting on the lawn by the side of the marquee, sipping glasses of white wine.

  ‘It’s alright for some,’ she said.

  ‘Help yourself,’ Sammy said. ‘Grab a glass and join us.’

  ‘Thanks, I will.’

  ‘She looks well,’ Pat said as Jess strolled towards the house.

  ‘She’s so slim already,’ Sammy said. ‘I couldn’t have got into shorts that skimpy so soon after having Nick. My extra weight hardly shifted at all.’

  ‘That’s because you were pregnant again,’ Jane laughed.

  Sammy rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t remind me. But then again, I wouldn’t have had Jason.’

  ‘How are he and Roy getting along these days?’ Jane asked, pushing her sunglasses up her nose as Jess came back and
flopped down beside her.

  ‘Really well; better than I dared hope. That’s definitely down to Harley, bless her. She’s brought them so close.’

  ‘Have you heard from Livvy?’ Jess asked.

  ‘Yes, we had a letter from her last week. I’ve written back and sent her a couple of photographs of Harley. I know we said at first we wouldn’t have any contact, but she looked so sad when we were taking Harley that I couldn’t do it to her. The odd letter won’t hurt. I mean, she’s given me her child. You can’t get more generous than that.’

  ‘Do you think she’ll ever come back for her?’ Jess, who had every admiration for Livvy these days, asked. The girl had been so brave in giving up her daughter that Jess couldn’t imagine how empty she must be feeling right now.

  ‘I don’t think she would somehow, Jess,’ Sammy replied. ‘She wrote that she’s met up with her old boyfriend Danny McVey.’

  Jess nodded and twiddled the stem of her glass. ‘Good luck to her.’

  ‘Shall we make a start on getting this marquee decked out?’ Jane jumped to her feet.

  Sammy yawned loudly. ‘Oh God, I’m so tired, never mind Roy, Harley was awake at six this morning. Can you see the bags under my eyes?’ She ran her fingers over her wrinkle-free face.

  ‘Oh yeah,’ Jane laughed. ‘Bloody big holdalls they are, too!’



  Eddie lay in the half-light with Jane dozing in his arms. He kissed her forehead, rolled her onto her side and extracted his arm.

  She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily. ‘Oh, you are here? Last night wasn’t all a dream then?’

  He arched an amused eyebrow. ‘Hey, lady, I hope you’re not in the habit of having dream’s like that or you won’t want the real thing when I come home.’

  ‘I’ll never stop wanting the real thing.’

  ‘It was pretty wonderful,’ he said. ‘It makes such a difference when the kids stay at your mother’s.’

  ‘The whole night was wonderful. The meal out was good, and then all of us back here.’ She leant up on one elbow. ‘What time is it, Ed?’

  ‘Almost eight,’ he replied, leaping up. ‘Would you like breakfast in bed? Then we’ll share a bath.’

  ‘Mmm, sounds good. Toast and coffee for me, please.’

  ‘What time are the caterers due?’ he asked, pulling on boxer shorts and a T-shirt.

  ‘About one.’

  ‘Roy and I are really looking forward to today. It’s kept us going all week. It’s one thing being admired by fans night after night, but we like nothing better than being home with our families.’

  ‘Talking of families, have you remembered that Angie’s mother accepted her invitation to the christening?’

  ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘But I don’t care. What can she possibly say now after everything that’s come out? She owes me a bloody big apology really.’

  ‘I doubt you’ll get one. You still slept with her daughter. Jon could have been yours. You were just bloody lucky!’

  ‘How do you work that one out? I took the blame, married the girl and brought up the kid.’

  ‘You wouldn’t be without Jon for anything.’

  ‘I’m joking, Jane. I’m the lucky one. It was worth it in the end. We’ve got the start of a new band with Jack and Nathan.’

  ‘Yep, and they’re so beautiful, just like you and Jess with their big blue eyes. Poor old Jon never got a sniff where looks were concerned, except for those wispy curls.’

  ‘Maybe their next one will look like him.’

  ‘There won’t be a next. Jon’s promised he’ll have the snip as soon as he can. Jess says she doesn’t want more.’

  ‘They’re a bit young to be making drastic decisions like that.’

  ‘It’s their lives. We can’t interfere. They’ve got their hands full with the twins. Jess wants to enjoy herself, not get bogged down with more babies. No, a vasectomy is definitely the answer.’

  ‘You wouldn’t say that if you were a man!’ he grimaced. ‘It’s agony, I should know.’

  ‘No more than childbirth. When I delivered Harley I saw all that pain and fear in Livvy’s eyes. I couldn’t go through that again. No wonder Roy passed out, but at least he actually saw a child of his coming into the world.’

  ‘He’s so in awe of you. He says he’ll never forget it as long as he lives.’

  ‘Nor will I,’ Jane said. ‘Right, are you going to make that toast for me while I call Sam? I know it’s early, but she’ll be up.’

  Sammy sounded bright and breezy when she answered.

  ‘Hi, Jane. You’re awake early, considering you’re in a kid-free zone.’

  ‘I’m still in bed,’ Jane replied. ‘Ed’s making breakfast. Wasn’t it nice to have them home last night?’

  ‘Wonderful. Roy’s taken Harley out for a stroll in her buggy. They’ve got flowers to put on Nick’s grave. He wanted to go on his own with her.’

  Jane detected a slight catch in Sammy’s voice. ‘Oh, Sam, that’s lovely. Jon and Jess went last week. They told Nick about the twins. Jess said she would hate him to feel left out.’

  ‘I thought they had,’ Sammy replied softly. ‘I saw the flowers when I went on Thursday. At least he has plenty of visitors. Jason and Jules go every weekend, so do Roy’s Mum and Dad.’

  ‘Are we meeting at your place before church?’ Jane asked.

  ‘Yeah, about two. We can have a drink before we set off. I hope the press don’t show up. I hate our private lives being public.’

  ‘We’ve kept things low key by doing it ourselves,’ Jane said. ‘The only outsiders are the caterers and marquee people. It should go smoothly. Jon and Jess are nervous as well, so you’re not on your own.’

  ‘Ah well, fingers crossed. See you all later. Bye, Jane.’

  ‘Bye, Sam.’ Jane replaced the receiver as Eddie carried a tray into the bedroom.

  ‘You okay, love? Why the serious face?’

  ‘Sammy hopes the press won’t show up at the church.’

  ‘Well unless the Vicar’s sold his story to The Sun for the church roof fund, there’s no reason for them to be there.’

  ‘Yeah, but look what it was like at the hospital after Nick and Jess’s accident, and the church after Roy and Sammy’s ceremony. If it gets out about Jon and Jess the papers will make it sound so sordid.’

  ‘If that’s the case, I’ll tell everyone the truth. We’ve nothing to be ashamed of. Roy’s got more to hide than me, passing Harley off as his and Sammy’s kid.’

  Jane took a sip of coffee and sighed. ‘I know, I can’t help worrying though, it’s in my nature.’

  He ruffled her hair affectionately. ‘Shut up and eat while I run a bath.’


  ‘Which way does this hat go?’ Jon was dressing Nathan ready for the christening. He’d managed the white romper suit, with a blue N embroidered on the front, but the little white hat defeated him. It looked exactly the same, whichever way he turned it.

  ‘Either way, Jon. It sits on top of his head. Pull the brim down and slip the elastic under his chin,’ Jess replied from across the room where she was feeding Jack.

  ‘Like this?’ Jon held out his son, complete with hat.

  ‘That’s it. He looks so cute. Ah, bless him. You get changed now while I get Jack ready. I won’t put my new dress on until the last minute in case one of them pukes on it.’

  Jon placed Nathan in his Moses basket and left the room. Jess popped Jack on the changing mat and picked up his romper suit. He looked at her, blue eyes wide and gave her a lop-sided smile. She gasped and smiled back at him. ‘Jon, quick, Jack just smiled.’

  Jon shot back into the room and stared at his tiny son, who stared back unblinkingly, without the least trace of a smile. ‘Probably wind,’ he laughed.

  ‘It looked real enough to me,’ Jess said.

  Jon put his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her slowly. ‘I feel like carrying you off to the bedroom.’
r />   ‘We haven’t got time,’ she said. ‘Later, maybe, if these two go to sleep for a few hours.’

  ‘I can live in hope,’ he called as he dashed away.

  Jess finished dressing Jack and lay him in his basket. She looked up as Jon came back into the room.

  ‘You look nice in that shirt. The pale green suits you; it echoes the colour of your eyes.’

  ‘Thanks. Now you go and get ready and I’ll keep an eye on these two,’ he said. He rushed to answer a knock at the door.

  Enid, wearing a peach two-piece and matching hat, asked if they needed any help.

  ‘You look lovely, Gran.’ Jon held the door open for her. ‘Come on in. Jess is getting changed.’

  ‘We’ve an hour before we need to be at Sammy’s, so why don’t we take the babies to ours? You and Jess can have a bit of time to yourselves,’ Enid suggested.

  ‘Brilliant!’ Jon’s face lit up. He lifted a Moses basket in each hand and followed her across the garden.


  Jess was sitting in front of the dressing table putting on her makeup. Jon took the brush from her and pulled her onto the bed.

  ‘The boys are with Gran and Grandpa. We’ve just under an hour together. What would you like to do?’

  ‘Hmm, now let me think,’ she said, laughing as his face lit up.


  ‘Where are they?’ Jane looked at her watch. ‘You said they were getting ready.’ She looked accusingly at her mother and father who had carried the twins across in their baskets. ‘Honestly, you give them an inch.’

  ‘Jane, get off their case and don’t have a go at them when they come in,’ Eddie said. ‘They haven’t had a minute to themselves lately. Here they are now, see.’ Jon and Jess, flushed and smiling, walked into the kitchen, holding hands. ‘Hi, kids, everything alright?’

  ‘Wonderful, thanks, Dad,’ Jon replied, winking at Jess.

  ‘Good. Shall we get on our way then?’


  The convoy left Hanover’s Lodge, with Jon, Jess and the twins in Jon’s car. Eddie, Ben, Enid and Dominic were in the Jeep. Jane and Katie were bringing up the rear in Jane’s Porsche.


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