Rossini, Gioachino
Rumsfeld, Donald
Saddam Hussein
Sagan, Carl
Salvini, Matteo
Sánchez, Ilich Ramírez (Carlos the Jackal)
Sanders, Deion
Sanford and Son, quote from
Sanjay and Craig, quote from
Scarface, quote from
Schumer, Amy
Sebelius, Kathleen
Shackleford, Charles
Sharpe, Shannon
Sharpton, Al
Shaw, George Bernard
Sheen, Charlie
Sheen, Fulton J.
Sheheen, Vincent, quote about
Silverstone, Alicia
Simpson, Jessica quote about
Simpsons, The, quotes from
Sinatra, Frank
Skilling, Jeffrey
Smith, Jaden
Smith, Sam, quote about
South Park, quotes from
Spears, Britney
Spicer, Sean quote about
Spikes, Brandon
Sprewell, Latrell
Stalin, Joseph
Stallone, Sylvester
Stewart, Jon
Stewart, Martha
Strauss, Richard
Stravinsky, Igor
Streep, Meryl, quote about
Supernatural, quote from
Swimming with Sharks, quote from
Sylvia, Tim
Tayor, Earl, quote about
Teigen, Chrissy
Teresa, Mother
Tesla, Nikola
Thomas, Helen
Thompson, David
Todd, Chuck
Tommy Boy, quote from
Toriola, Segun
Townshend, Pete
Toy Story, quote from
Travolta, John
Treblehorn, Tom
Trump, Donald quotes about
Trump, Ivanka
Turner, Kathleen
Turner, Ted
Twain, Mark
Tweed, William Magear “Boss,”
Two and a Half Men, quote from
Tyson, Mike
Ueker, Bob
Unreal, quote from
Vampire Diaries, The, quote from
Van Buren, Martin
Van Rompuy, Heman, quote about
Varsha, Bob
Veep, quote from
Venture Brothers, The, quote from
Wagner, Richard, quote about
Walker, Antoine
Walsh, Joe
Walton, Sam
War of the Roses, The, quote from
Waters, Maxine
Watt, James
Webb, James
Weinberg, Steven
Weiner, Anthony
Wellman, Gerald
Wells, Bonzi
West, Kanye
West, Mae
Whitaker, Lou
Williams, Serena
Williams, Vaughan, quote about
Williams, Walt
Wilson, Robert Anton
Wizard of Oz, The, quote from
Wohlford, Jim
World Peace, Metta
Worthy, James,
quote about
Wuornos, Aileen
Yang Xinhai
Young, Angus
Zappa, Frank
Zeman, Miloš
Zuckerberg, Mark
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request.
eISBN: 9781946064875
Illustration and design by Phillip Wells
Duopress LLC
8 Market Place, Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21202
Distributed by Workman Publishing Company, Inc.
Published simultaneously in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son Limited.
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Say What? Page 8